Monday, February 26, 2024

Biden ('s Border Policies) Murders Another American

The What:  Illegal alien from Venezuela who has parked his ass in the United States for years.  Caught and released in NY a while back after a crime.  Allegedly engaged in a "crime of opportunity" when he raped and murdered a young nursing student in Georgia.  Apparently has a brother in possession of a phony green card in the U.S.

You know my views on illegal immigration and the borders (south AND north), so I won't rant today.  Biden and his Democrat gang are directly responsible for every American killed due to their obvious lapse in law enforcement, and that doesn't even begin to account for avoidable military tragedies.

The gang must be thrilled to learn that Democrat mega-donor George Soros is about to become a major stockholder in the nation's second largest broadcast corporation.  That leaves iHeart Radio to carry programs telling the American people the truth, because we surely aren't destined to get it from those on the left who wish only to have power over us.  The fascism thing, you see.  If Democrats win in November, we're pretty much there. Toast.

Does anybody elected to represent us give a damn anymore?  And just how many globalists does Biden work for?  It's easy to say that, because foreign nationals quite obviously have a bearing on the workings of our government.  "Green" lies, for instance.  Green lies for which we will all pay out of our pockets big time.  Get ready to freeze to death or starve as well.

Biden could have kept building Trump's wall.  He could have ended illegal immigration the first day in Office, but he did not.  Instead, he says "that's all I could do" as they still come by the millions, and we are expected to pay for their luxury housing and shut up.  Same with Covid immunizations, which we now know can be dangerous as hell to the human body (it's the science, stupid).

So Biden and co. currently do what candidates for office notoriously do:  They are handing out goodies, including college loan "forgiveness" which other people must pay for.

I have no problem condemning Republicans, whose party borders on near idiocy, save for the support of conservatives with brains.  But the Democrats have just sunk into a sewer pit beyond imagination, and the nation-killing concept of DEI can only hasten the scourge.  If we don't soon wake up from WOKE the America we know will be lost.

Artificial intelligence will help, of course, programmed by leftists with no wish to maintain America history accurately.  If Google's Gemini AI can't even manage to produce white people with white faces, it's pretty obvious the game being played, and it isn't called history.

Wouldn't it be nice if George Soros would cease trying to influence elections and contributing to decidedly anti-law and order district attorneys and attorneys general throughout the United States?