Monday, June 5, 2023

Science (This is SO Refreshing) Takes on the Left

Oh, my oh my.  You know, (I use those words in honor of all the intellectually stunted college and "professional" athletes whose lack of even a basic vocabulary during TV interviews traditionally causes them to unconsciously resort to their inserting "you know" at the end of every fragmented sentence) life was so much easier during the early years of this blog when I only dealt with UFOs.  Fortunately, NASA and the Department of Defense have unburdened private UFO researchers and organizations by stepping feet-first right into that big steaming pile of mysterious dog poop, the downside being that (1) everything will get botched up and we'll learn nothing, or (2) so much advanced technical information will be gleaned that we little folk on the outside of a mammoth governing body will be told lies or nothing.  National security, you know.

Speaking of alien dog poop, it's great to see many of my fellow Independent voters coming around to the disaster that exemplifies the Biden administration, and the knowledge that a fair number of traditional Democrats who had no clue how quickly a government can go to hell have awakened from "woke" offers some encouragement.

Those on the right -- "MAGA" Republicans and other conservatives -- accustomed by now to getting pounded with censorship, lies and wrongdoing by leftist hacks whose only job is to add new voters to the radical Democrat Borg hive now have scientific proof that there is indeed something seriously, dangerously out of whack with some leftists.

The headline of Eric W. Dolan's May 20 PsyPost (Authoritarianism) article says it all:  

"Antagonistic narcissism and psychopathic tendencies predict left-wing antihierarchical aggression, study finds."

While not intended to suggest a one-size-fits-all application, a new study appears to indicate that narcissists and those leaning toward psychopathic activities may be inclined to accept and act out on a type of aggression associated with the political left wing.

Quoting research published in Current Psychology, Dolan defines antihierarchical aggression as a specific kind of hostility "aimed at challenging or opposing hierarchical power structures or authority figures," with new research tending to "shed light on psychological mechanisms that motivate some individuals to participate in violent political activism."

Significantly -- and refreshingly -- the study's authors realize that most previous research on authoritarianism mostly looked at individuals connected with right wing politics, leaving out leftist authoritarians.

While the study provides plenty of twists and turns, and you can read the finer details online yourself, I will take the liberty of reading into these factors to suggest this is why so many on the left demand to have things their way, not yours.  How about people who burn down cities, who care nothing in the least about laws or authority figures?  How many times have we seen legislation passed in Washington by leftist politicians who care nothing about their constituents' wishes and vote based upon their own selfish wishes?

Yes, the right and left have much in common, but for the most critical part it's the left which pursues its own haphazard course, no matter the rules, and if one doesn't follow the rules you have defunded police departments, random murders, the devastation of shoplifting and the ruination of great cites destroyed by -- say the words -- Democrat mayors and nation-hating administrations thinking wrongly that the destruction they cause will make things better, in some twisted way.

So, today's lesson for those on the left who always promise to "follow the science" until scientific facts get in their "woke" way, here is a rare, yet well-researched study suggesting a wealth of you folks are as loony -- and dangerous -- as hell.  Unfortunately, most of you will never have a clue because the narcissism aspect is firmly in charge when it comes down to the radical left, and doing the right thing is apparently superceded by doing for one's own ego.