Friday, June 30, 2023

A Little Something for the Left to Sweat Over

Affirmative action finally received a well-deserved trouncing by a majority of the Supreme Court, hopefully alluding to more fairness in college admissions.

Along with the Court's majority decision, however, comes an accentuation of a truth long suppressed by those who benefit from keeping race alive as a social bargaining chip:  From coast to coast, one public school system after another has failed to make students proficient in reading, writing, science or mathematics, thereby "graduating" an assembly line of illiterates, dolts, felons in the making and people destined from birth and genetics to be stupid and ignorant and happy to embrace the welfare rolls like the rest of their failed family.  But that's only the beginning.

Knowing full well, under affirmative action and the idiocy administered by teachers' unions who don't give a damn about student grades, that "the system" would allow any old body into colleges and universities as long as the color was right and not white -- or Asian -- administrators and bureaucrats simply did not care about personal grades and quality of the individual.  I mean, just look at the schools in any large Democrat-run city of your choice.  Disasters.

Whoa.  So what happens now?  What NEEDS to happen is a vast and fast change in high schools across the nation, making certain that students receive a real education and are held to strict standards equally.  Assure that every student intent upon entering college receives the knowledge to compete, as preferences for the best and the brightest -- not the skin color of consequence -- stay true and fair.

This is not brain surgery, except to the brainless and politically conniving -- the very people who will now pound their fists and demand to pack the Supreme Court in order to get their way.  They will have learned nothing.

More Court decisions:  The Constitution reigns today.  Me, I don't recall offering to pay for somebody else's student debt, and now if a web designer chooses not to design a gay site based upon religious convictions, they won't need to -- unless the left gets creative with interpretation and ties things up in court endlessly.  Biden says this is not a "normal court," which means when the left doesn't get their way the Court is wrong.  Next up will be attempts to stack the Court, and Dems blaming Republicans for being mean because Biden "promised" to pay off student debts.  That he knows damned well he had no right to do so is secondary, because now at election time he can blame he conservatives and the Court for denying what was impossible in the first place.

Putin and Biden, Biden and Putin:  We'll not waste space on these two, except to say Putin now looks even more appropriate for wearing a dress, as in that infamous painting depicting he and Medvedev attired in such.  While he did weather the brief storm of near civil war in Russia well, "Mr. Polonium" still reflects a little self-weakness to the world.

Biden?  With everything coming out about a cozy relationship among the Biden family, the DOJ and FBI, putting the pieces together makes it more likely than not that the election between Trump and Biden was significantly messed with because of information withheld from the voting public about serious allegations and, indeed, more than allegations regarding the Bidens.

Daniel Penny:  Good luck with the Manhattan court.  You'll need luck in a town burning with injustice in the justice system.