Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Blame the Source: Parents and Politicians, Not Border Patrol

Where the national borders are concerned, my compassion fountain ran dry long ago.  One could easily sit down and make a list of names, not really all that long, indicating what political figures and corporate associates are responsible for the hell which continues to burn on borders at each end of the country.  Me, I wouldn't be surprised someday if said folks were dragged out of the comfort of their homes and into the streets, tried nice and legal, and if/when found guilty awarded a swift Benito Mussolini neck-stretching treatment.  What other punishment fits the crime of treason on the part of elected, trusted officials and others invested in gains from creating, allowing and encouraging such chaos? The only drawback I can see might be the cost of piano wire, surely far more expensive than it probably was in Italy during the 1940s.

Some of the "Blame America First" TV news networks -- that covers most -- made sure their reporters were down South at the border when a child of illegal immigrant parents became very ill and died while in custody in the most current incident.  As is the apparent policy now, the family blames Border Patrol agents because, they claim, they tried and tried unsuccessfully to get help for their increasingly ill daughter.

Looks like Biden's Border Babysitters, once known as U.S. border agents, are in hot water again over things which really are not their problem.

The real problem here is the child's parents.  We are told that the girl had heart problems and sickle cell anemia, and her illness exacerbated as time went on.

Now wait just a minute.  Parents blame border agents for her decline and death, when they, as parents, know from the get-go that their kid was ill -- but made the arduous journey north anyway?  What?  They didn't realize the seriousness of her medical condition?  Did they merely think they could bring her here for medical treatment, but then it's OUR fault that she declined and (conveniently for attorneys drooling over the possibilities here) exited life on this side of the border?

We suppose this means a multi-million dollar lawsuit and all the blame-the-USA chants that come with it as the parents of a dead child whose original status dictated that she not make the trip here with her illegal alien family go to court and win the border criminal lottery.

If I'm expected to shed tears at this juncture for a sad situation which could have been prevented before the lengthy journey for (sigh. . .) "a better life" on the part of another alien dreamer bunch whose presence in the United States would likely add nothing except more applications for taxpayer-paid welfare even started, it's not happening.

You want to exercise compassion? Direct it toward border patrol personnel who receive little but scorn and absurd directives from way high up individuals:  The Mussolini-related class which tortures minds rather than bodies.. 

Now I ask you, Mr. Mussolini, aside from your brutal execution and a tad bit of hanging upside down like a bat in a cave, how did you enjoy the street festivities?