Saturday, February 27, 2016

Witches at the Door

Not to offend anybody currently fretting over alien DNA depicted in   The X-Files,  but I never much cared for the show, despite more than a passing interest in the UFO subject.  Should I wish to "thank" creator Chris Carter for anything, my thanks-a-lot is directed toward the results of his mixing fiction with legitimate UFO research and coming up with a series so well-produced and sometimes so eerily reminiscent of truth that a whole society of gee-whiz UFO "fans" has been spawned -- they who know and care little to nothing about reports which don't culminate into absurdly wild tales.  Oh well, that's show biz. . .

Speaking of UFOs. . .there continues some controversy, based upon older letters, regarding psychiatrist Dr. Benjamin Simon's professional and personal opinions about the alleged Barney and Betty Hill UFO abduction case.  Was it "real" or not?  I'm no head-shrinker, but I'll just say this:  Dr. Simon apparently was endowed with a superb reputation and education, only enhanced by his many years in his field.  However, if some abduction reports are exactly what they are, there probably isn't a psychiatrist in the world who ever experienced an abduction, or who had classroom hands-on training in abductions, and who is consequently equipped to provide a truly comprehensive analysis.  That is, one can't get one's hands on a test abduction as easily as one can obtain bones to assemble a complete human skeleton.  In addition, the standard DSM (medical coding)  manual would dictate that alleged abductees MUST automatically harbor some mundane psychological diagnosis, yes?  If a physician can't study abductions in the lab, how can he or she possibly draw conclusions based upon education and field training they don't possess and likely never will?

In a similar vein, we've noted the occasional, yet aggravating and  predictable articles by know-nothings or some member of academia, explaining away the entire UFO mystery by means best concocted and understood by the writer.  As we examine the contents, these writings almost always seem to provide a rehash of older stuff perpetrated by debunkers, dressed up with contemporary bells and whistles. How sad when "scholarly" articles demonstrate only those unfortunate occasions when science and scientists live in two different worlds.

So, you want a president willing to reveal secret government UFO files?  Well, sorry, but we already had the opportunity and pushed it away.  No, this is not a reference to the glamorously indictable Hillary Clinton -- I've the late Barry Goldwater in mind.  There was Senator Goldwater back in the sixties, running for president, but taken down, not only by the Democrats, but by his own GOP as well.  Too conservative, you know?  Anyway, Goldwater was a distinguished Air Force officer and pilot who had already run into brick walls when attempting to get government UFO information on his own.  Had he been president, I really think he could have been "the one" because he enjoyed the respect of military and government insiders at all levels.  Clinton could be queen of the world, but I doubt she would ever garner the trust and respect Goldwater elicited from higher-ups among government and military officials.  Just another example of how and why political parties suck as they decide to either prop up or destroy people at their whim.  Yes, George Washington warned us about the parties, all parties.

THE LORDS OF CANCER, INC:  I'm so grateful for two reasons just to be an ordinary old guy, and not some huffy medical research Ph.D.  First of all, I don't need to choose my words carefully, per the scientific method.  Second, I don't need to use all-occasion phrases, such as,  "Harrumph, harrumph, well, we don't know EXACTLY why this reaction occurs when you do that, but there's no reason to worry about. . ."  Yes, and bonus -- No need to lie my ass off (I'm sorry, am I allowed to say "lie" in this blog?) to make sure my reputation sparkles publicly even when I screw something up in the lab.

My current enthusiasm in this regard stems from an interesting article by George Johnson in the New York Times of February 22.  Seems the current cancer research industry is just starting to believe that maybe, could be, might be there is a teeny-tiny possibility that cancer cells are. . .get ready for it. . . contagious.

Hmm.  My question is, what took 'em so long? Isn't this maybe, like, um, common sense?  Oh, now I understand.  Common sense.  Those words and dinosaurs. . .

Maybe the place to start is the womb.  According to medicine's own definitions, the fetus itself is a disease, a parasitic disease sapping the carrier (mother) of vital nutrients as it claims her life, body and soul for nine months.  Call it what you will, but the pregnancy process rivals illness, and incubation is a companion word functioning fine descriptively for chicken eggs, human pregnancies and illness.

Many years ago, I interviewed and wrote a newspaper article about a physician noted for her work in alternative medicine -- that is, research not dominated by the A.M.A. or other "iron fists" which tend to ball-and-chain medical practitioners throughout the land.  I could only deduce from what I observed that she and her colleagues were leaps and bounds in knowledge ahead of the usual physician lot, and a troubling connection with human illness, industrial and environmental toxins appeared reasonable.

Even back then, "clinical ecology" physicians involved with such research were rightfully horrified at dangerous levels of formaldehyde in carpet and wood products and other sources.  A favorite target was new mobile homes, their air quality suffused with highly toxic amounts of formaldehyde and other presumed carcinogens.  Then "modern" medicine dismissed the very possibility of cancer caused by the home in which one lives.  Fast-forward to 2016, and the CDC has investigated and condemned formaldehyde-enriched lumber entering the U.S. from China.

The apparent spike in childhood carcinoma, disease and deformities, more than likely, harbors a relationship to the blooming quantity of chemical toxins infiltrating our daily lives, not to mention deplorable nutrition, but there may be another element involved -- contagious cancers.

The New York Times article references sparse cases where humans seem to have acquired contagion cancers and, apparently, certain animals are noted for cancers which travel from one member of the same species to another.  Even a tapeworm is referenced which invaded a human, carrying its own cancer cells and ultimately passing on the carcinogen to its unknowing host.

According to the NYT piece, the medical community still seems reluctant to accept that cancer spreading from one human to another may be routine -- however, medical opinion may be changing, ever so slowly.

Is AIDS not a cancer?

If widespread contagious processes, perhaps destined for an upswing as time goes on, are confirmed --and why wouldn't they be?-- imagine what this might mean:  Tender or passionate kisses, coughs, sneezes, sex, marriage, long-term intimate relationships and one-night stands, sharing eating utensils and drinks, sharing an elevator with others, all of these and more may have doomed us years ago.  Yes, we outside of "normal" medicine might be suspicious that even years of intercourse between two committed parties may routinely trade carcinogenic pathogens, resulting in harm perpetrated on human immune systems and a culmination in invading cancers of various organs.  External toxins alone may be only a small part of the answer, we suggest.  Can grandma's innocent kiss and a minute amount of saliva planted on an infant's mouth start the child off on a journey to a weakened immune system attacked by granny's cancer cells much later in life?

In comparison, that  X-Files  alien DNA looks pretty inviting, doesn't it?