Monday, January 27, 2025

The CH Curse

Did we in the U.S.A. just get knocked on our ass?  According to news reports over the weekend, it appears that CHina may be a few steps ahead of us on computer CHips and the rush toward having super artificial intelligence. Equally as devastating, CHina may have accomplished this giant leap forward without the need for ultra-clean and expensive manufactured CHips, using instead the same ol' same ol' CHips already long in circulation.  "DeepSeek" is the CHat application that apparently took the world by silent storm.

This is one of those times when one hopes our intelligence community knows and controls far more than some are shaking in their shoes and peeing in their pants about today.  But if accounts are accurate, it may be that we've been wasting our time building mega-sanitary CHip manufacturing plants requiring vast environmental compromise and costs reaching through the roof and all the way to the next galaxy.

Is cheap and fast the phrase of the day in CHina?  Is the elegance and fanfare involved among American corporations and politicians searching for issues upon which to stake their futures ultimately a mere circus tent for those who appreciate pomp and circumstance?

Should we end up "CHatting" with CHinese AI as it continues to invade and overtake our computerized lives and infrastructure, our trail of information desired will always lead back only to the version of sanitized truth the CHinese communists desire.  Kind of like the lies and censorship Biden's evil accomplices provided, except this time it's all communism all the time.

Have the CHinese acquired the formerly all-USA philosophy of just-get-it-done, ditching regulations and inspectors which have become so top-heavy in the states?  If so, that's typical CHina -- and maybe we shouldn't be surprised.

But on Monday morning we were surprised.  Now what?  Can we just produce CHips at home as easily as constructing a basement or garage meth lab?  Can up-and-coming USA companies holding their hands out for billions of CHip production dollars get the job done for a few million instead?  Or multi-thousands?  Smaller and more efficient factories?

The CHinese CHip story is bound to roll over and change quickly, once the government and media get together to offer words of either comfort or worry.  Under Trump, we'll hope for and anticipate the truth for a change.

Illegal is as illegal does: 
No, you can't put lipstick on a pig and make it less of a pig.  Anybody who crosses our southern or northern borders against our laws is guilty as hell, period.  "Just looking for a better life" is lipstick on a pig.  Aside from illegal aliens and cartels paying off agents to transport instant felons, the other criminals of concern are the multitude of religious organizations who encourage illegal immigration and then grab government money for care & feeding once the hordes arrive.  Me, I am particularly impatient with options run by the Catholic Church, which has long been expert at accumulating the world's unfortunate and then making American taxpayers pay the bills for care in perpetuity.  We don't see the Church selling off its gold and art in Rome to cover these expenses, do we? But don't focus just on That Church.  There is plenty of taxpayer money-grabbing to go around via non-government operations and, of course, many other religious "services."

As Donald Trump orders individual and family criminals out of the country, religious and other affiliations with their hands out can put them back in their pockets and find some other way to be neighborly, something incapable of soaking the American taxpayers for as much as a parasitic entity can grab.