Monday, March 18, 2024

MAGA vs Media -- One Strengthened the Country While the Other Aptly Demonstrated its Cultist Herd Stupidity

So many actual truth-seeking reporters on the right have labored to put the Donald Trump "bloodbath" comment into its accurate context that there's little remaining for me to say as a blogging latecomer.  Yet, the mass idiocy among the so-called journalist class among TV networks handled Trump's quote recklessly and with all the insight one might expect from a second grade elementary school student, making it imperative to call them out.

When I watched Trump making his comments about China building auto plants in Mexico, including his promise to slap 100 percent tariffs on them so they can't get away with selling cheap cars in the U.S. without American labor having a hand in their production, I immediately recognized his reference to a "bloodbath" for exactly what it was:  An over-the-top prediction that there would be major trouble in the American auto industry if China dominated the market by basically dumping their stuff into our economy.  I'm sure the UAW and other unions know what a bloodbath is, and how one gets from point A to point B when union workers feel they are in jeopardy.

Yet, TV reporter after TV reporter, as if plugged into the same brain wave alteration machine, towed the leftist party line and alerted faithful, quite often brainless and indoctrinated viewers, that Trump intended bloodshed if he wasn't elected in 2024.  Whaaaa?

Aside from the left's low-down dirty attempts to constantly manage the news and praise all things leftist, a good share of their "news" people just come off as utterly and irretrievably dumb, perfectly willing to dedicate their efforts to saying and writing things intended to please upper management, owners and viewers of a like mind or no mind 'tall.

All too often, the daily news and truth are treated like a banquet of pig slop dumped into the trough, and passing TV journalists of current vintage simply scoop out just enough to satisfy their sense of cultist-inspired curiosity, but no sense of humor is allowed to accompany any aspect of information gleaned.  Facts are in the eye of the beholder once the salad is readied.

Had even a glimmer of irony or humor been applicable to the sound bite crowd, they would know Trump and his sense of humor.  If they don't know by now how he likes to rile the press, then they are truly pathetic.  Just how much does a journalism degree spiked with ignorance and partisan favoritism cost these days?