Monday, September 13, 2021

The Disunited States of America: Immuno-Tyranny

Let's put it a different way.  What if President Biden addressed the nation as follows:  

"Scientists have determined that a concoction of garden herbicide chemicals provides substantial protection against the Covid-19 virus.  These chemicals have been used in our environment for years, and because their effects on weeds is successfully established -- and even though the customary years-long trials with humans have not been accomplished yet -- scientists believe that immunization with these experimental chemicals is our best option.  This formula, in fact, is our one and only hope at the moment, so roll up your sleeves and let us all be injected with things which may or may not have a positive or negative effect on human autoimmune systems and organs in the years ahead."

We likely won't be hearing that version, as the President strives to take on a constitutionally questionable position overseeing radical changes in the "your body/your choice" philosophy.

Heck, why not rat poison injections?  At least there's only one known, long-term side-effect.

Yes, Donald Trump fast-tracked the vaccines, to his credit, but never took it upon himself to issue preposterous demands threatening the very framework of American freedoms.

Yet, aside from Mr. Biden's current, actually eyebrow-raising decree that all federal workers and military personnel WILL be immunized, as he more than intrusively demands similar allegiance ranging from mandatory immunizations to weekly testing by large corporations (some disturbingly compliant), private businesses and people on the street, there is more.

We watch them stepping up before cameras on the usual suspect TV networks:  Physicians, pharmaceutical representatives, the Ph.D crowd (educated sometimes while wearing horse-blinders which direct them to one inescapable point of view, we suspect), and other "authorities."  Standing on credentials, each assures a suspicious, confused public that the Covid vaccines are safe.  "And I speak as an expert on. . ." is basically what we are fed in each instance.  

The problem is, not one of these honorable ladies and gentlemen has engaged in time-travel.  The new vaccine delivery system may have been studied for several years, but to date there has been no mass-inoculation experiment of the new vaccines foisted upon humans.  There simply is no reliable data assuring the future.  Nobody, despite degrees and credentials, can know the future in medical terms.  What works now -- and some vaccine dosages quickly appear to be losing their efficacy -- may be either tomorrow's mass human disaster or savior.  Regarding the current state of affairs, we are gambling at a pharmacy casino.

Is this administration and its willing associates, including the CDC and FDA, feeding us "Spanish Fly" for the twenties?  Snake oil with slow-release timing of dangerous immunological system hazards in years ahead?  Simply put, nobody can know that yet.  Risks vs. benefits? With this White House, the quick fix is already in.

If you're a new reader here and you find my thinking rather absurd, I beg your patience as I reiterate what I have said several times in the past:  I served in Air Force physical therapy during the Vietnam years at what was then the fifth largest USAF hospital in the states.  During this time, as this was a regional hospital in Texas caring for patients from surrounding states, an abundance of medical diagnoses came my way.  Among these arrived a few patients who, mostly with no warning, developed the Guillain-Barre syndrome, which attacks the nerve sheath protecting neurological functions in the body.  Essentially, at least with the patients we treated, this caused weeks or months of total or near-total paralysis requiring intensive medical care, including passive joint exercises just to keep muscles viable for the eventual day when the syndrome finally eased.

Guillain-Barre is also what popped up later on when "swine flu" became prominent in the seventies.  Yes, it was rare, but appeared to be a side-effect of swine flu immunizations.  Of course, mass immunizations always produce a small group of people affected in some way by the shots, usually not of a serious nature -- but there are exceptions.

But what are we to anticipate with the new vaccine delivery systems?  There have reportedly been a few Guillain-Barre victims already, and of course there have been "temporary" cardiac issues with young people, etc.

Currently, hospital, nursing home and other medical career personnel who have made a personal decision NOT to receive the Covid vaccination as delivered with this new technology must be respected, because they are all too cognizant of unseen, and unforeseen, consequences.  It is no wonder they are willing to lose their jobs, rather than be enslaved by administrators or board members who believe they possess rights to dictate what enters their employees' bodies for a lengthy stay,

Not to overlook, of course, the interesting fact that many large and small unions, supported by the routine acquisition of often hefty union "dues" from individual members, are on the President's side.  As far as I'm concerned, if one belongs to a union which today, right now, isn't out there fighting for a member's rights to make their own vaccination choice, they need to step away, join other members in kicking them out and, should one wish, form a new union inherently concerned with serving the loyal membership, NOT this bumbling, bungling presidential administration whose efforts are apparently orchestrated by a gaggle of incompetent and/or authoritarian, agenda-engorged opportunists on a daily basis.

What's up?  We labor under a President who attempts to dictate or sort out what American freedoms are truly ours.  He claims to have little more than protecting us on his mind -- yet, he clearly could not or will not protect Americans from every scary thing but the kitchen sink invading the Southern border; his incompetence "protected" American military members and others out of their very lives as Afghanistan fell via plans made of dust; and under his leadership almost every America-friendly option put into place by President Donald Trump was obliterated by way of some childish Trump-hating attitude among the extreme leftist Biden bunch (with likely more than a sprinkling of advice from the lingering White House Obama infestation).

Why do we not hear more of monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid?  Apparently, tests have revealed some positive aspects of hydroxychloroquine and human (not horse!) ivermectin.  And while the usual big pharmaceutical corporations have had a lucrative field day while being "kept" by the U.S. government, why not a single official word about Novavax's seemingly very successful (with few side-effects) vaccine delivered in a manner more like the immunizations we already receive for other viruses?  Should this one not be fast-tracked, if we are to play the don't-look-before-you-leap immunization game?

Be it resolved:  Nobody knows what's up or down anymore.  Trust?  Trust whom?  Trust what? Trust the medical establishment and Big Pharma? Trust critical race theory and the 1619 Project?  Trust diversity training?  Trust the hunt for invisible white supremacists?  Trust network or, sadly, some local TV news folk, lying to our faces as activists pretending to be journalists, while they designate a riot an "insurrection?"  Trust climate change warriors who alter science according to their daily whim? Trust the Taliban?   Trust White House dementia, lies and carefully crafted teleprompter words?  Shall we really, really trust progressives with whack job ideas birthed in colleges and universities which sneak into government agencies at all levels to create a country torn apart, dependent upon no rational leadership whatsoever?

My suggestion?  Trust your house pets.  Their love is real, not political, and they won't rob you blind through absurd taxation plots, or demand the ultimate sacrifice of your rights and souls to an ever-growing national government saturated at the top with thieves and empty suits.  Beware, beware and beware some more.