Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Song of the South

You can almost put your ear to the ground and hear them.  No, those faint, distant sounds transmitted by way of underground caverns, burrows and rocky veins aren't the sounds of frightened Afghan residents fleeing their country, nor of Taliban crazies impressed with thuggish feats of terror.

Indeed, we seem far removed from the Biden bunch's latest abomination of the month.  Still, with ears to the ground, we hear something. . .

Something to the south.  No, to the South.  The Southern border.  Have we forgotten the border, another Biden disaster?  The sounds are rhythmic, almost like drum beats, the relentless pounding of footsteps invading United States territory.  Day and night they come, some footstep noises even supplemented by the obvious racket of motor vehicle engines hauling unwelcome human cargo.  By the thousands they arrive, and who remains to stop them?  Surely not the ghost of Trump's border wall.  Surely not border agents tied up in knots while babysitting, processing and forced to be nice to people who don't deserve an ounce of nice.

Maybe the White House criminal or criminally incompetent element prefer public attention focused upon Afghanistan as the Southern border plan plods forward, perhaps exactly as anticipated.  We certainly do need the extra illegal criminal alien bodies sucking up welfare and national resources like rats in the pantry, don't we?

I was thinking the other day that the birth of every child on the planet might bring us closer to our own extinction.  Don't find that too crazy, because in this instance I merely harken back to some articles I read way in the past by obscure geneticists who claim that time will simply run out for us because genetic material eventually exhausts its resources for evolving.

In the meantime we're supposed to rely upon the CDC, the FDA, the White House and other government pinwheels for advice and guidance.  How's that working for you?  Maybe we need to put a mask on everything, followed by blindfolds so the Biden/Obama/Marxist influence can spread without further notice or clearly obvious obstacles. These folk will do what they do as the rest of us ignore their power-grab efforts while entertaining ourselves with TV reality and game shows, or hitting the sack and selfishly producing multiples of children unneeded and destined for a dark future.  It's not just cow farts mucking up the planet, is it?

But who am I to complain?  I just bought another cell phone, and I almost never use them, but I purchased it fully aware that new research has again brought into serious question the safety of cell tower / cell phone radiation to brains everywhere.  Being more than aware of microwave radiation (remember, I treated patients with MW devices during my Air Force years), common sense tells me I should be nowhere near such inadvertently weaponized inventions, yet I plunked down good money for the cursed thing intended "for emergencies only" -- the "emergency" being, of course, the stupidity of even carrying this technological brain bomb.  (Sigh) Maybe I should take some non-horse strength ivermectin in case I get Covid-19 coupled with a brain tumor.  You can't be too careful these days.

CNN and Rachel Maddow said what?  How is it that such blatant misinformation, if not utter lies, about Covid, ivermectin and Joe Rogan remains on social media when true stuff is removed routinely?  The insistence upon making up phony ivermectin tragedy numbers and circumstances is deplorable for an alleged news organization.

Fauci ouchie:  A load of documentation appears to be surfacing which paints Dr. Fauci as, um, not quite forthcoming about his participation in Wuhan and virus research.  Let's thank Sen. Rand Paul for his outrage and perseverance in directing depleted TV celebrity Fauci to the legal system for some urgently required truth.

Mu you?  Scientists are keeping an eye on the "Mu" Covid virus variant, already present among several states.  If cow flatulence was involved, of course, this would have been named the Moo variant, perhaps alleviated by a dose of cow ivermectin.

Give me a reason:  That's how Democrats and the Biden bunch must be looking upon Hurricane Ida -- a reason for them to continue pushing that 3.5 trillion dollar monstrosity guaranteed to punish future taxpayers for generations.  Democrats find the phrase, "but what about precedent?" dirty words.  As New York and New Jersey continue to dig out from Ida's wrath, political big spenders prefer to ignore the fact that the Northeastern U.S. is no stranger to nasty hurricanes, both during and surely before recorded history.  Climate change?  When HASN'T the climate changed in tiny or gigantic ways?  Bonus:  The proliferation of humans bulldozing natural barriers to create habitat for ourselves as we displace everything good and protective against catastrophe is a major reason why everything seems to be going to hell.  Which it is.  Keep it up.  Make more babies tonight.