Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thoughts From an Irrelevant American, 8-26-2021

Afghanistan, today.  Chaos, American military personnel dead and injured and. . .well, you watch the news, too.

Critics with the most meager of minds were correct:  This did not need to happen.  Yes, Donald Trump would have made certain this unfolding crisis never reached a juncture of incompetence and heartbreak.

We have no leadership in the USA, as our allies are now painfully aware, even as some factions of the corporate American media still continue to spin blood and bodies into something heroic on the part of the Joe Biden syndicate.

I'm an Air Force serviceman of the Vietnam Era, a medical airman fortunate enough to serve all of my time in stateside hospitals, but still I saw and helped care for enough returning military personnel missing pieces of themselves to have a pretty good idea of how badly things can go wrong.  

On a basic level, oh, how I despise the Democrats' LBJ for keeping the Vietnam War in force for reasons based in no small way upon his goals for political popularity. In later years, his own former defense secretary would break down in tears before the TV cameras, lamenting the scope of that administration's actions in Southeast Asia.

And now this, today, the result not only of terrorism, but of terrorism by invitation, the sort of thing even a sixth-grader might have been able to sort out, realizing that when you don't get good people -- your people -- out of the way before letting the bad sector in, nothing will go well.  Bonus:  Billions of dollars in military hardware left behind.

Whatever they were thinking, or not, Democrats last year voted for the worst of all worlds, save perhaps for some banana republic dictator.  Biden is a hardcore leftist and today he is drenched in the blood of death, lies and betrayal.  I don't look forward to some phony impeachment process like his fellow lefties administered to Trump twice -- no, I want criminal charges aplenty for the Biden bunch with generous prison time.  Unfortunately, sang Mick, you can't always get what you want.  But did we get what we need? Hell no.

One cannot oversee a democratic republic (not the pure "democracy" the Democrats squawk about) by drumming racist education into young heads and extending it into the military and universities, all the while ignoring national security while simultaneously grabbing as much power from the people as possible.  The plantation is alive and well, and its slaves come in all colors, kept there by people such as Biden, the kindly old grandfatherly type.

Thanks to this bumbling, mentally compromised mannequin whose long political career is significant for nothing exceptional until today, the Middle East will likely burn all the faster, this time with the help -- already -- of Russia, China and a peculiar new alliance of those two with Saudi Arabia.  Oh shit.

I voted for Trump twice and I'm sorry that, apparently, a number of folk refused to do so simply and only because they disliked or hated him.  The list of his accomplishments was superb, but obviously the ramped-up social media worship crowd did not care to have a look.  The "woke" preferred instead a very visible empty suit. Just look.

And to think we're not even through the first year of this "woke" travesty.