Monday, August 23, 2021

Attention Covid-19 Vaccine Zombies -- Biden Needs Brains

Rumors and utter falsehoods, they say.  

Surely, you're familiar with social network warnings, enthusiastically removed by Internet censors, claiming that some people who received Covid-19 immunizations have turned into flesh-eating zombies.

Should there be any truth to these rumors, may we suggest that patriotic vaccine-spawned zombies forgo eating brains reluctantly given up by community members, and instead send them to the Biden White House, where the slightest trace of functioning brain tissue is apparently in high demand?

In addition to extraordinarily bad decisions perpetrated by a diminishing president and, perhaps, a stable of elitist, snot-nosed college graduation products left over from the Obama years -- a cadre of sissy virgins who know nothing about war because they were never exposed to its un-pleasantries and thus cowered in corners because war wasn't their thing -- there are the lies.  Damned lies by a president who can't lie his way out of the cake he has been baking since day one of this long, long exercise in fascist rule-by-mask.

Damned lies.  Like Biden's assurances that world leaders were all comfy and warm as they snuggled restfully while Afghanistan exploded. Or, in his own words, he experienced no problems with world leaders.  Then again, when you rely on the U.S. corporate press to comfort and fib their asses off to a perpetually gullible public while the rest of the world's press (e.g. Great Britain and France) tells the real truth about Biden's day-to-day idiocy as allies retreat from America in disgust publicly, maybe things are at least manageable.

No problem.  Just go on TV and concentrate on Covid vaccinations, the only tools we currently possess, also unknown regarding future effects on human auto-immune systems or major organs.  Afghanistan?  What of it? Oops, time for a vacation at Camp David or someplace way far away from responsibility.  The brain stops here.

Can White House confabulations be cured with brains supplied by Covid-vac zombies?  Could they use a few brains at the Dept. of State, as official instructions make the rounds in Afghanistan for Americans and America's helpers to both leave home for the airport and stay home at the same time?

We know who the victims are in Afghanistan, but there exist victims of another sort -- the U.S. military at ground zero.  As their efforts and billions of dollars of equipment go bye-bye, what of their morale?  What becomes of one's extensive and costly military training when leadership's dysfunction and treachery attempts to destroy what diversity training, critical race theory classes and the 1619 Project in Armed Forces classrooms haven't quite finished off?  When one watches Gen. Mark Milley responding to a question about critical race theory education in the ranks and he replies basically that he is okay with it BUT doesn't know much about it, that's already one hole popping through the dam.

Who the hell is in charge in this country?  I'm afraid we know:  The same people who knowingly orchestrated two phony impeachments of Donald Trump.  Treasonous one and all, devoid only of enough uncorrupted legal system elements to hold them prison-accountable.

Funny thing about zombies.  Maybe there aren't enough of 'em to supply the Biden & Co. political syndicate with enough brains, but the very idea of watching mindless zombies run the government instead of this bunch seems well worth exploring.

Cuomo Departs: Bon voyage, Andrew Cuomo.  Truly, the man who once announced that there was no place in New York for conservatives resigns as NY's governor tonight, finding himself lonely for a spot on the shelf.  Now, if Californians will look unkindly upon their governor and try on a new candidate, the country might get closer to re-discovering its long-cluttered roots of freedom.

High school and college athletes can sell their images:  Okay, but wouldn't it be so much better if the faces appearing on cereal boxes and milk cartons were those of students who excelled academically, instead of people who train and perform like trained seals as they direct a ball from here to there?  We humans engage in some very misdirected hero worship ceremonies, in my opinion.