Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Vaccinated yet? You Might Want to Read This (New)

In a perfect news-reporting world, uncluttered by agenda and political objectives, this story should be at the top of the list, and details emerge from no less than the prestigious Salk Institute.

Researchers, for starters, have apparently discovered that Covid-19 is a vascular, not a lung disease, important to understand when considering the effect of "spike proteins" on cells.  Stay with me here:

The Covid-19 virus carries something called a spike protein on its surface.  The "messenger RNA," or mRNA vaccines manufactured by both Moderna and Pfizer prompt the human body to create its own "harmless" spike proteins, a part of the immunization process.

However, new research demonstrates that the spike protein on its own, even when containing no virus internally, damages human cells.

Past studies produced a similar result when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. but the Salk Institute's new research is the first to conclude that significant cellular damage occurs even when cells are exposed to the spike protein without a virus present.

To wit, as I understand this as a casual reader, while everybody out there begs for immunization protection from the Covid-19 virus, the cure itself may turn out to be as bad as the disease, for we are talking about possible permanent damage to the human vascular system.  We already see a variety of after-effects in both virus victims and immunized people.  One member of the Salk Institute team lays the dilemma out as follows, and we quote the entire paragraph word for word below:

“A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

Why is this research not tearing up the national TV news shows?  What do public officials and the White House have to say about this?  Is the World Health Organization taking this research into consideration?

Check out research at the Salk Institute yourself, and plan accordingly.  The story appears to be making strides among scientific sites on the Internet.

No, I have not been vaccinated by this new kind of jab.  I learned from working in Air Force physical therapy decades ago, when I treated paralyzed Guillain-Barre' patients -- the same neurological syndrome later on affecting some recipients of the government's "miraculous" swine flu shots -- that everything must be approached with caution.  Mass panic and official proclamations bring us exactly to where we are today:  A potential Russian roulette medical decision for the masses.  Let's hope all of this goes away, but, referencing an old episode of Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone," this mess could be terribly difficult to wish away into the cornfield.