Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Forget the Clowns, Send In The Asteroid and Be Done With It

"Full Measure," one of TV's best investigative journalism programs (it's amazing how a mere half hour can be filled with so many gems) clinched what so many have suspected in this week's show:  It's more than obvious that Chinese communists have long been collecting human DNA from countries all over the world -- and, significantly, much of it is harvested via some of those familiar companies which advertise on TV.  You know the ones, they ask for a sample of your DNA and soon tell you where your ancestors originated.  Your biological roots.

The presumed reason, shocking in its implications, is China's intention to manufacture viruses or other bio entities capable of killing off specific ethnicities.  Goodbye world governments, hello slavery forever.  Essentially, the only humans remaining on Earth would be those of Asian heritage. Bow to China?  Well. . .

We assume that American and Western European black-budget scientists are feverishly working on something counter-bio, but one never knows when measuring a society of utter monsters in comparison to one still imbued with a modicum of compassionate intent.  In any case, before you plunk down what seem a few reasonable dollars to find out if your ancestors were actually chicken-lizard creatures who ended the Stone Age and somehow became Homo sapiens, maybe you should buy deeds to property on Jupiter or fake time shares instead.  Purchases that won't help send your family into engineered bio-extinction.

Oh, those clever Chinese communists.  If they can't get'cha with personalized viruses and other genetic weapons, they'll certainly harbor no concerns about bopping you on the head with 20-ton rocket debris.

Colonial Pipeline cyber-attack vs. Biden energy policy -- what's the difference?  So criminal hackers hold the nation's petroleum supply hostage while the Joe Biden presidential syndicate puts the lid on domestic fracking, natural gas and other fossil fuel sources, surely with nuclear energy to follow.  Exactly what distinguishes the hackers from our deviously established energy regulatory bureaucracy?  Not much.

NCAA players can profit off their names:  Isn't this wonderful?  While China, Russia and Iran plot to destroy the United States, aided substantially by American colleges and universities preoccupied by design with "teaching" courses about how to hate white people, African-American "studies," women's "studies," etc., now college athletes can benefit financially from their participation in collegiate sports by contracting with companies to use their names and faces.  What a breakthrough! At last, university athletes can amass millions of dollars when their images tell the world, look a' me, I know how to move a ball from here to there!  Love me!  Buy my stuff! I'll sign my autograph for $100!

Now, we ask, who needs mathematicians, scientists, engineers, writers who can actually spell or doctors and nurses when, for a tidy sum, society can rent a sports "phenom" as easily as one can acquire a high-priced prostitute?  Each pretty much performs the same function for an adoring public.

About the Washington Capitol break-in:  Even those on the right consistently use the wrong word.  The affair was not an insurrection, it was a riot.  One cannot ultimately refer to a bunch of  fools armed with no firearms, save maybe one (?), as insurrectionists, and despite this idiocy there was no established plan to take over the government.  In addition to the damage and expense left behind, these folks served only to give militias a worse reputation than some already possess.  And no, I am not condemning well-regulated and trained militias any more than I would officially condone military reservists, each of which continues to have a role in keeping us safe.  Going off the deep end, however, just screws the best of concepts.  By the way, are these folks getting legal representation as demanded by U.S. laws?  We hear otherwise, but. . .

India drowns in Covid-19:  This tragedy screams out for people of all nations to get serious about population numbers, but why should we beat ourselves with chains by taking this additional opportunity to emphasize the painfully obvious?

Single mothers who can't work because child daycare is a problem:  We can't imagine how tough it must be to raise a child alone, and TV abounds with plenty of stories to this effect.  We wonder, though, where in many cases daddy has gone?  Is he paying?  How many single mothers are in that position because of their own bad decisions?  How many women are single mothers by choice, having decided at some point it was a fantastic idea to make a baby to be their pal, their best friend -- only to NOT worry about the economic consequences until later?  It seems, after all, fashionable in this society without common sense for some women to produce children without benefit of fathers.  Some women just hate men, we presume, and there's often good reason.  But really, as we encounter multiple heartrending instances of unaffordable single motherhood, how many tears must a society shed for not only poor decisions, but all too often for poor decisions repeated more than once by the same people, who then cry and moan about their status and expect others to pay up as a reward of sorts?  Hey, don't shout me down ladies, these are legitimate questions.

Remembering the oldies:  Remember the song, "Abraham, Martin and John?"  Maybe it's time for a new version as America gets sucked down a radical drain by the Biden syndicate.  We suggest the title, "Biden, Cloward and Piven."  If you don't know the who in two out of the three, look 'em up.

Racial TV:  Oh boy.  The television entertainment industry's members have joined together to be stupid and viewers reap the benefits.  The latest in televised brainpower dictates that a certain percentage of colored people of color (Like that?  I just invented it.) must be present in every TV program episode.  So what happened to me?  Every time I try to watch a show now, I'm immediately enticed into counting colors.  It's like, "Ah, there's one!" and "I'm not sure if this one counts as a particular color."  If that's not enough, I now have to fret over whether a person of some color is a key character or just making a token appearance based upon race.

On and on it goes, until I realize I don't even know what's happening on the TV show. I'm so consumed with making sure racial percentages are correct that there remains no opportunity to make sense of the script!  How do I respond? I just give up and change channels until I find an old Western from the fifties, where everything was filmed in glorious black and white.  There, truly, is the color balance.

If there exists another misguided level to the TV screen and Hollywood movie industry reach, it's the bizarre, apparently WOKE need to remake movies and TV shows originally starring white people with an opposing gender or colored people of color.  On TV, the "Equalizer" is now a black woman and the next "Superman" motion picture MUST feature a black actor as the man of steel. One would think new characters and stories could erupt from the genius minds of Hollywood, but no, for some reason it appears better to erase the white past and replace its fading memories with different races or genders.  We have truly approached insanity in the name of equality.  Or is that equity?

 In the space of just one little blog entry today, I've managed to irritate both women and minorities.  One has to admit, that's style.