Monday, November 4, 2019

Playing Their Cards Down, Dem and Dirty

When will sane Democrats take back their party?  Is it even possible now, or must a horrible lesson perpetrated by the party's increasingly radical element force a vast change?  By the way, pondering even momentary fantasy thoughts of bringing Hillary back as a presidential candidate does not qualify as regaining a rational momentum.

Who needs to accuse the Russians of screwing with our votes when Republicans face Democrats and information wrangling accomplices intent upon doing exactly that?  In yet another progression of stunts intended to take down this President (others being Russian "collusion," the Supreme Court nominee boondoggle, the Mueller "investigation" and lesser daily inventions), desperately worried Democrats have few tricks remaining but the impeachment route, hoping to produce a self-generated fart seeking a wind blowing to the right.  Unfortunately, a significant population of cabbage heads self-oblivious to facts established by the other side are buying into fiction rolled out by the left, at least according to polls probably built largely upon the opinions of Democrats.

As the commander-in-chief, foreign policy maker and top law enforcer in the country, I have no problem with Trump's people investigating Ukraine corruption and delaying the huge foreign aid money we contribute, and if Biden & son stand out, so be it.  Were Trump investigating questionable Republican Ukraine deals, Democrats would, we're certain, be holding the President in at least reasonable esteem.

Bonus for the country, aside from the current swill of contrived nonsense:  The "Deep State," willing to do anything in darkness to deprive voters of their lawfully elected President is real, and some of the names are already out there.  At least two more government reports yet to be released -- likely to be quite damning for the left -- are probably a key reason why Dems are hysterical about piling up a load of nonsense quickly so as to take the attention off what is about to hit the fan, things that should probably be of immense concern for the nation. 

Again, will the complicit media, mostly Democrats themselves, tell the people the truth?  Will anybody see through the preponderance of known Democrats invited to testify at Schiff's party?  The same pseudo-journalists who let Obama and his far-reaching cohorts get away with anything they wished aren't necessarily likely to exhibit or even conceive of fairness.  Winning beats truth with this bunch.  Watch and listen closely, and you'll find that they all, strangely, use the same words and phrases, as if scripted and orchestrated for the multitude of anti-Trump media.

A perfect example of journalistic "non-tegrity" was a report last week in the Washington Post in which national security council member Tim Morrison, who heard the Ukraine phone call in question and said he heard nothing to indicate illegality by Trump, was instead portrayed wrongly, outrageously, as actually supporting previous testimony condemning the President.

Further, how much appreciation did Trump and military personnel receive among media and so-called entertainment venues for the killing of the world's most wanted terrorist, ISIS cockroach Baghdadi, followed by the execution of the wannabe roach destined to assume leadership of ISIS?  Baghdadi's obliteration, like so many other crucial necessities, should have been handled by the joke and nation-weakening Obama, but Trump stepping up to any previously ignored task just could not be praised by those with a stake in defeating him at or prior to next year's elections.

Speaker Pelosi:  I want to know exactly what drugs she takes.  A list might help explain a lot about her actions.  She should also be ashamed of how progressive Democrats have trashed her state of California with billions of dollars spent on illegal aliens instead of on native Californians.  California is the poster child for the inevitable socialism walking hand-in-hand with leftist politicians. 

On Fox News Sunday we did get a chuckle out of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway's reference to Schiff's closed-door hearings as something akin to growing mushrooms in the dark.

Polls again?  The mainstream media loves newest polling efforts showing Trump in trouble.  Seems they have a short memory about prior polls regarding Trump and the elections which were, to say it plainly, ridiculously wrong.

We do fret over the dangerous one-sided conversations -- demands -- perpetrated upon young minds in colleges and universities by professors and other staff dedicated to the radical left.  From teaching that grades and good grammar mean nothing, to infusing guilt over "white supremacy" while setting up no-whites-allowed campus affairs and classes, to filling classrooms with courses intended to exclude conservative thought, civic lessons and every favorable or essential aspect of American history, wildly expensive "higher education" institutions have often become little more than leftist mind-bending machines.  Truth is what you want it to be. Centuries built upon math and science are now the refuse tossed away by progressive youth. How many parents attempting to pay as if by extortion for their kids' college degrees realize exactly what dumpster-loads of brain rot are being pumped into young and innocent heads by campus liars and America-haters every semester?  Don't take my word for it -- just check the two college-related links in the margin.

The current Democrat floor show of illustrious loon candidates can offer the country only one thing:  Venezuela.  California currently offers a preview of the Venezuela it is destined to become under failed progressive leadership by governors and legislators who speak with compassion but ultimately don't give a damn about anything or anybody not lounging about on their own socialist platter.  On the East Coast, New York can't wait to become California and Venezuela under its megalomaniac governor.

The political party which has ruled many states and cities for decades, sending them into ruin and economic collapse, is not geared up to do anything but cause destruction.  A weird, poisonous affinity for illegal aliens, decriminalization of crimes and hatred of constitutionally protected rights as it strives to take the United States apart from the inside are hardly outstanding political party attributes to embrace in the voting booth next year.