Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cry Away Your Troubles at Syracuse University

UPDATE: As the racist uproar at Syracuse University continues to make national news, the most powerful man on campus responded to threats to his very job by a mob of  students with tears. He cried during a big get-together meeting with young student protestors, melting into a puddle of tears as he tried to drive home the point that he is Just Like Them because he, white man and chancellor Kent Syverud, is a family man whose own family is composed of minorities who have confronted racism.

News video of student mobs protesting outside show --whaaa? -- several young black men giving the black power salute, ever so popular since the sixties.  It's all legal, it's all wonderful for making a point -- but we wonder if Mr. Syverud, shrinking faster than the wicked witch of The Wizard of Oz in his own tears, has a clue that what's happening at S.U. is not just a student protest.

My readers who stay in touch with links to campus events all over the United States (again, see the links) already know this is about the left, the socialist-cum-communist element, firmly kidnapping malleable student minds in colleges and even high schools (and below) across the nation.  This campus chaos isn't just about a list of demands over racism -- it's orchestrated by people with a national agenda much larger.  Unfortunately, much of the Democrat Party has been hijacked over time by the same people -- as per the previously mentioned governor of the state of New York, leftist and progressive all the way, as NY undergoes the same miserable self-destruction and population loss experienced by several other Democrat-ruled & ruined states.

As ramped-up fears continue, rumors of a "white supremacy manifesto" being dumped on students all over campus turned out to be false, involving only a document shared among some, and while racism was indeed evidenced on campus, it apparently was not as widespread as some predictably hysterical reports had claimed. But that did not matter.  It never does.

Not all that mysterious was the "list of demands" popping up among so-called minority students just before and as this racial thing began to sprout before the media.  No longer just about racism, there now existed demands numbering 19.  "They," the students, now joined in protest by other colleges, worked a demand for increased education funding for minorities AND some control over "hate speech" into their agenda, along with an insistence that students be allowed roommates of similar ethnicity.  Does this allow even (gasp!) white students to receive similar accommodations?

By Thursday morning, Syverud -- having also suffered protests in front of his home --  and the university administration had agreed to all 19 demands.  It's amazing what a student population can do when you witness the titular head of your learning institution crying like a baby instead of standing up and wielding all the power and discipline which should come from his office.  Syracuse U. would perhaps be better served by a tough former military chancellor who won't wallow in leftist bullshit and tears of compassion as students of entitlement (?), themselves privileged simply because they are allowed a college education, run amuck.  This ongoing display is about racism against p-a-r-t-i-c-u-l-a-r minorities as much as it's about a palpable hatred for anybody or anything white, which of course is racism in itself -- but that doesn't matter on campuses across this heated nation.

Despite the chancellor's compassion (and we have long written about how compassion can destroy the compassionate), we'll be amazed if he keeps his employment or doesn't just say to himself, the hell with it, and move on to some other university opportunity where crying and weakness are valued among the left.

Meanwhile, the campus should happily await the arrival of the masked (or unmasked) Antifa bunch.  They've already staked out claims in other cities, where sanctuary city mayors and others who should know better allow them to wreak a measured degree of havoc.

Whether on campus or within the cities, the leftist campaign to discredit everything American (and consequently, to some, everything white-ish) will continue.  If the current crop of so-called Democrats prevail in the 2020 elections, chances that the United States will survive intact -- all the good parts which benefit everybody of all ethnic backgrounds -- are highly questionable.

The established, absolutely evidence-heavy fact that the mainstream media (both electronic and print) and Big Internet news sources are composed  overwhelmingly of leftist-enhancing information, while heavily censoring or outright banning info from the right, does not bode well for a society dependent upon truth it simply doesn't get because, with few exceptions, most avenues of true communication remain hopelessly clogged and managed.

Just look at the spin surrounding the Democrats' latest in a long line of get-Trump-out maneuvers called the impeachment hearings.  Pelosi and Schiff have done everything to keep Republican hearing rights squashed and to prohibit essential witnesses from appearing as even certain questions are not allowed.  This is fascism in the halls of Congress.  Like it?  There's plenty more in store, just vote Democrat next time and embrace socialist values which will, and always do, take away individual decisions and dreams (just ask any legal immigrant who escaped this stuff, only to gaze with horror upon the same things happening in the United States).

Syracuse University, like similar institutions, will now piss off many students of sound mind who will increasingly be confronted with "sensitivity" and "diversity" classes and in-your-face accusations of race hatred, failing to understand that one does not and cannot change hearts and minds by waving a burning stick in one's face repeatedly, no matter how carefully. 

We value this additional opportunity to hope that truly enlightened students everywhere who see this whipped-up campus pandemonium for what it actually is will cast their 2020 votes for truth, and not for utopian candidate fantasies, often conjured and encouraged by faculty inhabitants in love with filthy progressive nests.  We still have some choices.  For now.