Monday, November 25, 2019
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cry Away Your Troubles at Syracuse University
UPDATE: As the racist uproar at Syracuse University continues to make national news, the most powerful man on campus responded to threats to his very job by a mob of students with tears. He cried during a big get-together meeting with young student protestors, melting into a puddle of tears as he tried to drive home the point that he is Just Like Them because he, white man and chancellor Kent Syverud, is a family man whose own family is composed of minorities who have confronted racism.
News video of student mobs protesting outside show --whaaa? -- several young black men giving the black power salute, ever so popular since the sixties. It's all legal, it's all wonderful for making a point -- but we wonder if Mr. Syverud, shrinking faster than the wicked witch of The Wizard of Oz in his own tears, has a clue that what's happening at S.U. is not just a student protest.
My readers who stay in touch with links to campus events all over the United States (again, see the links) already know this is about the left, the socialist-cum-communist element, firmly kidnapping malleable student minds in colleges and even high schools (and below) across the nation. This campus chaos isn't just about a list of demands over racism -- it's orchestrated by people with a national agenda much larger. Unfortunately, much of the Democrat Party has been hijacked over time by the same people -- as per the previously mentioned governor of the state of New York, leftist and progressive all the way, as NY undergoes the same miserable self-destruction and population loss experienced by several other Democrat-ruled & ruined states.
As ramped-up fears continue, rumors of a "white supremacy manifesto" being dumped on students all over campus turned out to be false, involving only a document shared among some, and while racism was indeed evidenced on campus, it apparently was not as widespread as some predictably hysterical reports had claimed. But that did not matter. It never does.
Not all that mysterious was the "list of demands" popping up among so-called minority students just before and as this racial thing began to sprout before the media. No longer just about racism, there now existed demands numbering 19. "They," the students, now joined in protest by other colleges, worked a demand for increased education funding for minorities AND some control over "hate speech" into their agenda, along with an insistence that students be allowed roommates of similar ethnicity. Does this allow even (gasp!) white students to receive similar accommodations?
By Thursday morning, Syverud -- having also suffered protests in front of his home -- and the university administration had agreed to all 19 demands. It's amazing what a student population can do when you witness the titular head of your learning institution crying like a baby instead of standing up and wielding all the power and discipline which should come from his office. Syracuse U. would perhaps be better served by a tough former military chancellor who won't wallow in leftist bullshit and tears of compassion as students of entitlement (?), themselves privileged simply because they are allowed a college education, run amuck. This ongoing display is about racism against p-a-r-t-i-c-u-l-a-r minorities as much as it's about a palpable hatred for anybody or anything white, which of course is racism in itself -- but that doesn't matter on campuses across this heated nation.
Despite the chancellor's compassion (and we have long written about how compassion can destroy the compassionate), we'll be amazed if he keeps his employment or doesn't just say to himself, the hell with it, and move on to some other university opportunity where crying and weakness are valued among the left.
Meanwhile, the campus should happily await the arrival of the masked (or unmasked) Antifa bunch. They've already staked out claims in other cities, where sanctuary city mayors and others who should know better allow them to wreak a measured degree of havoc.
Whether on campus or within the cities, the leftist campaign to discredit everything American (and consequently, to some, everything white-ish) will continue. If the current crop of so-called Democrats prevail in the 2020 elections, chances that the United States will survive intact -- all the good parts which benefit everybody of all ethnic backgrounds -- are highly questionable.
The established, absolutely evidence-heavy fact that the mainstream media (both electronic and print) and Big Internet news sources are composed overwhelmingly of leftist-enhancing information, while heavily censoring or outright banning info from the right, does not bode well for a society dependent upon truth it simply doesn't get because, with few exceptions, most avenues of true communication remain hopelessly clogged and managed.
Just look at the spin surrounding the Democrats' latest in a long line of get-Trump-out maneuvers called the impeachment hearings. Pelosi and Schiff have done everything to keep Republican hearing rights squashed and to prohibit essential witnesses from appearing as even certain questions are not allowed. This is fascism in the halls of Congress. Like it? There's plenty more in store, just vote Democrat next time and embrace socialist values which will, and always do, take away individual decisions and dreams (just ask any legal immigrant who escaped this stuff, only to gaze with horror upon the same things happening in the United States).
Syracuse University, like similar institutions, will now piss off many students of sound mind who will increasingly be confronted with "sensitivity" and "diversity" classes and in-your-face accusations of race hatred, failing to understand that one does not and cannot change hearts and minds by waving a burning stick in one's face repeatedly, no matter how carefully.
We value this additional opportunity to hope that truly enlightened students everywhere who see this whipped-up campus pandemonium for what it actually is will cast their 2020 votes for truth, and not for utopian candidate fantasies, often conjured and encouraged by faculty inhabitants in love with filthy progressive nests. We still have some choices. For now.
News video of student mobs protesting outside show --whaaa? -- several young black men giving the black power salute, ever so popular since the sixties. It's all legal, it's all wonderful for making a point -- but we wonder if Mr. Syverud, shrinking faster than the wicked witch of The Wizard of Oz in his own tears, has a clue that what's happening at S.U. is not just a student protest.
My readers who stay in touch with links to campus events all over the United States (again, see the links) already know this is about the left, the socialist-cum-communist element, firmly kidnapping malleable student minds in colleges and even high schools (and below) across the nation. This campus chaos isn't just about a list of demands over racism -- it's orchestrated by people with a national agenda much larger. Unfortunately, much of the Democrat Party has been hijacked over time by the same people -- as per the previously mentioned governor of the state of New York, leftist and progressive all the way, as NY undergoes the same miserable self-destruction and population loss experienced by several other Democrat-ruled & ruined states.
As ramped-up fears continue, rumors of a "white supremacy manifesto" being dumped on students all over campus turned out to be false, involving only a document shared among some, and while racism was indeed evidenced on campus, it apparently was not as widespread as some predictably hysterical reports had claimed. But that did not matter. It never does.
Not all that mysterious was the "list of demands" popping up among so-called minority students just before and as this racial thing began to sprout before the media. No longer just about racism, there now existed demands numbering 19. "They," the students, now joined in protest by other colleges, worked a demand for increased education funding for minorities AND some control over "hate speech" into their agenda, along with an insistence that students be allowed roommates of similar ethnicity. Does this allow even (gasp!) white students to receive similar accommodations?
By Thursday morning, Syverud -- having also suffered protests in front of his home -- and the university administration had agreed to all 19 demands. It's amazing what a student population can do when you witness the titular head of your learning institution crying like a baby instead of standing up and wielding all the power and discipline which should come from his office. Syracuse U. would perhaps be better served by a tough former military chancellor who won't wallow in leftist bullshit and tears of compassion as students of entitlement (?), themselves privileged simply because they are allowed a college education, run amuck. This ongoing display is about racism against p-a-r-t-i-c-u-l-a-r minorities as much as it's about a palpable hatred for anybody or anything white, which of course is racism in itself -- but that doesn't matter on campuses across this heated nation.
Despite the chancellor's compassion (and we have long written about how compassion can destroy the compassionate), we'll be amazed if he keeps his employment or doesn't just say to himself, the hell with it, and move on to some other university opportunity where crying and weakness are valued among the left.
Meanwhile, the campus should happily await the arrival of the masked (or unmasked) Antifa bunch. They've already staked out claims in other cities, where sanctuary city mayors and others who should know better allow them to wreak a measured degree of havoc.
Whether on campus or within the cities, the leftist campaign to discredit everything American (and consequently, to some, everything white-ish) will continue. If the current crop of so-called Democrats prevail in the 2020 elections, chances that the United States will survive intact -- all the good parts which benefit everybody of all ethnic backgrounds -- are highly questionable.
The established, absolutely evidence-heavy fact that the mainstream media (both electronic and print) and Big Internet news sources are composed overwhelmingly of leftist-enhancing information, while heavily censoring or outright banning info from the right, does not bode well for a society dependent upon truth it simply doesn't get because, with few exceptions, most avenues of true communication remain hopelessly clogged and managed.
Just look at the spin surrounding the Democrats' latest in a long line of get-Trump-out maneuvers called the impeachment hearings. Pelosi and Schiff have done everything to keep Republican hearing rights squashed and to prohibit essential witnesses from appearing as even certain questions are not allowed. This is fascism in the halls of Congress. Like it? There's plenty more in store, just vote Democrat next time and embrace socialist values which will, and always do, take away individual decisions and dreams (just ask any legal immigrant who escaped this stuff, only to gaze with horror upon the same things happening in the United States).
Syracuse University, like similar institutions, will now piss off many students of sound mind who will increasingly be confronted with "sensitivity" and "diversity" classes and in-your-face accusations of race hatred, failing to understand that one does not and cannot change hearts and minds by waving a burning stick in one's face repeatedly, no matter how carefully.
We value this additional opportunity to hope that truly enlightened students everywhere who see this whipped-up campus pandemonium for what it actually is will cast their 2020 votes for truth, and not for utopian candidate fantasies, often conjured and encouraged by faculty inhabitants in love with filthy progressive nests. We still have some choices. For now.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Splashing Around in the Race Pool at the Nation's #1 Party School
College campus evils come and go on this blog, but there never seems a shortage of pure bull crap at Syracuse University. The last time we addressed this institution of high. . .um, of learning involved students making a video which offended many, following which lawsuits began to fly back and forth over First Amendment rights.
Things are a tad more complicated this time, with several reports of racist graffiti, vandalism and personal insults based upon race apparently targeted at black and Asian students.
Of course this is all wrong. I would use a better word, reprehensible, but particularly ignorant members of a certain class of word police would suspect I'm just hiding the word, prehensile in there somewhere and then sparks would fly. You can't be too careful these days 'cause the word police, like dung beetles, believe they have a job to do and they're fanatical about it as they chew American culture to pieces, bit by bit.
Semantics seem to experience a very difficult time at Syracuse U. Chancellor Kent Syverud and various student protestors decry "hate speech," whose horrors or violations I am astounded to find are listed nowhere in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Nevertheless, we also behold allegations of "hate crimes," which in my day, an older day to be sure, were merely called crimes and adjudicated accordingly without extra displays of pomp and circumstance or with assumptions of one victim becoming more important than another victim under our supposed system of equality under the law. Life never should have become so complicated.
As racist comments and vandalism fell over the Syracuse University campus, "stranger things" began to happen, especially the formation of a gaggle of students not only incensed about racism, but also self-encouraged to formulate a list of demands. A list of demands?
Among these demands was a threat to the very job of Chancellor Syverud, and this is where I part company and sympathy with actions taken by college administrations. Time and again across the country, it appears, when campus situations become heated, almost invariably groups of agenda-based students insist upon firing the person at the top -- in this case, Mr. Syverud. Then, it sometimes occurs, if the top -- gasp! white -- person exits, a miraculous event occurs and the new replacement is a person of color.
I'm going to go a tad pseudo-racist here and suggest that the progressive rot devouring colleges and universities all over the nation has a very well laid-out agenda, and as I see every day by watching emerging news regarding goings-on in such institutions, there exists an increasingly hostile and just plain insane hatred and lessening of white people by those of other colors and races. Just check out my two college-related links in the margin to experience the hell we're in.
This is not something I would have dared even think, were it not for eight years of a supreme race-baiting president and his race-baiting buddies, and I do indeed speak of President Obama and his bevy of accomplices who certainly did nothing to bring people together as the United States was weakened in so many ways. I always looked forward to the country's first black president. He, sadly, was not the one.
And before I'm attacked from various sides denouncing me as an old white racist, I remind one and all that I served in Air Force hospitals during the Vietnam years and helped care for thousands of all races of everybody -- and my first supervisor at the Air Force's fifth largest hospital was a black man who wrote glowing performance reports for me (I kept and cherish them).
Frankly, despite the efforts of Chancellor Syverud, were I he I would not back down and speak so lovingly toward juvenile protestors who haven't lived long enough or accomplished enough to even deserve to present a list of "demands" to anybody. It wasn't Syverud who posted racist graffiti -- but you'd think he did, the way these fools carry on like childish brats. They need to let the police system work and in the meantime get an education and shut up unless they have more constructive things to "demand" than one more firing of a university president so they can work to replace him with -- whom exactly, and through what process?
Meanwhile, everybody plays the old schoolhouse game, blame everybody for the actions of one or a few. Syracuse U. has now instituted mandatory "healthy masculinity training" for all campus fraternity members. What? Huh? Who came up with this? What freaking group of man-hating morons? This is almost -- almost -- as crazy as a $50,000 reward put out there by some anonymous "benefactor" for the identification of whomever is/are promoting racism on campus. Fifty K?!! Wow, wouldn't that be better placed in the hands of a student toward his or her university expenses, already absurd and due to increase in order to continue feeding crazed bastions of progressive faculty thought?
Then, as if the situation weren't hot enough, there comes New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, who just couldn't resist stepping in to pounce on the chancellor over his handling of the race issue. Cuomo, he of undeniable White Privilege, strangely, governs far away from Upstate or Central NY, leaving declining roads, highways and infrastructure to fend for themselves -- yet, put out a hot plate of nice, steaming race controversy and this one smells it in Albany, immediately addressing the subject as every minority's best Democrat friend, even suggesting that the university board replace Syverud.
Pardon my frankness, but there are some megalomaniac folk of the elite political class whose time has come to just shut the hell up and let local officials deal with certain matters. Like this one.
We fear that Chancellor Syverud and S.U. board members will kowtow to the usual forces which tend to erupt and overtake campuses these days, forces at least as frightening as contemporary racist activities -- and if he actually packs his suitcase and waves a hanky full of tears as he departs dear old Syracuse as a just-so replacement is sought, don't say we didn't warn, as we often do, beware, beware, beware.
In other news. . .
Colin Kaepernick: Don't give a damn today any more than I did yesterday. Betsy Ross' work probably didn't belong on a shoe, anyway.
President Trump pardons military members: Good. It's long been my opinion that the military is pretty heavy with the lawyer class, and from what I've heard of soldiers' family members and others representing them, military officer egos of the attorney variety searching for higher personal ground and rank sometimes neglect to do their jobs effectively.
Besides, if Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning from prison (!!!!!!!), I'm not sure how one can criticize Trump for his actions here.
Pete Buttigieg's quest for the presidency: Okay, but America is not ready for, um, who -- The First Gentleman? Mr. First Gentleman? Mr. First Lady? Yikes. Well, I think you can see the problem -- other than all the other far lefty disaster issues Mayor Pete would happily tow along with him to the White House. Not happening, sorry.
Pope Francis wants to proclaim an 11th Commandment regarding care for the environment. First, I don't think Moses would want him to take up that much of the biblical spotlight, though I could be wrong. Further, eleven just isn't a very appealing number to most people, and thinking back to old Dennis the Menace comic books, I believe this cartoon child was fond of voicing the numeral, "eleventeen." The Eleventeenth Commandment might sound right, but a naked eleven? I don't think so. No wonder my father couldn't wait to escape Catholic school as a kid.
The New New New Wall: Oh, this IS fascinating. For a billion dollars engineers believe they can build Trump's border wall with Terra Block (?). Easy to move, easy to install by the Army Corps of Engineers and others, as near-foolproof as one can currently imagine and ready to do the job. Funny how a billion dollars seem like chicken feed, though even chicken feed isn't cheap off the shelf anymore, either.
Lt. Col. Vindman in Washington: I've no quarrels with his exemplary military record. But his name reminds me of old Universal Studios horror movies from the thirties and forties where Bela Lugosi would threaten people with names similar to his: For instance (think of Lugosi's accent), "Vindman, you will not escape me!". . ."Vindman, you have betrayed me with the local sheriff and I will have my revenge!". . .Vindman, I'm warning you, stay away from that tub of acid!" Perfection.
End of the Democrat Party? Shed the lunatics and sham-seekers, and they might have a framework from which to rebuild. As the party currently exists, the approach equals re-education camps, loudspeakers and megaphones, all courtesy of the complicit mainstream media. If Pelosi and Schiff aren't arrested for sedition -- and they won't be -- crumbling walls of decaying politics will continue to fall in the meantime.
Except. . .Oh oh. Deval Patrick, Obama buddy, jumping into the prez race while others divert their attention to burying Trump? Oh oh. Oh oh.
The Fed: Bless 'em, they just keep on printing billions in phony money to feed the banks and keep stock marketers happy. At least we'll have plenty of paper cash to land softly upon, should the descent begin. Me, I'm going back to bed.
Things are a tad more complicated this time, with several reports of racist graffiti, vandalism and personal insults based upon race apparently targeted at black and Asian students.
Of course this is all wrong. I would use a better word, reprehensible, but particularly ignorant members of a certain class of word police would suspect I'm just hiding the word, prehensile in there somewhere and then sparks would fly. You can't be too careful these days 'cause the word police, like dung beetles, believe they have a job to do and they're fanatical about it as they chew American culture to pieces, bit by bit.
Semantics seem to experience a very difficult time at Syracuse U. Chancellor Kent Syverud and various student protestors decry "hate speech," whose horrors or violations I am astounded to find are listed nowhere in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Nevertheless, we also behold allegations of "hate crimes," which in my day, an older day to be sure, were merely called crimes and adjudicated accordingly without extra displays of pomp and circumstance or with assumptions of one victim becoming more important than another victim under our supposed system of equality under the law. Life never should have become so complicated.
As racist comments and vandalism fell over the Syracuse University campus, "stranger things" began to happen, especially the formation of a gaggle of students not only incensed about racism, but also self-encouraged to formulate a list of demands. A list of demands?
Among these demands was a threat to the very job of Chancellor Syverud, and this is where I part company and sympathy with actions taken by college administrations. Time and again across the country, it appears, when campus situations become heated, almost invariably groups of agenda-based students insist upon firing the person at the top -- in this case, Mr. Syverud. Then, it sometimes occurs, if the top -- gasp! white -- person exits, a miraculous event occurs and the new replacement is a person of color.
I'm going to go a tad pseudo-racist here and suggest that the progressive rot devouring colleges and universities all over the nation has a very well laid-out agenda, and as I see every day by watching emerging news regarding goings-on in such institutions, there exists an increasingly hostile and just plain insane hatred and lessening of white people by those of other colors and races. Just check out my two college-related links in the margin to experience the hell we're in.
This is not something I would have dared even think, were it not for eight years of a supreme race-baiting president and his race-baiting buddies, and I do indeed speak of President Obama and his bevy of accomplices who certainly did nothing to bring people together as the United States was weakened in so many ways. I always looked forward to the country's first black president. He, sadly, was not the one.
And before I'm attacked from various sides denouncing me as an old white racist, I remind one and all that I served in Air Force hospitals during the Vietnam years and helped care for thousands of all races of everybody -- and my first supervisor at the Air Force's fifth largest hospital was a black man who wrote glowing performance reports for me (I kept and cherish them).
Frankly, despite the efforts of Chancellor Syverud, were I he I would not back down and speak so lovingly toward juvenile protestors who haven't lived long enough or accomplished enough to even deserve to present a list of "demands" to anybody. It wasn't Syverud who posted racist graffiti -- but you'd think he did, the way these fools carry on like childish brats. They need to let the police system work and in the meantime get an education and shut up unless they have more constructive things to "demand" than one more firing of a university president so they can work to replace him with -- whom exactly, and through what process?
Meanwhile, everybody plays the old schoolhouse game, blame everybody for the actions of one or a few. Syracuse U. has now instituted mandatory "healthy masculinity training" for all campus fraternity members. What? Huh? Who came up with this? What freaking group of man-hating morons? This is almost -- almost -- as crazy as a $50,000 reward put out there by some anonymous "benefactor" for the identification of whomever is/are promoting racism on campus. Fifty K?!! Wow, wouldn't that be better placed in the hands of a student toward his or her university expenses, already absurd and due to increase in order to continue feeding crazed bastions of progressive faculty thought?
Then, as if the situation weren't hot enough, there comes New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, who just couldn't resist stepping in to pounce on the chancellor over his handling of the race issue. Cuomo, he of undeniable White Privilege, strangely, governs far away from Upstate or Central NY, leaving declining roads, highways and infrastructure to fend for themselves -- yet, put out a hot plate of nice, steaming race controversy and this one smells it in Albany, immediately addressing the subject as every minority's best Democrat friend, even suggesting that the university board replace Syverud.
Pardon my frankness, but there are some megalomaniac folk of the elite political class whose time has come to just shut the hell up and let local officials deal with certain matters. Like this one.
We fear that Chancellor Syverud and S.U. board members will kowtow to the usual forces which tend to erupt and overtake campuses these days, forces at least as frightening as contemporary racist activities -- and if he actually packs his suitcase and waves a hanky full of tears as he departs dear old Syracuse as a just-so replacement is sought, don't say we didn't warn, as we often do, beware, beware, beware.
In other news. . .
Colin Kaepernick: Don't give a damn today any more than I did yesterday. Betsy Ross' work probably didn't belong on a shoe, anyway.
President Trump pardons military members: Good. It's long been my opinion that the military is pretty heavy with the lawyer class, and from what I've heard of soldiers' family members and others representing them, military officer egos of the attorney variety searching for higher personal ground and rank sometimes neglect to do their jobs effectively.
Besides, if Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning from prison (!!!!!!!), I'm not sure how one can criticize Trump for his actions here.
Pete Buttigieg's quest for the presidency: Okay, but America is not ready for, um, who -- The First Gentleman? Mr. First Gentleman? Mr. First Lady? Yikes. Well, I think you can see the problem -- other than all the other far lefty disaster issues Mayor Pete would happily tow along with him to the White House. Not happening, sorry.
Pope Francis wants to proclaim an 11th Commandment regarding care for the environment. First, I don't think Moses would want him to take up that much of the biblical spotlight, though I could be wrong. Further, eleven just isn't a very appealing number to most people, and thinking back to old Dennis the Menace comic books, I believe this cartoon child was fond of voicing the numeral, "eleventeen." The Eleventeenth Commandment might sound right, but a naked eleven? I don't think so. No wonder my father couldn't wait to escape Catholic school as a kid.
The New New New Wall: Oh, this IS fascinating. For a billion dollars engineers believe they can build Trump's border wall with Terra Block (?). Easy to move, easy to install by the Army Corps of Engineers and others, as near-foolproof as one can currently imagine and ready to do the job. Funny how a billion dollars seem like chicken feed, though even chicken feed isn't cheap off the shelf anymore, either.
Lt. Col. Vindman in Washington: I've no quarrels with his exemplary military record. But his name reminds me of old Universal Studios horror movies from the thirties and forties where Bela Lugosi would threaten people with names similar to his: For instance (think of Lugosi's accent), "Vindman, you will not escape me!". . ."Vindman, you have betrayed me with the local sheriff and I will have my revenge!". . .Vindman, I'm warning you, stay away from that tub of acid!" Perfection.
End of the Democrat Party? Shed the lunatics and sham-seekers, and they might have a framework from which to rebuild. As the party currently exists, the approach equals re-education camps, loudspeakers and megaphones, all courtesy of the complicit mainstream media. If Pelosi and Schiff aren't arrested for sedition -- and they won't be -- crumbling walls of decaying politics will continue to fall in the meantime.
Except. . .Oh oh. Deval Patrick, Obama buddy, jumping into the prez race while others divert their attention to burying Trump? Oh oh. Oh oh.
The Fed: Bless 'em, they just keep on printing billions in phony money to feed the banks and keep stock marketers happy. At least we'll have plenty of paper cash to land softly upon, should the descent begin. Me, I'm going back to bed.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
My Christmas, Oops, Holiday Season Wish List, 2019
This won't be pretty. I don't do pretty. I'm not pretty, but I get by. So fasten your seatbelts and wait for our airbags of varying quality to explode in disapproving faces as we list my "hope and change" issues, the way hope and change were meant to be before the Obama bunch soiled the pages of the dictionary from whence these very words were stolen and abused:
1. While politicians behind the Vietnam War/Conflict Era draft somehow decided they needed young American bodies for an effort that probably should have been confined to corrupt old bastards such as themselves, I started taking college courses directing me toward a career in journalism, primarily of the TV/radio variety. However, a draft notice sent me scrambling to an Air Force recruiter, who promised faithfully that following the completion of basic training I would attend photography school. To my amazement, photography school instead turned out to be training as a medical corpsman, completed by specialty education in physical therapy (at least I had some input with the latter). For a succession of reasons, returning to my previous goals post-military years later no longer worked out So what?
Here's what: Maybe the military draft did me a favor. As perhaps never before, major TV networks and newspapers, like Internet providers, have become bastions of lies, historical wipes and blatant obliterating agents against truth. News is "managed" and mangled every day by sources we all like to think are untarnished. Consider the Donald Trump-hating Washington Post and staunch enemy of the right, the New York Times, consistent in their so-called reporting.
I know that sounds old tin-foil-hat and unfair, but just look at the latest example, where a former ABC-TV staff member, then working for CBS, thought to have been a "whistleblower" who released to Project Veritas a recording of an ABC-TV reporter's network-scuttled report about Jeffrey Epstein (and his leftist pals?), was apparently fired from CBS -- solely on the advice of ABC executives, who blew her in for supposedly releasing the video. Most troubling, the woman fired and an anonymous ABC source (who contacted Project Veritas) absolutely deny that she was the person who released the recording.
If this event is as described by those harboring no connection to ABC or CBS, may these networks be sued for millions next year. Similarly, now that the revolting case of multi-media harassment and fictionalization of the incident with Covington Catholic student teenager Nicholas Sandmann has been re-opened, may this kid walk away with a few millions of dollars himself for what leftist criminals hiding out as journalists did to his reputation.
None of this helps portray the majority of good, lower level journalists as the heroes they really have been and will yet be. Unfortunately, political agendas creep into the most unsuspected places.
2. I hope that Congress takes a really close look at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube and all the other Internet biggies who act like publishers, NOT platforms. The difference is stark, the most obvious point of contention being an apparent forced algorithm base which deletes or censors politically conservative content -- hardly surprising, since most web empire builders are hard line Democrats. Should breakups be in the works, authorities must make certain that the faces behind these giants do not "help" in writing the rules, because sure as sunlight they will do everything they can to keep competitors from starting up or surviving.
3. President Trump must gain another term in Office, despite actions driving some people to the edge. Everybody has faults, but the very fact that he is a non-politician trying to clean up some of Washington's less than admirable qualities makes him stand out above the rest on both sides of the aisle. And if anybody should care about ridding the government of "Deep State" denizens (hello-o-o-o-o State Department. . .), whom some might say reside in his own Administration as well as in the DNC, it should be Trump. He might also consider conducting business without verbalizing a word, as apparent enemies within his Administration are more than willing to blow in every word he speaks in the presence of leakers and covert political operatives desirous of preventing Trump from screwing with their personal and illegal agendas.
4. May the good people of California throw Pelosi, Schiff, Feinstein and a host of others, including the governor, out as elections roll around. Instead of leaving for other states (and potentially taking your politics with you to infect greener pastures), you would better serve your state by remaining and legislatively fighting off the creeping evil perpetrated by progressives, already fouling West Coast beauty.
I'm familiar with an old man who several years ago was so angered by a town government adept only at raising taxes that one morning he walked into the supervisor's office and dumped a bag of horse manure all over his desk. Californians could probably attempt a similar stunt -- certain to be looked at with contempt by the police -- but they need not bother seeking a horse. Just scoop human poop up from your own formerly proud streets.
5. The mass murders of Americans in Mexico: Now there can be no doubt. Build the wall, but if not the wall what? Technology can fail on a dime, so maybe no choice exists but a solid wall. Mexico's drug lords and their minions in towns and cities throughout the country aren't going to pack up and go away willingly, and without the consent of Mexico's president, what can we do? Yes, drones and efforts demonstrated most covertly frequently seem a viable option.
6. Rid the country of word police. Particularly on colleges campuses, they live and thrive because malleable young minds will often eat anything set before them by bonkers liberal professors and advisors. maybe even a pile of steaming dog poop if seasoned properly. Word police are dedicated to making the mere utterance of certain established words a criminal violation, and when this goes on in perpetuity people fear not only saying words and associated ideas, but also in merely hearing them. Those who wish to corral, usurp and ban words are destroyers, not champions of communication.
7. Even Greta Thunberg, yes, young Ms. Thunberg, whom I prefer to call via reference to a character in old comic books, Oona Goosepimple, has a right to say things. I'm especially pleased that the brain-blasted out left look upon this highly annoying and knowledge-starved 16-year-old as a climate expert who knows what's best (more likely worst) for us all. After all, if movie script reader and director-choreographed puppet Leonardo DiCaprio takes up her cause, "how dare you" question this dynamic duo? My wish is that Thunberg receives a permanent chair in the United Nations, where she will sit for the rest of her years, talking to herself and anybody passing by who cares to listen to her profoundly shaky brilliance regarding human-caused climate change. The science is all in, don't you know?
8. Gun-hating politicians at all levels throughout the country should prove their sincerity about depriving Americans of such effective personal protection by instructing their security personnel to shed their own firearms, or perhaps these political fascists could take the extra step of ridding themselves of all security personnel, period.
Similarly Remington Arms should be found blameless for the terrible child shootings in Sandy Hook conducted by a whacked out nut carrying their device. Surely, one cannot successfully sue an antifreeze manufacturer for one spouse poisoning the other with the substance? Much of this lawsuit talk has been whipped into a frenzy -- as usual -- by enemies of the Second Amendment, intent upon winning, if not in the usual manner, then by forcing a company into bankruptcy despite the verdict.
9. Men and women of science spent hundreds of years determining that humans exiting the birth canal arrive as one of two genders and no more. There comes a time when one must look not only at the human mind, but between the legs as well. My wish is that thousands of college students who pay outrageously for their education finally break through the chains of deluded and progressive fraud professors teaching them otherwise and seek what used to be the standard for higher education: Truth.
Sorry, sir, but without the surgery and without the drugs, you ain't no lady except in your head, my ignorance and cruelty not withstanding.
10. Hong Kong: Freedom for the average resident is about as likely as the evolvement next year of a giant dinosaur-sized Pekingese destined to rampage through China, eating communist party officials. Nevertheless, we wish China would stop pretending any hint of benevolence toward the world while treating people within its scope of influence very badly. As 2020 approaches, can nothing change? Cooking and eating dogs while treating wildlife horribly answers the question, as many of us prefer to remain barbarians.
11. Vaping: Democrats rushed to ban vaping products even with nary a clue of what constitutes the problem. If (1) Vitamin E acetate and (2) black market products purchased by young or adult fools are the culprits, fix it and let people get back to what used to be America -- the ability to choose. Bring back flavored vaping and if people need to choose between smoking and vaping, let 'em vape. Yes, it's a bad decision, but it's a decision left to the individual, provided they know the risks. Sorry, but the kids have always wanted to get a buzz on beer, cigarettes, marijuana and things far worse -- and they aren't going to stop.
12. Fraternity deaths: These racked up a high number in the past year, and again we pose the question: Who made them drink booze in the first place? Unless they were tied down and force-fed liquor, then it's a case of young people doing stupid things which they know are stupid things, but they want to fit in at the old frat house. And the choices were made. Whose fault? Whose? The idiot fraternity? College administration? No, wrong. The fault lies with the individual, and if one is smart enough to attend college, then one should use those brains responsibly. Families of the departed have the right to cry at the funerals, but sadly that's about all.
13. College free speech: Somewhere along the way, under the tutelage of crazy professors and advisory staff, students were ingrained with the idea that free speech means allowing only people who agree with you to speak. Crazy, yet true, campus news sources report on this phenomenon routinely. In the next year, I hope campuses across the nation are peppered with speakers unwilling to tow the party line and effective enough to convince young minds eclipsed by professorial pap that conservative and other alternative goals are worth auditioning for a better future.
14. End "diversity" classes. I attended a diversity class once and actually learned to dislike other people even more, and I speak as a former Air Force medical person who helped treat thousands of people of all races with no "diversity" problems. Not to speak unkindly, but diversity classes generally have a way of advancing a sometimes murky atmosphere that white folk are bad and responsible for all the ills befalling non-white people -- and, again, just check the daily bag of utter racial nonsense dumped out on college campuses. Diversity classes are almost gang activity in themselves, are hazardous to one's mental health (particularly the young) and should be terminated. When universities get away from this foolishness, reduce emphasis on knuckle-dragging athletics and associated "heroes" and actually spend quality time teaching students how to make their way in the world without protest signs welded to their hips, good things may happen. Thanks, Obama, for advancing little but hatred by way of "social justice."
15. Let us hear from the infamous Ukraine "whistleblower." If extensive research (including signed statements and recordings) performed by Glenn Beck's staff and others is correct, this is the one person Democrats cannot ever allow to surface and testify publicly because his hands are allegedly all over all sorts of Ukraine corruption, and putting him "out there" would jeopardize Deep State operations, the Democrats and quite possibly activities which would be considered profoundly un-American.
Just who are the "American people" whom slick politicians reference in their carefully worded speeches these days? Do they mean us -- or somebody else?
16. Somehow convince potential young voters that socialism and the social media are not the same, because polls seem to indicate that a disturbing number are all in for socialism -- about which they know nothing. Good luck.
17. Remind the country that conservatives were the original, well, conservatives. Clean water, clean air, caring for animal populations, it was all there until human corruption won out. Don't look to the United Nations for assistance -- that bloated body of eco-carnivores serves primarily to satisfy the worst aspirations of the Third World, China, Russia and tinhorn communist dictators all around the globe.
18. Last, I want world peace (just kidding -- no way that will ever happen. I know what we are).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Adam Schiff's Schoolgirl Fantasy

Schiff's preoccupation with Trump's concern over Ukraine corruption -- billed as something entirely different to please Nancy Pelosi and other leftist ghouls intent upon overturning a lawful election so their party can continue, like Obama, picking clean the bones of a democratic republic -- compares to a high school cheerleader disliking the leader of the football team because he can neither cheer for nor become him. Just another face in the crowd, desperately hoping to make something -- anything -- happen.
As congressional clown show "hearings," little more than blatant commercials for the DNC, go public this week, support for Donald Trump has the great potential to grow, rather than diminish to a level Democrats and their willing media accomplices can manipulate. In any event, once this nonsense reaches the Senate the entire matter deserves a quick end, and congressional representatives should return to working for Americans, not for the presidential heave-ho flavor of the month.
Even Michael Bloomberg realizes how shaky Democrat chances for a White House retake are, though throwing his own hat into the ring won't be helped by the fact that most Americans won't find his lackluster public personality appealing -- and they will remember how he tried to "do something" about people's crimes of ordering soft drinks in large cups. Typical Democrat, banning, trimming and excluding what is yours. Why anybody prefers a political party comparable to the United Nations in scope and control over their life is beyond me.
Best black personality of the year: Candace Owens, tirelessly showing black people how the Democrat Party never became anything more than the plantation of slavery it is today.. Go get 'em, Ms. Owens.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Playing Their Cards Down, Dem and Dirty
When will sane Democrats take back their party? Is it even possible now, or must a horrible lesson perpetrated by the party's increasingly radical element force a vast change? By the way, pondering even momentary fantasy thoughts of bringing Hillary back as a presidential candidate does not qualify as regaining a rational momentum.
Who needs to accuse the Russians of screwing with our votes when Republicans face Democrats and information wrangling accomplices intent upon doing exactly that? In yet another progression of stunts intended to take down this President (others being Russian "collusion," the Supreme Court nominee boondoggle, the Mueller "investigation" and lesser daily inventions), desperately worried Democrats have few tricks remaining but the impeachment route, hoping to produce a self-generated fart seeking a wind blowing to the right. Unfortunately, a significant population of cabbage heads self-oblivious to facts established by the other side are buying into fiction rolled out by the left, at least according to polls probably built largely upon the opinions of Democrats.
As the commander-in-chief, foreign policy maker and top law enforcer in the country, I have no problem with Trump's people investigating Ukraine corruption and delaying the huge foreign aid money we contribute, and if Biden & son stand out, so be it. Were Trump investigating questionable Republican Ukraine deals, Democrats would, we're certain, be holding the President in at least reasonable esteem.
Bonus for the country, aside from the current swill of contrived nonsense: The "Deep State," willing to do anything in darkness to deprive voters of their lawfully elected President is real, and some of the names are already out there. At least two more government reports yet to be released -- likely to be quite damning for the left -- are probably a key reason why Dems are hysterical about piling up a load of nonsense quickly so as to take the attention off what is about to hit the fan, things that should probably be of immense concern for the nation.
Again, will the complicit media, mostly Democrats themselves, tell the people the truth? Will anybody see through the preponderance of known Democrats invited to testify at Schiff's party? The same pseudo-journalists who let Obama and his far-reaching cohorts get away with anything they wished aren't necessarily likely to exhibit or even conceive of fairness. Winning beats truth with this bunch. Watch and listen closely, and you'll find that they all, strangely, use the same words and phrases, as if scripted and orchestrated for the multitude of anti-Trump media.
A perfect example of journalistic "non-tegrity" was a report last week in the Washington Post in which national security council member Tim Morrison, who heard the Ukraine phone call in question and said he heard nothing to indicate illegality by Trump, was instead portrayed wrongly, outrageously, as actually supporting previous testimony condemning the President.
Further, how much appreciation did Trump and military personnel receive among media and so-called entertainment venues for the killing of the world's most wanted terrorist, ISIS cockroach Baghdadi, followed by the execution of the wannabe roach destined to assume leadership of ISIS? Baghdadi's obliteration, like so many other crucial necessities, should have been handled by the joke and nation-weakening Obama, but Trump stepping up to any previously ignored task just could not be praised by those with a stake in defeating him at or prior to next year's elections.
Speaker Pelosi: I want to know exactly what drugs she takes. A list might help explain a lot about her actions. She should also be ashamed of how progressive Democrats have trashed her state of California with billions of dollars spent on illegal aliens instead of on native Californians. California is the poster child for the inevitable socialism walking hand-in-hand with leftist politicians.
On Fox News Sunday we did get a chuckle out of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway's reference to Schiff's closed-door hearings as something akin to growing mushrooms in the dark.
Polls again? The mainstream media loves newest polling efforts showing Trump in trouble. Seems they have a short memory about prior polls regarding Trump and the elections which were, to say it plainly, ridiculously wrong.
We do fret over the dangerous one-sided conversations -- demands -- perpetrated upon young minds in colleges and universities by professors and other staff dedicated to the radical left. From teaching that grades and good grammar mean nothing, to infusing guilt over "white supremacy" while setting up no-whites-allowed campus affairs and classes, to filling classrooms with courses intended to exclude conservative thought, civic lessons and every favorable or essential aspect of American history, wildly expensive "higher education" institutions have often become little more than leftist mind-bending machines. Truth is what you want it to be. Centuries built upon math and science are now the refuse tossed away by progressive youth. How many parents attempting to pay as if by extortion for their kids' college degrees realize exactly what dumpster-loads of brain rot are being pumped into young and innocent heads by campus liars and America-haters every semester? Don't take my word for it -- just check the two college-related links in the margin.
The current Democrat floor show of illustrious loon candidates can offer the country only one thing: Venezuela. California currently offers a preview of the Venezuela it is destined to become under failed progressive leadership by governors and legislators who speak with compassion but ultimately don't give a damn about anything or anybody not lounging about on their own socialist platter. On the East Coast, New York can't wait to become California and Venezuela under its megalomaniac governor.
The political party which has ruled many states and cities for decades, sending them into ruin and economic collapse, is not geared up to do anything but cause destruction. A weird, poisonous affinity for illegal aliens, decriminalization of crimes and hatred of constitutionally protected rights as it strives to take the United States apart from the inside are hardly outstanding political party attributes to embrace in the voting booth next year.
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