Thursday, February 21, 2019

Up Against "The Wall" -- Trump vs. National Suicide

As predictable members of Congress, the ACLU and denizens of other rat-infested cocoons have predictably rushed forward to condemn, sue or second-guess President Trump regarding his declaration of a national emergency at the border, it's really incumbent upon both the Democrats and Republicans not to forget how we ended up here:  The two major political parties had decades to fix immigration legislation and fully protect us from the inevitable invasion from Way Down South, but instead tolerated or encouraged everything from lazy inaction to Obama's Marxist touch to make everything worse -- and if Obama's ghostly mark isn't on the new budget bill signed by Trump, pretty much inviting open border immigration, then I don't know whose fingerprints are.

When House dominatrix o' politic Nancy Pelosi declared that the newly signed budget bill is a "win" for the American people, did she mean Central American or South American people?

Bipartisanship as a concept sounds great; unfortunately, two sides can conspire or ignore an issue and ultimately produce chaos.  So here we are, and we witness in Congress people of immense power who, perhaps having once cared deeply about preserving the United States and its wonders, are now enemies of their very oaths, willing to take us all down with them as they delegate, apparently just so they can gain new voters and take away the power of the people for their own political self-gratification.  Who will save us if we can't save ourselves?

How can Trump receive blame when Congress won't even allow current laws to be enforced?  Absurd.

Is mass illegal immigration not as costly to a society as criminal drug importation?  Each picks the pockets of Americans, ending either lives or jeopardizing sovereign rights and bedrock cultures.

The invasion is not new.  But the invasion multiplied many times over is, and it is made up of nation-killing components in the form of drug-running, illiteracy, disease, refusal to speak English, a fond craving for U.S. taxpayer-funded welfare to support large, useless families and no respect for our national culture. No longer a mere possibility, the monster is on the move.  All of this, every infectious particle, steps ahead of the line of qualified immigrants who wish to come to America for valid and good reasons.

Trump had no other option because others with the power refused to prevent, not a potential border skirmish, but an insurrection of frightening and unknown proportions.  If and when things get hot, remember who tried to save America and instead became drenched in the spittle of his -- and our -- enemies within.

The Mueller Investigation:  Wha...? Some 35 millions dollars and counting? What's this sort of thing going to cost once political joke Schiff gets around to investigating the REAL Russian collusion folk named Hillary and associates?  Ha. As if ever. . .

Jussie Smollett:  (Even with the arrest, we must use the term, alleged, here, and allegations are certainly in flight.) Liar, liar, noose on fire?  Oh oh.  The noose seems to have self-tightened.  I've never watched Empire, and why would I?  Anyway, this "incident" with actor Smollett became stranger and stranger.  "MAGA country" shouts, racial and gay slurs?  A noose (no noose is good noose)?  A beat-down?  A bleach-like fluid poured on his head? All of this, allegedly engineered as a fake crime.

And the mysterious letter sent to the show?  Well, if Smollett was upset that the letter received little attention at the time, he should be thrilled now that the FBI is examining it in depth.  Unless, of course, as per new reports, he had a hand in writing it.

If you hate Trump and white people in general, why isn't decisive hoaxed action a "hate crime?"  We reviewed a list this week documenting dozens of African-American initiated racist hoaxes, many of them on college campuses.  Hate crimes in reverse.

No "white privilege" here.  This guy was on top of the world with his own black privilege, if one wishes to look at it this way, and had everything going for him with a TV show and a future in the entertainment industry.  Instead of reportedly assisting in fabricating a hoax, maybe he should have just taken a knee like Kaepernik and sued Chicago for 80 million dollars.

Celebrities traditionally had a special obligation to conduct themselves a certain way in public because people LISTEN to them, for god knows what reasons. 

Smollett chewed up the talk show circuit (including a session with thoroughly attentive Robin Roberts on ABC-TV) with foggy innuendo implicating white perpetrators. 

In any event, right now, at something o'clock, we can almost hear voices in the young minority community, impressed with Smollett's celeb status, plotting to beat up or murder some white folk to get a nebulous kind of (social) "justice for Jussie." 

Taking this further -- had this story emerged deep during the hot days of summer, imagine angry black youth hitting the streets of major cities, enraged and in turmoil with destructive, even homicidal intentions.  A bloodbath?  Dead white people?  Nah, merely "Justice for Jussie." 

We hope this case gets a wrap soon -- and may we suggest the most obvious of assistive occasions called a POLYGRAPH SESSION?  Come on, Jussie, you owe it to your adoring fans, all of whom you appear to have let down with a dangerous tale of a crime/hate crime. 

His delay in reconnecting with police very interested in asking more questions causes one to ask -- celebrity dude believes his actor status gives him special privileges to avoid the legal system?  Un-white privileges?  Now, he apparently clutches attorney apron strings like a naughty child, having clammed up good.  And . . .he was arrested this week.

Is everybody lying, leaving Smollett the eternal victim?  Reportedly not, if his two Nigerian acquaintances (and the police) are to be believed.

It goes without saying, but the media gloriously bought this story without question, and dare we suggest that the presence of a black "victim" enhanced phony credibility from the start.  Yet, be sure that few will denounce the fawning they did over non-victim Smollett.  Do we think fellow celebs will come forward and be outraged over the hoax, duped as they were, ever so successfully?  Think conservative-loathing or Trump-hating politicians will admit to being sucked into a lie and condemn the liar? Or will we just hear how confused or sensitive or who knows what Smollett was so he can get a free pass, return to his TV show and go on in public as if nothing happened?

Again, to weave a hoax with the potential result of organizing people ready and willing to kill, harm or destroy in the name of a racial crime -- and believe us when we say, if this occurred during a hot August week hordes of black youth would be on the streets of Chicago and other cities, whipped into a frenzy over the "attack" on racist, yes racist, Smollett.  The deep freeze enveloping the country in January is the only force keeping rabid reactions adrift.

What became ingrained in the minds of young African-American (oh, that term. . .) boys and girls during Obama's eight years of national destruction?  Racial harmony wasn't great prior to his power ascension, but it seemed far better than the current situation.  That Trump is doing more for black unemployment than any previous President is a message not desired by the left, and it's the left and its complicit media holding the keys of manipulative education.

Black History Month:  We Cauc's only get Columbus Day, so of course I'm consumed with jealousy that others hog an entire month based on skin color.  Other than those who feel obligated to present the same old tired factoids every year -- instead of directing the curious to Internet history sites where the real African-American history awaits without the sugar coating -- we continue to wonder why we still celebrate this lame calendar event.  I'm not alone, for many black people believe the affair as offered now waxes boring and archaic.

No matter in my case, because I know black history well.  I thought I learned everything in the seventies when I saw the movie, Shaft.  I was wrong.  Multiple viewing of Blacula and the sequel, Scream Blacula Scream were required before I finally had a grasp on black history.  Having sacrificed the time to educate myself on this issue is a source of pride.  Happy February, black people.  Maybe I'll extend myself and watch two minutes of Empire, just for you.  It's history, right?

In light of the hoopla, should February's annual doings be renamed Jussie Smollett's Black History Month?

Welcome back, welcome back:  Bernie Sanders' return to the campaign trail will thrill and delight every down-home communist in America.  Added to the current crop of Democratic socialist candidates, Sanders' geriatric socialist magic can only drive well-nourished brains away screaming.

Cleanup in Aisle D: Democrats, when will you return to your semi-insane roots and filter from Congress the radical element?  You won't.  Anyway, there's Ocasio-Cortez, almost single-handedly enraging her constituents who looked forward to some 25,000 jobs from Amazon -- and then this genius with an economics degree, looking forward to three billion dollars that don't exist because those were Amazon tax breaks, not actual ready-to-go dollars, just assumed she could pour all those savings into helping the poor in NY.  Tax breaks are not dollars in the bank, maybe somebody should tell her.  Would she even understand? Sigh.

And whassup in Minnesota, from which new Muslim Rep. Omar prefers to condemn the U.S. and Israel? She came to this country from -- saved from -- Somalia. Where is the gratitude?  Didn't she take an oath declaring her allegiance to the United States BEFORE Third World Countries who only want to poop on us anyway whilst we lavish them with tax money?  Her apparent interest in digging up the past in order to do whatever she's doing to the U.S. via her position is very troubling.  Trump and Republican contenders will have a very nice time in 2020 if this incredible nonsense continues among the new congressional arrivals.  Shame, shame, shame.

Climate change continues to rear its ugly leftist head.  While those of a technical bent worship and drool over computer projections, I don't think we're any better or worse off merely by visiting any ol' gypsy psychic at a state fair and having her interpret crystal ball revelations about climate.