Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Famine of Zombies

 In  key segments of current U.S. society, one searches for functioning brains grounded in integrity, but finds instead an abundance of cavernous leadership and misguided thought, interspersed with utter lies.  Neither zombies nor intellect can long feed upon the atrophic fabric of a national future in peril, helped toward a demise by great universities which have become little more than toilets of socialism and, not to forget, laboratories for the creation of killer robots destined to convert human bodies into pinatas, highway pothole fill and lubricants (sorry, had to throw in the obvious. . .).

No, I'm not the brightest banned incandescent bulb in the shed, nor am I a political genius in any respect, but when I glance toward Washington and feel a stinging vibration from head to toe because of the absolute idiocy and treasonous tendencies driving us into a political abyss, there is no warm and fuzzy afterglow of thought.

Working 24 / 7 to freshen Hillary's political corpse with air freshener:   But how long can they circle THAT wagon before we're down to bare political bones favored (okay, just a treat for you Canadians,  favoured. . .) by vultures of expediency?  It was more than obvious on Political Damage Control Sunday TV network shows that Hillary Clinton's refreshers and political plastic surgeons were out in force, everybody from Lanny Davis to the Center for American Progress.  If Lady Hillary could have burned some 55,000 pages (the ones we know about. . .) of e-mails in the bonfires of Benghazi, maybe life would be more casual and carefree today.  We predict -- again, just remembering the last time she debated among other presidential hopefuls before the TV cameras and came off looking irrelevant and uncertain -- that she stands no chance of winning the presidency, should she run.  And if, as is rumored, the Democrats might attempt an Al Gore re-infusion, the crappy non-science espoused by Gore alone should drive a nail through that option.  May we suggest an Elizabeth Warren & Al Sharpton ticket in 2016?  The comedy alone. . .

Can there linger any doubt whatsoever that the White House is occupied by ruthless bastards and associates driven by a need to "fundamentally transform" the United States (which so disappoints them as it currently and historically stands) into something it was never intended to become?  Mr. Obama, on behalf of loyal contributors and publicly nebulous power players will say or do anything to promote a progressive leftist agenda which will likely take years to overcome, if indeed it can be conquered after its darkest pro-government and anti-freedom roots have taken hold in the national fabric as socialism on steroids.  It's so difficult to get back what's taken away, particularly when things lost involve inherent rights.  Obama is a mouthpiece for hidden faces among the powerful, of course -- but he's a  willing  participant.  Nothing new to see here.

Selma's other side:   Okay, 50 years have elapsed since big doings and a bloody fight for rights in Selma, Alabama.  I actually drove through Selma in March of 1971, as I made my way from Texas to a new Air Force duty assignment in Georgia (and before leaving Alabama had a car accident involving only myself in Eufaula, as I've detailed in my Air Force blog -- see link).  Unfortunately, my primary impression of Selma, having stopped briefly to access some fast-food chicken establishment whose name I no longer recall, arose from a horribly oppressive stench filling the air that afternoon.  Getting the heck out of Selma became an obligation, as I retreated with food & drink and sped out of town, snacking upon escape.

It was rather unnerving to watch President Obama standing in Selma  as President of the United States,  pretty much expressing how little has changed for black people.  Um, I think he might have been the wrong person to be making that particular speech?  However, I am firm on the obvious -- that it's too bad the first black president will also go down in history as the worst BP.  It's almost a tragedy that the nation didn't elect a black president reflective of so many worthwhile qualities and values.  Instead, we got  this, and I won't take up space repeating all the negatives which I and others more aware of this man's shortcomings have elaborated upon in past months.

And speaking of black presidents. . . or not. . .  Dr. Ben Carson, WTF?  His incredible response to a question about gay people, which he dismissed as a choice seemingly dependent upon going into prison "straight" and then coming out as a homosexual was way beyond the pale for a man renowned for his intellect and medical conquests as a pediatric neurosurgeon.  Sorry, Dr. C., but your standing as a strong presidential possibility just fell off a very high cliff and plummeted to depths probably still unappreciated in the polls.  Wow.

How to make an elephant disappear:   No, this isn't about some David Copperfield magic act.  Ringling Bros. of circus fame have decided to gradually extract elephants from its performance schedule, allowing the current stock to retire at a special place to receive care and comfort until the end of their days. 

As a kid in the fifties, I remember buying paper bags filled with peanuts and feeding them to elephants at the state fair, fondly regarding these beautiful, aristocratic giants of towering nobility -- though not at all pleased to see their legs in chains, and hardly fooled by attempts to make visitors believe the only thing separating human from elephant was a single rope fence.

But I'm not a kid anymore, and over the years we've all read accounts of elephants tortured and murdered slowly just so some bastard in China can have ivory to use as an aphrodisiac, paperweight or as some pathetically deranged implement.  Further, as we idiot humans have ourselves become enlightened and discovered, in their own way, the boundless intelligence of various animal species, we are, or should be, in awe over their abilities and our long-term lack of understanding or compassion about those with whom we share a precious planet.

So yes, it's time for elephants to be regarded as something more than entertainment, more than beasts of burden -- and obviously a living creature worth tons more than an ivory garden for savages.  Yep, no argument, nature is cruel, too, but we. . .we. . .have the brains and judgment to turn tragedy and  just plain wrong  upside-down.

Just shout  "bang bang"  when you pull the trigger.   I'm not certain, but I think every Executive Order issued by this president is numbered 666 -- but it doesn't matter, because if you own an AR-15 rifle, soon you won't have to deal with numbers at all because you may not have any bullets to count.  In an attempt to ban bullets for the popular AR-15, the administrative gang insists it's because they constitute (oops, did I say  constitute, akin to that longer word nobody cares about anymore. . .?) an armor-piercing capacity hazardous to the police.  Hey, since when did this bunch care about the police?  Make no mistake, this bunch of White House goons aside -- America's freedom depends upon many components, not the least of which is an intelligent, armed citizenry.  Anybody who thinks the bullet ban, if successful, stops here is deluded, and we hope the courts will "shoot down" this new bullet no-no, conceived by the usual America-hating political left.

And similar to what occurred with the horrors of "Obamacare," the Federal Communications Commission now surprises us with a 300-plus page document -- unseen by the public before the crucial vote or immediately after -- intended to regulate and rule away the Internet's inherent freedoms, preceded by a slick campaign intended to make Internet users and the young in general believe "net neutrality" would be their friend, not the monster it will become in a few years when government permission and higher charges may be mandatory for every online occasion.

Strange, yet hardly surprising it is that Obama-favored FCC commissioner Wheeler refused to allow Congress to question him about new regulations before the vote -- and provided no document for public review in advance. 

The FCC should suffer the fate of other large government bureaucracies on our wish list -- defunding.  When a government entity presumably involved in the protection of free speech becomes judge, jury and the originating authority of how the First Amendment is administered in the U.S. it is time for that entity to lose considerable power.  The FCC is a very, very dangerous critter, and the government must gain no further control over the Internet, no matter how politically appointed toadies couch the agenda.

"Americans in waiting" is the Obama bunch's preferred government-wide designation for what normal people with eyes and brains logically refer to as "illegal immigrants."  Sorry, but I prefer to stick with the more accurate terminology,  border-jumping criminals.  Accompanying this term is my other favorite:  Anchor babies.  Illegally crossing a border and birthing like a dog to magically invoke instant citizenship on the clueless infantile product of some vacant opportunity for copulation South of the border or beyond hardly strikes me as fair to legitimate U.S. citizens.

The Administration goes all out to help Iran eventually develop its own nuclear bomb via our State Department incompetence / incompetents.  In turn, I'd like for my country to return to the thrilling days of the neutron bomb, and produce them by the acre-load, with Iran's name on every one of them.  And get rid of the State Dept. while we're at it. 

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech made us long for a U.S.. president with equal poise and command of truth, and pulling no punches about Iran's global terrorism and guaranteed international danger once in possession of nuclear weapons brought us a breath of fresh honesty not seen here in years.  How many members of the U.S. military lie dead and injured thanks to Iran's ongoing efforts?  Why does the Obama bunch ignore Iran's recent demolition of a mock U.S. warship, evidently a definite statement regarding America's presumed anemia on the world stage?

Crazy Islam is alive and well in the U.S., as we've seen with three new arrests in NY City.  How dedicated must one be to a religious cause to be considered insane?  These are the poster children for extremist Muslims.  Who lets these folks into our country?  And now we also have how many more Syrians coming in by the thousands, people whose intent is not and cannot be known by interviewers at the border?  Just can't wait for the pope to visit the U.S. and advise us on how to be even more "charitable."

At least  The Atlantic  came through with the truth about radical Islam.  If any description actually means  it is what it is,  this magazine's words did the job.

Forget potential carnage at The Mall of America --  Any homegrown radical Islam freak jobs worth their salt who want to "make a difference" will violently invade a U.S. school and kill children en masse.  It happened in Russia, and it can happen here.  It's really time to find out who's letting these people into the country and examine their tendencies to accomplish somebody's peculiar national suicide goal. 

Saturday Night Live  comes through:  This TV show, rarely funny and generally deserving of a fast and compassionate euthanasia, did manage to score major points on both sides with a funny piece about a father reluctantly giving in to his daughter, intent upon joining ISIS, and delivering his happy offspring to a truckload of ISIS members, one of whom exclaims, "Death to America!" as they drive off, rifles ablaze with gunfire.  As we've noted previously, young people growing up today often encounter a problem understanding satire, and instead become enraged while they should actually realize that something terrible or stupid is being brought front-and-center and ridiculed for what it is.  Thus. . .SNL  received many barbs for what seemed a brilliantly humorous take on a deplorable situation.

Like it or not, broadcasters and authors on the right deserve substantial credit for alerting us to the radical Islam threat years ago, for telling those willing to listen about a deadly enemy approaching the horizon, ready and willing to invade Europe, the United States and the world.  While our pathetically inadequate and profoundly risky president was telling us ISIL (ISIS, etc.) was just the "JV team," radio hosts particularly, in the face of ridicule and barbs thrown by pundits, TV comedians, politicians and other "personalities" on both the left and right, proceeded non-stop to warn listeners and viewers about fast-moving events influencing and jeopardizing our false sense of security.  Everybody laughed when some warned of a word with which many of us remained unfamiliar:  Caliphate.   Absurd, the pundits proclaimed, a new caliphate will never be in the cards -- but now they, too, throw the word around freely. Whether discussing extremist Islam, the world economy or Russia's Putin, historical perspective and diligence disseminated through the airwaves have thrown egg on faces of the harshest critics, and we would suggest to those who rely only upon the major TV networks and mainstream media for the "news" that those folks are being led, betrayed and cowed every hour, every day of the week.  Conspiracy theories in general are not my thing -- but when the truth consistently unfolds from what seemed wild tales just months ago, one must sit up and heed the warnings.  Plain and simple, the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media poisons us with an agenda, not the bare facts.

Best comedy of the past several weeks:   Historian David Barton (per Glenn Beck's program) checked into Obama's essentially groundless claims about Islam being integral to the fabric of America since its very founding, and by way of several searches came up with virtually nothing -- other than the revelation that practitioners of Islam were prolific African slave traders, likely responsible for abducting and selling into American and international slavery a huge quantity of Africans.  If that's how involved the Muslims were in the founding of America, that's a bit of history which needs immediate inclusion in the nation's grade school and high school textbooks (and into in-service government manuals).  Fat chance.

Does President Obama love his country?   Which country?  Oh, Rudy Giuliani means America?  I guess so -- Obama certainly seems intent upon changing it in a firm, loving, non-negotiable fashion, and Obama's love extends to not wanting anybody to get in his way.  What says love better than bold-headed, bullying determination?  Loving, fundamental transformation. . .

Retching at the Oscars:   While much excitement was elicited over the inclusion of two motion pictures about war during the Academy Awards show, and certainly there are members of the movie industry who honor combat veterans, I could just imagine, as I watched the affair occur inside the safety of a television screen, how enraged and physically ill many phonies among the Hollywood crowd must have been about any mention of the U.S. military at all during "their" special evening.  Pathetic, since military personnel are ultimately the only barrier standing between Hollywood's blind extravagance and head-choppers of uncompromising practicality.

Change history by altering movies about history:   A few days ago, I watched a movie on TV, an old Edward G. Robinson vehicle entitled,  Mr. Winkle Goes to War.  Obviously a motion picture about the WW II era, there's a scene where Robinson's character as a U.S. Army soldier speaks with another soldier, and the other relates how he's looking forward to killing some "Japs."  The TV picture clearly showed the actor's lips moving as the word commonly stated for Japanese enemies was spoken, but a censor at some level had cleanly extracted the sound.  You'd think today's generation would have the common sense to realize that "Japs" referenced a terrible era gone by, not mutual friends and associates of the current day.  We should not attempt to conceal or pretty up evils of the past with the censor's clippers.  This is still America, is it not?

UFO alien slides here?   Look, for those of you currently entranced by announcements regarding the coming public release of two apparently old slides said to depict bodies similar to alleged Roswell UFO aliens (and said slides are believed to have originated from the same era), I suggest caution.  Me?  I find it rather disturbing that the world has to wait until some grand unveiling in May -- and in Mexico, yet.  Some have compared this to the plot of "King Kong" in which an audience is kept in breathless anticipation until the curtains open.  Further, I've been around a long time, maybe too long, but I have certain reservations about a name or two or ? involved in this affair.  But that said, maybe key participants are on to something important here and, though I've no connection whatsoever to the secret slide affair, I'll patiently await their international presentation, and the world itself can determine the verdict.  I am suspicious that the passage of so much time since the 1940s has innocently degraded and will cause a further degradation of whatever background or evidence accompanies the actual photographs, no matter what they reveal via analysis.  We already know there's a mystery here, but time itself can take a horrible toll on evidence and the story behind the story.  Oh, and not to forget that the original owners of the house where the slides were found are long deceased, having left behind no explanation.  What now?  I fear that some among us, accustomed to hype, will feel as if we just walked into a bar on a Saturday night, announcing to the bartender, with a yawn, that we'll just have "the usual" -- and that's what we'll get.  Add to this a certain amount of (particularly American) apathy over UFOs (because no Kardashians are involved), and one fears that many folks will see this as just one more slide show sideshow.

Slides aside, I continue my astonishment over a mountain of  absolutely nothing  that occurred years after the alleged Pascagoula UFO abduction (re Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker), when an enterprising journalist in Mississippi revealed information about additional witnesses -- an auto carrying three Navy servicemen -- who quite possibly watched the UFO in question actually glide in for a landing where the two men were fishing, thus offering further substantiation to their strange story.  Now, THAT'S the kind of case that makes you shiver and consider a little panic in the streets.

Incidentally, if the previously water-tight "big bang" theory is quickly losing favor among scientists, we suggest that credentialed UFO deniers are no less deceptively full of themselves than huffy members of the scientific community who Always Know More Than Everybody Else.

But ramp up the stone-cold serious level a bit more and now we have Rendlesham / Bentwaters AFB UFO incident witness John Burroughs, the former U.S. Air Force airman who seems to have suffered a profoundly serious cardiac injury following his close-up UFO encounter, at last getting approval from the Veterans Administration for (successful) heart surgery.  After at first claming that Burroughs never even served in England, the U.S. government finally had to admit that he did -- but his medical records remain totally classified and unavailable even to VA medical staff.  Burroughs and his attorney hope that a tacit government (VA) acknowledgment via surgical approval that he indeed encountered and was medically harmed by some sort of high-energy device will move us closer to government disclosure about the Rendlesham UFO event.  Reports already surfaced a few months ago indicating that Great Britain continues to hold classified files regarding Rendlesham/Bentwaters encounters. 

Thanks for the  memories  diseases:   An infection called CRE infects surgical scopes used routinely by doctors every day and it's apparently difficult to destroy as it kills patients, reminiscent of the trouble with prions.  Meanwhile, a man from Kansas dies following bites from a tick infected with an organism we haven't even encountered before, a deadly variety at that.  Put all of this together with exotic diseases brought in by illegal aliens plus children raised on toxins and people "treated" with medications developed in fast mode by drug companies which know nothing of future DNA consequences and the like, and there's nothing but trouble in store for the future. 

The future?  I remain curious about a  Wall Street Journal  article from November 21 last year, warning that reliance on computers is lowering human intelligence levels.  Sounds about right to me, just look around.   Just look.

I remember when Ferguson was just a farm tractor,  but now the focus falls upon a place in Missouri where white police officer Darren Wilson shot to death black man Michael Brown who made a mistake -- among several -- of reaching for Wilson's gun.  All of this precipitated by a young man who, from ALL reliable accounts, unfortunately got nothing less than he deserved?  So now Holder's justice-as-we-call-it department had to clear Wilson, but as revenge for Wilson doing nothing worse than his job, Holder's bunch complains that too many black people are being stopped by law enforcers.  Hmm -- could it be that criminal acts on the part of those arrested or questioned might have a tad bit to do with the high numbers?  I suppose the quota on white arrests, to use Obama's words in another situation, "must necessarily skyrocket" just to be fair.  The Obama bunch just loves to blame cops for society's ills.  Tell me again -- who are the modern racists? 

The NEWEST black-cop-on-white-suspect shooting in Madison, Wisconsin will likely be deja vu, but one must ask -- don't white cops shoot a lot of white suspects, too?  Like, shoot to death?  And don't most of these tragic circumstances end up the only way they can?  If Holder's Justice Dept. keeps up the raging race-baiting witch-hunts, we may see a day when criminals will own the streets again -- like they already seem to be doing, almost by decree in New York City, thanks to the blind compassion of a mayor gone bonkers.

Meanwhile, Michael Brown's family presses ahead with a civil lawsuit, and because Holder's gang has accomplished the inevitable of making the Ferguson police dept. appear mildly akin to a Nazi death camp, the albeit grieving family will probably be compensated handsomely in the courts for little more than the revelation that their family member died because of a situation he created all by himself.  Good freakin' lord, I hope former officer Darren Wilson has, by now, received the job offer of a lifetime to compensate him and HIS family for their own pain and suffering.

Going nuts with the Environmental Protection Agency:   When will these saps admit that until and unless China alone QUICKLY joins in the CO2-abating madness and other fruitlessly stupid efforts, spending trillions of dollars we don't have to fix a problem that can't be fixed by human efforts won't make a dent in a darned thing?  My solution?  Defund the EPA dramatically and teach common sense to the senseless, assuring in the meantime that scientific thought is imparted by scientists, not by political agenda-ridden garden gnomes wearing lab coats.  And let's un-do the practice of predicting future perils with the same computers that can't even forecast a week's worth of weather correctly.

So how come our president doesn't sound so presidential?   Israel's prime minister Netanyahu spoke with confidence, authority and no staged bullcrap.  I thought I was watching a U.S. president for a fleeting moment, but then the pathetic truth hit me:  We still have Obama making presidential speeches, and they always seem more like bullying opportunities to blame and punish Americans.  Interesting how Obama, following the speech, stated there was "nothing new" about it.  Yes, there was -- a tone of confidence and leadership.  Maybe it's true that there's nothing new under the sun, but Mr. Obama obviously needs more sun so he'll realize the importance of leadership as opposed to, say, blaming America and Americans.for things not to his liking.  At any rate, Netanyahu's speech was brilliant, and after he started out by complimenting Obama, followed immediately by giving O's policies toward Iran a butt-chewing, I thought of reworking an old quotation: "I come not to bury Caesar, but to praise him."

Another finger gun threatens the world of education:   This time, a Colorado Springs elementary school has no tolerance (didn't you progressives used to have a logo that read,  Teach Tolerance?) for a kid holding up his fingers toward another student and saying, bang bang.  Isn't it high time for schools across the nation to abandon this nonsense and instead provide firing ranges and teach students how to fire the real thing safely and effectively?  Just in case of. . .?  Shouldn't children at all levels be encouraged each day in school to freely use words such as,  firearm, 20 gauge, bullets, Second Amendment and phrases such as, Shall not be infringed, you freaking communist bastards?

If parents continue to allow the progressive fascists lording over schools to turn all boys and girls into powerless little cupcakes who have no concept of threats or self-preservation, the kids are already dead inside and out.  Take back your schools or teach 'em at home, but the absurd gun-hating policies administered in schools will not solve a problem that most decidedly is neither a finger gun, nor a breakfast pastry molded into the shape of a gun.   May I simply take the liberty -- ah yes, remember liberty? -- of offering the following words to clueless school boards and administrators everywhere? 

Bang bang!  Don't be a moron!