Of course the U.S. government knows all about the mysterious drones over-flying the nation's coastal areas (and more). . .I guess. . . but sharing information with the American citizen isn't something those running the treasonous Biden administration much care about. Are they ours? Theirs? Its? Whose?
Yes, it is illegal to shoot drones out of the sky, but should one become disabled and land in your yard, I think it's perfectly acceptable and timely to take a metal bar and beat the snot out of it, then call the local media and -- way, way later -- the authorities. After all, you want to beat it to pieces before it eats you. Get some good pictures, too.
Ownership, smownership, who cares? Mysterious metallic visitors invading your space deserve the full treatment, turning high tech into scrap metal in a flash. If we don't take personal privacy seriously now, its benefits tend to slip away.
Your current President is happily selling remnants of uninstalled border wall to the highest bidder right now, depriving Trump and the American people of a defense option for which we paid dearly. If the American people exert a little metallic revenge on spying sky invaders in return, I say fair is fair.
Drones seem only a small portion of artificial intelligence destined to rebuild our lives against our will. We need not be accepting and happy about it. UFOs, UAP and other anomalies aside, the skies currently abound with human-made enemies posing a yet ill-defined threat to every human, animal and insect on our diminished planet. Whatever governments know about activity up there and out there may still be dwarfed by the stubborn unknown. Are we screwed or what?