Monday, December 30, 2024

Crashing at the Intersection of Improbability Avenue and What-If? Street

Former President James Earl Carter has passed away (1924-2024), destined to be remembered as much for his administration's troubled policies as for his charitable pursuits and legendary efforts in building homes with Habitat for Humanity for four decades as a former Chief Executive.

After the press began reporting about Carter's alleged UFO sighting prior to his election, rumors began to swirl about a potential new UFO study being initiated by the Carter White House, once he claimed the Oval Office.

However, throughout Carter's only term no publicly displayed UFO project came about, though some interesting UFO documentation did emerge in publications released via Congress.

In recent years my comments relating to Democrats have not been kind, but during Carter's era, pretty much my last time fully respecting a Democrat President, his integrity, honesty and faith inspired me.

Also inspiring -- and inspired -- was  former Democrat congressional representative James Hanley, a funeral director by trade (and refreshingly, for something different, not the almost obligatory attorney known to haunt Congress in great quantities).  Throughout much of the 1960s and seventies, as he served eight terms as a congressman, his office had been the recipient of my numerous letters regarding the need for a comprehensive UFO investigation.

Knowing of my interest and then expressed desire to assist the Carter administration, should a hopefully open UFO project be initiated, Hanley went full-blown congressional recommendation on my behalf.  Picking up the mail on the day when his and the Carter transition team's letters arrived was simply incredible for me.

Of course, no such public project surfaced, and as some suspected while others new, the government was already and always aware of the UFO phenomenon, though the scientific approach needed an injection of people and equipment calculated to learn, if possible, the intricacies of this enigma.

What role might I have played, had a project come about?  Well, armed with only a liberal college education with a major in communication arts -- and in no way in possession of extensive scientific credentials -- I believe I would have been content just to sweep the floor, empty trash baskets and maintain an awareness of what key staff members were thinking and doing.

Decades later, UFO research has become acceptable, even urgent (particularly in regard to near-approaches by "UAP" to conventional aircraft), bolstered by confessed government interest.  In this respect, I'm happy to know that the UFO has at last achieved scientific respectability -- really the only goal most researchers and investigators ever desired from the start.  As for Congressman Hanley, I remain impressed to this day how he refused to let what surely must have involved ridicule from his colleagues drive him away from a legitimate scientific mystery and an enthusiastic constituent.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Christmas and New Year's, 2024-2025

Christmas gift
to you is my intention to NOT blog for a few days. The world will be a better place and you can spend more time exploring my link list.  If you celebrate Christmas as a religious opportunity I hope the occasion serves you well.  Should you just be in it for the chance to rake in gifts, well, trust me, you'll be donating most of them to Good Will before 2025 ends -- especially those home exercise devices set up to frighten the cat and invite you to trip over them several times a day as you pass by with no desire to actually use them (their mere presence, however, may impress your friends -- isn't that why we purchase them?).

2025 will soon be upon us like a predator drone, and at this point that's an understatement. Make your year count, whether you be an entrepreneur or an illegal alien running for the border to escape before Trump gets ya.

I'll be back (said every character who ever muttered those last words in a horror/slasher movie) eventually.  Happy winter!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Those Pesky Drones

Of course the U.S. government knows all about the mysterious drones over-flying the nation's coastal areas (and more). . .I guess. . . but sharing information with the American citizen isn't something those running the treasonous Biden administration much care about.  Are they ours?  Theirs?  Its? Whose?

Yes, it is illegal to shoot drones out of the sky, but should one become disabled and land in your yard, I think it's perfectly acceptable and timely to take a metal bar and beat the snot out of it, then call the local media and -- way, way later -- the authorities. After all, you want to beat it to pieces before it eats you.  Get some good pictures, too.

Ownership, smownership, who cares? Mysterious metallic visitors invading your space deserve the full treatment, turning high tech into scrap metal in a flash.  If we don't take personal privacy seriously now, its benefits tend to slip away.

Your current President is happily selling remnants of uninstalled border wall to the highest bidder right now, depriving Trump and the American people of a defense option for which we paid dearly. If the American people exert a little metallic revenge on spying sky invaders in return, I say fair is fair.

Drones seem only a small portion of artificial intelligence destined to rebuild our lives against our will.  We need not be accepting and happy about it.  UFOs, UAP and other anomalies aside, the skies currently abound with human-made enemies posing a yet ill-defined threat to every human, animal and insect on our diminished planet.  Whatever governments know about activity up there and out there may still be dwarfed by the stubborn unknown.  Are we screwed or what?

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fourth Estate in Flames

Well, that honeymoon is over, if it ever pretended to exist.

As NBC-TV heavily advertised Sunday's Meet the Press episode in which Donald Trump would be interviewed by host and alleged journalist K. Welker, I was foolish enough to believe a fair session would engulf the airwaves.

Instead, the same old journo-activist raised its -- her -- head and Trump was treated to a barrage of got'cha questions tailored to please the left and diminish the right.  This one, she's good at starting to ask new questions before the last one is fully answered, and her interruptions annoy even the savage beasts in the field, no doubt.

But we also received plenty of insight into what scares the Democrats, for Welker harped continuously upon whether Trump would pursue his political enemies, and her abundant concern over the eventual disposition of illegal immigrants tips us off to the barriers the left hopes to construct in opposition to the old heave-ho of this criminal class from the country.

Welker's unrelenting blather should be no surprise, as her attack-dog style of interrogation has become rather typical of her encounters with guests on the right.  We wonder, too, what comments by Trump were omitted, as several spots where editing occurred were apparent.

Far from learning any kind of lesson as a result of the elections, the leftist press is merely doubling down, absurdly confident that enough viewers remain on their side who desire activists instead of real journalists.  "Woke" lives on in the most unexpected places, and journo schools will undoubtedly continue carrying the water for leftist dogma.

Daniel Penny's sham trial in New York City:  His acquittal suggests at least some modicum of fair justice and a reasoning jury remaining in Soros City.  And now the father of the deceased street thug has come forward to sue for damages in a civil suit! If this family truly cared, they would never have allowed the dead subway criminal to become what he was -- a drug-using, filthy, health-starved, mentally ill person potentially and indeed provably (his past violence) dangerous to others.  Former Marine Daniel Penny is a New York City hero, and if any city needs a hero right now, it's NYC.  Maybe the city should strive to produce a few black heroes as well, instead of depending upon DEI and utter jokes like Alvin Bragg to determine the rules of justice depending upon race.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

America's New Ground Observer Corps

During older wars around the globe, one of the most important tools a nation under attack could utilize involved dedicated members of its citizenry "armed" with binoculars and observation stations, a network ever "armed" to report potential invading bomb-laden aircraft.  This, the Ground Observer Corps in the United States, has pretty much been overtaken by precise instruments of technology and a cautious but growing implementation of artificial intelligence.

Yet, the time has come for a New G.O.C., an entity never anticipated until the Democrats haphazardly allowed illegal aliens into the country.

New York's obtuse governor Kathy Hochul and a host of Democrat governors, mayors and other legislators across the country have, even after Donald Trump's formidable mandate to toss border-jumpers out of the country, decided to plant their feet firmly against our laws in order to "protect" these criminals from federal apprehension.  They would prefer to continue taxing their constituents into oblivion in order to give these folks a better standard of living than many Americans enjoy. Not even homeless military veterans matter to this bunch.

From coast to coast, as Trump prepares to take Office, all we hear from these elected idiots is their promise to prohibit their police agencies from cooperating with authorities when push come to shove. No names, identification or locations for you Trump people, they insist.

First above all, I hope these American state officials face every law on the books by refusing to cooperate.

Second, like the old Ground Observer Corps, we need an informal pattern of plain old Americans keeping watch in their neighborhoods, cities, rural areas and any place where illegal individuals and families hide with "official" state help.  Instead of watching the skies, they'll watch for incoming or established human "bombs" currently sucking welfare, medical care, education and space in general.  Make a list and turn it over to federal authorities once Trump establishes a project.  Even a phone-in number for instant gratification would be a great idea.

Now, yes, we anticipate that the usual complainers will come forward in the streets and compare this to something only Nazis would do, but the difference obviously is that nobody is sending children and adults off to the gas chambers. Instead, they will be returned to their countries of origin, and if these criminal invaders protest that families are being torn asunder we'll make sure that families are kicked out intact, nobody left behind to inspire tears and chants.

If our elected representatives refuse to do their jobs or to flat-out obstruct the power of established law, they must endure the consequences -- and with the help of their own state residents, observing from their own neighborhoods, those requiring apprehension and expulsion will not be able to hide.  The new American Ground Observer Corps need only lower its eyes from the sky to ground level to discover and hopefully remove all nature of invaders armed with everything poisonous to a free society.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Slow Day in Paradise

What do you do when you don't feel like writing a damned thing?  Throw in a visual!  To those of you aware of Thanksgiving's meaning, have a nice one.  To Native Americans even more aware of Thanksgiving's meaning, um, sorry. . .

Monday, November 18, 2024

Immaculate Constellation Consternation

As you may determine from reports posted among my UFO-related list of links, another scheduled congressional session regarding the government's approach to the subject occurred last week.  Were there any surprises?  That depends upon who you are.  If you have followed the UFO issue closely for years on end, not really, except for the fact that even the casual observer now realizes that UFOs have apparently been high on government minds -- most imposing international government minds -- for decades, despite public denials.

However, should you be a newcomer to the UFO story, a drama played out in public since the 1940s and, truth cautiously be told, seemingly far earlier in the history of this planet, there is "new."  The government's "Immaculate Constellation" is but one more revelation indicating official concern regarding technological qualities documented among various military and commercial pilots over the years.  You can read the details elsewhere, for "I.C." is much in the news lately.

Why would an ongoing project be called Immaculate Constellation?  Sounds a tad "Star Trek," doesn't it?

Dictionaries agree that a constellation references a configuration of stars as seen from Earth, but the term also defines "an arrangement of parts or elements."  From what we outside of the insider government (the one by and for the people -- as if. . .) understand, entities such as this reflect an ongoing attempt to learn about UFO/UAO/USO capabilities and propulsion in relation to national security and weaponry.  The "parts and elements."  Are UFO crashes and alien bodies part of the mix in the USA and other countries?  There is evidence, according to those who takes deep dives into historical research (Kevin Randle is prominent among them -- see link).

What do I want during these occasional congressional hearings?   I say, cut the hackneyed discussions and get right to the alleged Pascagoula MS UFO abduction of two fishermen in October, 1973.  This one had it all:  Witnesses, radar, creatures, a lighted craft and recurring evidence of an extraordinary event.  What's 'a matter?  Afraid that one will -- as it should -- scare the hell out of every unaware dumb ass in America who can't think an original thought beyond the tips of their noses?  

Researchers and investigators such as journalist Billy Cox, Kevin Randle and Barry Greenwood may have other suggestions even more evidentiary and progressive, but to instead watch hearing after hearing of participants basically sitting on their hands to consume time solves little.

                                                                        OTHER STUFF

Fires consume the West and Northeast:  Authorities can spout accusations of drought and climate change until they turn purple, but some of us are more likely to believe arson, intentional efforts to destroy everything, are a major culprit adding to the horror.  Yes, there have been arrests here and there, but organized groups of people with an agenda can probably make anything look like as act of nature.  In addition, who isn't just plain crazy or angry enough to do anything anymore?  Fire, the perfect American consumer.

P'Nut the Squirrel:  I'm not sure if I have the name right, but surely you've heard of the rodent You Tube sensation taken by the NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation and beheaded in a quest for rabies.  In addition, the DEC allegedly rifled through the owner's home and in the end both the squirrel who he had raised from an infant AND his household raccoon were destroyed by the DEC. Why are people escaping from New York?  Because we have "leadership" no better than dime-store communists with an unquenchable authoritarian flavor.  If you want to do your own thing and be left alone to live a reasonable life, never, never move to New York State, where the touch of its hardcore, freedom-hating government is everywhere.

RFK Jr's Big Task: Drugs, Food and Health.  Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h boy.  This will be fun.  In a country plagued by half of its kids burdened with mental illness and half chronically ill physically and overweight, Kennedy will have no lack of work to do.  Then add mentally derailed adults with their own physical health problems on the increase, aided by damage done by opioids, legal drug pushers and the very food we eat every day and there you have it -- rivers of trouble.

I particularly look forward to RFK and, we hope, a spanking new Dept. of Justice going after medical "professionals" who medically or surgically turned young people transgender against all logic.  Frauds abound, and some folks have made a pretty decent profit by creating candidates for eventual catastrophic unhappiness, if not suicide.

In consideration of how physicians, government personnel and so-called journalists spent months lying their asses off, telling us utter lies about Covid vaccines and denying the usefulness of long-established drugs that actually did work without deadly side-effects, yeah, RFK needs to rip health agencies apart to find out where money goes and to whom (and what for).

Will pharmaceutical companies be legislated into no longer advertising their drugs on TV, medications which really should be the choice of prescribing physicians without the assistance of slick TV commercials intent upon convincing viewers to beg their doctors for the latest chemical fix?

And will food finally become nutritional again, leaving out the factory's worth of chemical additives proliferating since at least the sixties?

Matt Gaetz in Hell:  Well, I don't know whose hell, his or Congress' hell, but if he survives to run the DOJ we understand he's enough of a rabid dog to go after that which is worth going after.  Trump needs an attack dog in the DOJ, and Gaetz's past actions as an attorney qualify him for the job.  An alleged 17-year-old victim of his advances?  Maybe let God sort that one out.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE:  I need to change my socks now.  Thanks for reading.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

"Executive Slaves" and the American Education System

I'm pretty sure
my readers are aware that there are no longer cotton plantations operated through the torture of black slaves in the USA.  Of course, we can't promise the same for other countries, many of which, by the way, were far more slave-dependent than ours for centuries.

So why is it that when a mass-electronic messaging went out last week, exclusively reaching black children and adults -- even addressing recipients by name -- public hysteria went beyond wild?  All over the nation, those known as African-Americans (oh, PLEASE get rid of this term, along with "people of color!") were instructed to be at the ready to be picked up and taken to local plantations to pick cotton, and all of this was to be administered by "Executive Slaves."

Anybody in receipt of this text who fell for it must most certainly be a thoroughly brain-washed Democrat, immature or -- more specifically -- a product of the United States non-education system.

In normal times, even as we appear pretty sure that foreign operatives were involved, this ridiculous text would have been laughed off by society and revered for its brilliance as outrageous humor, maybe even satire.  However, no matter that this is 2024:  The mindlessness of leftward education has infiltrated and grown among our people.

We desperately need to find reasons to laugh again, and the more absurd the subject, the better. 

In an era when local and national TV news people can't even bother to spell correctly the words they flash on the screen, by what standard should we expect a sense of humor or the most basic of logical assumptions in instances such as this?

How many years have elapsed since schools, colleges and "great" universities have taught critical thinking skills, the tools which would help all colors of people quickly differentiate between real and unreal and fact vs. fiction and fantasy?  That this obviously phony text message has raised exactly the ire its originator(s) desired all over the USA causes us to look exactly like the horse's ass we have become under our bloated national education conglomerate.

To paraphrase from a President Reagan moment:

Mr. Trump, tear down the Department of Education!

We strongly require a solution to be neither gullible nor intellectually weaponless anymore.  The leftists behind our failed education system have bred ignorance instead of enlightenment since the sixties, a course upon which we can either remain or perish as members of a constitutional government.  Let us put education back in the hands of local governments.

Also last week was the issue of some young women deciding to at least temporarily swear off female to male relationships including dating, sex, marrying and having children. I guess this is punishment for men daring to exist or because people voted for Trump or something.  Really, now that these young ladies have nothing to do and will probably become bored with their lives, perhaps they should seek out archaic cotton plantations for employment in order to pass their time with something besides sitting home with the cat and hating men.

In the meantime, I might just look into applying for that Executive Slave position.  Living in New York as I do, I'm already a slave to the most stupid governor and malevolent attorney general in the country, so anything else would be a step up for me.  Hey, I'm former military, so I'm pretty confident I can get out of bed for those 5:00 a.m. administrative slave pickups.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Enemy Within Melts Down at the TV News Desk

, yes, Donald Trump will return as President, delighting some segments of society while outraging others.  How could he possibly do worse than the fungal infestation soon to depart the White House?

Second, though calculating, but nevertheless clueless, Democrat operatives would probably have been better off leaving the mentally failing Biden exactly where he had been for nearly four years -- nowhere --, running instead without so much as one Democrat delegate vote a cackling horse-faced Marxist in his place which proved a disaster.  Remember, we predicted months ago that she was doomed as a candidate just on her annoying voice alone.  The screeching Hillary Clinton-like whining voice curse.  Only diehard leftists could possibly take her phony banter and constant references to growing up  middle class in lieu of offering solid plans to heart.

"Conspiracy theorists," many of whom, it turns out, are on to something, have long complained about "the enemy within." That covers a lot of territory, but if any part of that designation can find a home one need only look to the mainstream corporate media, especially the televised variety.

As I skipped from TV channel to channel while election results poured in, often competing for attention when compared to wish list PREDICTIONS laid out by media analysts, the on-air talent (yeah, that's what these folks are called in TV talk) literally appeared to shrink before my eyes, becoming smaller with each Democrat defeat.  At times they almost appeared humbled, though that had to be an optical illusion.  Maybe.

By the time a final electoral smack-down arrived early Wednesday morning we could see utter devastation on televised media faces unaccustomed to reporting negatively about fellow Democrats, and certainly oblivious to positively messaging news about the right.

And there they all sat or stood, dejected and defeated, incredulous over the now obvious reality that The Great Bogeyman Trump had overwhelming support, and their comfortable cocoon of derision, government-generated lies and the planned daily reportage of anti-conservative propaganda had been ripped wide open.  Just perhaps, among those so-called journalists who survive the rampage, fair and balanced reporting can be learned all over again.  But that's a tall order for this bunch.

These, the accredited soothsayers of daily TV, cooperated with government operatives to lie to us about Covid and dangerous Covid immunizations, while simultaneously assisting in shutting us off from one another with useless masks, shuttered businesses and closed schools.  Their cooperation with powerful lords of the social Internet to censor us all and control speech will be legend in history books.

This, these, are a significant portion of the enemy within.  The enemy within never fires a shot, working instead to carefully and stealthily gain control of willing minds.  Let's wait and see what approach the new sheriff in Washington, DC initiates in January.  Remember, Trump has the rest of a swamp to drain, and now he will have on board associates such as Elon Musk and RFK Jr. to help him clean house.  A not so fond farewell, we hope, to the Dept. of Education and the Dept. of Energy, whose efforts can be better handled by the states and brains unbridled by a leftist hive. 

We hope the First Amendment is poised to endure a welcome comeback, all of its parts returned to common roots without bureaucratic interference from government and government's willing partnership with  the faceless enemy within.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Democrats -- Flush With Ideas From the Same Old Pool

Panic ensues, and Democrats do anything to stay in and increase power.  Lie? (Remember the Trump and Russia fabrication?)  Cheat? (Censoring the Internet of any comments they did not like?)  Steal?  (Spreading the wealth by taking it from some to give to others through myriad legislation is one routine tactic and very un-American.)

That may all be so, seemingly so outdated now, what with the miracles of technology and the more than willing mainstream media available to paint images exactly as one wishes them to appear.

Panic?  Just this last weekend, Saturday Night Live allowed a cameo appearance by Kamala Harris, but offered no such invitation to Donald Trump.  Remember the first time he ran for Office, when SNL didn't think he had a chance in hell and was therefore their desired darling on one show?  The obligation of equal time for candidates may be in violation here according to one FCC official, but what does it matter now?

The Liz Cheney comments by Trump?  Anybody with the ability to think would understand his point:  That she might not be such a war hawk if she were facing gunfire on a battlefield.  As a former military serviceman of the Vietnam Era, I already know a little about stupid politicians and wars which should never have been, but for personal ego and political party considerations.

As we noted weeks ago, Harris's voice is annoying, and her laugh -- well, it didn't serve Hillary Clinton, either.  Speaking of Hillary, notice how Harris has ramped up the Trump-will-put-his-opponents-in-jail theme recently? Of course they're scared about any such possibility because they have made and continue to make the same efforts toward Trump.  Waiting in their filthy wings are lists of others whom they hope to put in prison, doubt this not.

Democrats even feel the last-minute necessity to blame Trump for the Puerto Rico joke told by a comedian he hadn't even met.  By the way -- if Puerto Rico is such a great place to live, how come some 472,000 Puerto Ricans live just in Pennsylvania? Now add 49 other states and tell me again about Puerto Rico.  The thing is, Democrats have no sense of humor (1) about jokes told by Republicans or (2) about jokes or ridicule directed at themselves.

Just days before the final election, Democrats are throwing everything against the wall, hoping for a miracle.  Indeed, they may get that miracle if those women who feel intimidated by Trump -- wrongly, we firmly believe -- vote for the absurd Harris in protest.  Should that happen and she wins, it would be a pity that these women failed to consider the consequences of inviting the entire Democrat Party into our lives to finish the disastrous job Harris and Biden perpetrated on us for four years already.

While Harris and her crew delight the faithful with last-minute celebrity appearances (celebrities whose lives will largely be unaffected by the hell intended for the rest of us), we should be far more impressed with Trump's selection of the brilliant Elon Musk, and also RFK, Jr., who may at long last make our food safe and free of potentially dangerous chemicals as he shakes up the far too comfortable medical and pharmaceutical establishment.

And the left will continue blaming Musk for his generous contributions to the Trump campaign, whilst the very Democrat Party is George Soros's money-lovin' street whore, helping him pollute the country with deficient attorneys general and prosecutors.  Just look at the news around the country and realize you get what you pay for.

How left are the TV networks?  Take ABC, for one.  We watch in secret delight as ABC is forced to run commercials by Randall Terry, a right-to-lifer of long repute.  Me, I don't really give a damn about Terry, but find it profoundly interesting that ABC feels obligated to run a network blurb along with his commercials stating that they basically had no choice but to run these because it is the law.  They are apologizing to their leftist viewers, and that is all one needs to know where they sit on the political spectrum.  Fair and balanced?  Of course not.

That the Washington Post and others refused to support a presidential nominee also speaks volumes about the state of the Democrats these days, as many of their supporters escape a sinking ship.  And the Drudge Report, long linked on this blog, is just in meltdown as it goes overboard headlining in red anything its staff believes will defeat Trump.  Since Matt Drudge sold the site to who knows what den of lefty lunatics, the web page has become increasingly crazy, akin to the old Weekly World News, and had I not been such an enemy of censorship I would have removed the link long ago.

Fortunately for the Democrats, they are receiving more than a little help from foreign hackers trying to make Trump look mighty bad.  Of course they are:  China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and a host of other concerned governments are frightened to death about the prospects of Trump regaining Office and dealing with them harshly.

So here we stand at last, Election Day just hours away, awaiting the millions who have not yet voted (such as myself).  If Trump wins, will cities be burned to the ground?  If you know how the left has been responsible for such instances in the past, you already know the answer.  If Harris wins, we hope to the heavens that Republicans own the Senate, and the House also if dreams come true (unlikely), because we need obstacles to stand in the way of her and the Dems' stupid and catastrophic ideas.

While we contemplate what, if anything, goes burn baby, burn, I'm keeping an eye on the NY murder trial of former Marine and white guy Daniel Penny, accused in the subway killing of crazy black person Jordan Neely.  Will a NY jury have the courage to find Penny innocent, as they should, or will they give in to BLM and other organized racial nut job groups and proclaim guilt in order to protect New York from chaos wielded by infestations of the all-powerful human street trash?  Suggestion to Trump, if he wins:  Sir, on your first day back, please pardon Daniel Penny, should be need freeing from the clutches of New York's rotten, corrupt government -- a system to whom you are obviously no stranger. 

Welcome back, Steve Bannon!  Just in time for all the fun.  Democrats will need to find somebody else (perhaps another grandmother) to imprison as they continue their march toward authoritarian "democracy" for the faithfully gullible.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Election Erection Eve, 2024

At last, either the end to our media-induced mental pain and suffering -- or the start of endless personal torment, loss of much individual freedom, integration with all the absurd legislation the European Elite intend to impose upon us, and increased national demise at lightning speed.

The question:  Are there enough brains, critical thinking ability and plain old giving a damn among American voters to bother choosing correctly?

To those whose every minute of existence viewed through horse blinders believe the only issue at play is abortion, I say they are misguided.  Even the late feminist hero, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg clearly understood that abortion is a state issue, constitutionally not something for the federal government to tackle.

By the way, we should shake in our shoes over the long-instituted policy of Democrats to hire and keep on board a stable of behavioral scientists.  Yes, psychology folk charged with convincing you in subtle ways to vote left.  Russia gulag personnel would be impressed, no doubt.

Issues of immense importance are at stake during this election.  We Americans have only two choices -- sorry, only two, which still total two even if you decline to vote -- and once we shed media propaganda from our minds the obvious choice is clear.  I say please select Donald Trump, along with his flaws (we all have them).  He knows what to do, as he knew during his first term until Covid ruined the soup.

Will we blow it again, as we did for the last four years?

Monday, October 28, 2024

Garbage Can What?

Inquisitively approaching the newly discovered Tin Man in the movie, The Wizard of Oz, one of the characters hears a muffled, repeated cry of the words, "oil can!" Puzzled, the responding voice asks, "Oil can what?"

A bit corny by now, but that's the phrase which came to mind when Donald Trump complained last week, quite accurately by the way, that America has become a garbage can, a dumping ground for the world.

Democrats, of course, reacted instantly to rebuff and feign utter anger and horror over his comments, obviously in no mood to admit their own involvement in filling the national garbage can with international criminals and millions of those merely and illegally searching for a better life on taxpayers' paid welfare, whilst the economic situation for the average American working man and woman worsened.  And worsens.

Just how does one empty the national garbage can?  Freedom of speech would help, if we could just keep the political left's hands of censorship and authoritarianism off the Internet.  Ridding the country of "anchor babies," whose only claim to instant citizenship is their birth in this country, would be another garbage-out factor, and if the mainstream media would ever come around and report the illegal alien story fairly, emphasizing the millions who reside in the USA against our laws, that would be a welcome bonus.

Our domestic garbage can is stuffed with much more than criminal border-jumpers and bad decisions, for its sides are also bursting with attempts to subvert constitutional law.  There is, as well, a load of detritus which crumbled from the electoral system and needed sweeping up when Joe Biden was toppled in whatever manner and Kamala Harris emerged with not one single delegate having had an opportunity to vote at the DNC convention.

The United Garbage Can States of America overflow with the raw sewage of politically directed censorship regarding the dangers of ill-advised Covid immunizations, and human-caused "climate change" propaganda continues to escape the can unabated, intended to scare the hell out of every uninformed person in the USA and throughout the world.

Garbage can what?

The great thing about garbage cans is the necessity for their contents to be dumped out eventually, often followed by a good internal cleaning where the hosing is directed toward the can, not at the person next to it.  Americans have been hosed enough and the world laughs at our dilemma as elections near a climactic end.

Happy Halloween?  We can't think of anything more frightening than both the domestic and international terrorism currently subjecting innocent people to the whim of dictators and incompetent leadership.  We hope voters will choose wisely this time around -- though they did not previously -- to at least attempt a return to a rational society.  

Meanwhile, over at "X" we suspect Halloween will be celebrated in the format of trick or "tweet."

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Keeping Up with the United Slaves of America

Fond, some are, of saying don't worry, the American voters know what they're doing and they will always come through and make the right decision.  Yes, and every weekend you can jump into the car and trust your dog to drive you down the interstate until you reach the deceptively quaint little town of Joy.  Or you go over the cliff, same thing.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, advised a key Democrat operative a few years ago, and when Covid entered the scene while Donald Trump was President the Democrats put a lot of logs on that fire.  Once the public was sufficiently in panic mode and elections came about, a slim majority of Americans set aside all the good things Trump was in the process of doing and instead elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to guide us.

Do you feel guided today, in positive terms?

Meanwhile, ABC's David Muir confronts Trump with false information about crime statistics during a key debate, and then CBS -- apparently for the first time ever -- refuses to release the FULL transcript of an interview, this one with Kamala Harris, amid accusations that they changed words and edited comments to make her look good and say things in a different context than what she may have screwed up.  What else, we wonder, can you do with a calculating, though inept, horse-faced lying liar raised with the flavor of Marxism?

The robustly leftist mainstream media and Big Internet have spent every waking moment determined to make Democrat voters hate Trump passionately, downgrading and abandoning his accomplishments all along the way.  If the hate-you factor works -- and, sadly, it does -- among those who find it easier to believe the electronic poison pumped into their heads every day in the name of news & entertainment than to question the source, the job is done.  Those now enslaved by the exponential growth of national and state governments will vote for even more restrictions upon constitutional rights and the now rare commodity of plain old common sense.  The Democrat dog is driving their car along the busy interstate after all, endangering every warning sign and obstacle of freedom in its path.

I find it interesting, that political TV commercial making the rounds, attended by former members of Trump's administration and others who condemn him heartily -- most of them despicable in their own right and in some cases more than likely tethered to the "Deep State."

How many Democrat voters are aware of Mark Zuckerberg's letter to Congress (we posted it several blog entries ago), pointing the finger squarely at the Biden bunch -- at last -- for encouraging Internet censorship regarding Covid facts?  How many Democrats know that Trump requested and was denied thousands of security personnel prior to the January 6 incident (via Nancy Pelosi and Capitol Police)?  Why are Democrat officials so intent upon calling ours a "democracy" (a word appropriate for any banana republic of slaves) instead of the democratic or constitutional republic it actually is?

Even as Democrat rule brings millions of criminals across the border, along with enough Fentanyl to kill every American several times over, we're supposed to feel sympathy for women, children and especially military-age (danger!) males who invade simply to get the welfare we all pay for through exorbitant taxes and fees.

An alarming number of women, already enslaved by the myth of gender change, will vote for Democrats even as all of our faces are rubbed in the dirt to convince us that a man can become a woman and a woman a man.  Why must we deny what internal medicine education spent hundreds of years perfecting through logic and vision?

Kamala Harris will expand the Democrat plantation, the very one they originated during the early days of American slavery, with the exception that now there is room for everybody of all races and colors in their tent.  If Democrats claim the presidency, probably the House and maybe the Senate, kiss free speech goodbye and saw hello to communicative restrictions unimaginable, whether on the streets, on radio and TV or on the Internet.  These are the same people currently in fear that Trump will pursue his "enemies" if elected, whilst they have spent years doing the same to him.

The nation is truly at stake this time, and the whole world knows it.  Western Europe is on the ropes and will suffer if Harris wins, while Xi, Putin, Kim, Iran's crazies, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, every communist on the planet and George Soros (new majority owner of some 200 USA radio stations now, thanks to what appears a legally questionable deal) will rejoice.

Those enslaved too long to remember their previous freedoms will, we fear, happily vote like obedient robots for Harris-Walz, potentially tipping the scales far enough for constitutional government to fall off, unlikely to return in the foreseeable future. To become the united slaves of America isn't exactly what the nation's founders had in mind.  Will voters choose wisely?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Cult Retreats (Temporarily)

Notice how there's been nary a peep out of the human-caused climate change cultists and their nefarious cult regarding hurricane activity?  We suspect this is most immediately explainable because elections are now in force in different states and nobody on the extreme left wants to risk renewed public displays of their indulgence in absolute lunacy, lest voters remember the utter craziness they are poised to vouch for in the voting booth.

However, it's difficult to keep a bad odor cooped up in a box, and you can bet that all of the usual hysterical gurus will surface soon, blaming humans for the current hurricane crop.

Of course, the two latest hurricanes brought destruction and horrors almost beyond belief to the South and Southeastern USA but, as seems customary anymore, observers carrying personal agendas prefer to dismiss totally the fact that there is always historical precedent for weather chaos.  In fact, some TV meteorologists took great care to mention that, indeed, a hurricane rivaling Milton's strength (and probably much worse, now that we know its wrath was just slightly less than anticipated) occurred in the 1800s.  If my memory recalls, there were no SUVs, heavy highway traffic or terror-inducing mega-cow farts enveloping the planet.

Climate disasters, sad but true, are a fact of life, and they will intrude upon our lives no matter how long it takes, as whatever species temporarily claims the Earth as its own survives.  May we add, "Mother Nature" can be a bitch?

The world's elite and their buddies here in the USA, insistent upon replacing "fossil fuel" engines with pure electricity-based vehicles should definitely be dispatched to the currently flooded South, where we've seen the ocean's saltwater destroy EV vehicle batteries, even starting fires when briny water touches lithium, the life force in EV batteries.

Meanwhile, even as safe nuclear energy and other potential candidates of power vigor make strides in both practice and in the lab, we humans remain careless enough to continue destroying beautiful countryside scenery with monstrously problematic wind turbines, while lining our now useless farmlands and meadows with toxin-laden solar panels (most of this stuff comes from China).

We scratch our heads over Homeland Security's joke Mayorkas and Biden and Harris, themselves excoriating critics who blame them for handing out some 1.14 billion dollars to Illegal aliens instead of keeping the funds for Americans in need.  No, they counter, the money for immigrants is in another account, not the account intended for American tragedies.  To which we ask, what's the difference?  No matter the location, it's all our tax money and these folks are stealing it to care for border jumpers (and those flown in by Biden).  To this administration we fondly submit, we wish for prison sentences in your future.  I wonder if pardons can ever be pardoned? 

Elsewhere, VP Kamala Harris attends her self-tortured showing on ABC-TV's housewife hypnotic, "The View," during which she states, in but one instance of a career filled with shallow statements, that she wouldn't change anything Biden has done if she becomes President.  We believe her!  Except more of the same will occur, with more of a refined Marxist touch to puff up the delusion that she is the new Martha Washington, Clara Barton or Betsy Ross, when she's actually closer in political philosophy to the comedy of Moms Mabley fast asleep.

To the Longshoreman's union:  How do you propose to exclude robotic technology from your work areas when the whole world is embracing AI, for better or worse?  Madness perhaps, but yes, your jobs will fade one by one.  The workers will have their day, but the machine shall have its way.

Bob Woodward writes another book, attacks Trump and brings in Russia, Russia, Russia.  Looks like the same old recipe, same old how to cook Trump cookbook.  Is this the much anticipated October surprise?  I doubt it.  The left always has something cooking, which usually ends up as attempting to cook GOP goose just before the elections.

HURRICANE DONATIONS:  When you donate through Glenn Beck's site, 100 percent of your donation goes directly to helping the victims.  Why mess around with unknown or questionable charities when you can get a bargain of that nature where every penny goes to good things?

Monday, October 7, 2024

Two Young Women From Iran

We've visited this issue before, years ago, but it's worth another mention as Israel and perhaps the U.S. -- maybe with the help of certain Arab states? -- lean toward a closer warlike encounter with Iran's brutal and bonkers extremist regime.

More than 55 years ago, during the Vietnam Era, I and three other Air Force airmen attended medical classes at what was then the sprawling Medical Service School at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas.  Actually, we were selected for the then-critical field of physical therapy, and at that time, early in this fairly new curriculum augmenting what had previously been only on-the-job training, the USAF was fortunate to turn out a maximum of 30 physical therapy specialists a year.  As you can imagine, once educated we were very much in demand, and that is why I eventually was sent to operate my own clinic at a pilot training base in Georgia which had been without a therapist for months.

But returning to the Medical Service School:  For our class, the Air Force permitted two civilians, women, from a local hospital to join us, along with -- and here's my point -- two young women from Iran.

The four women attended classes with we airmen, but when it came to activities involving equipment, methods and (literally) the hands-on approach in the lab, we airmen worked together and they with one another.  Do I know the foreign visitors' names?  Yes, but because they returned to and may still be alive in Iran and subject to Islamic "social justice," I will not disclose them here.  The U.S. government's intention was that these young ladies would take their new medical skills to Iran and use this training in medical facilities.

As this selected portion of our Air Force physical therapy class graduation photo shows (I am using grayscale instead of the original color), the Iranian women wore Western clothing, as they had in Iran, and indeed they would because this was a different time just a few years ago.  The Shah of Iran, while disliked or even hated among many in Iran, maintained a good relationship with the USA and we were training Iranian military pilots (this I can confirm, as we were training them where I later served at Moody AFB in Georgia, and certainly elsewhere).

Everything changed for the worst when the Shah fell and, to put it in simple terms, radical Islam grabbed power and put Iran in a stranglehold administered by the ultimate in vicious craziness to this very day. 

I really have no profound messages today except to revisit a very different and not too distant past for the sake of noting that change isn't always a good thing.  We know there are many people in Iran longing to be free of the pure evil which drives them away from freedom and sanity every day of their lives. A free Iran would benefit all Arab states and countries currently subject to perpetual Islamic terror orchestrated by the craziest people on the planet.

When Obama was President, there was an uprising in Iran that very well might have succeeded in altering Iran's sad fate, but the U.S. administration in power did not give a whit about Iran's people and we did not help them.  Unfortunately, this lack of will was repeated by the Biden administration. That primarily Democrats in power subsequently gave/returned/pimped Iran billions of dollars used to buy bombs, missiles and other forms of terror should not be forgotten as world tempers and political justifications for another military draft heat up.  Anybody who believes that Iran's nuclear facilities aren't on the menu for annihilation by Israel and friends is living a hopelessly dangerous utopian dream.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Most Watched, Minus a Million

Of all popular networks of size, ABC-TV (with a little help from its Disney affiliation) may be the most Democrat-friendly.

And so it was when ABC rolled out a so-called debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.  Debate moderator ("most watched) David Muir and his co-host (said to be a sorority sister of Harris, by the way) allowed Harris to get away with virtually everything, while Trump was continuously verbally berated and fact-checked for what seemed almost every sentence he spoke.

But then the unthinkable happened.  Muir called Trump on the carpet for supposedly escalating national crime figures.  Oops.  After the debate, Web sites and real fact-checkers discovered that, indeed, Trump was correct about crime statistics.

Unfortunately for Muir and ABC, the public noticed, somehow momentarily aware that, among lies and sports, lies and media-induced inaccuracies are more important to our lives than games on the field..

Quickly thereafter, as if goaded along by a rare explosion of mental effort among communities all over the country, ABC and David Muir watched his nightly news viewer population nosedive by at least one million.  In a newscast supported in no small way by intrusive drug-pushing commercials, this is big.  If Muir truly believed Trump's reference to crime statistics was inaccurate, he surely must have recoiled in horror upon reading of statistical barbs aimed squarely at himself.

Hmm.  Notice how ABC is suddenly advertising Muir more than usual?

A kind word?  Sure.  I liked the old Gene Tierney movie, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" a lot.  But that's not where we're headed today. . .

By now, these generally laughable network clown shows appearing on large TV networks can almost always be counted upon to feature Republican-unfriendly and conservative-averse moderators seemingly determined to hammer candidates on the right relentlessly, whilst pitching soft-shoe questions to fellow Democrats and Democrat activists.  Birds of a feather appear to flock and poop together when perched before malleable TV cameras grounded in friendly territory.

Could it be that people on the street are beginning to notice, as what may be the most important national election ever boils just beneath the horizon?

The network news folk are gradually losing viewers, many of them young people who prefer news sources available on the Internet.  This is both wonderful and tragic, as the replacement for what once was a TV industry at least moderately concerned with the difference between truth and partisan whoppers does not always serve young minds well -- especially when those young minds were never taught critical thinking or history in school and have little in the way of common sense.

David Muir and other TV anchors and reporters do what they do, like their efforts or not.  My only encounter with Muir occurred one afternoon years ago (pre-ABC employment) when he was exiting a store as I was walking in.  Apparently, he was in a hurry and I had to quickly dodge him so as not to have a collision.  I doubt he noticed me because he is rather tall and I am not.  Had he noticed me at all, perhaps he mistook me for a mushroom or some native vegetation.

The Democrats' Welcoming Borders:  Official numbers have been released, indicating we now have a grand total of at least 420,000 convicted criminals among millions of illegals allowed in the country by Biden-Harris, and this includes 13,000 convicted foreign murderers and 16,000 convicted foreign rapists in the USA.  Thanks Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and unelected Democrat operatives for allowing in the world's most vicious convicts as prisons are emptied all over the world.  To quote Neil Diamond's old song, they're coming to America.  We kinda suspect real girls and women, not boys and men who suffer under the fantasy that they ARE women, are currently in terrible danger on the used-to-be-safe streets of America.

Israel on the Attack:  Bonus -- finally some justice for the U.S. Marines slaughtered years ago in Lebanon.  Israel has a remarkable military, obviously, and when everybody surrounding you intends your death and annihilation, there really is no other option but to fight for your own survival.  Forge ahead, y'all Jews, and get the job done.

Unions and strikes and strikes and unions. . .regaining strength under Biden-Harris and ready once again to demand things that they, not the rest of us, can afford.  If you love socialism and Joe Biden's form of "democracy," you gotta love unions.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Attention Mark Robinson -- Slavery DID Return (and the Democrats Made it Happen)

Isn't it funny how life imitates art, even when an artful comment comes from no less than North Carolina's gubernatorial GOP hopeful Mark Robinson, a black man who allegedly made racist comments on some porn site 10 years ago?  Aside from -- again, allegedly, because we're talking CNN news source-mud here -- his declaration, "I'm a black Nazi," the grand hee-haw words forcing everybody into near-apoplexy, apparently indicate a wish that slavery would return because slavery is a good thing.  Yes, dude wants slaves, at least he supposedly did 10 years ago.

(Side note:  I think I should consider renaming this blog Robert's Freak-Off.  Sean Combs may not approve. but I must say, I like the sound of it.)

Robinson denies the whole thing, but, well, if he really wrote those words (and believe me, words on a porn site are no less important than words crowded into the Constitution) he might be happy to know that wishes can come true!  Yes, we're pretty much all slaves now, immersed in a political gelatin cooked up by the left for years.

Seems as though a lot of people want to continue slavery, if polls showing good support for Kamala Harris are any indication.  Younger folks lacking even a basic memory of how great things were going when Trump was President before seem poised to choose not only a continuation of life on the Democrat plantation, but immense enhancement of the socialist government which keeps it in power.

And if young men and women think the Democrats will protect them from a potential military draft as WW III seems near, they are naive.  I know personally what it is like to get a draft notice when Democrats are in charge.

From food to housing to transportation to medical care to taxing the stuffing out of every small business and legally compliant individual, the Harris-Obama (not a misprint) team has everything in place and ready to administer the administrative state like it has never been administrated, grabbing power, influence and wealth from all corners.  All inflation starts with government policies, but Harris will attack private interests.

Damn the Constitution.  To hell with the Declaration of Independence.  Screw the Bill of Rights.  Our anticipated compliance will be legislated into law in so many ways.  We will still be eating illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands.  We, the Democrat slaves.

Even Sen. Bernie Sanders knows Harris well enough to admit that she only says what she says publicly to get elected.  After that, she removes the mask and becomes once again what she is.  Lizard people from outer space come to mind?

Meanwhile, Senator Schumer and his minions chew at the very essence, the woodwork of the Supreme Court, eager to enlarge and stack the court with justices friendlier to extreme Democrat plans -- just the sort of thing that finally finished off Venezuela as the one-party concept of communism put a nail in the coffin of national prosperity.  The beautiful but human-vulnerable zoo animals of Venezuela, nice to look at, were slaughtered as food for the starving population.

Even as formerly cherished Democrats run from their party, young voters with little concept of evil, let alone common sense, pant and drool at the prospect of voting for Harris, who can't explain a damned thing, was swept into her position without one delegate vote, and will take away their futures while simultaneously vowing otherwise.  Slavery comes in many disguises.

Danger, Will Robinson! -- scratch that -- Danger, Mark Robinson, danger!  If you wrote what they say you wrote, your Democrat opponent will rule North Carolina, assisted by a Democrat machine gulping steroids.

Elections this time are all about the Republic vs. the administrative state.  If it comes down to Harris winning, pray that Republicans gain a couple of seats in the Senate so her -- their -- plans can be stripped to shreds.  Otherwise, the Harris team will cozy up to the global elite, working quickly with the UN, the World Economic Forum, the dreaded European Union and others to institute policies long desired by internationalists with little patience for America as it was founded.  DEI can indeed grow and become even more threatening to the concept of merit-based rewards as American society becomes nothing more than a leftist hive, slavery devoid of true individuality.

In a word, fascism.  For the masses.

Better Living Through Plastics:  Yeah, except it isn't.  New research fears that the blood-brain barrier may have been crossed, with the tiniest fragments of micro-plastics now able to enter human brain tissue, just as animal brains appear to have been compromised per lab studies.  This, of course, brings us to a -- oh, how I hate this phrase -- whole new level.  My first thought is, plastics can act as insulators and those particles, in quantity, would surely interfere with electrical activity in the brain, to say the least.  Would they also block off important nutrients -- even cholesterol, which is so essential to brains (even though Big Pharma wants everybody on statins, which deprive brains of cholesterol, probably one of the most crucial ingredients a brain craves, especially as we age)?  We suggest you forget about brain-eating zombies and worry about plastic mini-invaders instead.

Big Whoop:  Whooping cough is sweeping the country.  Thank you Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all our administrative Democrat border heroes for letting every criminal (that means illegal, mister) human vector into the country to spread diseases once long forgotten.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Celebrity Endorsements in the Cattle Car

(But First:
  Yet a second assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump occurred, this time in Florida on Sunday.  Generally speaking, it seems that major TV networks couldn't even bother to break into sports programming to announce this outrage.  Threats of violence against both Trump and J. D. Vance, expressed and promoted mostly by radical leftists and mental cases, have opened a very dangerous page in the current political era.)

As the planet perches on prospects for World War III with a nuclear flavor -- a perilous what-if situation, by the way, which WILL result in the mass drafting of young American boys and men into an understaffed military at the drop of a Democrat hat -- isn't it such a comfort to read singer Taylor Swift offering voting advice to the same clueless voters who would be swept up by a draft, especially under a Harris-Obama-Democrat administration?

I wouldn't know a Taylor Swift tune if a dung beetle rolled one onto the sofa, but apparently a lot of people do know the melodies and the words.  All I see is a beautiful and smart woman. talented I guess, who dates a football player, probably because it's cheaper to have one of those around than to hire extra security when threats abound.  Why else would she bother? Oh well. . .

So Ms. Swift --oh, by the way, satirist Jonathan Swift (no relation?) once replied, when asked if he liked children, "Yes, if properly cooked" -- claims she did the "research" on Kamala Harris and intends to vote for her.

Celebrities have as much right as anybody to voice their opinions, but can it be denied that Swift's necessity to tell millions of fans how she intends to vote, having done the "research," is an attempt to influence the election?

The interesting thing is that celebs such as Ms. Swift have so much money and influence that elections have virtually no consequences for them.  We are not they and have no relationship to their lives.  For the rest of us their endorsements -- however they are presented -- can certainly have a profound effect on the uninformed potential voter who will have absolutely no idea why they are casting a ballot for a candidate except for the fact that Taylor Swift suggested (?) they do so.

What "research" did she do regarding Harris, anyway?  Kamala Harris is a walking political nightmare, even among those who know her best, and enough Democrats at the top have left the Democrat Party, and are yet to depart, to serve as canaries in a toxic coal mine as top choice Walz jumps into the Marxist litter box.  The Harris-Walz ticket should read "No Admittance" during elections.

We have always believed that American voters ultimately make the right decision.  I don't know about that. If they make the same kind of decision they made last time, when Covid somehow made Joe Biden appear appealing, we are screwed.  Two obvious Marxists poised to run the remainder of what's left of the USA into the ground, lying at every turn, does not nourish my confidence, particularly when so many young voters this time around (1) won't remember how good things were when Trump was in Office the first time, and (2) don't really know a damned thing and have no vestige of common sense for reference.  Isn't it wonderful that they have Taylor Swift to direct their votes?  No, it is not, and she can say all day that she only wanted to encourage people to vote any way they want, but that is, to quote Col. Sherman Potter's character on TV's "MASH," horse hockey.  

Who is it that remarked about celebrities making statements out of their realm, shut up and sing?  If Harris is elected, I fear a lot of shut-up will be on the way, and she'll use accommodating courts to accomplish the goal.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (and what's on the menu)?  TV media sorts blame Trump for commenting about Haitians eating people's pets during the phony ABC-TV debate, but the truth is that earlier in the day the Internet was serving up many stories about pets being eaten by these folks, so it's not as if Trump invented this quagmire.  Anyway, when the Biden gang flies 10,000 to 20,000 to maybe 40,000 unannounced Haitians into Ohio in the dead of night or day, what's the difference who is eating whom?  It's a horror story no matter the circumstances.  Why are we paying for this shit?  (Note to common sense practitioners:  If rumors are untrue, why does Vance claim he is getting reports from his Ohio constituency stating that, yes, Haitians have eaten people's pets?)

Title IX lawsuit:  Good.  Women of all ages should be fighting like hell to reinstate science and the fact that there are two genders.  There are no magic wands to change one from male into female or female into male.  One is born as one or the other, and all the rest resides up in the head, where allegedly sits a brain.  Where is the National Organization of Women and a host of other female-based organizations which should be on this subject as if the future of biological females as defined clearly by science is on the line?  

Never allow lunatics with influence, money, hatred on their minds and too much time on their hands to subvert what society overwhelmingly accepts as real based upon known facts.  Maybe folks on planets in some distant galaxy consider men to be women interchangeably, but here on Earth we can only function and even (possibly) survive into the future by relying upon logical choices.  This isn't easy for me to say, having spent many years questioning what we believe to be conventional.  But isn't life crazy enough already?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Age is Just a Number Unless You Kill Somebody

Few events drive adults more frantic than kids murdering other kids because suddenly two different worlds are involved, certainly at odds with one another.

So the latest alleged boy-shoots-others-without-prejudice incident in Georgia revisits previous events of unspeakable tragedy.  Interesting that boys currently have almost no place at the table as the focus in sports, education, DEI and media blah-blah-blah falls unevenly upon girls, women's health issues and funding, men who pretend to be women and the minority experience.  Who gives a fig about boys in general?  Being attached to weak, bad or no fathers at all doesn't help, and expectations of success when drug-addicted mothers give up on the kids are often shattered.

Anyway, looks as though a rotten, 14 year-old, blond-haired Georgia peach fell from the tree and murdered his way through his first day of school, claiming two dead students, two dead teachers and nine more with injuries.  Yes, he used a rifle, yes an AK, yes, yes and yes.

The other yes was yes, the kid named Colt was interviewed by the FBI months ago regarding a threat and was determined not to pose a threat.  Even local cops let this one slip through.

But now everybody is ready to try a 14-year-old as an adult, with a consolation prize cooked in which states a monster of this age cannot be eligible for the death penalty.

My question is, if'n youse can turn 14 years of age into adulthood with the wave of a judge's gavel, shouldn't all children of similar age be allowed to drive, smoke, drink, vote, run for Congress, rule government and have sex with 30-year-olds?  I mean, adult is adult and child is child and in most thinking never the two should meet. Yet, try a kid as an adult and it seems all logic is thrown to the wind merely because society's outrage demands that something radical be done.  Would a self-proclaimed transvestite male be allowed to testify in court as a woman?  Can a bottle of automobile gasoline treatment be labeled as drinkable?

Then there's Colt's daddy, arrested and charged.  Another feel-good maneuver, charged with murder by way of child endangerment or some such, possibly eligible to go to prison for 180 years if found guilty.  I find these charge against daddy a bit much, but --  will those crack FBI agents who cleared the boy previously be arrested, charged and thrown into the slammer also?

The child-as-killer phenomenon is not likely to go away as our society in general deteriorates, but I guess one can try anything.  Magical conversions from childhood to adulthood via no particular evidence to support such alchemy would seem to be a form of murder in itself.  It's all about society's "feel good" mindset.  What's the solution?  How would I know?

The Hate Trump Club gains one member: Himself.  Donald Trump said last week that he's fine with people hating him, but a vote for Trump is crucial to set things right again in America.  He's right, of course, and there is no other option. We already displayed Zuckerberg's letter last time regarding Biden-Harris lies on Covid vaccinations, and today the Republicans released a report indicating extensive Biden admin lies about our exit from Afghanistan.  Like it or not, Donald Trump is the only obstacle remaining between a fast slide into absolute socialism and a USA remaining tuned to our basic rights, skewed though they may be now and then until corrected by the courts.

That Liz and Dick Cheney have come forward to say they will vote for Kamala Harris is not a surprise.  These two can retreat to their cave and never be seen again for all I care.  If I have a choice between voting for Trump or going hunting with Dick Cheney and risk getting shot in the face, I will choose the vote, thank you.  As for Liz, did she really not know during the first Trump impeachment that the Trump-Russia connection was a total hoax paid for by Hillary Clinton (even as Schiff sat there during the proceedings, himself knowing full well the truth)?

Get'cher Covid shots right here:  In my opinion, there is still no reason to vaccinate kids for Covid because they tend to live through it except in very rare circumstances.  It's the shot that can cause health issues and death according to reports and statistics.  Did you happen to catch the news report last week about a surgeon who accidentally removed a patient's liver instead of spleen, causing instant death in the operating room?  Do we have a little educational DEI going on there?  What medical professionals do you trust anymore about anything?  What professional anybody do you trust with your life in the current era?

"Law enforcement" in Aurora will come to your town:  Members of a vicious Venezuelan gang are causing lots of trouble for apartment dwellers in Aurora, Colorado, handing out their variety of gang law enforcement. As the illegal alien terror spreads across the USA (not to mention the entire Western world), we can anticipate more of this brutality, as local police are outnumbered.  THANK YOU Democrats for keeping the border and dark invitations open for nearly four years, as everything but the kitchen sink has crossed "for a better life." 'course, the better life means Americans pay taxes for alien welfare whilst native citizens sacrifice everything so Democrats can build a no-fail, one-party voting machine.  If American voters are too blissfully uninformed to shed us of multiple evils fed by extremist Democrats and accompanying elements this time around, we will truly deserve the end of America we will get, along with dashing the hopes of Western nations anxious for their last shining beacon called the USA to remain intact.

As Western Europe and we in the states must understand, "The Great Replacement" of each nation's people to overwhelm their governments is far more than some nebulous racist term.  It is global and it appears well-organized.

Run, Elon, run!  So hated is Musk by various governments that he must be doing something right for the world.  Those who wish to be dictators or kings simply cannot fathom his brilliance and love of free speech.  America is blessed a thousand times over to be allied with him, though radical Democrats have other ideas.  Elon Musk must be protected at all costs because he understands the dark forces attempting to swallow the West and doesn't object to touting the dangers they pose to all of us.

Searching for international criminals:  I would say, start with the World Economic Forum and anybody attempting to destroy or radically alter one's peaceful society.  And what the hell is it with the Southern Poverty Law Center which, it seems, should put itself on its own hate list?

Are Israeli citizens looking to topple Netanyahu wrong?  Those hopeful that hostages will be returned alive if he stops battling Hamas barbarians are dreaming.  Surely, they realize that Hamas's immoveable reason for existence is to destroy Israel and its people, period.  That they even took hostages and brutalized them, treating body parts of the dead as footballs and other grim amusements, accentuates their goals and offers little hope to those anticipating a return of loved ones.

IVF:  Everybody, including Trump, is now on the in-vitro fertilization bandwagon.  Hmm, I thought that sort of thing became unpopular when the original "Alien" movie was released with its infamous exploding chest scene.  I must put more effort into keeping up with the times.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Zuckerberg's Letter Exposes the Biden Gang's Lies & Intimidation to Jim Jordan

Anybody with eyes wide open, presumably growing in number among those truly interested in facts, is profoundly aware how thoroughly and viciously Americans and the Western World have been mislead by the Biden bunch and the rest of its complicit gang, including the mainstream media (unforgivable!) and various corporate interests in bed with big government.

The long trail of lies about the Covid "vaccine," increasingly suspicious as a contributing factor in illness and death among young people and other formerly healthy people, was kept from us by intent, and even when fully accredited medical personnel attempted to send warnings out over the Internet they were censored far and wide by a system which has no place in America under the First Amendment.  Surely, Jordan realizes the joke our current Dept. of Justice has become, as its alliance appears completely ingrained within the current presidential administration, as opposed to a fair and balanced entity which would not have tolerated these activities.

I could go on and on, but why bother when Meta's Mark Zuckerberg himself wrote a mouthful to Jim Jordan?  Read this letter and you'll begin to get a taste of just how badly we were treated by the Democrats as schools were closed down and commerce was all but destroyed by people on the far left with an agenda which involved keeping the truth from YOU.  From Zuckerberg to the tip of the iceberg, it's all there.