Thursday, November 9, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Six

People go to Mexico for many reasons.  For some, vacations and leisure time quench their desires.  For others, the drug trade attracts like moths to the flame.

In a letter dated December 3, 1989, Russ indicated plans for his own Mexican trip, involving neither vacation or drugs.   His focus was upon the ruins of Palenque, an ancient Mayan city in southern Mexico, documented to have perished in the eighth century A.D.

Among his interests was -- you could call it roughly -- the ancient astronaut theme, and he was determined to explore human remains still accessible in the now-vastly restored and explored city reclaimed from a concealed jungle of thick vegetation.  Russ was particularly obsessed with one ancient Mayan ruler, who he suspected was born of some other universe.

But it wasn't until April, and then May of 1992 when possibilities turned into actual substance.  Two letters from those months shown here explain the situation, and while I was heartily invited to join the two-person (Russ and Susan) expedition, I instead did what I became increasingly comfortable with as years went by: I declined.

As we'll see next time -- Skeleton, LOOK OUT!-- Reardon's on the way and he's coming for you!  (Part of you, anyway. . .)