Thursday, July 13, 2023

Climactic Climate Creepers

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain. . ."
goes a song most famously recorded by James Taylor, who back in the seventies probably had no idea how newsworthy fire and rain (and high heat) would be as the current decade unfolded.

And here we are:  Scorching, unrelenting heat in the West, Southwest, South and Southeast, and flooding in areas of the Northeast and elsewhere rarely, if ever in recent times, known for water problems.

Predictably, oh hell, guaranteed are political voices screaming about climate change and the necessity to "do something."  Do something always seems to involve taking our money and the power of the individual far away.

I still wonder, not long before Covid hit the world, what happened to a lengthy list of scientists ready, willing and able to come forth and denounce man-made climate change as the reason for our disasters.

Fortunately, rare programs such as radio's Coast to Coast a.m. occasionally bring forth skeptical scientists whose expertise regarding climate rivals anything the federal government offered up in the past -- that is, while censoring opposing voices on the Internet.  Yes, thanks to the Biden Ministry of Truth, anything but truth is what we got.

What do we get?  John Kerry, zipping around the globe on his polluting jet aircraft.  Isn't it funny how the wealthiest and elitist-most are the ones determining our future under "climate change" governance?  Everybody looks upon "never in recorded history" and ignores the millennia of planetary upheaval always in play.

This week, I watched NY's Hochul and other political hacks stand on ground subject to flooding and other issues, spewing words about climate change and appearing all-knowing, as if doing tryouts as Klaatu for a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still.  Oh well, couldn't be any worse than Keanu.

When one side hugs its own version of science and ignores the opposition, their facts don't mean crap.

And now that Rep. Maxine Waters dared to actually say we'll all be living under ESG standards (just like China), no longer a conspiracy theory of the right, so one wonders who will fight to keep us free in the West.

Philadelphia Psycho-Tranny:  Yet another mentally blown tranny has killed multiple people in a setting where instant retaliation was almost impossible.  Does this make two or three tranny-imposed murder incidents?

Meanwhile. . .New York's governor Hochul has signed a bill so's assumed trans kids of all ages can come to NY and get the hormones AND the irreversible surgery.  No doubt, there are enough lunatic surgeons, psychologists and other so-called professionals in the state to do the dirty work. At some time in the future, lawsuits should run against these folks like water from a faucet.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president?  There's much to like, but a considerable amount to be questioned (such as views on climate).  Years ago, we put up letters from his father's office, very skeptical about UFOs.

 In other news, Biden is still President.  I think the Democrats might plan to change that as they attempt to clean the horsesh** out of their barn before the next election.  Good luck.