Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Sins of Admission -- The Corporate Media Responds with Cricket Chirps in Response to Twitter's Revelations

There's a lot to wonder about lately.  For instance, is it possible after all that Joe Biden is himself an illegitimate President, now that we have living proof that Twitter -- and presumably several other popular social media sources -- censored a wealth of important information about the Biden family and other pressing matters, subjects which if allowed the light of day would have painted the pre-election months in an entirely different light?

(Speaking of wondering:  If one keeps in touch with news stories permitted internet airing, a continuing procession of previously healthy young dead people reportedly post-vax keep showing up.  A connection?  I think we would all be surprised at the number of physicians internationally who might believe this particular jab and its boosters may not be a good idea, especially for young folk.)

Anyway, have you heard about Twitter?  That's not a stupid question, because if all your news comes from watching the major TV networks, all you know about Twitter is that some guy named Elon Musk bought it.  Nowhere will TV network news shows offer the big reveal, an admission that they took their news cues from the old Twitter, in conjunction with meetings Twitter's highest regularly conducted with government authorities.  Where are in-depth stories about Hunter Biden's laptop computer -- you know, that instrument of doom ignored or taken lightly by the major networks?  If you don't know by now that the federal government has its hands firmly planted in private places where it doesn't belong, then ABC, CBS, NBC, major newspapers and other closely knit players have done their job.  At least Fox News and the CW's National Desk have reported accurately about that old thing called reality.  Otherwise, crickets chirp merrily along as the mainstream media remains eerily, yet predictably silent about spectacular issues shamefully involving its own.  The government/media/corporate rat poison had been ready-mixed for our clueless consumption.

Just perhaps, a plethora of scientists kicked to the curb and silenced because they don't agree about the need to do something about climate change will come back to Twitter.  Maybe doctors who see nothing but trouble in store for mRNA vaccinations will return en masse and warn social media readers.  Maybe medical professionals who signed early on to The Great Barrington document espousing extreme caution over the course medical "science" and politics was taking in regard to Covid will remind the world how they were shoved aside by their own colleagues.

On a similar note, just as the entire planet finds itself soaked in worrisome man-made chemicals known as PFOAs, should we worry about spike proteins, the product of Covid vaccinations which appear to be showing up in the tissues of all manner of people and animals who weren't even "vaccinated?"  Let's get one thing clear:  Just as TV networks must endlessly develop story ideas, no matter how dumb, to keep viewers watching and buying sponsors' products,  so must pharmaceutical corporations remain in existence and profitable by forever inventing new drugs with which to invade living bodies.  The double-whammy comes about merely through urination and the passing of fecal matter, which puts these "miracle drugs" into the ecosystem, consequences be damned.  Truly, this is the working  definition at last of a perpetual motion machine.

So now crooked politicians and inventive medical authorities scratch their heads in disbelief as cases of flu, Covid and RSV coagulate all over the country, asking why oh why?  OF COURSE nobody brings up the crushing weight of infected elephants in the living room known but ignored commonly as illegal aliens, crossing United States borders every minute of every day by the thousands, bringing along diseases we hoped would never be problematic again.  Surprise, surprise, surprise.  And as once-common relief medications disappear from pharmacy shelves and parents comfort sick kids only with words of rainbows and puppy dog tails, nobody gives a thought to hardening their children against the escalating horrors of life perpetrated from all sides once illness passes.  Don't look to the Boy Scouts, they feminized and turned against reality years ago in many ways thanks to political bullshit.

Brittney Griner? Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. Great, just what I needed to see:  The return from Russia of an American take-a-knee gay African-American ball-bouncer who doesn't like the National Anthem played in her presence, and whose fawning media members have no problems referencing her live-in partner as a "wife."  Remember when we used to throw parties for heroes returning from war?  This isn't that time.  Well, I guess if the American Medical Association can instruct doctors not to write genders on birth certificates anybody can follow the path of least resistance.  It is patently ridiculous to customize the husband and wife terms for a gay relationship just because somebody can't find better words. I mean, why don't I just identify myself as a walrus, or better yet a reincarnated mummy?  Folks can beat each other to a pulp, but don't f*** with the dictionary which, up until now, has served us so well.  Unfortunately, the dictionaries are catching up with the illogical and confirming it.  We are truly in a new age of insanity.

By the way, if schools seem so concerned with hosting drag queen demonstrations for little kids and incorporating other aspects of trans-gender life, aren't they actually attempting reverse conversion therapy?  Me, I believe conversion therapy -- generally known as the attempt to convert gay people to heterosexuals -- is absurd.  Yet, these institutions of higher learning for children seem to be taking the opposite approach in trying for perhaps nefarious reasons to make children into something they may well not be.  And aren't young students attending classes to learn about reading (they often can't), writing (oh please!) and arithmetic (encompassing the computer, of course, where the real problems begin)?  Somewhere in all of this is a leftists' utopian fantasy, as real as unicorns.

The biggest problem with the sexualization of children?  Parents who voted Democrat this time around.  They just bought (voted for) a season ticket for their kids' way-early sex education taught by the largest collection of political lunatics adrift in thoughts of their own superiority imaginable.  If you love progressives, just wait.  If you still embrace teachers' unions and classroom secrets, rejoice.  If you like the sexual surgical mutilation of children far too young to know their bodies, clap your hands with delight.

The Biden bunch is already doing enough to emasculate males in both the military and schools, now we add to the outrage.  How's it going, Dr. Joe Mengele Biden?

Which brings us to Sam Brinton, Biden's now-discharged deputy assistant director of nuclear disposal or some such.  Not once, but twice this trans -- person -- has allegedly been caught stealing the luggage of other people at airports.  May I suggest, until Brinton gets far away from his/her important chores due to potentially felonious matters, that officials keep him far away from the nuclear suitcase?  Should it seem attractive to the likes of this disgraced in-di-vid-ual, he might just steal it away.

Guns, guns and more guns:  With crime running rampant in the U.S., one might almost think that Biden's goons want violence to reach a point where a surrender of all firearms seems wise from a demanding public.  This must not ever happen.  With the shooting murder of a postal carrier last week, one wonders how long it will be before nobody wants to work in a public, open setting.  Or maybe that's the plan.

Embracing a No-Jab Military:  Other than standard vaccinations, the mRNA variety isn't something we see as rational for young people, and if you keep up with my medical links you'll know why.  Yes, bring back kicked-out military personnel with back pay and current rank and leave the new recruits un-mRNA'd.

                      -- IN BRIEF --

Senator Kyrsten Sinema:  She made the break from Democrat to Independent.  While claiming to remain faithful to the Dems, we anticipate that she has not finished changing her status.  Welcome to the land of the Indies, Senator.

Digital cash:  The Fed appears to have big ideas accompanied by little publicity.  Same goes for large banking facilities currently drooling over digital currency, as we all face submitting to the loss of a giant chunk of privacy.  We must not continue on the road to emulating China's social control system, which seems all the rage among the financial elite.

Sedition and treason:  It hasn't really been all that long since political and economic tyrants swung from ropes in the public square.  Legal executions need not be accomplished with the mere jab of a needle and IV once those guilty of striving to destroy one's country are determined as  ever so guilty.  Just worth noting.

Idiots in Detroit:  A public school in Detroit was named after Dr. Ben Carson, but leftists want his name removed.  Why?  I don't know, maybe refer to the previous paragraph for answers.  Dr. Carson should be the hero of all African-Americans, and that's what those dedicated to failure in the schools don't want emulated.

Dictators in New York:  The governor and legislature have approved a communist decree stating that all businesses in the state must provide a room with running water, electricity and other accoutrements suitable for nursing a baby, even if no employees have a baby in tow.  I've lost count, but this may be reason no. 5,392 why people and businesses are escaping New York State every year.  I cannot help but be blunt about this latest government incursion:  When somebody with a vagina willingly accepts a penis or conception by some other manner to produce an infant, that is a personal decision about which one's place of employment no say.  Yet, the employer is supposed to say thank you for the fun nights you enjoyed in bed, and here you go, a room all yours for you and your offspring.  It's like a marriage of three essentially.  Look, if you can't meander your way into caring for a baby without your employer spending handsomely to treat you like a queen, don't make a baby.  The rampant stupidity of creating infants by the truckload and expecting others to cater to your every whim is not right.  But New York dictators don't care.  (Whenever I speak of NY legislation, I'm off to thoughts of political trials, convictions and, of course, bringing back the gallows.)

Nuclear fusion at last!  Uh huh.  So, even though practical use may be decades away (assuming the tracking equipment was even functioning correctly during experimentation), I suppose we must continue ordering toxin-ridden solar panels by the millions and giant land fill-nightmare wind turbines in order to kill off as much wildlife as possible in the meantime?  Or. . .why don't we just continue using "fossil fuels" until the Big Nuke Day arrives?  You know what?  I'm more curious right now as to whether nuclear fission can fuse brains and young people failed by the U.S. education system into geniuses -- quickly.

The new B-21 Stealth Raider aircraft:  Nice work, but I'm still betting the "impossible"  maneuvers of UFOs will continue to amaze the aerodynamics folk.  Hmm. Speaking of new government UFO studies and the sounds of crickets and silence in the news. . .can you not hear the sweet nothingness?