Monday, November 14, 2022

May as Well Blame the Wind


Again, the question arises:  Can we trust the elections?  Don't ask me.  Ask the people in charge, if we actually know their identities.

In any event, I hate to entertain ramifications even more than I hate the word, ramifications.  But I do put an ear to the ground, wondering if I hear what I actually might hear:  That a preponderance of American voters are the most uninformed in history.  With a wealth of serious problems initiated and nourished by the Democrat Party, how did voters resuscitate a ship full of political rot which, by all "red wave" poll indications should have been pushed off into the Washington swamp and sunk?

"Is a puzzlement," should you be a fan of The King and I.

Crime, illegal aliens, inflation, energy disasters, murders, authoritarian rule, Biden family inconsistencies suitable for a congressional investigation -- well, the list goes on, and apparently voters selected the same old.

It's likely that many voters tune in every day to almost-any-TV-network-of-your-choice and become hypnotized by all the leftist and progressive nonsense to which they are exposed by design.  Unless one hobbles along with at least some modicum of skepticism, talking heads and slick visuals emerging from the appropriately named idiot box with calculating propaganda cannot help but influence mass opinions all dressed up and ready for the voting booth.

Speaking of the voting booth, in many states including Nevada, Arizona and others where Democrats did well, questions continue to hover regarding the fairness of ballots, ballot harvesting and the likelihood that illegal aliens -- now with driver's licenses and presumably registered -- are probably doing one hell of a lot of voting.  Note that Florida, having tightened voting procedures, had no such problems.

Not to go unnoticed is the union vote.  With Democrats and basic street trash helping left-leaning unions to regain power across the country, debts are being paid off.  Significant repayment can certainly involve payoffs, votes and in some cases intimidating encouragement.

Suckers of the month:  Sad to report, the biggest coagulation of suckers in November, aside from uninformed or self-ignorant voters, are the 26 million folks who applied for some $400 billion dollars of college loan "forgiveness."  Yep, most of you voted for Uncle Joe and politicians of his ilk because they love you and gave you such a beautiful gift JUST BEFORE ELECTIONS, right?  R-i-i-i-i-ght?

Unfortunately, the courts are rightfully and legally busting that loving bubble of "forgiveness," and if the Supreme Court decides that constitutionally Biden has no authority and never had authority to spend money which is the responsibility of the House and the House alone, these people are screwed and, worse, unable to take their votes back as revenge.

Colleges and universities must be watching this with glee, plotting more tuition raises to promote even more absurd classroom nonsense because Uncle Joe and the gang will pay for it with taxpayer money.  Never mind those billions of dollars of endowments stashed in the bank accounts of higher learning institutions, those funds are for, ahem, future somethings or 'nother.

Students, grad students, whomever, please note:  You signed the contract to pay for loans, outrageous or otherwise, and your decisions are not to be transferred to innocent taxpayers.  That's just crazy, and Uncle Joe and the bunch knew they could depend on you come Election Day.  They don't need you anymore. . .until next time, when they produce another handsomely wrapped glitter present upon which you can feast your eyes and voting fingers.  Don't be stupid.

Save the Planet, Save the Elitists:  One can only imagine how China's president for eternity Xi must be laughing his ass off over Biden's environmentalist costume and stern warnings regarding Taiwan.  By the way, where is Greta?  Why doesn't she go to Russia or China, or to Iran or North Korea and voice her climate bullshit?  I'm sure she would look absolutely fetching in hard-labor prison garb for the next 50 years.

Meanwhile, the world's Elite wish to pick our pockets in the guise of assisting less fortunate nations to come around to their posed way of thinking.  Never mind all the scientists who never got two seconds to make their case AGAINST climate catastrophe to the world, condemned and dismissed as they were by colleagues and social network puppeteers with a crazed, power-seeking agenda.  Molten lava, volcanic activity, normal temperature swings and natural changes all conspire to make the Elite look like the liars, alarmists and authoritarian bastards they are.  Thing is, they want us to pay for the comfort in their lives, not your comfort.

If one really, irrevocably believes in pending climate disaster, they must not produce even one child whom, by necessity, will suck up myriad resources during a lifetime.  This is the question to be asked each climate cultist, and their responses should immediately disqualify them if they have one or more climate-destroying children.  Fair is fair.