Monday, November 28, 2022

A Little Something for Them to Remember You By

et's see if we can
get this straight.  Biden's buckaroos, dedicated body and soul to softening climate change and therefore absolutely responsible for shutting off oil pipelines and dampening exploration in the United States, have now skipped and jumped to Venezuela's dictator like little school girls to beg petroleum from those oil fields?  So, we decrease oil production here to prevent nebulous pollution, but asking Venezuela to pump more doesn't cancel out Biden's "clean" goal?  What a new version of the shell game (and we don't mean Shell Oil)!  Interesting.  We have the inept President of the United States negotiating with the dictatorship directly responsible for forcing its citizens to eat zoo animals as it sucked wealth from what was one of the richest countries in the region.

Maybe Biden's gang is particularly concerned because we need that ill-found energy source to provide heating resources to keep millions of illegal aliens cozy and warm this winter.

In any event, whatever takes place in Venezuela won't matter for quite some time.

Meanwhile, winter's chill fills the air, and it's not even winter yet.  As usual, however, the rest is yet to come, the bitter cold, several feet of snow, outside sports for the hearty, and driving into snowbanks during blizzard white-out conditions.

Unfortunately, particularly surprising for those who haven't kept track of the future as they happily voted for Democrats, and consequently the Biden/UN agenda this year, winter has the potential of bringing something else, something terrible to contemplate:  Either an inability to afford electricity, gas or heating oil to maintain a reasonable amount of warmth -- AND/OR the absence of energy sources to provide any heat at all.  If the latter occurs, as it surely may in colder climates, a lot of people and pets will die.  Imagine, this in America, once respected as the strongest nation on Earth until political elites of no particular reasoning power ruined everything, including abundant and affordable energy.

We have a bold, admittedly off the rails suggestion.  You already realize the impossibility of fighting back when it comes to dangerous bureaucrats secluded from public accountability, determined to make your life a living hell in the name of "the public good."

Let's fight back.

Get yourself, family and friends seated comfortably in the living room.  Take a large white poster board or white cardboard on which you can write with a black magic marker.  Next, put your names in small characters at the bottom, leaving a large amount of space at the top.

In the top space, print the names of Biden, your Democrat Senator, Democrat congressional representative, and any Democrat you hold responsible for putting us in a now very precarious winter energy position, and under their names in large letters print the words, THESE PEOPLE ARE DIRECTLY AND CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR TRAGIC END.

Next, everybody gather together on the sofa or floor and position the sign in front of yourselves so that somebody holding a camera can get one, two or more good photos of you and the sign.

Now, you need to take the photos and send them to TRUSTED relatives or friends who live in a warmer climate, instructing them that if anybody in the photos succumbs to cold weather this winter because of the Biden administration's (and associates) political action you want them to flood social media and your local TV and other news media with these precognitive photos to make it clear who was truly responsible.  Your contact need not assess blame personally, which could get tacky in a legal sense, but just dispense the photos "because they said if they died this was their request" and say nothing more.

Yes, all of this sounds crazy -- but no less so than the previously unanticipated fact that we are now told that energy shortages may not just be a reality this winter, but that all forms of energy might possibly be non-existent in some areas. Forget Ukraine and other developments:  This dilemma is Biden and green cult material, every shred of it, and if you didn't get the message when Biden shut off the Keystone Pipeline and restricted energy exploration just after he took Office -- resulting in a gasoline spike of over a dollar almost immediately -- then you've either been asleep or sucking unawares on the Democrat Party's lying nipples.

So smile pretty for the camera, don't forget to hold a crying baby or puppies in your arms, and sit back , confident that if the winter of 2022-23 claims your life, your elected representatives can share some modicum of responsibility as participants in something akin to manslaughter perpetrated both by the weapons of executive order and congressional legislation.  The question is, will the press and public care, even with the evidence placed at their feet?


Virginia:  Looks like Wal-Mart's managerial diversity training has a few kinks to work out.  If Andre Bing had lived in New York City instead of Virginia, somebody would erect a statue for his attention to treating all races alike, and Governor Hochul might have expressed gratitude that at least an AK rifle was not involved in the massacre.  How many crazy people will it take before the political left admits the problem isn't the gun?

Science -- you know, that thing that transgender and pronoun-twisting lunatics cherish until you use it against them -- has come up with darned nearly a cornucopia of new and contrary findings in recent days.  Foremost are statistics (of which the aware were already aware) indicating Covid kills "vaccinated" people at a higher rate than the unvaccinated (mRNA and spike proteins are not "vaccinations" to me or the thinking medical class, thank you); red meat isn't the enemy after all; fasting routines may actually shorten your life; and "good" (HDL) cholesterol is not good, according to new research.

And then we have a growing number of green lunatic scientists, I think in olden days they were called "mad," who want to block the sun's warmth by filling the sky with reflective chemical stuff.  Um, what's that old chestnut about whatever goes up must come down?  Oh well, I guess the new science is our friend.  If men can have babies, it's probably okay to screw with the atmosphere and all the other spheres and wait for News at Eleven to tell us everything is fine.

Finally today, a tip:  Stop softening the children.  It seems that every TV show is filled with kisses, hugs and tears -- and that's just among the men!  We need to harden up both mentally and physically, and we need to do it fast because monsters with hungry eyes watch us here in the states every day, waiting to pounce. Does anybody doubt that we've already experienced a pre-pounce by the globe's worst?

Monday, November 21, 2022

Good News ! (But Not For You)


Save the planet.  I don't know exactly what that means, but all the green religion cult Borg members seem to chant it repeatedly, so why not start out today's entry with the phrase?  By the way, the planet will be just fine, with or without our efforts.

I guess they know that, statistically, officials in officialdom just announced that the Earth now holds eight billion people.  Who counts?  Maybe counting crows, though as I recall people are supposed to count crows and some people like to be known as Counting Crows professionally.  Anyway, eight billion.

The counters also inform us that human world population will level off at around 11 billion and then do something.  Just what is "level off?"  Does this actually mean something, or is this a United Nations admission that they can't count anymore after reaching nearly 12 billion?  Is a decline expected when the magic 11 number hits?  I suspect that what this comes down to is that by the time we reach 11 billion, we will have killed off all the animals and plant life and human survival will be quite the trick.

But don't despair!  Help may be on the way.  Depending upon your point of view.

I've long been impressed with medical research performed in Israel, though the results aren't always to the liking of medical institutions and governments in other countries.

That's why I was rather surprised to find a November 15 article in The Times of Israel by health and science correspondent Nathan Jeffay, describing how men's sperm counts worldwide have accomplished a cliff dive of some 62 percent in less than 50 years!

Adds study co-author Hagai Levine, not only is that bad news for fertility and men's health, it could also "threaten human survival."  The study cover years after an initial study, and clearly shows an acceleration of sperm decline in research which encompassed 53 countries.

So. . .this is a bad thing?  Just as every dog has its day, it seems that a terribly large number of species have had theirs, only to go bye-bye forever.  Save the planet?  Hell, seems we can't even save ourselves, and nature will help.  So wha's up?  Well, war, diminishing nutrition in our heavily processed foods, plowing and paving over of fields and forests, killing everything in sight that moves, precious water sources fouled by fertilizers and everybody's poop, Frankenstein chemicals everywhere -- and the list goes on.  Not to leave out crazy people demanding an increase in human populations because we're running out somehow.  

Survival of the fittest?  That might eventually indicate survival of the last.  Children currently showing up in the medical community with severe illnesses may represent the iceberg's tip, for immune systems of the young seem increasingly difficult to nurture and perpetuate.

Maybe, like spaces on Earth, the universe doesn't like a void, but it probably doesn't like a continuously stupid and worn out planetary Vaudeville show, either, so maybe we're simply destined to flame out as a species.

Could be the planet will say thank you.

- Other topics of which you can neither live with or without -

Jeffrey Dahmer dramatized on TV?  Okay, but wait until they most assuredly will get around to a series on Dean Corll, "the man with the candy" who sexually tortured and murdered many young men and at least one boy in his house, culminating in his own death by gunfire via accomplice Elmer Wayne Henley one day when things weren't exactly going Dean's way.  I believe I recall seeing a page years ago in the satirical Harvard Lampoon entitled, "Dean Corll's Favorite Jokes."  Nothing funny about a carefully designed torture board.

Taylor Swift and Ticketmaster's sweet music:  Why bother attending her extravaganza?  You'll just tempt fate with thousands of people coughing on you and spraying your face with an assortment of nature's worst viruses and bacteria.  Then there are the audience members who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, but stick a drug or food morsel in your face and insist that you "try this."  Is it worth the risk, when you can just buy the music and save ticket money?  Or maybe wait around for the release of "The DOJ's Greatest Hits" as Garland prepares to go on the attack against capitalism at too-big Ticketmaster.

The DOJ goes after Trump (yawn):  Every time I see Merrick Garland, he appears to need Geritol or something to conquer an iron or life force deficiency. Actually, I would have preferred Judy Garland as attorney general, at least she could belt out a song, but of course she's dead so I'm out of Garlands.  Had Merrick Garland been appointed to the Supreme Court, I wonder if HE would have known what a woman is?  Anyway, here he is, putting up a former special prosecutor from the Hague (!!) to investigate Trump.  This guy, this Jack Smith, attired as he was at the Hague he reminded me of Vincent Price as the madman in the Poe-derived movie, The Pit and the Pendulum," so I don't care, Jack Smith, Jack-o-Lantern or Jackass, this clown show continues uninterrupted until they can cook up a Trump conviction.  I wonder if there's time for Garland's cat-o'-nine-tails to go after Schiff and other Dems who orchestrated the first phony Russian collusion impeachment?

Benjamin Crump's big adventure:  Attorney Crump need not stop with inferior education in Baltimore, he may as well sue the rest of the country's schools for turning out the largest collection of teenage dopes ever.  Best of all would be to get the mega-teachers' unions out of the picture and let school boards of quality do their jobs.

Shoplifting as a profession -- Contained by a progression from social to frontier justice:  Walgreen's, Target and other stores continue to close stores as shoplifting in heavy volume continues, perpetrated both by individuals and large crowds.  We continue to suggest that by now the best cure is to shoot these thieves in the head, in the stores.  Let the message get out.  It won't take many, and with luck fed-up judges will tell tearful criminal lawyers looking for damages to go away, far away.  Yes, police officers must he hired and forces enhanced, but we contend that there's nothing like a good old skull-piercing bullet to say we love you and away you go forever to the perpetrator class.

Accommodating multiple invented genders in college:  No.  There are two genders.  Install a zipper on the front of your body and I will show you.  Colleges and universities wishing to continue this charade need to lose some serious benefactor and -- one day soon, we hope -- government funding.  Surgical intervention on children under 18?  You go to prison, doctor, lacking a good reason.  Remember, too, that psychiatrists and psychologists can be just as nuts as their patients, it's just that crazier people even higher up in the bird cage gave them credentials. Oh how I miss you, Dr. Max Rafferty, you explained it all.

UFOs still:  Um, the government is a tad late for a scheduled report.  Some expect a nothing-to-see-here paper, but that will be bullshit all the way if so.

FTX scandal:  Not sure which to mistrust more this week, FTX or the Fed.

Monday, November 14, 2022

May as Well Blame the Wind


Again, the question arises:  Can we trust the elections?  Don't ask me.  Ask the people in charge, if we actually know their identities.

In any event, I hate to entertain ramifications even more than I hate the word, ramifications.  But I do put an ear to the ground, wondering if I hear what I actually might hear:  That a preponderance of American voters are the most uninformed in history.  With a wealth of serious problems initiated and nourished by the Democrat Party, how did voters resuscitate a ship full of political rot which, by all "red wave" poll indications should have been pushed off into the Washington swamp and sunk?

"Is a puzzlement," should you be a fan of The King and I.

Crime, illegal aliens, inflation, energy disasters, murders, authoritarian rule, Biden family inconsistencies suitable for a congressional investigation -- well, the list goes on, and apparently voters selected the same old.

It's likely that many voters tune in every day to almost-any-TV-network-of-your-choice and become hypnotized by all the leftist and progressive nonsense to which they are exposed by design.  Unless one hobbles along with at least some modicum of skepticism, talking heads and slick visuals emerging from the appropriately named idiot box with calculating propaganda cannot help but influence mass opinions all dressed up and ready for the voting booth.

Speaking of the voting booth, in many states including Nevada, Arizona and others where Democrats did well, questions continue to hover regarding the fairness of ballots, ballot harvesting and the likelihood that illegal aliens -- now with driver's licenses and presumably registered -- are probably doing one hell of a lot of voting.  Note that Florida, having tightened voting procedures, had no such problems.

Not to go unnoticed is the union vote.  With Democrats and basic street trash helping left-leaning unions to regain power across the country, debts are being paid off.  Significant repayment can certainly involve payoffs, votes and in some cases intimidating encouragement.

Suckers of the month:  Sad to report, the biggest coagulation of suckers in November, aside from uninformed or self-ignorant voters, are the 26 million folks who applied for some $400 billion dollars of college loan "forgiveness."  Yep, most of you voted for Uncle Joe and politicians of his ilk because they love you and gave you such a beautiful gift JUST BEFORE ELECTIONS, right?  R-i-i-i-i-ght?

Unfortunately, the courts are rightfully and legally busting that loving bubble of "forgiveness," and if the Supreme Court decides that constitutionally Biden has no authority and never had authority to spend money which is the responsibility of the House and the House alone, these people are screwed and, worse, unable to take their votes back as revenge.

Colleges and universities must be watching this with glee, plotting more tuition raises to promote even more absurd classroom nonsense because Uncle Joe and the gang will pay for it with taxpayer money.  Never mind those billions of dollars of endowments stashed in the bank accounts of higher learning institutions, those funds are for, ahem, future somethings or 'nother.

Students, grad students, whomever, please note:  You signed the contract to pay for loans, outrageous or otherwise, and your decisions are not to be transferred to innocent taxpayers.  That's just crazy, and Uncle Joe and the bunch knew they could depend on you come Election Day.  They don't need you anymore. . .until next time, when they produce another handsomely wrapped glitter present upon which you can feast your eyes and voting fingers.  Don't be stupid.

Save the Planet, Save the Elitists:  One can only imagine how China's president for eternity Xi must be laughing his ass off over Biden's environmentalist costume and stern warnings regarding Taiwan.  By the way, where is Greta?  Why doesn't she go to Russia or China, or to Iran or North Korea and voice her climate bullshit?  I'm sure she would look absolutely fetching in hard-labor prison garb for the next 50 years.

Meanwhile, the world's Elite wish to pick our pockets in the guise of assisting less fortunate nations to come around to their posed way of thinking.  Never mind all the scientists who never got two seconds to make their case AGAINST climate catastrophe to the world, condemned and dismissed as they were by colleagues and social network puppeteers with a crazed, power-seeking agenda.  Molten lava, volcanic activity, normal temperature swings and natural changes all conspire to make the Elite look like the liars, alarmists and authoritarian bastards they are.  Thing is, they want us to pay for the comfort in their lives, not your comfort.

If one really, irrevocably believes in pending climate disaster, they must not produce even one child whom, by necessity, will suck up myriad resources during a lifetime.  This is the question to be asked each climate cultist, and their responses should immediately disqualify them if they have one or more climate-destroying children.  Fair is fair.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Cat, the Mouse and the Fox

(A quick word to Republicans who, predictably, made abortion the curse word of the campaign:  See what it got you?  For years, I have spoken or written until I'm blue that this issue is between a woman, her doctor and whomever she chooses, difficult though this may be to swallow.  I respect the religions of those who condemn abortion the loudest but, again, here we are after an election season -- and to quote Ronald Reagan quite out of  original context -- "There you go again."  Wow, I can hardly wait until the next election that you folks blow. . .what's that about being insane if you do the same thing over and over?)

, at least it's over.  Boy oh boy, is it ever over.  Now we can return to TV commercials boasting of testosterone enhancements and Christmas glitter, with a little bit of Thanksgiving cost warnings thrown in.

I like to look at political parties as members of the animal kingdom, which is often correct in ways I won't even bother to address here.

For instance, take mice.  Demomice.  When I think of radical Democrats, I think of mice (and sometimes rats).  Mice are smart little critters, cute, but generally almost identical in appearance, depending of course upon particular species. Sort of like members of the Borg hive of Star Trek fame.  In fact, they are the Borg, each spending its day much like the others, and that includes chewing things, making nests, fornicating, birthing in great numbers, pooping and urinating all over your house, for the most part in places not readily discovered.  Yep, mice are crafty and they hide while accomplishing their foul deeds.

And cats?  Republicans.  Republicats. Generally lazy, do-nothing cats, sleeping away the day, only occasionally half-heartedly swiping their claws at a passing mouse intent upon causing damage to the house's structure.  Despite their fierce reputation on the streets, cats don't always live up to their reputations.

Finally, we have the fox.  The fox, for quite some time, was a rarity among the political right, mainly because the Republicats hid from him, either terrified or steeped in ridicule over the fox's reputation, for, you see, the fox is the political conservative.  Yes, a Conservafox.

The thing about the Conservafox is his growing presence in society, slowly regaining the strength he was noted for in past decades when Republicats actually were brimming with Conservafox genes in their physical structure.

While the Demomice play, tax and spend, and while the Republicat sleeps, snarls and utters purring, vacant promises about dealing with the mice, the true Conservafox entertains no respect for either, and at the drop of a hat will go on the attack to convert both mouse and cat into fox food, doing his part to bring the house, now devoid of nasty munchers and do-nothing critters of ill-deserved reputation, back to normal.


So the nation had a new Conservafox win here and there, but not nearly in the "red wave" pollsters and talk shows anticipated.

The political mix proved strange, considering inflation, the border and other hells weighing heavily upon American minds.  Or so we thought.  Florida and Desantis emerged looking almost heroic, while Pennsylvania chose to be represented in the U.S. Senate by an, unfortunately, brain-compromised stroke victim who refused to offer up his medical records for public review.  Then there was New York, renewing the Cuomo-Hochul dark ages by electing leftist monster Kathy Hochul as NY's first female governor, a job she held on a temporary basis since Andrew Cuomo was kicked out of the governor's office.  In NY, it's all the same creature, and strings of corruption were re-woven into similar patterns, primarily by NY City voters, this year.

Monday, November 7, 2022

They Must Eat What They Cooked for Us

So, yesterday I was getting all ready, having prepared my costume, and this year I decided to dress as an abject failure of a U.S. president.

But then I realized I had missed Halloween altogether, and that Tuesday this week isn't for trick-or-treating, it's actually Election Day.  Cursing myself for both the mix-up and the money I spent to parade in the streets as a fool with political power, I neatly folded up the absurd costume and put it back in the closet, storing it next to last year's male swimmer disguised as a female swimmer swimsuit.

Ah yes, the elections.  A choice. Democrats believe "our democracy" is in peril, a democracy being what the folks in the formerly wealthy Venezuela have when they "vote" for and mysteriously (and overwhelmingly) elect the brutal dictator of the moment.  This is how a society ends up eating zoo animals.  

If you've noticed, Dem after Dem currently warns on TV  about losing our "democracy."  Good! Let's lose their definition of democracy because. . .

Republicans, for all their faults, at least accept that we live not in a democracy, but in a constitutional republic where at least some modicum of representation for the individual exists.

As Biden and his cackling green political disciples disparage fossil fuels, new predictions indicate that China's growing use of coal as demands for increased electrical energy blossom will undo every bit of "progress" the green revolution cult believes it has made around the world.  Pity.  So NOW can we go back to sanity and drill baby drill?  Biden, who never started a business or held a job, can't tolerate the profits oil companies are making, though profits big or small are exactly what we should expect from capitalism working as intended.  This ass of a pRESIDENT currently renews promises to rid the U.S. of coal in exchange for wind power, but the only dependable breezes Biden can deliver are his speeches as a blowhard.

Polls:  Do we not resent becoming individual poll statistics before we're even voted?

If voters give Republicans -- and specifically conservatives who actually do something more than shoot blanks at primarily Democrat Party actions that got us into the worst mess in memory -- the opportunity to do the right thing, we fondly hope that those who insisted upon injecting unknown substances into human bodies are arrested, tried, convicted and in receipt of punishment as appropriate.  Tell your congressional rep to insist upon "Nuremberg II" hearings and swift punishment which, in some cases, should exceed mere imprisonment.  Never forget the harm caused by Frankenstein immunizations, making up "facts" depending upon whim, masking, school and business shut-downs and measures of cruelty exerted by authorities more concerned with power over us than with the necessities of living real in a constitutional republic.  Maybe we should fret a little less about stolen elections and a lot more about stolen lives among both the living and the dead.

Speaking of stolen elections, anybody who believes all the fury is coming from the Republican side needs to merely wait until new election totals pour in and Democrats cry foul no matter what this week.

UFOs in the Mist Dept:  Though I no longer clutter up the UFO arena with my presence to any significant degree, I am grateful for the good people who keep the subject in view -- and some of the best are in the link list on the side here.  This week, I'm particularly grateful to journalist Billy Cox for holding a renewed government UFO bureaucracy's feet to the fire for apparently or possibly failing to inform Congress of new findings on the date due.  No, I have no trouble subscribing to the likelihood that our government and those of other countries remain puzzled in relation to the phenomenon, but I'm also sure that the all-encompassing cloak and cries of "national security" have come in handy repeatedly for keeping the American people, shall we say, in the dark.

Twitter:  Hey corporations, drop your criminal ESG involvement and consider returning to Twitter as advertisers.  If Musk truly intends freedom as he allegedly cleans out the cobwebs of censorship and speech fascism, Twitter's renewal requires your support.

Blame Everybody But Dept:  As the parents of Gabby Petito, murdered at the hands of her boyfriend Brian Laundrie, prepare to sue the Moab, Utah police for millions of dollars, we again witness an instance where somebody else, anybody, has to be held responsible for what a perpetrator, now dead, did.  Police officers are not psychics and cannot always make the right call when human emotions and actions run wild.  The brutal naked truth is that Ms. Petito, like so many young people, chose this monster to love and to cherish and their mutual decision to hang out together ended poorly.  Law enforcement did not choose Mr. Laundrie as neither her soul mate nor her killer, and when everything goes nuts in a relationship that's how the cards are dealt.

This involves the same kind of situation when police are called every day to domestic violence calls, and some of the cops are murdered merely for showing up at the scene and trying to help.  My opinion?  Let the police show up to draw chalk lines, rather than be murdered themselves.  We all make poor choices, but appear increasingly motivated to blame the wrong people when our fantasies of clinging to perfection unravel or our hearts are broken.  We predict that the Moab law enforcement folk will weather this storm, though the foolishness circulating throughout the legal system currently may indeed declare some kind of cash settlement.  If any officers are actually fired, that reflects as much the stupidity of our times as does sensitivity training.