Monday, May 16, 2022

The Federal Bureau of Vaccination Masturbation Nation Never Sleeps

But First This:  The shooting with multiple deaths and injuries at a Tops Market in Buffalo, NY on Saturday.

A murderous 18-year-old nothing's emergence from the Binghamton, NY area is bad enough, but the fact that it's election season complicates everything.  NY governor Kathy Hochul, more or less clone-ish of Andrew Cuomo's heavy-handed rule in the state, is running for her seat this year, and apparently couldn't get to the TV Cameras fast enough after the shootings to decry gun violence.  Condemning the expected friendly ruling on freedom to conceal and carry from the U.S. Supreme Court, Hochul went on a tirade and warned that "we are ready" for that decision -- and in NY that means the governor, assembly and state senate are already working on 101 ways to screw over law-abiding gun owners.

The brutal, undeniable truth, however -- as it always has been -- involves allowing constitutionally guaranteed personal protection when one in out in public.  Modern life is not a Hollywood musical danced in the streets of big cities or small towns.  Indeed, gatherings of people almost anywhere can serve as an opportunity for anything from mental illness to intricate planning to cause violence.

Biden's very expensive plan to combat gun violence would have done nothing to prevent the Buffalo incident.  Changing minds, not attacking law-abiding gun owners, is the only viable solution, and knowing us as I do I'm pretty confident that won't happen as long as we continue hammering people over the head with irrational government policies.

If several of the Tops Market shoppers had been armed, the death toll may have been less.  Somebody may have had a head shot, avoiding the shooter's body armor.  

So what can be accomplished to stop teenage morons from making bad decisions?  I don't know, except I don't believe we'll find the answer in high schools or universities -- or in the American Medical Association -- which can't even admit that people comprise two genders, just two.  If you want to talk about crazy, there you go.

Now, we move on to today's entry. . .

unny, isn't it? 
Folks who become parents will fight to the death for their children's lives, and should food become scarce they would go to any lengths to feed the kids -- even if that means stealing their neighbors' food or, in the worst case, cooking the neighbors to a flavorful state.  It could happen.

Yet, among them is a disturbing percentage of parents who have no problem accepting advice regarding childhood Covid vaccinations from the very same people who messed up royally with baby formula issues and currently strive to destroy children's future with an open Southern border bursting with hordes. weapons of mass drug destruction and other terrors yet unrecognized.

If you seek medical advice from a physician, that isn't me.  However, to realize the extent to which the CDC, White House and other government agencies are ether misinforming or outright lying to you about Covid-related issues and The Jab, you need to stay in daily touch particularly with two links on our link list:  America's Frontline Physicians and Judicial Watch.

I noticed some new research earlier this month into Vitamin D, and it seems this fat-soluble substance (actually more of a hormone than a vitamin) continues to look promising as a substantial Covid-preventative tool when taken in significant dosages.  One probably should get medical advice on this before adding more D tablets or capsules to a daily schedule, as it isn't my place to advise you on things you might introduce into your body (though the government apparently has no trouble demanding that you inject Frankenstein vaccines into your tissues).

You won't get this info from the pharmaceutical companies because they generally do not profit from your over-the-counter purchase of an inexpensive vitamin over which they have no control (but wish they did).  Thinking back, wasn't the late Sen. John McCain involved in attempting with legislation -- unsuccessfully -- to put the crunch on vitamins and other supplements?

Anyway, current events don't say much for a presidential administration bound and determined to inject your kids with increasingly suspicious material, and in its rage to do so totally put on the back burner the subject of baby formula -- which didn't crop up overnight.  Well, at least illegal immigrant babies aren't lacking for nutrition. . .

Meanwhile, mental health issues have overtaken a significant percentage of American youth, thanks particularly to a two-year lock down of youngsters and their developing social needs.  While psychotherapists are said to be in short supply, may I suggest an appropriate therapeutic alternative of school kids sitting down and writing vulgar "thank you" notes to every Democratic governor, mayor, senator and House representative in their areas who became cheerleaders for the worthless lock down travesty?  Quick, do it before they're kicked out of office.

On a similar note, alarming predictions of a nurse shortage in the USA suggest more than 240,000 vacancies in years to come.  Is this a surprise?  Every day, nurses must deal with overbearing physicians and supervisors, enough medical equipment to choke a whale and miserable, demanding patients and family members who -- pain aside -- have never been more obnoxious or intimidating.  Not to mention a wealth of suffering since Covid arrived from China, China, China.

Not insignif -- a looming shortage of general practitioner MDs is also on the dark horizon.  Perhaps horse doctors of the 1800s will come back into style?

As unions attempt a very encouraging re-emergence of power in the USA, we aren't smiling.  If you think unions and the Chamber of Commerce far and wide aren't salivating over hundreds of thousands of fresh, barely educated and very compliant bodies scurrying over the Southern border, you don't understand how unions work.

Electric cars and quantum computing:  If quantum computers are about to become all the rage, able to crack every digital world safety feature quickly and without error, doesn't that mean hackers and rogue AI entities can take over vehicles and crash them and their occupants into oblivion at will?  A bored society with nothing to do can be dangerously inventive.