Monday, July 26, 2021

Meanwhile, Back on the Progressive Plantation in July, 2021. . .


Not to digress right from the start, but aren't those Tokyo Olympics great?  Just kidding.  No, they aren't.  In addition to a few athletic America-haters who have no appreciation for the country which gave them so much, the whole humdrum affair is populated with the usual mine-is-bigger-than-yours egotists who expect total adulation, lucrative participation in product endorsements and a stable of medal-licking fans who promise eternal loyalty.  And of course we can't forget competitors from communist countries, where they return home as either winning "heroes" or fodder for hard labor.  This time around, I'd rather watch a dog show judged on the quality of mange infections and designer fecal dog piles than this recurring international foolishness.

Interesting that Biden's Department of (Progressive) Justice "decided" not to pursue an investigation into NY govern-not Andrew Cuomo and nursing home deaths as Covid-19 got a grip in the state.  Looks as though the DOJ has more important issues, like gun violence -- and to these folks, anything involving a gun is violence, presumably even a picture of a gun or a gun image made out of a cookie.

Then there's Cuba.  Cuba?  Hmm.  Oh yeah, cigars.  Seems there was something else about Cuba recently.  Well, the White House doesn't care, so it can't be anything important.  I think maybe it had something to do with the Democrat extremists not wanting to make ocean waves because condemning Cuban socialism wouldn't bode well for attempting to make the United States emulate and accept that form of government.  Oh well, call me old-fashioned. . .but it is disturbing that U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and three other House Democrats are connected to the far-left group Democratic Socialists of America, which supports Cuba's communist regime amid a widespread uprising.  Neither she nor fellow DSA members, Reps. Rashida Tlaib, (D-Michigan), Jamaal Bowman, (D-NY) or Cori Bush have spoken out about protests that took place in cities across the island nation earlier in the month.

Will Kamala Harris become President soon?  Does Biden know what planet he lives on?  People are increasingly questioning the Executive Brain's state of reasoning power.

Sue for millions:  As (sorry, Ministry of Truth, sad but true) hydroxychloroquine and even the veterinarian's embarrassingly inexpensive (a few pennies) old standby, ivermectin are suggested in NEW studies to be effective against Covid-19, it's just so popular now for companies and sports concerns to fire people who refuse vaccinations with what are currently still considered emergency/experimental  concoctions.  While courts in the past have upheld some vaccinations, it's difficult to believe that one or two 50 million dollar lawsuits brought by brilliant attorneys against employers insistent upon invading their employees' bodies with a questionable foreign substance wouldn't eventually be successful.  The Covid immunizations may be great, but we need time to tell us there won't be immunological consequences when future infections threaten humans.

Infrastructure for the Masses:  The basic infrastructure plan is acceptable, but the Democrats' 3.5 to five  trillion dollar addition heaped with social programs seems almost guaranteed to kill off America with super-inflation and put future generations in debt.  LBJ's "Great Society" spent trillions to do exactly what today's progressives and other radicals intend -- which will also fail as we are left only with a "Great Plantation."  Where are the great minds?

If there is a God. . . . . .why didn't He give us South Carolina's Senator Tim Scott instead of Barack Obama as our first black President?  Don't fret, Jason Riley, you're still looking good, too.

If there's not a God. . . . . .we can see why the NFL will give a quarter of a billion dollars to BLM, Inc., the very fashion plate for Marxism, over the next 10 years.  Who needs to invest in Hate America First campaigns when you have NFL and NBA folks carrying that torch along with "woke" corporations and high-tech?  By the way, what nation does the "black national anthem" represent?  We hope your audience and TV viewer numbers dribble down to a penguin and two squirrels.

Don't let the door smack you in the ass on your way out:  Yahoo News picked up a report by April Glaser (7/14/21) about two Amazon employees, maybe more, who resigned because they didn't like the company selling a book depicting transgender young people as mentally ill.  Irreversible Damage:  The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, written by Abigail Shrier was the culprit, and as we all know the First Amendment must always be scrapped when somebody writes or says something with which others may disagree.  

We fully encourage idiots who don't like what other people think to quit their jobs, and just maybe they will be replaced by actual brainpower amenable to basic American rights.

The Trouble with Trump:  We were amused that America's highest-ranking U.S. officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, is among other military officials, according to a new book, who feared Donald Trump had planned a coup to retain his power.  Regarding General Milley, and we take nothing away from his distinguished military service, we watched him in a news snippet approve the insertion of critical race theory in the military -- but then admitted that he didn't know much about it.  On the battlefield, we suggest that this sort of thinking would lose the battle, if not the war.  We hope General Milley and other members of the Joint Chiefs will remove their heads from some very bad places, smell the roses and realize what poison CRT is wherever it is introduced -- and CRT is not anything new.

Today's entry can't conclude without mention of a study recently found on Michael Savage's Web site in which a group of Florida parents performed a mask study.  They laundered masks for their children to wear to school, and later on swabbed them to see what was growing.  An alarming number of various dangerous pathogens from the used masks resulted during laboratory studies, even though children's clothing exposed to normal conditions grew little to nothing of consequence.

As we have said consistently, we and our respiratory systems are the greatest incubators for "bad bugs" in the world, and the introduction of masks just adds a bacteria "chicken brooder" of sorts.  Numerous studies have determined that masks don't do much to prevent Covid-19 spread anyway.  But, hey, my name isn't Dr. "Falsey."

Heads Up, Readers:  Today I've put up a link to the Babylon Bee, a satirical site to be cherished daily.  My brilliant readers (that's you) will recognize the wonders of satire in these stories, while, unfortunately, stupid people will think they're real news reports and will probably complain to The Authorities (of which there appear to be more and more every month).  There is also a companion page containing REAL stories, so you really can access the best of both worlds.