Wednesday, April 14, 2021

WOKE's Holy Trinity

Just as cinema zombies crave human brains for sustenance (or just for kicks), we must desire functioning, intellectually traditional brains for the United States.  As a society we've become complacent and unmoved about our rapidly declining place in the world, so much, in fact, that powerful forces once beyond concern now threaten to manipulate our daily lives with no apologies.

Yes, one can look upon an obviously long-conjured and now in effect Democrat-initiated, six-month "study" on "reforming" the Supreme Court, a blatant attempt to stack the Court in favor of the left.

But there's so much more at play.  Consider the  state of religion, especially the Judeo-Christian principles responsible for the nation's founding (whether native peoples should have killed everybody setting foot on the continent and been done with it back then is a matter to be argued elsewhere).  The left and its well-established Marxist element have waited for years to make itself the new religion for the masses, and indeed we witness "The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost"  being methodically replaced by The Government, The Multi-National Corporations and the Unions.

Welcome to the new Holy Trinity.  

The Great Reset is not fiction.  Is American capitalism and competition working for the individual facing dinosaur status?

The possibility of a hot war with China in the near term is likewise not fiction.

That a vast majority of the Biden syndicate's so-called infrastructure plan has absolutely nothing to do with roads and bridges, but instead goes to social(ist) programs speaks volumes.

100 or so major corporations and financial institutions, names we all know, pooled their resources and reportedly held a Zoom session a few days ago, plotting and planning against election reforms accomplished by or planned for states with Republican leadership.  Or to be more clear -- the Great Reset corporate/donor partners, in what seems the ultimate collusion with unions and leftist government elements, want to take decisions out of our hands and claim eminent domain for stripping us of our American (and, yes, God-given) rights.  States have every responsibility to organize fair elections, and that was reflected in Georgia and other states, despite what these mega-monster entities try to do by hook or by crook.

How long will it take before we resemble Venezuela?  I don't know -- but be sure to look northward to our friend, Canada, whose officials have now gone on a church-closing spree, arresting a pastor AND journalists attempting to cover the story. Stay in touch with Canada's Rebel News to read about a lifestyle rotting from the inside out, thanks in so small part to Trudeau, who should probably have a prison named after him as he becomes its first inmate.

Here in the states, Biden already took taxpayer money to pay off union debts and troubled pensions, and gave the usual gun control speech with Executive actions (they aren't confiscating guns, but just try to find currently scarce ammo at reasonable prices).

Unfortunately, the folks who pay little attention today to the slow drift toward fascism in their country will definitely sit up and take notice once the dollar is nearly worthless and bank savings are converted into digital currency whose value is determined by sources unwilling to argue with depositors.

Minneapolis Follies:  Cops trying to control the clueless, idiotic, but nonetheless violent inhabitants crawling and slithering about in major U.S. cities are surely stressed and at the end of their wits.  Maybe police administrators need to say politically correct things after the latest shooting death, but I don't, and here's my view:  So, a young man is shot dead by a veteran police officer who reportedly believed she was firing her taser, not a service weapon.  Oops.  Well, here's what:  When are these fools going to learn that running from the cops and refusing orders to halt simply amps up confusion and may result in something hazardous to their health, whether by intent or accident?  Daunte Wright?  Daunte wrong. Was there not a weapons (gun) warrant out for him? Did he not have a history of violence? Did he not resist arrest before attempting to flee (and perhaps the officer thought he could be reaching for a weapon)?  OF COURSE activist TV network news shows presented a cluster of angelic-appearing photos of Daunte Wright from earlier times.  Woo-hoo -- just wait until the civil court doles out mega-millions of compensation/"reparations" for this tragic loss to humanity.  Yes, this officer's error was a tragedy, but since everything now is race-based, we ask:  Had a white perp been shot dead, would anybody care?  Or would the civil court system pay more than a memory contribution?  As we said, everything is race now, and if it doesn't stop nothing will matter.

Regarding the inevitable roach cluster which materialized in the streets almost immediately after the fatal shot was fired -- yep, many were so consumed with a need for social justice and pity for the fallen perp that their rage and sorrow could only be alleviated by looting stores and bouncing objects off cops' heads.  I stand by past statements:  When mobs take to the streets and initiate violence against people or property, what can't be clubbed in the head should just be shot dead by law enforcement personnel.  It won't take too many. This nonsense and wildness against police dedicated to public safety has to stop, and respect for law certainly isn't being taught in the homes of dangerous human insects who have absolutely no interest in educating or bettering themselves or their neighborhoods.  Yes, unintended police shootings are terrible, but when one considers the level of stress police officers endure every day and night now at the hands of social justice warriors, hopeful cop killers and Internet-and cell phone-inspired clusters of maniacs, just what level of official street etiquette should we expect when incidents explode?  And a side note:  What the hell level of communist wannabees get elected to city councils with goals of destroying law enforcement?  When residents who obviously don't even know in many cases who they are voting for give these sucking louses power, that's a monumental reason why city neighborhoods deteriorate.