Monday, April 26, 2021

Bits and Pieces for April 2021

Note to (primarily) black people insistent upon attacking those of innocent Asian heritage in the streets without cause:  Wouldn't your nefarious "talents" be put to better use by instead attacking black people who kill other black people? BLM (black lives marauding) isn't looking too good here.

Get'cher millions here:  Nobody cares that far more white perpetrators are shot dead by police every year than black criminals.  Nevertheless, we suspect a new phenomenon will arise which we already witness: The Big Payoff of millions of dollars to families of shot-dead criminals by cities and towns already strapped for cash.  Isn't it interesting how attorneys such as Crump seem to show up magically when shootings occur?  Far be it from me to pretend what goes on in the heads of lawyers and grieving families of the shot-dead criminal record element, but I think we're just beginning to see a pattern of multi-million dollar payoffs / reparations to the grieving kin whose sobbing and tears shed over thug/punk daddy, mommy or sibling can only be alleviated by a cash avalanche.

It seemed a bit incredible after the shooting death of Andrew Brown in North Carolina last week that activists were all too quick to point out that this convicted felon was unarmed.  Oh, was he?  We suggest that the car in which he allegedly attempted to flee police was itself a weapon, capable of injuring or killing many as this drug perp attempted a fast get-away. We now await Brown's family, so proud of daddy and supposedly his rep, to sue local government into near-oblivion.

Every one of these police incidents seem to involve obvious wrongdoing on the "perp-victim" side as cops attempt an arrest, but the left insists upon overlooking this, demanding instead radical police "reform."  

Who's out there thanking the cops for shooting knife-wielding Ma'Khia Bryant dead just before she stabbed a female to death?  Nobody.  Why aren't the people whose lives were obviously saved by the magnificent straight-shooting officer right up front before the media, lavishing praise upon the cop who literally saved their ass?  Not going to happen, of course not.

How interesting that Biden's press hack, Jen Psaki immediately conjured police violence in the country instead of addressing the Bryant incident specifically when asked about it.

How much more of America can these political serpents slither through without causing irrevocable damage to common sense?

Biden addresses the nation:  Oh boy.  This is going to be even worse than sitting through the Oscars, which haven't occurred yet as I write this (and I'll only watch the part where they honor dead people, just to discover whether any of my deserved favorites make the list).  I think that every time Biden opens his mouth and states a radical accomplishment, TV screens should flash the words,"Courtesy of Obama, who never left."  Or maybe the words should read, "Goodbye, middle class."

Meanwhile, down at the border:  Frankly, the Southern border now reaches all the way north, as illegal aliens (I'm sorry, I meant to say criminals) invade the country without limits, bringing diseases, illiteracy, intolerable numbers and immense costs to taxpayers.  I'm no psychic, which might be an advantage over acting as a government official these days, but looking ahead one can imagine a dramatic rise in crime across the nation as illegal (that's still criminal in my mind, Jack.. .) aliens with no jobs, citizenship or hope turn to violence, the drug trade and murder for hire.  You know, so they can provide for their families.  Their children.

Your babies aren't cute anymore.  There, I said it again.  How many years have I said it?

What to do?  Go buy guns and (scarce) ammo now in case our national, overextended welcome mat can't handle the Biden syndicate's national suicide tour compassion.

Trump's policies sure look good today.  Anybody remember Trump?