Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Who Wants to Be a Multimillionaire?

Call me old-fashioned -- though in today's political climate some will dismiss me as a racist because the mere utterance of the "R" word covers all situations -- but I fail to understand why the family of George Floyd received 27 million dollars in a civil lawsuit even before the police officers' trial began.  Despite officers PERHAPS following department policy, is it not rather customary to await trial results before determining a cash settlement?  And...really...27 million?  If one wishes to bring race into this issue, just how many times have families of non-black people who perished at the hands of law enforcement officers received such monumental financial payouts?

We suspect the Minneapolis legislators behind this decision are either wildly progressive or trembling in fear, and we further wonder if this sum is also a tip of the hat to reparations (the new Covid "relief" bill provides reparations in a blatant fashion to black over non-black farmers, by the way).  But all of that aside, should not everybody have waited until evidence of Floyd's general physical condition and alleged drug ingestion came to light at the trial?  What if his death had far more to do with his own medical problems and alleged drug use than an officer's foot on his neck?  We're talking about meth and Fentanyl here, not baby aspirin.

Anybody who believes that a significant portion of hyped-up, race-baiting "minorities" who regularly take to the streets aren't looking upon the 27 million dollar figure as a jackpot, windfall or lottery bonus in the world of cop-haters is bereft of reality.  Will this absurd payout result in more street players taunting police officers just a little in order to commandeer a tidy sum from city governments across the nation for skinned knees, back pain and harsh words?

What one appears to have here is evidence of social justice, not American justice.  27 million dollars?  Local taxpayers and/or insurance company personnel might want to appeal this amount if they have any recourse whatsoever, which we doubt in an era of non-white racial superiority and the cancel culture pushed by the agenda-consumed.  

Yes, George Floyd's death was tragic, but tragedy can materialize in so many other ways unanticipated.

Senator Ron Johnson attacked by mainstream media destructors:  If you had the opportunity to check out conservative radio talk show host Joe Pags' show when he interviewed Sen. Ron Johnson, you would have known how bogus and activist-saturated ABC-TV and others were when they portrayed Johnson as a racist for his comments about his feeling unsafe around Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters.  More to the point, they seemed to show him as sympathizing with those who broke into the Capitol Building on January 6.  In fact, for anybody who listened to his interview with Pags, he made it clear that he supported the thousands of Trump fans who demonstrated peacefully, while condemning the law-breakers.  During his weekend wrap-up radio show, Pags attempted to tell all media that if they were to play his interview with Johnson they were obligated to play all of it, not just selected sound bites.  Of course, the MSM did what they always do and played what suited their activist agenda, making Johnson out to be a racist.  OF COURSE they went after him -- they pursue every decent conservative politician, don't they, always?

The Biden Bunch's Covid Relief Bill:  OF COURSE polls indicated that most Americans wanted it.  Were there no payouts of free money and other goodies, who would welcome this Titanic?  Union pensions and especially Democrat disaster cities, victims of their own financial mismanagement, are purring like kittens now as our own government has stolen from the future to satisfy today.  What about that other trillion dollars already allotted for Covid relief and reportedly jut sitting on the sidelines?

A special thank you to Biden for potentially "allowing" Americans to have a few folks over for the 4th of July -- but was anybody really planning to ask his permission?

Meanwhile, the Biden folk are writing new plans for educating America's youth, neglecting of course to include anything good about American history and planning to fill young minds instead with phony visions of America beginning as a slave state.  Charter schools, private schools or Catholic schools:  Choose any one over deteriorating public schools.  In the meantime, one of the most positive steps parents can take is to approach school boards and assure that President Trump's White House-commissioned "1776 Project" paper be required reading for high school students.  It's available free as a .pdf on the Web.  Until it's not.

Trouble at the Southern Border:  Yes, it's a horror show and Biden still blames Trump even as he refuses to finish building The Wall.  This is Obama redux all over again and did not need to happen, had rational thought taken charge.  Stupid, ambitiously reactionary members of the Democrat Party so-called leadership simply do the same things over and over again until they can't get everything more wrong.  The solution?  I don't know, but maybe we can start with actually arresting public officials currently ramping up this dangerous activity, putting them on trial and following up with lengthy prison sentences for the guilty.  Senators and House representatives should not be immune and subject only to the absurdities of impeachment or censure.

Just for you, Progressives:  Now that you're back and fully in charge, doing the only thing you know how or care to do -- destroy the country -- how about we do this?  You folks love change (your change), and I can't think of a better change than to initiate special courts with judges and juries dedicated to judging senators and House representatives (let's not forget un-elected people who strangle us with regulations approved by special interests only)) who fail to uphold constitutional obligations, making them eligible for long prison terms and fines.  The current system seems uninterested in Doing The Right Thing to certain denizens of the D.C. swamp.

Harry and Meghan:  We don't care.  We're already bored to tears with this overrated duo of dolts and wish they would pack up the baby, their belongings and return to the land of Royals, where the banter of such people is appreciated for its vacuous qualities.  All we see are two more progressive elitists dedicated to crying on our shoulders about victimization.

Andrew Cuomo:  He had more than his 15 minutes of fame.  As life's little decision-makers slowly pry his hands loose from the NY governorship flagpole, we fondly hope Cuomo realizes how history will record him eternally as a weasel and maybe eventually a criminal of sorts.  He can write even more books filled with self-serving nonsense and autograph a thousand (unsold) copies to himself with love and kisses, but history will stand to refute whatever the cancel culture leftists leave behind.

Keep 'em Loaded:  As the left continue to push Marxist ideas upon us until its cultists either get heaved out of office, arrested or obliterated, we're watching House legislation intent upon watering down the Second Amendment even more.  My opinion is this:  If you're worried that "they" will eventually come for your guns (I mean, government agencies already want to know your name and what you have around the house), it's difficult to fathom the thought that chiefs of police and sheriffs across the nation would ever put up with such orders, nor would American military members.  However, and this is really stretching credulity (I think), don't put it past the devious left to find ways to call in United Nations soldiers to accomplish the job.  Should that day ever come, the solution is inescapable -- the population has to take out those firearms and kick UN troops and "advisory" personnel in their globalist asses until they get the message and leave (sorry -- the cancel culture wouldn't want me to use the words "shoot" and "kill" in that sentence, so. . .).  

A tiny part of me suggests that we not totally dismiss or condemn homegrown militia folk, because as crazy as things are becoming in the U.S., we see no evidence yet that Federal or state government sanity will endure, as evil people increasingly drive us nationally bonkers with decisions cooked up in the progressive pressure cooker.  Trust is a damned rare thing, isn't it?