Thursday, November 12, 2020

Deprivation -- Key to the Pod People Victory

The Joe and Medusa saga begins.  To me, Kamala Harris and her radical pose fit the bill, and I intend to watch carefully for snakes replicating hair.  And Biden?  47 years worth of do-nothing in Washington and suddenly he's going to be the geriatric wunderkind?

Is this the trade-off so that cities won't burn and riots won't become standard street fare?  Vote Democrat to assure peace through welfare checks?

Hordes of Democrat voters and Trump haters (Haters exist on the left? Hmm.) are ecstatic.  At last, the orange man may fade and go away.  Or not.

A tremendous effort was exerted on the left in changing election rules before Covid-19 even became an issue, and just look at the results as confusion and vitriol muddy up the U.S. voting process this time around.  Will state electoral representatives "do something" about the chaos?  We doubt that.

So now the country can dismiss an America-loving Trump (his major "crime") and return to rule by professional politicians who never, ever entertained the notion that they could be swept away by a man who isn't one of them.  The pods must be protected, and millions of pod people who don't know or care very much about electoral consequences made pod security possible in the revised voting process.

Some folks apparently have short memories, while newly accumulated young voters benefit from no memories at all of the difference between Obama socialism and Trump's American freedoms.  Strange how a virus not only infects and kills, but simultaneously wipes away recollections of all the great things accomplished for a country and all of its people in the past four years.  All of this, even as a phony impeachment sucked the air out of political integrity and specific government personnel conspired to remove a sitting president through hook or by crook (mostly crook).

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's laptop computer (apparently confirmed as genuine by both government officials AND Hunter's friends and associates whose computers contain the same legitimate messages) is summarily ignored by the so-called news media, even as evidence suggests that the Biden family's financial affairs may be as dirty as the contents of a cat's litter box. China plays big here.  Does anybody care?

Black Americans who did not vote for Trump, sad to say, may now slide right back into the Democrat plantation, the one which has kept slavery alive in several forms since the days when cotton-picking and the KKK exemplified the Democrat Party.

So what do we do now?  Embrace emotionally disturbed Greta Thunberg's crazy climate change religion?  Kiss up to Biden's fave China (follow the money?) and allow public schools to return to damning America instead of teaching about the good things?

Rotten to the core is still rotten to the core, no matter how radical Democrats wish to paint their existence otherwise.

Some deserve exactly what they are about to receive, as the rest of us will hope to be saved by the courts and U.S. Senate.  Beware as executive orders fly like bullets through the heart of established American values and traditions.  Will Georgia save us with two senatorial runoff elections scheduled for January 5, or will radical Democrats have free rein to transform the United States?

What happens in January?  The swamp will get swampier, the Deep State deeper and the radical leftist decay incessantly gnawing away at the national fabric will continue on steroids.  The Biden -- scratch that -- the Harris administration will do everything short of marrying the United Nations' radical elements and power to the people will mean power to a government which believes it knows better than the people.  Better than what the Constitution and Bill of Rights laid out.

Worst of all, "The Great Reset" (available for shocking review via the World Economic Forum) lusted after by globalists intent upon dismantling the United States has a good chance of simply walking into the national living room and taking over daily operations of the whole house.  It will all be about what one is allowed to have as opposed to individual initiative reaching higher and higher for one's own dreams and desires.

The mainstream media and established mega-Web players clearly managed, distorted and excluded important information which should have been available to all Americans, all in a more than obvious attempt to hide Trump and conservative accomplishments from public view. 

Their attempts to shield a generally clueless people from the last-minute revelations about outrageous and possibly criminal Biden family corruption via son Hunter's laptop computer -- confirmed as real and NOT a Russian trick of some sort -- succeeded beyond their wildest censorship dreams, effectively keeping Democrat voters who should rightly have been sickened by the revelation out of that particular loop.  Of course, a significant number of the pod people just didn't care.

Make no mistake:  The mainstream and not so mainstream media elected Biden and Harris, constantly ignoring and excluding facts and performing a daily beat-down of the Trump administration.  All they needed the American people for was to follow suit and use millions of fingers to select the abomination of a pre-determined choice.

Maybe the Democrats won't get us into another war (their specialty), but the leftists' serrated ripping apart of our national bowels will turn out to be battle enough.  The agenda is not only laid out, it's been waiting in the corner for years.  Pod people of good conscience probably have no idea what they just voted for.

We were sold democracy in all the fancy Democrat speeches, but when conservatives countered by warning that Venezuela, Cuba and all banana republics are democracies the pod people laughed and could not have cared less that America is a democratic republic, not a mere democracy.  The profound difference between the two terms means everything, as we may soon realize by stark confrontation with elected practitioners of leftist democracy.

We have now reached a point where the only entities possibly able to protect traditional American values from the seething hatred and clinical insanity of the left are the U.S. Senate and the Supreme Court.  The latter may bask in jeopardy if packing the court becomes an option.

What happens to a number of investigations currently underway against Trump's true enemies and, in breaking news, the effort to determine just what kind of a rating the Biden bunch allegedly deserves as a political crime family?

It's so pleasing to know that the radical leftist bunch is preparing lists of enemies based solely on who preferred Trump over the hell we're soon to witness.  I hope they spell my name right.

Once again, sober people from the right will need to step in again, should thoughtful elections bring them back, just to clean up the mess about to be created by extremists intent upon closing up America.

Unfortunately, it won't take a magician to make the most justified of inquiries simply disappear under the new Administration.