Monday, July 30, 2018

Bits and Pieces for July 2018

Multiculturalism reaches out:  Conservative federal prosecutor Ryan W. Bounds (Oregon) didn't make the cut (Washington Post, May 10) for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals because a few of the usual congressional suspects didn't like his 20-year-old writings about multiculturalism, penned as a Stanford University student.  Because one major critic, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, became particularly energized about Bounds' beliefs of decades past, even though Bounds now denounces them, maybe it's only fair that we hold Blumenthal's feet to the fire about his own controversial statements years ago, leading some to believe he served in Vietnam, when he did not.

Sorry, but even televised news reports of recent years bear witness to the logic in some of Bounds' old writings regarding "sensitivity" training and race-based groups.

NBC News reported on children raised by parents as "theyby" kids, apparently a term for growing up without the curse of identification with a gender.  Especially popular among progressive parents -- of course -- not even friends or other family members may be let in on the secret of who was born boy or who was born girl, because it just doesn't matter.  Not only is the blatant denial of established gender science dangerous to the individual and, frankly, idiotic for a society, but history will record an -- we hope brief -- era during which parents and others who carelessly bought into leftist amentia were actually the clueless court jesters of society. . .

Which brings us to the NY Post of July 17, reporting about Dr. David Mackereth, a UK physician fired simply for refusing to use preferred "transgender pronouns" in the presence of TG patients.  Admitting also to the high crime of practicing Christianity, the good doctor confesses that he will never again be able to work for England's National Health Service or any government agency.  Mackereth admits to a "climate of fear" in his medical specialty, where staff are instructed to inform on one another for violating these monumentally silly and stupid "discrimination" laws.

With radical Islam running rampant in Great Britain, save throughout Western Europe, destined to become even more influential unless timid legislators actually address the issue forcefully, we think it's safe to suggest that extremists will pretty much handle the transgender issue in a murderous, final way sooner or later, and boys and girls will again become boys and girls.  Meanwhile, a country intent on attacking its physician class and others whom, by nature, feel compelled to buck a system wildly out of control, soon won't be a country at all. 

Hey, England -- like here in portions of the U.S., your damned inmates are running the lunatic asylum.  But you already knew that, did you not?

Boys in chains:  Newsmax (July 19) expresses author Scott McEwen's (American Sniper) concerns that boys spend too much time on the Internet, trading badly needed skills, exercise and time outside the home for a world of digital device enslavement.  Well, how dare he, will McEwen ever be published again?!

Not surprisingly, a University of Texas-Austin male student (re Campus Reform) caught up in the poisonous spider's web known as Title IX and found guilty regarding a non-harassment incident was mandated to watch and reflect in a paper about a film tackling toxic vs. "healthy" masculinity.  Apparently, he was instructed to outline how he would encourage "healthy" masculinity -- which, we suggest, is going to be one hell of a difficult task in a male-hating society which, nonetheless, can't even admit that genders exist, and last time we counted they numbered two. Two.  Total two.