Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Junction

No matter what, goes the apparent unwritten media standard,Trump must be blamed right off the bat for anything that goes wrong -- and so he was when he didn't use the politically correct language during the aftermath of the Charlottesville, Virginia riot.  They wanted names, names, names publicized:  Neo-Nazis, the KKK, white supremacists and their ilk.  Why, oh why, didn't Trump mention each individually, shouted the morons? 

However, peculiar, yes? Nobody in journo land begged Obama to single out and publicly condemn specific radical black groups when chaos broke out in Ferguson, MS or Baltimore, MD.

I knew all I needed to know over the weekend when I saw a report by ABC via the Stephanopoulos show in which a photo of the 20-year-old alleged murderer was thrown up on the screen, with words in large letters underneath his name reading REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.  I wish I could remember the last time ABC similarly accommodated a criminal Democrat suspect, but I doubt there is such precedent.

Speaking of Ohio's "superior" white auto driver, said to have a history of mental problems (getting to be normal status in this country), we also note that he would seem to have been in elementary school when Obama came into Office, so the entirety of his school years from that point were filled with Obama's educational bull crap and racial favoritism (that's called racism by those who use the proper term).  As time goes on, we're sure to find a lot of screwed up adults who came to be that way as children growing up under Obama's ways.  Of course, all blame will fall upon Trump, whom the left, some on the right and their willing shadow buddies can't wait to toss out of Washington for their own reasons (not yours).

While we understand why some would wish to topple the statue of Robert E. Lee and other controversial figures, we also offer a warning:  Sometime in the future, perhaps in the distant future, preserving such reminders might be the only defense one has against others who wish to tarnish and insist for their own ends that certain episodes or artifacts of history were in error or never existed at all.  When we hide or destroy history's remnants, we may easily ring in our own demise simultaneously.

Which leads us to the mayor of some Kentucky town, who thought the best response to all of this is to remove two Confederate (?) statues in his own town.  Yeah mayor, that'll show 'em. 

Watching Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe speak against violent whities, sounding something akin to the politically correct valedictorian at a junior college graduation, left me uninspired, as did NY's governor Andrew Cuomo, who needlessly warned there was no room for white supremacists in the country -- a statement reminiscent of one he uttered some time back when advising that there was no place for politically conservative people in NY.  In Cuomo's world, there's no room for anybody but those who think like he -- and this man may have presidential intentions, so may his words return to haunt him.

Meanwhile, as radical groups of all sorts fret and fight in the streets over relics of the distant past, few pay attention to the sidelines, where members of a particular group of people plot and plan to one day take over the U.S. government using the steady and sure weapon called multiple childbirth.  Yes, deep within the United States are haters living in their own special communities who hate our freedoms and Constitution more than any other faction, and they both raise and educate their young as, not simply race haters, but as America haters.  And don't think they aren't appreciative of street riots, for such chaos participants are assisting the unseen more than "our" garden-variety hate groups could imagine. 

Who knows, the day may come when you beg the universe to send that damned asteroid.