Monday, October 31, 2022

Lifestyles of the Rich and Pummeled

his time, the name
happened to be Paul Pelosi.  That's Pelosi of THE Pelosi family.  Anytime somebody, usually a lunatic, steps out of the shadows and invades one's life with violence is a tragedy, and we feel no less sympathy for the victim in this instance.  However, bonkers though the perp seemed to be, we still lack plenty of information, and it isn't impossible in the long run that we would be surprised by what we don't and may never know.  After all, this was Washington, a place where intrigue,  secrets and sex play fast and loose.  Truth is frequently political party-dependent in relationship to the status of journalism's iron lung.

What truly puzzles me, this being the enlightened era where a certain segment of society -- Democrats -- believe that less is more, is why cops were almost instantly upon the scene.  Shouldn't social workers have responded instead of police?  Isn't that the new feel-good approach in so many leftist communities now, just send social workers to talk the stuffing out of perpetrators with criminal violence on their minds?  Or maybe the new lib preference would be cops holding bananas and shouting, "Stop or I'll shoot!"

As elections near, any Democrat voter who isn't shaken to the core by this extreme, literally in-your-face example of the criminal elephant in the living room, wielding a hammer of injury or death, must be brain-dead.  You aren't safe at 82 and you aren't safe at 10.  The question is, what will Democrat voters do about it?  The closer November 8 approaches, the more Democrat candidates try to sound centrist, almost conservative.  Yet, based upon buckets of past experience, it should be no surprise that once elections pass those who survive the votes will go right back to chewing the country's foundation to bits.

Elon Musk's "hell scape" reference?  I don't care what he says, we need a Twitter hell scape.  Hmm, wait a minute -- haven't we already had that with the previous censorship-loving operators?

Return of the Creature:  Just in time for Halloween AND the elections, there's old Obama (the male version) hell-raising in Georgia with his usual shouted blather.  If Georgia voters actually believe this guy has done anything to better the lives of black Americans, good luck.  Like the Black Lives Matter officials, looks like he and the wife did very, very well, what with a mansion in Martha's Vineyard -- and what bravery, living near the very ocean that Al Gore cult followers anticipate will swallow the whole family up one day soon!  Hint:  When you listen to this polished speaker offer his nonsense, keep in mind that he's no Rev. Martin Luther King.

No Happy Halloween in Seoul, South Korea:  Tragedies abound.  You know what I want?  I want the world's people to keep on screwing their brains off and producing as many people as possible so we can continue encountering stories of suffering, death and human-caused environmental destruction affecting every form of life on the planet.  Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

If only life was like all those old TV Westerns, where every time the hero received a gunshot he was only "grazed" or sustained a "flesh wound." In 2022, no matter where one looks, there is quite the paucity of lucky flesh wounds.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

NASA and the Annoyance Factor


So, well, whatdayaknow, here's we go again, and this time it's NASA taking a big bite out of the exceptionally well-preserved UAP/UFO apple with a new study incorporating the already incorporated.  What does that mean?  Hell, I don't know, but it looks good on paper.  Hmm, so did Dr. Ed Condon's project at the University of Colorado.  Come to think of it.

I think that what blasts what remains of my functioning brain tissue into little bits when these THIS IS OFFICIAL DAMN IT studies are set up is the profound absence of plain ol' people who spent decades investigating and documenting UFO cases, and woe to anybody on those projects who dares to consult UFO literature cases accomplished by obviously deranged UFO "fans."

In the list of personnel just released by NASA, I see plenty of people with high-er education, but I doubt any of them have been eating up UFO history during their lives.  Thus continues the research flaw when government becomes involved almost as an afterthought to the phenomenon itself..

Actually, I expect some solid UFO history knowledgeables -- and perhaps a charlatan here and there, unfortunately -- will be consulted by who-knows how many on the list, at least marginally, and I hope I'm wrong about some skepticism regarding the ultimate status of NASA's project.  It could result in gold. 

 Or it could crash-land as a big freakin' marshmallow.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Rats in the Pantry -- Biden's Illegal Alien Romance May Be Harming American Kids

Rats are very intelligent critters who accurately make self-serving decisions throughout their lives.  We've all heard of "rats in a maze," basic laboratory tests where rats quickly accomplish journeys through a labyrinth in expectation of a tasty treat.

They can also make very nice pets, when cared for and kept away from a home's infrastructure whose basic components such as electrical wiring may offer up some mighty great rodent chew toys.  Unfortunately, rats are cursed with the need to chew things almost constantly, as their versatile teeth continue to grow throughout their lifetimes and must be maintained at a proper length to remain functional.

But we're referencing healthy rats, cared for and kept disease-free for the benefit of both rodents and the humans who encounter them in safe settings.

Reality dictates, however, that most of the world's rats are on their own, breeding prolifically and acquiring and spreading diseases as they forage through garbage and the waste of all manner of creatures.  Rats, like mice, carry organisms capable of causing illness and death even when hidden in human abodes and making "midnight runs" across kitchen counters while human residents sleep, blissfully unaware of infectious rodent "land mines" being planted throughout the house.

In the past few weeks, America's children have been inundating hospitals and physicians' offices with severe respiratory and flu-like illnesses apparently having little to no relationship to Covid viruses.

As usual, medical professionals are dazed, confused and alarmed (or silenced) regarding causation.  However, myself being without a medical degree, Ph.D. or even a Master's, and so far staying immune to corporate voices that might silence me just for speaking out if they owned me (make that word cor-pirate), may I throw up a tiny suggestion?

It's the border, stupid.

People who invade our borders by the hundreds of thousands -- quickly reaching millions -- are not exactly rats.  Yet, like rats, most arrive with health issues and bags of disease organisms that we in the states thought were either long gone or unlikely to be problematic on our soil.  They come here, to be basic, dirty, very dirty, bringing along filthy bodies and possessions of medical horror against which we have no fast solutions.  This is Joe Biden's new America. This is the Democrats' Utopia for the world's unclean. This is the global toilet calculated to replace the traditional melting pot of the United States.

There are indeed rats in the pantry.

This is one more assault on Americans and their children who lack natural resistance to this onslaught of terror by mere numbers.

Not insignificant also is the government's insistence that kids and adults wear masks for the past two years or so.  Not only does this prevent young and old alike from encountering a plethora of organisms and developing immunity to them, masks also serve as incubators destined to send one's otherwise tolerable organisms back to the lungs where they proliferate with free reign to do damage.

Increasingly, America's children lack nutrients essential for optimal health, and that situation didn't start yesterday.  The vitamins and minerals we used to depend upon when food was farm-fresh, instead of adulterated with so many chemicals that our bodies have literally changed to adapt, are sorely lacking in young people as they grow.  Such deficiencies have far-reaching effects, a major flaw being one's ability to fight off or avoid infectious processes altogether.

For years, problems with the immune systems of the young were barely a blip on physicians' diagnostic radar -- until, boom, there it is, full-blown and impossible to miss.  Kids' lack of self infection-fighters hovers in front of the vastly out of date medical community like drones of destruction poised to strike.

But we didn't get where we are without an assist, and that assist is hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens flooding the country.  How can their presence not be a significant reason why America's children are so, so sick right now?

Way back: Remember all of those incidents popping up in the country of little kids experiencing sudden paralysis with no sufficient explanation?  Is this really a head-scratcher?

Our medical system currently is more than a little preoccupied with caring for illegal adults and children, while its very centers of power believe climate change, white supremacy and gender pose the biggest health concerns.  When we see the American Medical Association advising doctors not to put genders on birth certificates and when we see a retired editor of a medical journal blame pharmaceutical companies for their negative influence on physicians' practices, we know we're in serious trouble.  When we see the CDC's huffy members throwing their medical sheepskin weight around by advising that all children should be immunized with the mRNA Covid "vaccine" before attending school, we hope "Nuremberg II" trials complete with prison time and maybe nice-and-legal executions aren't far in the future (to whit, um, one doesn't inject experimental stuff into human bodies without consent).

Funny, though.  While government bureaucrats want you and your kids mandated to be injected with things straining to actually be called vaccines, border invaders' mere presence spreads Covid and a wealth of self-immunity conquering bugs guaranteed to threaten, weaken and perhaps become fatal to young bodies.  Well-oiled gears of a machine built to exert the power of life and death over us all, and if pediatricians become overwhelmed the Biden gang doesn't really care so long as its perpetual motion machine continues to grow into oblivion.

Election Update:  Nothing to update.  The only things Democrats continue to hang their hats on are the one-trick pony abortion issue, January 6 and Trump.  Pretty stale by now.  Too bad they have no workable solutions ahead, as the ones attempted so far just continue to hurt the country and its legal citizens.  The complicit network TV news shows sure love to repeat those videos of Trump raising his hand wearing a black glove -- are they anticipating the arrival of Darth Vader in their juvenile minds?  Reminds me, as a child I knew of a farm run by people named Vader.  Do you suppose they were evil and wore black gloves?

Kanye West sued?  Seems the family of George Floyd is not happy with his claims that Floyd actually died of drugs.  Well, we don't know about contributing factors, but Floyd did have a bit of a troublesome history.  The African-American community, whatever that is, has had chance after chance to emulate black people of note, but instead they now build monuments to George Floyd.  So what, they can't put up a statue to Dr. Ben Carson?  Instead, its thugs and questionables time after time.  We suspect some of these folks will insist on putting the face of that Black Lives Matter woman on Mount Rushmore -- you know, the one who bought herself a mansion and continues to spend money that should have been going to the black cause (whatever that is)?  I can't wait until the elections are over.  Maybe then I can actually locate members of the Congressional White Caucus for advice and wisdom on these issues.

Goodnight Mrs. Calabash. . .and James Gordon Meek. . .wherever you are.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Thought Death Central -- If You Ask, They Lie You to Sleep

A significant number among a gang of calculating, yet ultimately stupid Democratic socialists appear poised to walk the plank on Election Day.  While Americans choke on credit card charges rung up merely so they could buy groceries for a few days, a defective tidal wave of morons backed up by perhaps the most demonstrably criminal gaggle of politicians ever known in the USA insists that abortion is the most important issue facing the country.

While this god-damned collective of Marxist theorists, long in control of what once was the tolerable Democrat Party, spend every moment soothing its unwitting followers to sleep with promises of rainbows and flowers, the border remains invaded by people who know and care nothing about our constitutional republic -- spewing forth an uncomfortable spray of single young males whose long or temporary stay in the country will only raise crime statistics as they find themselves without legal options.  Have you watched some of the "immigration lawyers" who pop up occasionally on TV?  Stern-faced, almost spitting their hatred for America as it was intended.  One day, their own status needs to be investigated and perhaps we need to find prison cells to contain their absurdities.

But elections approach, even as the USPS delivers early votes, and Biden's handlers know they need to deliver a border safety pittance -- so they will deport Venezuelans.  A drop in a very large bucket and virtually meaningless as a few thousand depart and thousands of newbies pass them on the way in.

Is your favorite TV Network news show killing your rational brain cells?  Yes, their conjurers share a political agenda to keep you enslaved in your ignorance, ignorance maintained by their refusal to report real, hard stories ripping the mask off radical Democrats and accommodating federal and state agencies they love and support via the Washington, D.C. swamp.  No, Trump wasn't wrong about The Swamp, and those most concerned with his downfall are the most loyal swamp creatures serving, no surprise here, both political parties.

We are in tremendous danger right now.  What political party of intellect would do everything possible to dampen our domestic energy production capabilities so badly that when troubles occur its members decide to drain our emergency oil reserves because it has frittered away other options?  How is it possible that a bunch of fools could so quickly alienate allies and totally piss off the Saudis whilst apparently kissing up in some manner to Iran's monsters, yet simultaneously begging Venezuela's dictator for oil?

This is no time for a nation gone crazy, but just look at the crime alone.  At the same time, Garland's Dept. of Justice and the FBI are, to put it mildly, out of control.  A competent, politically conservative plumber is definitely needed to make repairs.

Meanwhile, a jury of the walking numb believes Infowars' Alex Jones should pay almost a billion dollars for broadcasting untrue things, First Amendment be damned.  Few things are as hazardous as parents of dead children, some of whom feel a right or necessity to go ballistic upon society over their misfortune, but cooler heads cannot let this number stand, even as another trial is in the works.  Jones did not shoot or murder anybody, and because the shooter is dead does not raise the stakes on Jones' bank account.  He has admitted his errors and that should be the end of it, but some want more and more of what turns out ultimately to have no bearing on the intangible.

Similarly, parents whose children either ordered fatal drugs on the Internet and died unexpectedly, or actually conducted suicide intentionally via Internet purchases, are much in the news -- and, of course, parents want to sue social media companies.  Parents, however, are clueless to what their kids are doing every day and, failing that, fate takes over, devoid of lawsuit material.  When will people stop using their children as battering rams against a world that won't behave according to their personal standards?  Never demand a world of total safety because attaining that is neither practical nor possible.

Covid shots for kids?  Um, before you subject your children to any of these, be sure to stay in touch with my links to both Revolver and America's Frontline Doctors (I changed the link so you can go directly to the stories of the day).  News stories that YOU WON'T FIND on your ABC, CBS, NBC channels or their cable derivatives sweep in every day, each more disturbing than the last.  Be informed and stay informed with the real news that matters to your life, and it's all free.  Me?  To date, I wouldn't advise that all-knowing medical "professionals" introduce an mRNA "vaccine" and accompanying spike proteins into a lab rat, let alone into me.  And if you're young, potential cardiac problems including death are not inconsequential.  Stay informed.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

They Only Come Here for a Better Knife. . .Oops, Life

Watching national network news shows on at least ABC-TV and NBC-TV this weekend, viewers might never have known that the knife-wielding maniac committing murder and severe injury on the Las Vegas strip was an ILLEGAL ALIEN from Guatemala.  As far as these programs were concerned, and we're sure they weren't alone among progressive-leaning TV networks, the wildly stabbing perpetrator was just some guy born in Guatemala, living the dream here in the good old gullible USA.

I confess, if the conservative element of the Republican Party gains a foothold in the country after the elections in November or, in particular, after the 2024 presidential election, I long to see a reinvigorated I.C.E. agency or something even more energetic regarding the processing and wholesale kick-your-ass-out of illegal aliens.  The USA is quickly becoming the world's toilet with a continuous flow of poison in human form crossing the border, and you can be sure that every cursed one of them knows what they do is illegal.  The cartels churn out their own self-made millionaires at our expense, and America's stupid, deteriorating President and his moronic administration members and advisors who deserve an entire prison to be built to hold the Biden/Obama gang are allowing this outrage.

(Breaking, Broken, Smashed:  Rep. Tulsi Gabbard goes real in telling off the Democrat Party as it continues to decline.  Thank you-u-u-u-.)

Compassion exists, but entities known innocently as "immigration attorneys" need to be hand-selected before they sign on with progressive blanket policies of letting people remain who should not.  Looking for work or deciding you can just pay a border fee to wander on in and live forever with your grandma or uncle are not reasons for consideration, and this issue of unaccompanied minors does not shed a tear with me.  Back they must go and I don't care if transportation involves a bassinet.

So Guatemala gave us a lethal, stabbing son of a bitch who should not have been in the United States. Now what?  Just weeks ago, we warned about the barrage of primarily young men invading the country under Biden's blind watch, most of them doomed from the start to find employment or status and thereby almost guaranteed to end up as criminals.  Murders, rapes, thefts, deadly home invasions, drug pushing on a level never encountered -- it's all up for grabs now. All of these young men -- why don't they stay and fight for their own countries?  Trashing our border for a future fraught with dangers all around does not work in America's best interest, as what we really crave is legal immigration bringing education and talent.

Maybe this is too basic even to mention, but if our government's police agencies could spend as many resources going after the border disaster as they do in pursuing Americans under this criminal administration, we might be on the way to establishing a government by and for the people again.

Meanwhile, how do you make the nation's and world's progressive fools fully understand the consequences of embracing their utopian rainbow, at the end of which lies only a pot of lies, self-delusion and fantasy destined to destroy everything true and real?

The women of Iran:  Oh, now here's something worthy of emulation.  Even in the face of beatings, torture and death, Iran's women have again risen up, more in number this time, to demand their rights and to shed the coverings and obligations chained around them by an extremist male-dominated society.

In a former blog exploring my Air Force years during the Vietnam Era, I discussed a special USAF medical course I attended in which two young Iranian women trained with the rest of us airmen. This was a time when the Shah of Iran -- hated though he was among many -- was in power, and the U.S. actively trained Iranian military pilots.  It was common for Iranian men and women in the U.S. at that time to dress in Western clothing.  Yes, this was a vastly different time, and not that long ago.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

A Tale of Three Murderers

Murderers and the ways and things they destroy come in many disguises.  The Global Warming and Green Cult comes to mind, perfectly willing to kill off rational thought and twisting science to its benefit, concerting particular effort in ignoring and silencing hundreds or thousands of scientists who disagree with their contrived dogma.  End game: Continuous grab for power.

One faction is in Russia, orchestrated by the person currently holding the title of world's most vicious criminal and perpetrator of ongoing war crimes.  Putin and his stable of supporters have, with calculating and patient desire, at last shown themselves to be the very essence of the monsters we always knew they were.  End game: Continuous grab for power.

Another culprit among the world's evils is the apparent Google partner known as the World Economic Forum, working in conjunction with the prescient international organism known deceptively as the United Nations.  Of course, within the rat's nest is China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and accommodating members of the gang. These entities are sometimes more inclined to kill off the human quest for freedom than actual physical killings, though action in this realm cannot help but empower the fascists among them.  End game:  Continuous grab for power.

Third among major murderers is the gang of should-be convicts running policy in the Biden administration.  We know some of the names. Who are those behind the curtain?  They don't want us questioning their motives.  They refuse to allow us to question their hastily contrived "facts" regarding the dangers of Covid vaccinations.  You will be silenced.  We are, in fact, silenced by the walking brain-dead Woke among us.  Like serial killers who torture their victims to death and then resuscitate them, only to repeat the cycle all over again, we are destroyed, yet promised that our lives will drone along with equity and all will be well again.  Do slick media sources and colorful TV programs not reassure us every day, painting as they do a societal existence staged in a utopian neighborhood paradise?

Oh yes, are we Americans not so blessed currently?  Never mind that The Smartest People in the Country, they being the extremist Democrats firmly in control of fantasy, just experienced the latest fuck-up of their cherished Woke energy policy, as the Saudis turned down the oil spigot and Biden's rangers proceeded once again to beg petroleum from the most evil places in the world.  To resume producing our own energy on a superior scale observed just two years ago is not to happen, not under these tyrants.  If you freeze to death this winter or find your gasoline-dependent vehicle lifeless on a desolate highway, just know that you're playing your part in helping the world's elite and their U.S. associates on the political left have their way.  What have we right now?  We have Biden's gang planning a further invasion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, as if its very existence is an annoyance craving obliteration.  You see, Trump wanted to drain the swamp, but Biden's rangers intend to drain the oil which is still America's life blood.

We and our spirit are killed every day by the Biden gang in ways we won't even comprehend until, we hope, the radical Democrat nightmare ends at the polling place and we can attempt to regenerate the rightful and the just.

I guess the only good news this week was the instillation of a new Supreme Court justice.  So what if she can't explain what a woman is?  Can anybody under the New Normal?  Maybe not such good news after all.

May I suggest a national contest?  When Biden summoned a dead member of Congress last week, I thought this is the opportunity for concerned Americans to write the White House and suggest other dead people they believe the President should talk to.  If he would while away his days enjoying conversations with the dead, instead of attempting to legislate
from his desk, the country would be better off.

Florida's hurricane:  Good grief, where does all that debris go after hurricanes destroy communities?  So now people who moved to Florida for a little paradise will rebuild so that when another storm pops up eventually and reclaims the area they can rebuild.  Honestly, isn't it like the movie, "Groundhog Day" for these poor people?

By the way, Florida and America -- When a couple of looters were arrested and turned out to be illegal aliens, did you get the deeper meaning?  Not only are these people violating the law and your property, they have access to your stuff with full authorization of the Biden administration, which apparently finds it necessary to import criminals with the freedom to go anywhere and do anything to violate LEGAL citizens.

Computer Murders:  Why is everybody going bonkers?  One reason is surely the fact that our human biological clocks have been supplanted by the digital clock.  Just watch any TV channel or listen to your favorite radio station to experience how everything is timed digitally, and if anybody or anything dares to violate the precise second imbedded in the system other images or audio will take over or bleed through the previous transmission.  Oh yes, slavery never goes away, it just reconstitutes its practice.  We now bow to the chip, a necessity timed to the very fraction of a second.

Meanwhile, leftist and progressive mind murderers tell your children to surgically alter their genders.  The burst in eventual suicides and mental illness explosions does not matter to progressives who play us like hand puppets.

Say No to The Fed:  We don't want no stinkin' federal digital currency.  If we go this route, private concerns should be involved with no government hands in the pie.  Lest you really want to be China, which you don't.

FBI again: What is going on with so many alleged instances of "overkill" when confronting citizens in their homes or at businesses?  No, it's not at the whim of agents, it's somewhere at the top, and it needs to stop.  The new Congress will, we hope, investigate whistle blowers and such promptly, as the DOJ doesn't seem to be at all helpful.

Saturday Night Live:  Worst opening season show I can remember, and since pretty much all of SNL sucks on a weekly basis, be not surprised.  Why should I expound on reasons why when everybody else is already writing about it?  Speaking of murdering, as we have today, somebody please murder SNL and bring back old movies or TV screen test patterns from the fifties or something.  What other TV sucks?  How about La Brea?  Looks like recycled stuff from The 100 combined with Lost and a succession of actors who really have no purpose other than appearing pensive or confused when talking about old/new times or confronting digital beast creations.  Don't be surprised, when this one someday bites the dust, that either nothing is solved or every problem will be cured in the time it takes to enjoy a TV bathroom break.  Newton Minow was spot-on.

Have a nice Columbus Day, and remember that "indigenous peoples" likely did their own share of conquering those who came before them.  Such bullshit.