Monday, June 7, 2021

Corporate Media Ignorance on Display


Before I address the title of today's entry, I want to highlight the opposite in the persona of one Billy Cox.  As you may recall, honored and respected journalist Cox lost his excellent UFO-related blog De Void because of decisions higher up in the newspaper ownership chain.  Now, he has sacrificed all and left his position as a reporter for the Herald-Tribune in Florida.  In return, Cox is organizing a new blog, "Life in Jonestown" (I detect bitterness) on his own as he retreats to meadows more sane and far less corporate bottom-line.  You can catch his parting/welcoming comments in depth at the UFO CHRONICLES Web site (see link), and of importance here, you can check out Billy Cox's new settings by going to  I don't know at this time how all of this goes down, but apparently funding may be paid for additional services desired.  Check this out if you want to stay in touch with some of the best UFO journalism newspapers could offer. . .until Billy left 'em high and dry.

So what do we have in official UFO-dom this week?  Sigh. . .

As (some of) the nation anxiously awaits a report from the U.S. government this month regarding UFO reports and encounters, I'll speak for myself:  I don't share the anxiety.  Anybody aware of UFO history already knows that something just above the wishy-washy category will complete this report, which will basically say unknowns are unknowns, if not misidentification at times of conventional presentations.

What really gives me pause, hardly unanticipated, is the corporate (formerly known as mainstream) media's pre-release reporting.  People who know nothing, their stories popping up on the Internet as well as on TV news programs, are suddenly tripping over one another breathlessly to produce or present features and sound bites, and they quickly go astray because they either don't know about or fail to care about UFO lore of a respectable nature.

It's deja vu, man.  It's deja vu, woman.  First, they go searching for an "expert" who almost invariably turns out to be a debunking face with a science degree who, in many cases, has nothing to do with the subject at hand.  Earlier today, I watched some already forgettable talking head physicist explaining away the idea of alien visitations.  Okay, but how the hell would he know?  Ego on the table with no condiments.

Additionally, as I mentioned in a previous entry, televised remnants of what used to be journalists tend to report The Brand New Party Line which dictates that military UFO encounters are only the product of a few recent years, oblivious to decades of electronic tracking as well as credible witness observations.  

Yep, like The Carpenters' song lyrics promised, it's yesterday once more.

Big Gov's report is sure to follow the party line, the exception being a crumb or two or three being thrown out expressing the we-don't-EXACTLY-know factor, but the possibility of a threat to national security, well. . .anyway, that would be more China-ish, I should think.

Chinese or Russian weapons?  Maybe some objects of recent vintage, but surely not various what's-its buzzing around for some 70-80 years.  And longer.  Extraterrestrial?  Why not ultra-terrestrial or terrestrial-terrestrial?

Quick, bite down hard on something and prepare yourself, it's going to be the fifties, sixties and seventies all over again when the newest cloned OFFICIAL government proclamation, vomited from the files and revised for current public consumption, is handed down to the perpetually intellect-starved masses who will react with the customary blank stares, shoulder shrugs, dismissive cackles and the experience of TV networks playing "Star Wars" music over anemic accounts of wha' happened?

And -- the bubble buster --  we've already been tipped off to the always frustrating knowledge that we and Congress will only receive a partial report.  The good stuff will remain with marble players who won't share and never have shared the prize marble.  So what's the fuss?  The people's right to know?  Oh, please.  When is the last time we were fed anything bordering on all the truth and nothing but by either the government or its adoringly complicit media?

Maybe the best we can say for now -- and may the corporate media journalism hounds forgive me for not using the word, alien -- is that we who enjoy observing a multitude of species under our microscopes might ourselves be watched for reasons unknown by something unfathomable to science as we understand science.  From all indications over decades of UFO encounters, we may grudgingly end up needing to co-exist with an apparently unexplained, unsolvable intelligence.  Unfortunately, confronted by a dilemma of this nature, skeptics and debunkers are born, consistently transporting us back to the ignorance some of them crave.  Right back to where we started.