Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tugging at the Curtain in The Land Of Don't Believe


What can I say?  This is all about the invisible man, man.

Every few years I pull these letters out, and having discussed their origin in blog entries of old, I'll just direct first-time readers to the search engine above, where one may simply type in the word, Hanley.  Instantly displayed before you will be several blog entries dealing with the letters.

I thought it appropriate to dig up the past today because the government finally released something of an updated UFO, oops, UAP report -- the unclassified version, unfortunately, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers.

While many researchers have come forward to provide thoughtful commentary on the report, perhaps the best that can be said is that the government has at last shed snotty innuendo, negatively-toned bureaucratic legalese and abstruse talk-down language in favor of simply admitting that there's something real out there, up there and (gasp!) unexplained.  Whew!  There, was that so bad?  It's finally been said, and it didn't hurt a bit, did it?  Far as I can tell, people aren't rushing outdoors to engage in panic in the streets now that we are assured, in the timeworn words of the many who warned us years ago:  UFOs are real.

Sadly, I am dismayed to now hear the occasional former military officer or current government official make light of the "ufologists" who, in their minds, did not give the subject credibility over the years.  Really?  Without UFO investigators and researchers gleaned from all walks of life and documenting the reality of the UFO/UAP for decades, the New Arrivals who breezed on in and act as if they are Columbus discovering the New World would remain clueless to the extent of the phenomenon.

I'm no scientist, but merely as
somebody who has had a hand or two in this strange business for decades (though I admit to being woefully out of touch with a large body of information these days) I have had no reason to go bonkers over exotic theories suggesting that the UFO is well understood any better by government brains than by the man or woman on the street.  I think we are collectively baffled internationally.  Do we engage in reverse UFO technology and propulsion offered by or taken from extraterrestrials?  Again, I suspect we remain mostly in the dark, be we military engineers or people on the street.  As on prior occasions, I will defer to Charles Fort, remove his tongue from his cheek and suggest we may indeed be somebody else's "property" in so many ways.

Heck yes, I wish the UFO "abduction" phenomenon had been mentioned in the new assessment, but delicious cases such as the Pascagoula incident obviously did not fit in with what seemed a definite military aircraft/UAP theme.  Excluded also was the elephant in the room known as something akin to electromagnetic effects associated with UFOs, aircraft, automobiles, power plants and the like.  You know, stuff that really might scare the hell out of Just Plain Folk.  

Then again, we out here who are consistently denied truth in detail are not receiving the CLASSIFIED version, are we?

My letters shown here are 45 years old.  I'll say almost half a century old just to add drama.  Ouch.  For those who think official UFO reporting and tracking started in 2004, I have news for them:  Congressman Jim Hanley knew about UFOs in the 1960s, when important UFO activity seemed rampant, and he wasn't alone as a congressional member.

Am I disappointed that nothing further developed following the congressman's recommendation?  Yes and no.  Yes because I had ideas and would have been comfortable in a public information setting -- and no because maybe a Carter Era UFO project would have fizzled, relegating me to attend to other duties, such as driving President Carter's mother, "Miss Lillian" to supermarkets in Georgia, or maybe helping Carter's frequently outrageous brother produce his "Billy Beer."  I don't know, perhaps I would have been assigned the task of finding and neutralizing the "killer rabbit" alleged to have chased Carter's boat, or of conquering the "malaise" Carter believed had taken the nation hostage as the country entered a terrible era of inflation. Would I have later joined the President as he volunteered with Habitat for Humanity?  Yes, of course -- if I could just help build prison cells to hold corrupt government bureaucrats.  

So who cares if Frank Moore's secretary couldn't spell "liaison?"  How I miss those days of typed letters, when spelling error gremlins occupied a place in society to muck up the very best of intentions. 

But the fun's over until the next official go-around, so I'll stuff these time-expired letters back into some unobtrusive crevice while the debate rages on.  As UAP  inquiries continue with  a seemingly new and improved era of government concern behind them, one thing remains consistent:  The phenomenon itself will stubbornly refuse to answer questions posed by the highest of authorities.  No self-respecting enigma gives up its secrets easily.  Whether we the public will ever be fully informed regarding the deepest of the deep, of course, remains to be seen.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

UFO Chic, Version 2021


a diversion:  

Last week, it was President Joe Biden vs. The World.  The World and Putin clearly won.  Maybe that's not only because Biden's mental faculties are in question, but because the Biden family appears to have a history of lucrative relationships with countries whose back-and-forth actions with this new Administration may not be in the national interest.  Meanwhile, as various expensive definitions of "infrastructure" are argued to death, the floodgates remain open at the Southern border, allowing drugs, diseases,  criminals and the absolute worst examples of human dog poop to threaten American lives and culture.  Border-absent "czar" VP Harris (until tomorrow. . .I guess. . .) and Biden himself are already on the way to going down in history as the worst leaders ever, as they utterly fail (obviously by design) to protect the American people -- their first obligation.

Which makes me wonder, as even a growing number of their fellow Democrats are beginning to see the light, why top officials in the White House, the House and Senate shouldn't eventually be eligible for appearances before judge, jury and significant punishment. Impeachment? Let's use the American justice system as it was intended for all Americans.  These people have proven themselves as dangerous as any mob whilst attempting to pin that description on any American simply in fear for their country.  Most people did not vote for this and surely many of those who rubber-stamp voted Democrat simply had no clue about unsavory issues which would return to bite them in the. . .hand.  So. . .who, again, are the real extremists in America?

Good going, China!  New reports indicate that infertility is a substantial problem in China.  Where will China find seven-year-olds to make shoes?  Who's gonna re-educate, torture and murder imprisoned Muslims?  Who's gonna breed, mistreat and boil dogs for the dinner table?  Who's gonna plunder the seas and destroy aquatic wildlife wholesale? Will there be enough people remaining to extol the virtues of Chairman Mao and other Chinese communist monsters?  How will this jibe with China's long-term plans to take over the world?  Can China substitute robots or, as always, just make use of our social network and the egomaniacs behind them to conquer the planet?

"Juneteenth" becomes another national holiday, devouring a billion dollars or two annually in paying federal employees not to work.  Hmm, let me see if I have this straight:  Union Army soldiers -- most of whom were, we suspect, white -- marched into Texas to inform unaware slaves that they had actually been freed months ago (because nobody, conveniently, bothered to tell them).  So. . .as celebrations pop up all over the country in 2021, should Juneteenth mostly symbolize brave, primarily white soldiers who, like the currently cancel-cultured President Abraham Lincoln, helped achieve freedom for black slaves?  Seems they really should be honored, since we already have (1) Independence Day, which cover all of us throughout the nation, (2) Black History Month, which even some black people believe should be "history" by now as an annual event, (3) the Martin Luther King (he, too, on the verge of being taken out by the cancel culture) holiday, (4) Black Lives Matter, many of whose followers have no clue and probably wouldn't care that BLM's Marxist values intend to destroy the United States government, (5) and statues and all sorts of hoopla popping up to make George Floyd a hero rather than a victim with, nonetheless, an established criminal past (when George Floyd overcomes -- as in "we shall overcome -- Martin Luther King as the consummate black icon, we're in trouble).

And now, UFOs:  Here they come, one by one, a House representative here, a senator there, an anonymous source in the background, each willing to acknowledge only in so many words that they've had a preliminary briefing regarding UFOs, the upshot being that the situation isn't pretty.  Might I politely ask. . .


In a way, the absurdity of this awakened congressional intrigue with UFOs is a comedy of the absurd.  Pull out a copy of The UFO Evidence, published by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and given to each and every member of Congress in 1964, and you'll find a section dedicated to numerous congressional comments taking the UFO issue seriously.

Yes, closure of the Air Force's Project Bluebook and the University of Colorado UFO project's negative (political) conclusion seemed to put an end to the subject for some, but anybody even mildly aware as years progressed of a continuation of reported, sometimes dramatic UFO encounters  -- and surely Congress and military contacts were perfectly aware -- would suspect all was not right with a UFO enigma which refused to lie down and play dead.

So now we have Washington insiders, outsiders, up-siders and down-siders tripping over one another to have personal time with TV news cameras, acting as if the UFO issue was the newest thing to hit public attention since yesterday morning, darned nearly biting their nails off in either giddy or curious anticipation of the Pentagon's report.

But Wait! What's that mile-high stack of objects over there in the corner, ignored by respectable / huffy journalists and government officials too important to be hampered by glimpses of what seemed the patently ridiculous?  Oh, oh yeah, now we can make it out -- it's hundreds of books and literally hundreds of thousands of journals, magazines, audio and video recordings, electronic evidence and sober accounts regarding UFO sightings and close encounters.  Everything was there for the taking, for serious journalism and congressional perusal.  How did we get to the point where a congressman or two comes out of a building with a disturbed persona, suddenly and as if never before worried about mysteries in the skies, under water and apparently on terra firma?

So where y'all been, elected dudes and dudettes? Hmm?

Monday, June 14, 2021

Bits and Pieces for June 2021

The Giant UFO Announcement expected, or not expected, from the government in a few days, or not, is almost certain to be a major disappointment to those staking hopes, dreams and the lives of their children on some sort of disclosure effective enough to be used as an insect repellant against skeptics and debunkers.  By all means, watch for a ray of hope regarding the we-don't-EXACTLY-know-what they-are factor, but a clear embracement of either the suspected, the theorized or anything more substantive than thin air itself remains unlikely.  Like any good government bureaucracy worth two cents, the kicker will be, as always, that (1) we need more studies and (2) we'll keep watching, nothing more to see here right now.

As the current government vs. the public UFO drama plays out, hardly for the first time, we do wonder when what remains of an inquiring corporate media will get around to associating all of this with (1) documented instances of UFOs visiting nuclear bases, reportedly causing entire missile battery shutdowns and numerical code changes -- thank you Robert Hastings (see link) -- and (2) UFOs possibly associated with abduction accounts, the seemingly inescapable Hickson-Parker (Pascagoula) incident chief among them, and (3) some 70-80 years or so of established reports of what appear to be electromagnetic effects caused by close-approach UFOs on planes, autos, power grids and other apparently susceptible targets.

My advice in the meantime?  Go back to sleep.  You'll need the rest to deal with the stress of dissatisfaction.

The Biden-Harris-Obama disciple bunch go after Trump's DOJ:  So the Dems are in a tizzy after learning that Trump's DOJ acquired phone records of Schiff and Swalwell?  Of course, the major useless TV networks won't bother to mention that Trump's people were attempting to find the source of some serious government leaks.  Frankly, Schiff is just one freaking California joke, 100 percent in the bag for what turned out to be Trump's phony impeachment (#1), and Swalwell had a long-term dating relationship with an alleged Chinese spy -- yet he remains fully involved with intelligence affairs.  Creepy.

Vaccination masturbation:  As the enlightened CDC and prime time TV star Dr. Anthony Fauci continue changing their minds about Covid-19 precautions and restrictions faster than progressives attempting to trounce American culture, we were troubled by a small yet significant flow of reports spotlighting boys who display symptoms of myocarditis following immunizations  -- all supposedly minor and temporary in nature.  Again we ask -- how will these experimental immunizations affect recipients a few years from now, or will everything be just fine?  Nobody knows yet.  Messing around with one's auto-immune system and its relationship to every organ in the body with something implemented too quickly to be fully understood in future terms just seems wrong, and the obvious medical--pharmaceutical response that it's the only tool we have to fight the virus may not be altogether the final word, now that we know hydroxychloroquine and zinc look really promising in a new study (and cheap veterinarian drug Ivermectin may run a close second).

NBC-TV conducts an interview with Russia's Putin, asking him point-blank if he is a killer, only to receive nebulous responses characteristic of. . .of Putin.  In their quest for dramatic effect, I doubt NBC expected Putin to drop to the floor in tears, screaming, "I confess, I confess!"  Putin may as well have taken a tip from American serial murderer John Gacy, who insisted that his victims killed themselves.

Some states, parents and, thankfully, school teachers are getting wise to the dark racist intentions behind critical race theory and the misrepresentations in the "1619 Project."  If only one could convert public schools into the open-minded alternative known as private school education.  If only all students could get the help needed to keep their heads on straight before they enter college and face a barrage of utter bullsh** taught by off-the-wall or demented professors.

On a similar note, when we read the abstract preview of a paper published through the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association authored by one Donald Moss, we almost thought this a joke more appropriate for The Onion or some other satirical source -- but the paper entitled, "On Having Whiteness," appears ridiculously serious.  We're obviously and painfully aware that Black Lives Matter and its America-destructive Marxist intentions are taking in big money while exercising white hatred, but now that even the American Medical Association is accepting CRT "values" as the education of medical professionals seems to be producing exceptional dumbness as days go by, nothing surprises us.  Regarding Moss's paper, referencing previous writings on the subject, check out this brief abstract and decide for yourself the definition of crazy, and on which side of the fence nuttiness and lunacy reside:

Abstract:  Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (“never again”) or as temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure.

Well, I'm not a medical or psychological professional, but I should think that the appropriate "permanent cure" for papers like this involves simply rejecting this bizarre line of thinking in 2021, returning to one's activities of daily living and pondering how pathetically desperate some in the professional community must be to come up with loony ideas to justify their existence, to gain love and respect amongst colleagues of a similar bent, or to stay busy enough to avoid drugging, drinking and smoking.  Imagine how this would play out, had blackness been the theme and treated in a similarly clinical fashion.  Good grief, I thought "The House of Frankenstein" was only a fictional horror movie.  Now this.  We build enduring monsters, do we not?

Interesting that a number of reports surfaced last week regarding totally erroneous accounts regarding Donald Trump made during his time in Office.  Will major media sources responsible for these widely publicized (and no doubt intended) mistakes apologize?  Of course not.  The only people allowed an apology tour were Obama apologizing for America to the world and now Biden following in Obama's footsteps (footsteps which never left the White House policy premises).

Hey ABC, CBS, NBC, etc., etc............... Is anybody out there doing in-depth stories about Hunter Biden speaking with his lawyer and calling him an "N" multiple times?  You TV folks spent enough time on the tragedy of Princess Diana, but can't be bothered to reflect for the American people the Biden family as it really is?  You went bonkers over Trump making a sexual comment when speaking with Billy Bush, yet there's nothing to see HERE?  May your "news" presentations continue to lose viewers as alternative sources work hard to shore up with fairness and truth what your networks ignore for obvious political reasons.  From Fourth Estate to just The State, what more can we say?

Florida representative and, frankly, just one more tiresome attack dog nipping at Trump's heels, Val Demings, hopes to face off against Sen. Marco Rubio next election.  Right out of the gate she's already throwing out the word, "diversity" as if a weapon.  The pod people abound.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Corporate Media Ignorance on Display


Before I address the title of today's entry, I want to highlight the opposite in the persona of one Billy Cox.  As you may recall, honored and respected journalist Cox lost his excellent UFO-related blog De Void because of decisions higher up in the newspaper ownership chain.  Now, he has sacrificed all and left his position as a reporter for the Herald-Tribune in Florida.  In return, Cox is organizing a new blog, "Life in Jonestown" (I detect bitterness) on his own as he retreats to meadows more sane and far less corporate bottom-line.  You can catch his parting/welcoming comments in depth at the UFO CHRONICLES Web site (see link), and of importance here, you can check out Billy Cox's new settings by going to  I don't know at this time how all of this goes down, but apparently funding may be paid for additional services desired.  Check this out if you want to stay in touch with some of the best UFO journalism newspapers could offer. . .until Billy left 'em high and dry.

So what do we have in official UFO-dom this week?  Sigh. . .

As (some of) the nation anxiously awaits a report from the U.S. government this month regarding UFO reports and encounters, I'll speak for myself:  I don't share the anxiety.  Anybody aware of UFO history already knows that something just above the wishy-washy category will complete this report, which will basically say unknowns are unknowns, if not misidentification at times of conventional presentations.

What really gives me pause, hardly unanticipated, is the corporate (formerly known as mainstream) media's pre-release reporting.  People who know nothing, their stories popping up on the Internet as well as on TV news programs, are suddenly tripping over one another breathlessly to produce or present features and sound bites, and they quickly go astray because they either don't know about or fail to care about UFO lore of a respectable nature.

It's deja vu, man.  It's deja vu, woman.  First, they go searching for an "expert" who almost invariably turns out to be a debunking face with a science degree who, in many cases, has nothing to do with the subject at hand.  Earlier today, I watched some already forgettable talking head physicist explaining away the idea of alien visitations.  Okay, but how the hell would he know?  Ego on the table with no condiments.

Additionally, as I mentioned in a previous entry, televised remnants of what used to be journalists tend to report The Brand New Party Line which dictates that military UFO encounters are only the product of a few recent years, oblivious to decades of electronic tracking as well as credible witness observations.  

Yep, like The Carpenters' song lyrics promised, it's yesterday once more.

Big Gov's report is sure to follow the party line, the exception being a crumb or two or three being thrown out expressing the we-don't-EXACTLY-know factor, but the possibility of a threat to national security, well. . .anyway, that would be more China-ish, I should think.

Chinese or Russian weapons?  Maybe some objects of recent vintage, but surely not various what's-its buzzing around for some 70-80 years.  And longer.  Extraterrestrial?  Why not ultra-terrestrial or terrestrial-terrestrial?

Quick, bite down hard on something and prepare yourself, it's going to be the fifties, sixties and seventies all over again when the newest cloned OFFICIAL government proclamation, vomited from the files and revised for current public consumption, is handed down to the perpetually intellect-starved masses who will react with the customary blank stares, shoulder shrugs, dismissive cackles and the experience of TV networks playing "Star Wars" music over anemic accounts of wha' happened?

And -- the bubble buster --  we've already been tipped off to the always frustrating knowledge that we and Congress will only receive a partial report.  The good stuff will remain with marble players who won't share and never have shared the prize marble.  So what's the fuss?  The people's right to know?  Oh, please.  When is the last time we were fed anything bordering on all the truth and nothing but by either the government or its adoringly complicit media?

Maybe the best we can say for now -- and may the corporate media journalism hounds forgive me for not using the word, alien -- is that we who enjoy observing a multitude of species under our microscopes might ourselves be watched for reasons unknown by something unfathomable to science as we understand science.  From all indications over decades of UFO encounters, we may grudgingly end up needing to co-exist with an apparently unexplained, unsolvable intelligence.  Unfortunately, confronted by a dilemma of this nature, skeptics and debunkers are born, consistently transporting us back to the ignorance some of them crave.  Right back to where we started.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

China at the Door, American Marxists in the House

Dear Honored Chinese Communist Rat-Bastards,

First, I address you accordingly because, to me, every year under Chinese communist control is the Year of the Rat.  When one thinks of the versatile rat species, how may one not think fondly of such leaders as mass-murderer Chairman Mao Tse-tung and, of course, all of those monsters who succeeded his years?  The current, whose name escapes me -- oh, wait, I think it's Chairman Xi Xi Poon or some such.

By the way, how can Taiwan not be its own country?  Does China have an economic penis envy problem or something?  They got it, so you want it?  Taiwan is doing just fine.  

But really, why bother with Taiwan when you can have the whole USA?

Your party must be thrilled now that a significant portion of American voters, despite possible widespread election fraud, seem to have voted for President Biden over Donald Trump.  Though Trump was kicking your manipulative asses but good, it must be a relief now to see your old buddy Joe Biden in office, he and his son having possibly engaged in certain capitalist actions relating to your country in the past.  So far, Mr. Biden appears to be backing away from harsh action against or criticism of China like a guilty puppy caught urinating on the rug.  You know what puppies are, of course -- people of your culture torture, cook and serve these loving and loyal little critters for dinner in fine restaurants when a snake-roast, rat souffle' or bat-kabobs just won't satisfy the ravenous family.

Speaking of bat cuisine and other Chinese wet marketplace delicacies, how about that super lab in Wuhan?  A marvel indeed, probably capable of hiding biological specimens smaller than, say, a human hair plucked from the head of a Chinese concentration (oops, make that re-education) camp Uighur murdered for organ donations.  You know what?  I'll  bet you can even mix and match experimental biological organisms there, seeing as how you Chinese folk keep that place so undisturbed.  In fact, that was pretty smart of you, directing international Covid-19 investigators away from everything they needed to know about the lab and other strategic areas.  If only my country, the USA, could be so devious.  All we have is (sigh...) Area 51.

If we Americans were smart like we used to be, we would simply tell you that if you don't allow full, unencumbered inspections of the Wuhan facility and associated areas we're canceling all debt owed you by the USA.  What would you do, start a war?  As if.  That's already underway via China's Great Wall of the Internet.  And aren't you already fighting us with the World Health Organization, staffed by money-grabbing China sympathizers whose appetite for U.S. currency donations has no boundaries?

But I shouldn't go on and on like this.  There was a reason for writing and the reason is to ask:  Why aren't you invading the United States right now?  Why not just walk on in like everybody else?  You know you want it.  Heck, you already have the support of American high-tech companies showing you how to spy on your own people, so just imagine what they can do for you right here.  And don't forget Hollywood liberals, they have the means and money to get you anything you want.  Well, that's aside from the fact that they already have to make movies according to Chinese communist standards, and the next time we see a "Superman" movie having old Supe proudly mouth the words, "truth, justice and the American way" will be a cold day in hell (sorry, didn't mean to describe your prison system).

Relax!  We're talking Biden leadership now and, as you might suspect, a significant number of voters who hated Trump enough to vote for this jackass administration won't even notice if you take over our government.  Actually, you'll be teaching a history lesson to those who think there's no way that a brutal, slave-operated plantation could ever again organize in the U.S., 'cept this time the slave-master will be named General Ho or Hoo or something.

BONUS for you:  As China wildly increases its military abilities and construction of terrible weapons, the Biden bunch desires Pentagon cuts, seemingly trying to appease idiot supporters who want us green, not mean.  So go ahead, China, keep building weapons and two coal plants every week and we'll fight your weapons with contrived evidence of climate change and the words of that disturbed child who, I think, is named Greta Goosepimple.  Just see what that gets you.  

Then again, you're already taking in lucrative contracts to produce landfill-unfriendly solar panels and wind turbines, both the greatest wildlife killers and environmental blights conceivable.  Anti-American weaponry can assume the strangest forms, can't it?

Oh, that reminds me:  Numerous retired military commanders just signed a petition warning of dire consequences if the military continues to go soft and way, way left.  Meanwhile, the commander of the U.S. Space Force was fired by the Biden syndicate when he dared warn of Marxism creeping into the government.  Which it has, is and apparently will continue.  Thrilling, yes?

While you Chinese bolster your conquering capabilities, we in the USA are infusing our military with diversity classes, critical race theory, intensive reverse racism intended to cure racism, and the "1619 Project," seemingly enough to scare off any Chinese military threat, hmm, but maybe not.  Our military morale under the Biden syndicate is said to be at rock-bottom in some areas.  I don't know whether this is true, but as you walk through the gates of U.S. military bases all over the world, don't be intimidated by transgendered and pregnant soldiers who might or might not have time to shoot you dead as they remain busily consumed with demanding outlandish rights.  

You Chinese commie folks must understand, we can't bother much with national security, for we're hard at work here in the USA "re-imagining" everything that was stable and good for the nation.  In fact, all of this sounds like a future Disney attraction that could be called Re-Imagine Land.  If Covid-19 shut-downs didn't increase mental illness in the USA, the Biden bunch's campaign to tear down everything that worked in our country's favor with Trump's name on it is finishing the job.  Anyway, maybe you'll want to wait to invade after all, because by the time millions of people from all nature of evil countries invade the USA via open Joe Biden and Marxist-dominated borders, China will have forced child and adult slave labor for the picking, just like in the homeland.

Fortunately for you, the Biden gaggle has also done everything it can to strengthen the labor unions, and since anonymous union member voting will soon be a thing of the past, communist infiltrators and union bosses will have no trouble weeding out troublemakers and potentially reluctant organ donors.  America is sweet.  If this isn't enough, keep in mind that the Biden admin hosts plenty of unelected regulators who scurry around in the background like rats (again, I bow to your communist species), writing stupid and politically motivated regulations for which we, by, of and for the people have absolutely no recourse.  I believe the word amongst Democrat regulators to make us do things we don't want to do is to "nudge" us along, little by little.  You know, the old frog immersed at first comfortably in the increasingly warmer and eventually boiling water kettle thing?

It may surprise you to know that I'm former U.S. military myself, but that was way back during those annoying Vietnam years when your input with the North made my job a little harder in the states, a time when the U.S. military could train its people on a dime to accomplish various tasks expertly and quickly.  While I still maintain the utmost respect for my military folk, I've come to fear as of this past January that under orders from on high their leadership will become no better than mental food poisoning, as we currently watch the best and the brightest depart military service in protest.

And hey, China, don't worry about our local police departments and sheriffs.  City and state legislators are making it really easy for cop-haters and criminals to waltz on in and accomplish illegal goals with little chance of consequences.  I'm sure foreign nationals are just as welcome in our (mostly traditional Democrat-run) cities as any domestic practitioners of evil.

Oh, and if you're worried about compliance, don't be.  Since the very day you most likely, under whatever circumstances, loosed Covid-19 on the world, our U.S. citizens and illegal aliens have been just super about allowing untested and occasionally (?) problematic vaccines pushed by government know-nothings to enter their bodies.  At this point, Americans would probably accept forced sodomy if some nebbish representative from the CDC said it would protect them from vampire attacks.  In any case, we now have compliant "pod people" as if from the movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" who will recoil in horror at the mere sight of Americans who refuse vaccinations -- but a little Chi-comm influence will probably work wonders when you walk on in to provide -- what are the words?  Oh yes -- a little hope and change.

Yes indeed, aside from radical Democrats and leftist-permissive Republicans (often known as RINOs), a major threat to America is you, China -- you know, the fun-loving, rollicking communist-infested nation whose Wuhan lab or Bats-a-Lot Street Shopping Mart released the Covid-19 virus, and then didn't, and then did again, maybe, probably, could be.  The dare-not-speak-his-name former President Donald Trump was handling China and so many other affairs to put and keep "America first," but the Biden syndicate, like so many other things, is ignoring the Chinese menace like dog poop on a shoe.  Will we stand by Taiwan when (not if) you decide to invade and acquire Taiwan -- likely to be followed by other major global acquisitions if not stopped?  Oh yes, China, this is your time.

Besides, the Washington legislative branch is too wrapped up in assigning blame for January six's riot at the nation's Capitol and weeding right-leaning military enlistees out of the military services than to be worried about China.  Speaking of January 6, who needs a new government study?  University professors, other pod-people leftists and the corporate media would have us believe this was an armed "insurrection."  It was not and could not be because there was no plan to take over the country and -- most essential -- these people carried no firepower at all.  While this exercise in wanton destruction, probably with the help of text messaging and half-baked ideology, was deserved of arrests and court cases, we have come to think that perhaps this chaotic activity was rather premonitory regarding the terror shortly to slither over the political horizon known as the Biden syndicate and its radical and progressive serpents of national destruction. . .and an invitation to Chinese communists as they witnessed one more weakness in American security.

China, I suspect you know that your greatest, yet difficult to find enemy in the USA is real political conservatives:  The only political party remotely able to save traditional America.  That's why Democrats and even the RINO class will do anything to sweep them out of the way, with your assistance, of course. It's absolutely amazing how Democrats have been able to twist the history of racism in this country from a purely Democrat creation to a creature of the political right. When one talks of Jim Crow, the KKK, black lynchings, the destruction of the Tulsa OK "Black Wall Street" community in 1921 and denial of civil rights legislation even as recently as the 1960s, these outrages should be emphasized as purely Democrat in origin and practice.  True fiscal conservatives and conservative thinking in general reflects American Values as they were intended for all people, whereas progressives of other parties will destroy America and its freedoms if you, China, don't get there first to complete the job.

EXTRA BONUS:  China, if you invade now you'll have the assistance of Black Lives Matter Inc.  This admittedly Marxist organization, desirous of destroying Western Civilization and the nuclear family -- and the beneficiary of millions of dollars from U.S. corporations too pathetically "woke" to care where their money was going -- is obviously a gift, just your ticket to overtaking America's constitutional democracy.  Law enforcement?  Neutered like a puppy, and we've already discussed what you do to puppies.

I really hate to say this, China, but America's schools, colleges and universities are ready to welcome you with open arms.  After all, they teach what you teach.  And if one wishes to throw child abuse into the conversation, that doesn't merely represent child labor in China, abuse is also what young American minds endure under the fetid guidance of professors who teach how to despise America in one easy semester.  

Of course, you don't care about the eternal Israel vs. Palestinians dust-up:  The Palestinians have had opportunity after opportunity, probably the best when Arafat was involved and was offered almost everything he wanted (which he rejected), to settle this Middle East matter.  Unfortunately, with Hamas and other murderers in the mix, that's why we end up with thousands of rockets sent off to Israel. . .again.  The Biden syndicate intends to send millions of our dollars to the Palestinians to help clean up the destruction their militant slime-balls are actually responsible for.  Personally, I'd rather my tax money be directed to building a nursing home for elderly sewer rats (you again, sorry).  In the absence of U.S. military strength, I guess China could just turn everything over to Iran, its future puppet.

Now that the American Medical Association has decided to go all out for critical race theory, in a nutshell the question must be asked: Does anybody really want surgery performed by medical personnel hired because of race and not so much for education or qualifications?  We hope doctors across the nation will reject this utter nonsense, which is one more assault on one's guaranteed personal power, but under Chinese communist guidance I'm sure medical decisions will be fair and balanced.  As they relate to China's government.

Big media, Big Tech and seemingly Big Everybody are doing whatever it takes to protect Prez Biden as he stumbles along, making executive orders and statements suitable to promote, apparently, an intentionally failing government.  Meanwhile, NY City's corrupt government pursues Donald Trump because the very thought of his return as President gives them the vapors.  These sources, too, should prove extraordinarily helpful to help China gain a lasting foothold in the fading USA.

About that NY City Trump investigation:  Of course they investigate, down in the evil pit of NY City.  Will "they" find anything?  Of course.  The Proper Authorities do not want Trump running for President again, and he's going to look pretty good by the end of a few more weeks of Biden and Co.  

Nevertheless, I think you Chinese communist folk are pretty much satisfied with the way things are right now, and unless elections salvage and revitalize what remains of America after four years of progressive damage, we'll be a pushover.  I guess, one way or another, we could be seeing you real soon.