Saturday, September 23, 2017

Psychodysleptic Nation

Oh, those disturbing parallels.  North Korea has its leader, who millions of poor bastards fully believe is a walking god, and we had Obama, pretty much regarded in the same manner by a nation of the progressively sedated.  A large percentage of our leftist folks in the good old USA, if one can believe polls and The Word on The Streets, hold Kim Jong-un in higher regard than President Trump. Whaaa?

Maybe it's something in the water.  After all, according to an August report detailed via, researchers have detected significant accumulations of human antidepressant medications in the brain tissue of at least 10 fish species in the Great Lakes.  How could there not be environmental concerns, since we excrete medical "treatment" by-products in urine and feces 24 / 7 which end up in water sources and treatment plants ill-equipped to filter pharmaceutical substances out of potable drinking water?

More pollution, more hurricanes, more earthquakes, more talk of nuclear war -- isn't this the third time recently that we've raised the question, how many people on a planet of finite resources is enough?  The multifaceted dilemma currently threatening the world relates in every aspect to us, humans who supposedly have the best minds on Earth.  We can solve any problem rationally.

Except we can't.  We're pretty much basking in bonkers land right now, but few know or care why.  We love our psychodysleptic nation, content that every ill can be erased if we either party or go shopping.

The state of the world
-- something to look forward to as (per a Sept. 20 report from PJ Media) a growing number of Europeans, most notably those of France, Germany and the Netherlands, are moving politically to the right in  response to Islamic terror blossoming all around them?  If European nations can somehow pull themselves out of Islam's knuckle-dragging influence  -- what a miracle that would be -- perhaps we'll have something to embrace other than a profoundly retarded faith entwined in ass kickers.

Meanwhile, we remain extremely curious about the scandal -- barely whispered by the leftist media, of course -- involving former DNC chair and Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her computer expert, who was recently arrested for bank fraud as he tried to flee the country.  He and his family may have caused a trainload of national security damage for financial gain and/or ???  There appears to be a crushing amount of pressure from the Democrat side of the aisle to keep this mess out of public view, but it's kind of hard to wish away either the odor of rotting fish heads or implications for national security.  Ms. Wasserman Schultz's energized demand to get her tech's laptop back from the chief of Capitol police -- whom she threatened as the encounter was caught on video -- after it was found abandoned at the Rayburn Office Building should sound every warning alarm within 50 miles, for something seems particularly amiss.  Democrats, WTF?

In an attempt to denote something positive about progressive libs today, we also thought it essential to congratulate one of our fave questionable organizations -- and hate group in its own right -- for successful banking.  Yes, no less than the Southern Poverty Law Center sends millions of dollars to the protection of offshore entities, according to the Washington Free Beacon.  Further, this nonprofit lavishes six-figure salaries on its executives and most integral employees, whilst simultaneously spending little on legal services intended to combat hate and bigotry.  Jeez, could it be that the main poverty attacked and eradicated by the SPLC is its own?

Goodbye, world:  I think the world is supposed to end today.  Not sure if that's true, but if so, bon voyage and good riddance to everybody who ever pissed me off or had the potential to do so.  Hmm.  I guess that about covers everything I need to say.  Have a nice (oh, um, scratch that last part.)