Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Thought Death Central -- If You Ask, They Lie You to Sleep

A significant number among a gang of calculating, yet ultimately stupid Democratic socialists appear poised to walk the plank on Election Day.  While Americans choke on credit card charges rung up merely so they could buy groceries for a few days, a defective tidal wave of morons backed up by perhaps the most demonstrably criminal gaggle of politicians ever known in the USA insists that abortion is the most important issue facing the country.

While this god-damned collective of Marxist theorists, long in control of what once was the tolerable Democrat Party, spend every moment soothing its unwitting followers to sleep with promises of rainbows and flowers, the border remains invaded by people who know and care nothing about our constitutional republic -- spewing forth an uncomfortable spray of single young males whose long or temporary stay in the country will only raise crime statistics as they find themselves without legal options.  Have you watched some of the "immigration lawyers" who pop up occasionally on TV?  Stern-faced, almost spitting their hatred for America as it was intended.  One day, their own status needs to be investigated and perhaps we need to find prison cells to contain their absurdities.

But elections approach, even as the USPS delivers early votes, and Biden's handlers know they need to deliver a border safety pittance -- so they will deport Venezuelans.  A drop in a very large bucket and virtually meaningless as a few thousand depart and thousands of newbies pass them on the way in.

Is your favorite TV Network news show killing your rational brain cells?  Yes, their conjurers share a political agenda to keep you enslaved in your ignorance, ignorance maintained by their refusal to report real, hard stories ripping the mask off radical Democrats and accommodating federal and state agencies they love and support via the Washington, D.C. swamp.  No, Trump wasn't wrong about The Swamp, and those most concerned with his downfall are the most loyal swamp creatures serving, no surprise here, both political parties.

We are in tremendous danger right now.  What political party of intellect would do everything possible to dampen our domestic energy production capabilities so badly that when troubles occur its members decide to drain our emergency oil reserves because it has frittered away other options?  How is it possible that a bunch of fools could so quickly alienate allies and totally piss off the Saudis whilst apparently kissing up in some manner to Iran's monsters, yet simultaneously begging Venezuela's dictator for oil?

This is no time for a nation gone crazy, but just look at the crime alone.  At the same time, Garland's Dept. of Justice and the FBI are, to put it mildly, out of control.  A competent, politically conservative plumber is definitely needed to make repairs.

Meanwhile, a jury of the walking numb believes Infowars' Alex Jones should pay almost a billion dollars for broadcasting untrue things, First Amendment be damned.  Few things are as hazardous as parents of dead children, some of whom feel a right or necessity to go ballistic upon society over their misfortune, but cooler heads cannot let this number stand, even as another trial is in the works.  Jones did not shoot or murder anybody, and because the shooter is dead does not raise the stakes on Jones' bank account.  He has admitted his errors and that should be the end of it, but some want more and more of what turns out ultimately to have no bearing on the intangible.

Similarly, parents whose children either ordered fatal drugs on the Internet and died unexpectedly, or actually conducted suicide intentionally via Internet purchases, are much in the news -- and, of course, parents want to sue social media companies.  Parents, however, are clueless to what their kids are doing every day and, failing that, fate takes over, devoid of lawsuit material.  When will people stop using their children as battering rams against a world that won't behave according to their personal standards?  Never demand a world of total safety because attaining that is neither practical nor possible.

Covid shots for kids?  Um, before you subject your children to any of these, be sure to stay in touch with my links to both Revolver and America's Frontline Doctors (I changed the link so you can go directly to the stories of the day).  News stories that YOU WON'T FIND on your ABC, CBS, NBC channels or their cable derivatives sweep in every day, each more disturbing than the last.  Be informed and stay informed with the real news that matters to your life, and it's all free.  Me?  To date, I wouldn't advise that all-knowing medical "professionals" introduce an mRNA "vaccine" and accompanying spike proteins into a lab rat, let alone into me.  And if you're young, potential cardiac problems including death are not inconsequential.  Stay informed.