Tuesday, October 11, 2022

They Only Come Here for a Better Knife. . .Oops, Life

Watching national network news shows on at least ABC-TV and NBC-TV this weekend, viewers might never have known that the knife-wielding maniac committing murder and severe injury on the Las Vegas strip was an ILLEGAL ALIEN from Guatemala.  As far as these programs were concerned, and we're sure they weren't alone among progressive-leaning TV networks, the wildly stabbing perpetrator was just some guy born in Guatemala, living the dream here in the good old gullible USA.

I confess, if the conservative element of the Republican Party gains a foothold in the country after the elections in November or, in particular, after the 2024 presidential election, I long to see a reinvigorated I.C.E. agency or something even more energetic regarding the processing and wholesale kick-your-ass-out of illegal aliens.  The USA is quickly becoming the world's toilet with a continuous flow of poison in human form crossing the border, and you can be sure that every cursed one of them knows what they do is illegal.  The cartels churn out their own self-made millionaires at our expense, and America's stupid, deteriorating President and his moronic administration members and advisors who deserve an entire prison to be built to hold the Biden/Obama gang are allowing this outrage.

(Breaking, Broken, Smashed:  Rep. Tulsi Gabbard goes real in telling off the Democrat Party as it continues to decline.  Thank you-u-u-u-.)

Compassion exists, but entities known innocently as "immigration attorneys" need to be hand-selected before they sign on with progressive blanket policies of letting people remain who should not.  Looking for work or deciding you can just pay a border fee to wander on in and live forever with your grandma or uncle are not reasons for consideration, and this issue of unaccompanied minors does not shed a tear with me.  Back they must go and I don't care if transportation involves a bassinet.

So Guatemala gave us a lethal, stabbing son of a bitch who should not have been in the United States. Now what?  Just weeks ago, we warned about the barrage of primarily young men invading the country under Biden's blind watch, most of them doomed from the start to find employment or status and thereby almost guaranteed to end up as criminals.  Murders, rapes, thefts, deadly home invasions, drug pushing on a level never encountered -- it's all up for grabs now. All of these young men -- why don't they stay and fight for their own countries?  Trashing our border for a future fraught with dangers all around does not work in America's best interest, as what we really crave is legal immigration bringing education and talent.

Maybe this is too basic even to mention, but if our government's police agencies could spend as many resources going after the border disaster as they do in pursuing Americans under this criminal administration, we might be on the way to establishing a government by and for the people again.

Meanwhile, how do you make the nation's and world's progressive fools fully understand the consequences of embracing their utopian rainbow, at the end of which lies only a pot of lies, self-delusion and fantasy destined to destroy everything true and real?

The women of Iran:  Oh, now here's something worthy of emulation.  Even in the face of beatings, torture and death, Iran's women have again risen up, more in number this time, to demand their rights and to shed the coverings and obligations chained around them by an extremist male-dominated society.

In a former blog exploring my Air Force years during the Vietnam Era, I discussed a special USAF medical course I attended in which two young Iranian women trained with the rest of us airmen. This was a time when the Shah of Iran -- hated though he was among many -- was in power, and the U.S. actively trained Iranian military pilots.  It was common for Iranian men and women in the U.S. at that time to dress in Western clothing.  Yes, this was a vastly different time, and not that long ago.