Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Invasion of the Trojan Horse Kids, 2021

Your babies aren't cute anymore.


How many times have I written those words over the years?  Why would I say something so absurd?  Who am I attempting to offend?

A few life-sustaining grains in a bowl of cereal are beautiful marvels to be treasured. But a busted silo -- previously reinforced with steel supports, inexplicably removed by a new caretaker -- releasing thousands of tons of grain on a population unprepared for disaster speaks of horror, not beauty.

America's Southern border under the Biden syndicate's direction became a busted silo in January, and there is nothing beautiful about invaders increasingly violating our country.  Hordes of adults and children flooding the land will destroy, not enhance our culture and our standards.  Want to be a Venezuela of the North, economically trashed and nationally broken?  Here's our chance.  Choose carefully.

Your babies, their babies, aren't cute anymore.  At a distance human faces become flyspecks, and sheer numbers morph into roach ranches.

Remember this presidential administration well.  It is steered by extremists intent upon crushing, not enhancing the United States as a paragon of freedom, individualism and free market principles.  Its perpetrators will always reference America as a democracy, not as what it really was intended to be:  A democratic republic.

That drug cartels now have free reign in the USA because radical politicians had a hissy fit over Donald Trump's wall is a fact.  Now what?  Sex slaves, drugs, torture, we'll have it all like never before.

No, babies and teenagers from Central America and elsewhere in the world currently rushing the border, aren't cute anymore -- but they will be plentiful, used and molded into monsters and victims.  Even better, if allowed to stay they can eventually bring all their relatives in to continue stinking up the country and evaporating American traditions and values.

Meanwhile, the complicit mainstream "news" media will spend the next few weeks enveloped in the George Floyd cop trial and Covid-19 immunizations of which future benefits or consequences are absolutely unknown as bodies are injected by the thousands via government-sanctioned needles every day.  The border?  Who cares?

Racist Corner, Hateful Philosophy 101:  If black people who were never slaves want reparations paid for by people who were never slave owners, then does it follow that the people who were never slaves, desire reparations and grew up as Americans should nevertheless leave the country on boats and resume lives they never had in Africa so as to maintain the timeline?  Heck, don't ask me.  Anyway, if it's any comfort, the crazed but dedicated Biden contrivers and devisers, true to every failed socialist trick in the book, are already building a gigantic plantation to supplant American values, and we all get to be nouveau slaves of all races.

Major biter:  Major, Biden's troublesome German shepherd, reportedly bit a Secret Service member at the White House for a second time, apparently having failed to remember whatever he learned in diversity -- oops, I mean obedience class.  We suspect he bites because he's a sensitive canine living under the constant stress of Biden syndicate staffers lying and plotting evil national strategies.

Military Blues:  Assuming reports are accurate, there appears a lot of concern among the military services about right wing members.  Conservatives and Republicans are the enemy?  Used to be, fighting men and women occupying a place on the right was a good thing.  It's incredible how the Democrat Party -- the party of lynchings, Jim Crow, the KKK and opponents of civil rights legislation even as recently as the sixties -- has successfully reworked its tarnished historical image into something self-proclaimed as almost spotless.  What do they expect from soldiers, an apology for feeling patriotic?!

But at least the left has no intention of taking your guns -- well, until it becomes more than obvious that ammo has become pretty scarce and extraordinarily expensive.  Must be. . ."one of those things."  In the meantime, better disguise those AR-15's as potted plants because there's a hungry and irrational crowd of regulators out there who care not that such sporting rifles have been around since at least the 1950s.

Promises of no drivers' mileage tax and no increased gasoline taxes from the Biden bunch as they consider an "infrastructure" plan don't mean much when one considers that taxes dramatically raised on corporations will simply be passed along to the consumer, and if this leftist cartel doesn't attempt to initiate a "value added tax" (VAT) faster than you can say rip-me-off we will be amazed.  These phonies are in so deep with the international "Great Reset" criminal elite that individual American voices hardly matter anymore.

Let Me Get This Straight Department:  So. . .the World Health Organization, which seems pretty much puppeteered by China, believes Covid-19 probably came from animals and passed to humans, and not by way of some secret killer virus factory in Wuhan.  Yet, everybody decries China's lack of cooperation during the investigation.  Hmm.  You still on, Wuhan?  We think so, too.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Elephants and Borders

Stupidity comes in all colors and sizes, and no, we aren't referencing victims of international elitists and cultists currently basking in the "green" fantasy scam of the century intended to steal power and wealth away from the innocent, the "woke" and the unsuspecting.  

Indeed, shining stupidity was most recently demonstrated when a father spirited his two year old daughter under a protective fence and into the elephant yard at the San Diego Zoo.  By now, we've all seen the video showing an elephant in full, all-business mode chasing the fool, who briefly dropped (oops) his kid on the ground, while retreating back under the fence.

However, while the usual television news panic-inducers focused on a potential pachyderm/human disaster as the creature charged the pair, something seemed clear.

Perfectly capable of doing significant harm to these interlopers, the elephant instead came to a halt, appearing to stop just in time to allow the pair's departure.  Essentially, a firm message was sent, but no physical consequences ensued.  Why? Was this evidence of what we already know, that elephants are highly intelligent?

Our "new" U.S. leadership (that is, Obama and Marxism, Inc.) under Biden and shadowy figures who aren't so much in the shadows anymore would do well to cherish this elephant's actions as the Southern border goes to hell.  Refugees, unaccompanied children (hmm) and people just-looking-for-a-better-life deserve compassion -- to a point.  But at some stage of the border invasion one needs to choose between ultra-compassion and a free and successful country.  In the USA, we can't have both.  Our economy and small businesses are fighting for their lives, and as the future of mechanized jobs rears its head there is simply no place for the masses as they flood the country to suck welfare and destroy the rich who, like it or not, provide opportunities and jobs in large part.

Shall we not be that elephant?  Let's warn invaders away from our borders and make the message clear, painful if necessary.  We can attempt to stop them from leaving their own countries with economic assistance down there, but to foster, welcome and encourage an invasion by words either wrong or right is not a solution.  We have laws for a reason, and the actions of an obviously pathetic, socialist-infested Biden administration serves as an antithesis to rational thought.

I would like to call them posers, but these people more likely hover in an outlaw realm, unwilling to admit Trump was right in so many ways, especially where the border is concerned.  If they continue their destruction of the America we knew, Donald Trump or at least his policies will eventually return with prejudice.

About January's rush on the Capitol:  So federal prosecutors mull charging some of the lawbreakers with sedition?  Okay, but concurrently they might consider arresting certain leadership Democrats and charging them with treason.  Those involved in the kangaroo court involving Trump's first "impeachment" would, I think, be prime candidates.  Eventually, all kinds of people must be held legally, if not criminally accountable for their actions -- and so far they run and function as free as birds without consequence.

Miami, Etc:  What's the big deal about young folk not wearing masks in Miami or in other areas, when the Southern border reeks with thousands of invaders bringing not only mask-less faces, but a cornucopia of other diseases as well?  Are we ready for a new surge of American children developing "unexplained" paralytic symptoms, for starters?

Again, the quickly rising economic and social cost of unbridled compassion at the border will destroy us.  Members of our own government must one day be taken before a criminal court, judge and jury with an expectation of real consequences and prison time for this outrage.  Impeachment, censure and lesser options will not suffice.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Who Wants to Be a Multimillionaire?

Call me old-fashioned -- though in today's political climate some will dismiss me as a racist because the mere utterance of the "R" word covers all situations -- but I fail to understand why the family of George Floyd received 27 million dollars in a civil lawsuit even before the police officers' trial began.  Despite officers PERHAPS following department policy, is it not rather customary to await trial results before determining a cash settlement?  And...really...27 million?  If one wishes to bring race into this issue, just how many times have families of non-black people who perished at the hands of law enforcement officers received such monumental financial payouts?

We suspect the Minneapolis legislators behind this decision are either wildly progressive or trembling in fear, and we further wonder if this sum is also a tip of the hat to reparations (the new Covid "relief" bill provides reparations in a blatant fashion to black over non-black farmers, by the way).  But all of that aside, should not everybody have waited until evidence of Floyd's general physical condition and alleged drug ingestion came to light at the trial?  What if his death had far more to do with his own medical problems and alleged drug use than an officer's foot on his neck?  We're talking about meth and Fentanyl here, not baby aspirin.

Anybody who believes that a significant portion of hyped-up, race-baiting "minorities" who regularly take to the streets aren't looking upon the 27 million dollar figure as a jackpot, windfall or lottery bonus in the world of cop-haters is bereft of reality.  Will this absurd payout result in more street players taunting police officers just a little in order to commandeer a tidy sum from city governments across the nation for skinned knees, back pain and harsh words?

What one appears to have here is evidence of social justice, not American justice.  27 million dollars?  Local taxpayers and/or insurance company personnel might want to appeal this amount if they have any recourse whatsoever, which we doubt in an era of non-white racial superiority and the cancel culture pushed by the agenda-consumed.  

Yes, George Floyd's death was tragic, but tragedy can materialize in so many other ways unanticipated.

Senator Ron Johnson attacked by mainstream media destructors:  If you had the opportunity to check out conservative radio talk show host Joe Pags' show when he interviewed Sen. Ron Johnson, you would have known how bogus and activist-saturated ABC-TV and others were when they portrayed Johnson as a racist for his comments about his feeling unsafe around Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters.  More to the point, they seemed to show him as sympathizing with those who broke into the Capitol Building on January 6.  In fact, for anybody who listened to his interview with Pags, he made it clear that he supported the thousands of Trump fans who demonstrated peacefully, while condemning the law-breakers.  During his weekend wrap-up radio show, Pags attempted to tell all media that if they were to play his interview with Johnson they were obligated to play all of it, not just selected sound bites.  Of course, the MSM did what they always do and played what suited their activist agenda, making Johnson out to be a racist.  OF COURSE they went after him -- they pursue every decent conservative politician, don't they, always?

The Biden Bunch's Covid Relief Bill:  OF COURSE polls indicated that most Americans wanted it.  Were there no payouts of free money and other goodies, who would welcome this Titanic?  Union pensions and especially Democrat disaster cities, victims of their own financial mismanagement, are purring like kittens now as our own government has stolen from the future to satisfy today.  What about that other trillion dollars already allotted for Covid relief and reportedly jut sitting on the sidelines?

A special thank you to Biden for potentially "allowing" Americans to have a few folks over for the 4th of July -- but was anybody really planning to ask his permission?

Meanwhile, the Biden folk are writing new plans for educating America's youth, neglecting of course to include anything good about American history and planning to fill young minds instead with phony visions of America beginning as a slave state.  Charter schools, private schools or Catholic schools:  Choose any one over deteriorating public schools.  In the meantime, one of the most positive steps parents can take is to approach school boards and assure that President Trump's White House-commissioned "1776 Project" paper be required reading for high school students.  It's available free as a .pdf on the Web.  Until it's not.

Trouble at the Southern Border:  Yes, it's a horror show and Biden still blames Trump even as he refuses to finish building The Wall.  This is Obama redux all over again and did not need to happen, had rational thought taken charge.  Stupid, ambitiously reactionary members of the Democrat Party so-called leadership simply do the same things over and over again until they can't get everything more wrong.  The solution?  I don't know, but maybe we can start with actually arresting public officials currently ramping up this dangerous activity, putting them on trial and following up with lengthy prison sentences for the guilty.  Senators and House representatives should not be immune and subject only to the absurdities of impeachment or censure.

Just for you, Progressives:  Now that you're back and fully in charge, doing the only thing you know how or care to do -- destroy the country -- how about we do this?  You folks love change (your change), and I can't think of a better change than to initiate special courts with judges and juries dedicated to judging senators and House representatives (let's not forget un-elected people who strangle us with regulations approved by special interests only)) who fail to uphold constitutional obligations, making them eligible for long prison terms and fines.  The current system seems uninterested in Doing The Right Thing to certain denizens of the D.C. swamp.

Harry and Meghan:  We don't care.  We're already bored to tears with this overrated duo of dolts and wish they would pack up the baby, their belongings and return to the land of Royals, where the banter of such people is appreciated for its vacuous qualities.  All we see are two more progressive elitists dedicated to crying on our shoulders about victimization.

Andrew Cuomo:  He had more than his 15 minutes of fame.  As life's little decision-makers slowly pry his hands loose from the NY governorship flagpole, we fondly hope Cuomo realizes how history will record him eternally as a weasel and maybe eventually a criminal of sorts.  He can write even more books filled with self-serving nonsense and autograph a thousand (unsold) copies to himself with love and kisses, but history will stand to refute whatever the cancel culture leftists leave behind.

Keep 'em Loaded:  As the left continue to push Marxist ideas upon us until its cultists either get heaved out of office, arrested or obliterated, we're watching House legislation intent upon watering down the Second Amendment even more.  My opinion is this:  If you're worried that "they" will eventually come for your guns (I mean, government agencies already want to know your name and what you have around the house), it's difficult to fathom the thought that chiefs of police and sheriffs across the nation would ever put up with such orders, nor would American military members.  However, and this is really stretching credulity (I think), don't put it past the devious left to find ways to call in United Nations soldiers to accomplish the job.  Should that day ever come, the solution is inescapable -- the population has to take out those firearms and kick UN troops and "advisory" personnel in their globalist asses until they get the message and leave (sorry -- the cancel culture wouldn't want me to use the words "shoot" and "kill" in that sentence, so. . .).  

A tiny part of me suggests that we not totally dismiss or condemn homegrown militia folk, because as crazy as things are becoming in the U.S., we see no evidence yet that Federal or state government sanity will endure, as evil people increasingly drive us nationally bonkers with decisions cooked up in the progressive pressure cooker.  Trust is a damned rare thing, isn't it?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Bits and Pieces for March 2021

Thank heavens, even though Black History Month is now but a memory of being hit in the face with a race pie every hour of every day, we can look forward to critical race theory installed in every classroom and business in America to keep us un-united and equipped for more concentrated racial hatred than we've experienced in years.  Far from intending merely to portray white folk as evil white supremacists and enemies of all other races, this long-festering tactic of the left hopes to separate everybody by race, cause eternal strife among races and allow for "The Great Reset" to solve the "problem."

The very existence of Robin DiAngelo's book, White Fragility, simply goes to prove that, yes, anybody can write a book.  Unfortunately, major publishing houses are becoming cancel cultures, so as time goes on don't expect breakthrough releases making the right look good.  And God help you should you desire to accumulate a complete collection of Dr. Seuss.

How bad is it?  Why, ya can't even drink a Coke now unless you fully accept that white people are just no good.  Looks like the Coca-Cola boardroom class might hope you become A Little Less White when you pop that can tab or unscrew the soft drink bottle cap whose owners installed a built-in screwing.

I guess leftists had to do SOMETHING after LBJ's "Great Society" ended up spending well over 20 trillion (add more trillions) dollars supposedly improving, but instead destroying black families and individualism.

Yet, race relations seemed to be improving -- a lot -- before Obama assumed the perch.  As the nation quickly learned, that guy had the recipe book to cook up every social justice commodity currently in play on the streets and in state capitols across the country.

So we have the Biden gang infesting American values now, a caboodle so bereft of original thoughts that, as if by destiny, it was loath to do anything beyond bringing the Obama bunch back in almost every detail.  An homage of the worst kind.  Like a Madame Tussaud's collection already half-melted from exposure to an outraged ray of sunlight.  Who the hell needs Q-Anon paranoia with this flock in charge, its associates having already screwed jobs, energy and border security in mere days after near-octogenarian Biden sleepily shuffled his way into Office?

Trump speaks:  Yes he did, and conservatives adored his words at C-PAC.  If he's retained celeb status before so many Republicans and if the Biden "blunderistas" continue doing the only thing they know -- that is, destroying America -- how is the Trump agenda going to look next election?

C-PAC barely commenced before leftist twits falsely compared the stage settings to a Nazi throwback, thereby pressuring Hyatt Hotels to dis-invite C-PAC from future engagements.  The perpetrators of this vile attack deserve to be sued.

Jen, oh Jen:  Why does White House spokespersonlady Jen Psaki remind me of, who was that character in the James Bond movie, "From Russia with Love?"  That nasty red-headed colonel who. . .well, you know.

NY govern-not Andrew Cuomo:  Often, we have commented upon New York's favorite megalomaniac leader, but we've reached the point where we can't say anything which isn't already dominating some national news sources.  But just two more things:  (1) When Cuomo said a few years ago that there was no room for conservatives in New York, maybe he should have included himself in that "no occupancy" statement.  It's really a toss-up whether Cuomo will resign, be forced out or let more water slide off his perpetually lucky duck's back as he maintains his position.  (2)  When and if Cuomo departs, somebody should remove his father's name from that downstate bridge Andrew was so insistent upon renaming and return its former identity.

Cuomo's worst "female trouble" may be NY attorney general Letitia ("Blames") James, who vows to investigate allegations regarding Cuomo and the ladies.  Include NY City mayor Bill DeBlasio speaking out, and he despises Cuomo as much as vice-versa, and magic just drifts through the air.

The $15 minimum wage:  Nice, but not for an entry-level job.  If an employee quickly proves himself, herself or itself worthy, that's when the money should increase.  Here's what happens under Democrat control, should $15 catch on -- a small business hires a worker who turns out to be a disaster, but when somebody tries to fire that employee, fifty leftist agencies step up and do everything to prevent the firing by any means possible, thus tying up the employer for months or years in court.  Costly.

John Kerry The Climate Czar:  He says "we" only have nine years before a climate catastrophe.  When I think of Kerry's global climate expertise I concurrently think of the University of East Anglia and all the fudging those folks performed to make their phony climate disaster statistics look real.  Again, we ask where is that petition signed a few years ago by hundreds of scientists who looked unfavorably upon climate change panic?  Like everything else hidden by the left, this one hardly saw the light of day.  We understand that meteorologist Joe Bastardi's new book, The Weaponization of Weather is quite effective in squelching climate fears and people such as "expert" Kerry.  We urge caution in climate legislation and we totally condemn to hell the World Economic Forum, a weapon of American mass social and economic destruction if ever there was one.  The WEF is the only "climate" crisis upon which rational minds must focus before it is too late.  We are not China's dog and may we never embrace its horrors.

Are you "Woke" yet?  Don't be.  Woke is a wake for the death of facts and rational thinking.  Save the schools by ridding their halls of "Woke."

TV Commercials:  They all annoy, but last week I became aware of another in what seem a series of boy-excluding messages.  GMC's "Go Boy Go" song played during a commercial where the boy among other family members received no greater prominence than the others seemed rather odd.  I mean, if you're going to play a song entitled, "Go Boy Go," shouldn't the boy receive more camera exposure than the other three (not to exclude the studio model skunk at the end, of course) as the message transpires?  Don't mind me, I become enraged when I just turn the volume down and realize in silence how stupid so many TV programs are.

Ted Cruz:  Senator, I would have gotten the heck out of that Texas winter-nado, too.  What were you supposed to do, stick around and shovel?  Or be an example?  Of what?  How many Democrat legislators did the same without media notice?