Wednesday, January 31, 2024

President Joe Treason - Warmonger or Fishmonger?

I am currently bereft of titles to adequately cover this fool and his nation-wrecking clown administration, so I thought this one might do.  I wonder how many more billions of dollars he, like Obama, can find for Iran before more American military personnel receive death at the hands of these religious fanatic loonies?  One tires of Iran's Ayatollah Douche Bag & Co. and one can only hope somebody pulls their ratty beards off soon and returns them to the goat butts desperately missing their warmth.  Oh, and not to forget, Iran's nuke facilities need to be blasted into oblivion, as per the usual international schedule.

President Lyin' Joe said this week that he has done everything he can about the border.  What a lying liar.  Three years ago he could have closed off the border, and if he didn't like Trump's fence he could simply have followed established law.  This tyrant has no problem signing executive order after executive order with no constitutional backing, but the one thing he can do to make a real and immediate difference he won't do.  Why would he?  The obvious plan is to remake the country in somebody else's image.  The enemy truly lives within, with a lot of help from outsiders.

Mayorkas Impeachment:  Waste of time, Republicans, but I guess the process will make a statement.  The border invasion-complicit Democrats are already shooting this down.  Of course they are.  Again, may I suggest, not impeachment, but treason as the order of the day?  That one goes a little higher, to lying Joe.

The Establishment, propped up by both Democrats and Republicans, continues to swim comfortably in The Swamp.  They fear Trump and will attempt his political and apparently financial destruction no matter what.  Should he have another go at the Presidency, wonders may yet be worked -- to make America great again.  To those for whom MAGA is a dirty word, we wonder if they really prefer its current White House replacement?  Sadly, there are people working hard to make sure the illusion of Donald Trump as a dictator becomes commonplace among the complicit media.  Beware.

The United Nations has again shown itself for what it is, a gaggle of gangs and thugs, and now its tentacles seem to have been involved with the Israel invasion.  When will we have the guts to kick this anti-liberty, anti-American fortress of a'holes out of our country and stop paying for it to hate us?  

About this E. (I think the E stands for Elitist) Jerkhoff Carroll thing: If I were old, apparently on the verge of either cunning, crazy or criminal, and claimed I was defamed because a rich man who went on to become U.S. President -- who may never have actually touched me -- did something to me, and I could get a NY jury to award me more than 83 million dollars, would I take the plunge?  If I threw my Democrat self on the mercy of a Democrat NY court as a victim who actually subjected MYSELF to the public's scrutiny, already known publicly as a columnist and literary slop-maker who nobody outside of NY City ever heard of, would I deserve everything in excess awarded to me?  If I "defamed" myself by blabbing to wet dream reporters, how would that look?

If the name were Lewis Carroll, maybe so -- at least he contributed literature the world embraced and loved.  Yes, Virginia, there are "whack jobs" out there, and they are nasty, greedy, verbose, emotionally fucked up and ready to pounce at any opportunity.  Unfortunately, the NY judiciary system seems too soaked in leftist dogma to see straight between cocktail parties with fellow travelers.  This is what you get, again and again.  Avoid New York at all costs, because costs you will incur sooner or later.  Meantime, we hope Trump's appeal sinks this entire ship, since he wasn't even allowed to introduce evidence or testify on his behalf with same.

Fear and Loathing in the Newspaper and Magazine Business:  Well, here we are again.  The LA Times, Sports Illustrated and all the others expected to be safe and warm for decades to come.  Not so.  Fortunes change, but publishers and editors also need to be cognizant of the elephant in the room which is young, has poor reading skills, and couldn't care less about the information before him, her or it unless it shines with the glitter of the Internet.  And they often don't have the slightest idea about the point of the newspaper or magazine story begging their attention.  Add drugs, stupidity and the tendency of publications to appeal to one political party and the recipe for disaster is complete.  That's a -30- for sure.

President Treason hates Texas and Florida:  Cutting off 20 percent of LNG exports to other countries will harm TX and FL economies, and don't think this yet-unindicted criminal didn't know that.

Return to the military draft:  We can't leave this one alone.  Right now there is, nevertheless muted, talk of war in Congress. At the same time, military recruitment is still down dramatically.  The Armed Forces, especially the Navy, are hungry for new recruits, and those men and women are not going to magically appear in a cabbage patch.  To be honest, polls demonstrate that most young folk feel no need to join the military, and patriotism is something left over from the Bronze Age.  The very best among possible recruits also look poorly upon transgender and Woke nonsense.  Kindly old Grandpa Joe Treason will come for the kids if the time is right.

Anchors Away:  The one thing Congress could do before anything is to outlaw anchor babies, the kids made instant citizens simply because they are born in the USA.  Ramaswamy had this idiocy all figured out and believed it illegal according to law, despite what many think.  We will see.

By the way, the weak cog in the immigration fight is the immigration attorney.  How can we know the number who will "approve" most of their clients to remain in the USA? This field of law absolutely must be crawling with leftists sympathetic to anything that shows up at the border.  We need to watch this bunch carefully.  Meantime, let's hire lots of I.C.E. agents and turn them loose.

Remember the Stockpile:  We still wonder why the Federal Government bought up so much ammunition for numerous agencies, including the IRS, and for other agencies which would seemingly have no use for as much as one bullet.  Aside from the military, plain old government offices may be the largest ammunition depots in the country.  And again we ask -- why?

They'll like Byrna, Too!  The "Byrna launcher" defensive weapon which shoots tear gas and other substances to ward off bad guys is quite popular on ads currently.  What they don't mention is the obvious fact that the bad guys will also be purchasing the device to use on YOU during acts of criminality.  Because "it's legal in all 50 states," and not considered a firearm or dangerous weapon, crooks are going to take to this thing like flies to honey.  Nice try, though!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bits and Pieces for January 2024

Winter shouted a big, icy hello this month, and may I say, I hope those of you who bought into the idea of electric vehicles were thrilled about being stranded without a fast (if any) charge on some back road -- and I sure hope you were conscientious enough to sacrifice any idea of running the energy-sucking heater which automatically deprives the battery of some 40 percent of the charge.  Assuming the Republicans regain office in the USA, wouldn't it be nice if vehicle manufacturers would go back to just making simple cars or trucks capable of getting one from here to there? Do we really need electric windows, butt-warming seats and enough installed cameras to produce your own TV show?

Just keep the waiting list in mind.  When the inevitable sun or nuke-precipitated EMP destroys everything equipped with a chip (yes, that means every everything) someday, those old enough to remember will beg for the inconvenience of old, alternative devices which will probably never return.

Socialist fantasy of the week:  The United Auto Workers (UAW) union endorsed Biden's re-election. UAW president Shawn Fain gave a spirited speech to encourage membership to vote for . . .for. . .a U.S. President who forced the industry to build electric vehicles that few potential buyers want after witnessing the phony promises of EVs.  Should the Biden gang's efforts force car manufacturers into bankruptcy, we suppose Fain will pretty up the situation by insisting failed companies produce less pollution and the green results should be embraced by all.  Modern unions, still lacking the growth they once enjoyed (Biden would love to fix that), will destroy America like locusts in the crops.  Really, can we not negotiate reasonable contracts as individuals? Do we need nanny unions to direct and control our lives?

Strange bedfellows:  Appears as though the New York State legislature has decided NOT to ban wood or fireplaces because people do often require this fuel to stay warm and cook.  Now, the interesting thing is that the legislature concedes that wood fire puts more particulate matter into the air than other fuel sources.  Wha...?  Then. . .why not leave gas, oil and coal alone instead of banning those sources of heat and cooking?  We still pray for court intervention on crazy decisions spewed out lovingly and often by state governors and governing bodies which seem clueless, of not ignorant on purpose.

The Citizen Judge:  I had some blowback about stating that thousands of plain old citizens could become deputized judges to hasten the fate of millions of illegal aliens in the USA.  So why not?  Remember military draft boards (which, in my opinion, may return)? They were often composed of people in the community who made choices about who would be considered for the draft.  At any rate, we need to find a fast and economical way to process these mostly ineligible border crossers and get them out of here.  Compassion can and will destroy the compassionate.

Nikki Haley's deficit:  Okay, Trump's the anticipated winner, but Haley's underestimated problem is her voice.  When she speaks loudly or with emotion, her voice becomes shrill, just like Hillary Clinton.  That is not a plus.

Return of the Tranny Murders:  Dylan Butler kills two people at school, then himself, then among his social media writings we discover he has a gender identity thing going on.  What is it with you young homicidal trans people?  Something besides being bullied is going on in those twisted little brains.  Butler wasn't just trans-fluid, he was transfixed.

That's Entertainment:  If nobody plans to arrest Dr. Fauci in the near future for his Covid advice, we wonder whether he might show up as a tap-dancer in one of those televised singing drug commercials.  Tap-dancing, even in several directions at the same time, would seem a natural talent for this show-off.

Oh, oh, oh Canada:  How much longer must you endure this blockhead of black face named Trudeau?  If Argentina, and now the Netherlands can elect sanity, maybe you can, too.  The world currently needs a deficit of elitists, and your dear Justin seems just one more cog in the wheel of the World Economic Forum.  At least, on the bright side, you have Jordan Peterson! Hope the Canadian psychiatry mafia doesn't mess with his brain during "re-education," which, to my mind, might be something like what Martians did to people in a small town in the movie, "Invaders from Mars" (the original fifties version).  Canada, don't be woke, and don't let your shameful government assist even teenagers in suicide.  Someday, maybe public hangings of the proper officials shall return when the world becomes re-infected with common sense.

I don't know what Canada does when a leader turns out to be dangerous to his or her country, but here in the USA we have laws regarding treason which should be followed, but have not emerged so far.  However, I look forward to a day when the Biden bunch meets this fate, if not indeed added to charges under the RICO (gang criminality) laws, which it surely should because the criminal alien invasion it allows has seriously drained our security abilities.  We are currently "negotiating" with Mexico about aliens, which historically means paying them off in a big way for little in return.

Davos:  We understand that conservatives and others on the right are making quite an impact in Switzerland, putting the Elite in quite the defensive position. Good.  The most evil of leftists are quite concerned at the moment about banning DIS and MIS information, which we will naturally assume is done by overriding these with even more disinformation and misinformation.  Really, the world has gone crazy.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Will the Word in Fear of its own Existence Be Uttered Soon?

Can you smell it?  The odor sort of seems like perspiration mixed with something rotten -- a fragrance nauseating enough to make the scent of a skunk akin to the finest perfume.

Have you not yet been assaulted by the aroma?  I have, but as opposed to something detected by one's nose, the odor is more of a brain hit.  What is it, so strange, so distant, yet so familiar?

Of course, now I remember. In 1967-68 a military draft board determined I would be carried off for compulsory military service.  That's the odor of familiarity for me, and that's the aroma of reprise wafting almost, but not quite inconspicuously across the USA today.

The draft, oh goodnight, the draft?  For real?

Call me crazy, but I'm keeping one eye open in expectation that our dwindling number of personnel occupying the Armed Forces will need bolstering, and while we call some things begging or pleading, an actual draft shows little mercy to young people entrenched in the belief that nobody can touch them or spirit them away for military service.  Did young folk believe when they reached 18 and signed up with the government that the door knock would never come?

The knock approaches.  If Middle East conflicts expand, or if any of a dozen other encumbrances sprout up without warning, Uncle Sam and his war-lovin' Democrats are coming for the kids.  This is what leftists and others of various political persuasions received as a gift when they voted for Biden simply because they "hate Trump."

I eluded the final dreaded draft notice by one week, but only because I enlisted.  This time around, kids, what you envisioned as kindly old Grandpa Joe will gobble you up for his war machine with no apologies, and you can't even run to Canada because the USA made sure that the Canadian escape route is no longer an option.

Is a new draft on the way?  Might as well sniff the wind and wait.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Illegal Immigration and the Citizen Judge

In due time, these primarily leftist scoundrels who have willingly and purposefully allowed the USA to overflow and swell with invaders from all over the world must be arrested, tried and punished in old-fashioned ways.  Impeachment has become such a meaningless word, holding as little effect for the politically guilty as a can of expired insect repellent.  Treason is a far better word, absolutely relevant and applicable to the Biden bunch whose inner cartel picks and chooses established laws according to a politically carved-out whim.  That immigration laws already set in stone have been so blatantly ignored is an outrage which craves attention.

A proposed solution, simply put. . .

We are already immersed in the realization that millions upon millions of criminal invaders, be they single or with the children they hope to use as battering rams for permanent residence, are increasingly --  what? -- six or seven years away from orders to show up for an immigration hearing.  We are told there are not enough judges.

We say, one does not need to be an attorney to sit on the Supreme Court.  Maybe your cocker spaniel could be nominated for a spot, but I'm not sure about that.

However, this is the United States and the country grew not strictly because of people pigeon-holed into specific roles, but the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker also enjoyed the additional duties of teaching others in hastily built school houses, or in constructing places of necessity using talents and experience already available.

So why can't American citizens (the legal kind) be enlightened with a few comprehensive instructions on what people stay and what folks exit the nation, after which by the thousands they are stationed all around the country to swiftly make final decisions?

Oh, I know -- this will piss off every "immigration attorney" in the country, but so what?  If the USA is truly a nation of immigrants, and it obviously is, what's the problem with legal residents making remain-or-go decrees based upon fundamental guidelines?  As things stand now, and I like the word, "stand," we apparently host currently many millions of border jumpers qualified without argument for instant deportation.

As Americans are forced to pay for housing, health care, feeding and education of the world's masses who persist in walking in and raping our legal system without consequences from  our friends on the radical left, this would seem the best approach.  After all, what is the argument against meeting insane illegality head-on with something else that seems a little crazy, yet could be the best weapon the common tax-paying man or woman has in their arsenal?  And again, yes, the left will bring out the pitchforks and torches in such numbers as to amaze and terrify those who just want this ongoing nightmare to end for those stuck with paying the tab and being forced to accept the clearly unacceptable.  Another downside, of course, is the immense costs involved with deporting people, and hoping we can send them where they need to go.  (Suggesting that Boeing provide its special "open airplane window" sucking accommodations for a smooth and effective departure at high altitude is probably a bit too harsh.)

At the very least, we need a Republican president and a right-leaning Congress, I should think, because otherwise the chances of Americans being allowed to fight for their country before it transforms into a coast-to-coast place of unrecognizable laws and values are almost guaranteed to fail under leftist rule.

It's your country, not theirs  -- and never forget, as elections near, we live in a constitutional (otherwise known as a representative) republic, NOT the "democracy" the left would impose upon us which would easily rival any dime-store communist leadership.  Let's wake up, but don't be woke.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

David Soul and His UFO Movie Role

Actor David Soul died at age 80 this week, and while most people will remember him for his role in the TV series, Starsky and Hutch -- and for a brief but popular singing career -- few may recall his role in a movie about UFOs.

In 1974, a low-budget TV movie entitled, The Disappearance of Flight 412 premiered on the NBC TV Network.  Starring Glenn Ford and several other familiar actors, one of the characters who portrayed an Air Force pilot was David Soul.

We have mentioned this motion picture on several occasions over the years, but the notable thing about it was that one of the script's writers, himself with a military background, was actually putting into fiction an actual event with which he was familiar.  In this case, two Marine pilots disappear while checking out three radar UFOs, and later on only a little aircraft wreckage is located with no trace of the pilots.  A similar jet scramble happens only days later, but this is only mentioned by the narrator toward the end.

 Adding to the intrigue regarding production of the film, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) of Arizona, then one of the oldest private UFO organizations in the world, provided purportedly real photos of UFOs, and these were displayed as part of the story.

The Disappearance of Flight 412 has long ago faded into the background, probably because of its obvious minimal budget and lack of aliens with laser weapons threatening the planet, but once the viewer understands that there's real -- frightening -- history here, the production takes on a different value for us.

David Soul's role was no more or less noteworthy than that of the other actors, but the fact that he took on this project, primarily a showplace for Glenn Ford, who himself was a military officer and already held views about UFOs, should be of interest particularly to those interested in UFO history.  I just wanted you to know.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Invade, Lie, Rape, Steal, Demand, Thank the Democrats, Rinse and Repeat

The definition of treason runs so deep in this country right now that it almost seems rare to find a federal government agency or official Washington relationship not wrapped up in or at least touched by it.  Why are things so bad?  Well, for one thing you can't have justice without a squeaky-clean Dept. of Justice unbridled by political corruption and deceit.  On that matter, we're screwed for the foreseeable future.

A few years ago, the dumb-ass RINO Republicans had an opportunity to fix the immigration system because they held power in all three chambers.  Instead, most shrugged off what could wait until "later" and continued basking briefly in political sunlight.  They blew the opportunity to sweep Democrats out of the way to opt for common sense, instead of allowing for the radical left's disaster currently eating the Southern (and Northern) border alive.

In related news. . .why be surprised at the rush of Covid, flu and other infections right now?  What do you think is coming over the border?  Certainly not anything sterile and infection-free.  Disease incubators on foot are claiming the USA by the thousands every week, and your cousin twice removed in Texas wonders why she's feeling poorly all the time.  We have become a nation of sick people who think they are dead and dead people who thought they were merely sick.

The blood-feast enjoyed right now by Democrat officials in numerous states, as they attempt to deprive voters of constitutional rights by striking Donald Trump's name from reality, could not offer a more outrageous example of people dedicated to destroying the America we know.  Or knew.

At the borders, like locusts they come, intent as zombie-like masses to eat and steal Americans out of house and home so they can have "a better life" as yours declines in kind. Assisting them are individuals and groups (deserved of execution) coached in advising invaders exactly what fabricated tales to relate in order to gain entry and government assistance.  Cartels and "relief" organizations become fabulously wealthy in the process, but you don't matter except as an entity forced to cough up funding for illegal and questionable ventures orchestrated by others. I don't know how many more times it's worth warning that compassion in excess can kill the best of intentions -- and societies, yet the proof continues to march and slither unabated before us.

Voter fraud is real and probably far more significantly ingrained in the election process than we know.  Yet Trump is the evil conjured by the left.  When one looks back upon Trump's accomplishments during four years, compared to Biden's tear-down of our promised fortunes, there is no comparison.  Yet, the political war of calculation and stupidity goes on.  In Congress, one mentions established collusion against conservatives among social network, political and corporate sources and the left can only respond with the word, Trump, to divert prying eyes.

Trump.  The left whips up an insurrection for what, in the most articulate of circumstances, could only be called a riot.  Absurdity abounds as one political party counts upon a stupid, uninformed electorate to choose it as the nation's one and only, forever and ever.

Funny how the New York Times is suing Microsoft and others for copyright infringement for allegedly letting AI steal its stories and relating information as it is taught various things.  The question popping out to me, however, is -- wait a minute:  Is AI being pumped up with a fund of knowledge ONLY from leftist sources, thereby making its future one of total censorship and omission of opposing values and history?  Is artificial intelligence primed to be a leftist tool in every way, forcing us to submit to altered truths and "cognitive security" as covertly intended by social media, government and corporate entities?

From automation to ultra-mation we have advanced.  What luck, what determination, what danger we have prescribed for whatever living things survive the future.  Should Mars say thank you as we bring it on?

Referencing government institutions known by three characters as the "alphabet mafia" in the current atmosphere could not be more applicable to our situation.

And of course we watch Israel responding with "what for" as a natural reaction to its people being massacred by cowards.  Palestinian protestors in NY, DC and elsewhere should be grateful that they reside in a nation which freely allows public demonstrations of rage by both morons and lunatic activists alike.

Choose. . .anybody as a replacement?  Seems that Harvard U. lacks a president as of this date, the doctor-president variety.  As I always said, if ya haven't performed at least one prostate exam or executed the delivery of a calf, you ain't no doctor.  Also, plagiarism may be good enough for Joe Biden, but we should certainly expect more from our D.E.I. cookie-cutouts in their role as America haters, as they continue a progressive course via their own self-impressive credentials to change the nation into something alien and depressing.