Thursday, October 6, 2022

A Tale of Three Murderers

Murderers and the ways and things they destroy come in many disguises.  The Global Warming and Green Cult comes to mind, perfectly willing to kill off rational thought and twisting science to its benefit, concerting particular effort in ignoring and silencing hundreds or thousands of scientists who disagree with their contrived dogma.  End game: Continuous grab for power.

One faction is in Russia, orchestrated by the person currently holding the title of world's most vicious criminal and perpetrator of ongoing war crimes.  Putin and his stable of supporters have, with calculating and patient desire, at last shown themselves to be the very essence of the monsters we always knew they were.  End game: Continuous grab for power.

Another culprit among the world's evils is the apparent Google partner known as the World Economic Forum, working in conjunction with the prescient international organism known deceptively as the United Nations.  Of course, within the rat's nest is China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and accommodating members of the gang. These entities are sometimes more inclined to kill off the human quest for freedom than actual physical killings, though action in this realm cannot help but empower the fascists among them.  End game:  Continuous grab for power.

Third among major murderers is the gang of should-be convicts running policy in the Biden administration.  We know some of the names. Who are those behind the curtain?  They don't want us questioning their motives.  They refuse to allow us to question their hastily contrived "facts" regarding the dangers of Covid vaccinations.  You will be silenced.  We are, in fact, silenced by the walking brain-dead Woke among us.  Like serial killers who torture their victims to death and then resuscitate them, only to repeat the cycle all over again, we are destroyed, yet promised that our lives will drone along with equity and all will be well again.  Do slick media sources and colorful TV programs not reassure us every day, painting as they do a societal existence staged in a utopian neighborhood paradise?

Oh yes, are we Americans not so blessed currently?  Never mind that The Smartest People in the Country, they being the extremist Democrats firmly in control of fantasy, just experienced the latest fuck-up of their cherished Woke energy policy, as the Saudis turned down the oil spigot and Biden's rangers proceeded once again to beg petroleum from the most evil places in the world.  To resume producing our own energy on a superior scale observed just two years ago is not to happen, not under these tyrants.  If you freeze to death this winter or find your gasoline-dependent vehicle lifeless on a desolate highway, just know that you're playing your part in helping the world's elite and their U.S. associates on the political left have their way.  What have we right now?  We have Biden's gang planning a further invasion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, as if its very existence is an annoyance craving obliteration.  You see, Trump wanted to drain the swamp, but Biden's rangers intend to drain the oil which is still America's life blood.

We and our spirit are killed every day by the Biden gang in ways we won't even comprehend until, we hope, the radical Democrat nightmare ends at the polling place and we can attempt to regenerate the rightful and the just.

I guess the only good news this week was the instillation of a new Supreme Court justice.  So what if she can't explain what a woman is?  Can anybody under the New Normal?  Maybe not such good news after all.

May I suggest a national contest?  When Biden summoned a dead member of Congress last week, I thought this is the opportunity for concerned Americans to write the White House and suggest other dead people they believe the President should talk to.  If he would while away his days enjoying conversations with the dead, instead of attempting to legislate
from his desk, the country would be better off.

Florida's hurricane:  Good grief, where does all that debris go after hurricanes destroy communities?  So now people who moved to Florida for a little paradise will rebuild so that when another storm pops up eventually and reclaims the area they can rebuild.  Honestly, isn't it like the movie, "Groundhog Day" for these poor people?

By the way, Florida and America -- When a couple of looters were arrested and turned out to be illegal aliens, did you get the deeper meaning?  Not only are these people violating the law and your property, they have access to your stuff with full authorization of the Biden administration, which apparently finds it necessary to import criminals with the freedom to go anywhere and do anything to violate LEGAL citizens.

Computer Murders:  Why is everybody going bonkers?  One reason is surely the fact that our human biological clocks have been supplanted by the digital clock.  Just watch any TV channel or listen to your favorite radio station to experience how everything is timed digitally, and if anybody or anything dares to violate the precise second imbedded in the system other images or audio will take over or bleed through the previous transmission.  Oh yes, slavery never goes away, it just reconstitutes its practice.  We now bow to the chip, a necessity timed to the very fraction of a second.

Meanwhile, leftist and progressive mind murderers tell your children to surgically alter their genders.  The burst in eventual suicides and mental illness explosions does not matter to progressives who play us like hand puppets.

Say No to The Fed:  We don't want no stinkin' federal digital currency.  If we go this route, private concerns should be involved with no government hands in the pie.  Lest you really want to be China, which you don't.

FBI again: What is going on with so many alleged instances of "overkill" when confronting citizens in their homes or at businesses?  No, it's not at the whim of agents, it's somewhere at the top, and it needs to stop.  The new Congress will, we hope, investigate whistle blowers and such promptly, as the DOJ doesn't seem to be at all helpful.

Saturday Night Live:  Worst opening season show I can remember, and since pretty much all of SNL sucks on a weekly basis, be not surprised.  Why should I expound on reasons why when everybody else is already writing about it?  Speaking of murdering, as we have today, somebody please murder SNL and bring back old movies or TV screen test patterns from the fifties or something.  What other TV sucks?  How about La Brea?  Looks like recycled stuff from The 100 combined with Lost and a succession of actors who really have no purpose other than appearing pensive or confused when talking about old/new times or confronting digital beast creations.  Don't be surprised, when this one someday bites the dust, that either nothing is solved or every problem will be cured in the time it takes to enjoy a TV bathroom break.  Newton Minow was spot-on.

Have a nice Columbus Day, and remember that "indigenous peoples" likely did their own share of conquering those who came before them.  Such bullshit.