Monday, October 24, 2022

Rats in the Pantry -- Biden's Illegal Alien Romance May Be Harming American Kids

Rats are very intelligent critters who accurately make self-serving decisions throughout their lives.  We've all heard of "rats in a maze," basic laboratory tests where rats quickly accomplish journeys through a labyrinth in expectation of a tasty treat.

They can also make very nice pets, when cared for and kept away from a home's infrastructure whose basic components such as electrical wiring may offer up some mighty great rodent chew toys.  Unfortunately, rats are cursed with the need to chew things almost constantly, as their versatile teeth continue to grow throughout their lifetimes and must be maintained at a proper length to remain functional.

But we're referencing healthy rats, cared for and kept disease-free for the benefit of both rodents and the humans who encounter them in safe settings.

Reality dictates, however, that most of the world's rats are on their own, breeding prolifically and acquiring and spreading diseases as they forage through garbage and the waste of all manner of creatures.  Rats, like mice, carry organisms capable of causing illness and death even when hidden in human abodes and making "midnight runs" across kitchen counters while human residents sleep, blissfully unaware of infectious rodent "land mines" being planted throughout the house.

In the past few weeks, America's children have been inundating hospitals and physicians' offices with severe respiratory and flu-like illnesses apparently having little to no relationship to Covid viruses.

As usual, medical professionals are dazed, confused and alarmed (or silenced) regarding causation.  However, myself being without a medical degree, Ph.D. or even a Master's, and so far staying immune to corporate voices that might silence me just for speaking out if they owned me (make that word cor-pirate), may I throw up a tiny suggestion?

It's the border, stupid.

People who invade our borders by the hundreds of thousands -- quickly reaching millions -- are not exactly rats.  Yet, like rats, most arrive with health issues and bags of disease organisms that we in the states thought were either long gone or unlikely to be problematic on our soil.  They come here, to be basic, dirty, very dirty, bringing along filthy bodies and possessions of medical horror against which we have no fast solutions.  This is Joe Biden's new America. This is the Democrats' Utopia for the world's unclean. This is the global toilet calculated to replace the traditional melting pot of the United States.

There are indeed rats in the pantry.

This is one more assault on Americans and their children who lack natural resistance to this onslaught of terror by mere numbers.

Not insignificant also is the government's insistence that kids and adults wear masks for the past two years or so.  Not only does this prevent young and old alike from encountering a plethora of organisms and developing immunity to them, masks also serve as incubators destined to send one's otherwise tolerable organisms back to the lungs where they proliferate with free reign to do damage.

Increasingly, America's children lack nutrients essential for optimal health, and that situation didn't start yesterday.  The vitamins and minerals we used to depend upon when food was farm-fresh, instead of adulterated with so many chemicals that our bodies have literally changed to adapt, are sorely lacking in young people as they grow.  Such deficiencies have far-reaching effects, a major flaw being one's ability to fight off or avoid infectious processes altogether.

For years, problems with the immune systems of the young were barely a blip on physicians' diagnostic radar -- until, boom, there it is, full-blown and impossible to miss.  Kids' lack of self infection-fighters hovers in front of the vastly out of date medical community like drones of destruction poised to strike.

But we didn't get where we are without an assist, and that assist is hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens flooding the country.  How can their presence not be a significant reason why America's children are so, so sick right now?

Way back: Remember all of those incidents popping up in the country of little kids experiencing sudden paralysis with no sufficient explanation?  Is this really a head-scratcher?

Our medical system currently is more than a little preoccupied with caring for illegal adults and children, while its very centers of power believe climate change, white supremacy and gender pose the biggest health concerns.  When we see the American Medical Association advising doctors not to put genders on birth certificates and when we see a retired editor of a medical journal blame pharmaceutical companies for their negative influence on physicians' practices, we know we're in serious trouble.  When we see the CDC's huffy members throwing their medical sheepskin weight around by advising that all children should be immunized with the mRNA Covid "vaccine" before attending school, we hope "Nuremberg II" trials complete with prison time and maybe nice-and-legal executions aren't far in the future (to whit, um, one doesn't inject experimental stuff into human bodies without consent).

Funny, though.  While government bureaucrats want you and your kids mandated to be injected with things straining to actually be called vaccines, border invaders' mere presence spreads Covid and a wealth of self-immunity conquering bugs guaranteed to threaten, weaken and perhaps become fatal to young bodies.  Well-oiled gears of a machine built to exert the power of life and death over us all, and if pediatricians become overwhelmed the Biden gang doesn't really care so long as its perpetual motion machine continues to grow into oblivion.

Election Update:  Nothing to update.  The only things Democrats continue to hang their hats on are the one-trick pony abortion issue, January 6 and Trump.  Pretty stale by now.  Too bad they have no workable solutions ahead, as the ones attempted so far just continue to hurt the country and its legal citizens.  The complicit network TV news shows sure love to repeat those videos of Trump raising his hand wearing a black glove -- are they anticipating the arrival of Darth Vader in their juvenile minds?  Reminds me, as a child I knew of a farm run by people named Vader.  Do you suppose they were evil and wore black gloves?

Kanye West sued?  Seems the family of George Floyd is not happy with his claims that Floyd actually died of drugs.  Well, we don't know about contributing factors, but Floyd did have a bit of a troublesome history.  The African-American community, whatever that is, has had chance after chance to emulate black people of note, but instead they now build monuments to George Floyd.  So what, they can't put up a statue to Dr. Ben Carson?  Instead, its thugs and questionables time after time.  We suspect some of these folks will insist on putting the face of that Black Lives Matter woman on Mount Rushmore -- you know, the one who bought herself a mansion and continues to spend money that should have been going to the black cause (whatever that is)?  I can't wait until the elections are over.  Maybe then I can actually locate members of the Congressional White Caucus for advice and wisdom on these issues.

Goodnight Mrs. Calabash. . .and James Gordon Meek. . .wherever you are.