Monday, July 22, 2024

Just One Little Reason Why Kamala Won't Win

Revelations don't come cheap in the Democrat Party.  With the announcement Sunday that Biden won't run for re-election, it was ready, set and GO for the party's adoring mainstream media, whose almost total Democrat registration cell lamented the situation as if it were Biden and not Trump who encountered a sniper.  These, the so-called journalists who still report on national TV every night that something was "completely" destroyed, when common sense dictates that the added word, "completely" is purely superfluous, reported about this tragedy with sad faces, often appearing despondent.

However, despair not, for these are the same folk whom, along with every Democrat operative and White House staffer high enough to pull the national strings, knew for nearly four years (if not earlier) that this dufus and veteran political hack was too incompetent to make a rational decision by himself.  The delayed drama of shock and horror is simply frosting on a moldy, perpetually unappetizing cake.

Yet, hardcore Democrat voters, with their party's lies now staring them squarely in the face, probably won't care for the most part because the media and a plethora of other sources have done their propaganda job well, convincing constituents that Biden "saved democracy" while trashing and subverting it with social media censorship and withholding of freedom of speech in every way possible.

Kamala Harris for prez?  Are you kidding?  Almost up to the very moment of Biden's alleged pull-out this obvious DEI VP praised his abilities and mind status.  These people are liars among the lying, and who cares?

Here's my take on Harris as nobody in particular, but mark my words:   Just as a significant population among voters was turned off (if not turned to stone) by Hillary Clinton's shrill voice on the campaign trail, so it shall be with Kamala, whose shrill inflections and anything BUT infectious laugh equate to the screeching sound of fingernails on a blackboard.  Nobody with normal hearing and common sense wants this.  Note the common sense part of that sentence, which is so lacking anymore.

Farewell to the brilliance of the dearly departed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee:  Only she knew that American astronauts have walked on the surface of Mars, having mentioned this little gem on one occasion years ago.  Um, I think she was in error, but who am I to question a public servant of her stature?  I suspect perhaps the congresswoman spent too much time swimming in the sulfuric oceans of Venus during vacations.

Donald Trump spoke for 92 minutes:  Yikes!  What an. . . insurrection?  Those who complained should realize the man was obviously changed by his near-death encounter, and if he felt the need to deviate from the script and the clock, he was entitled.  Good grief, how we tire of his critics who are intent upon making us forget what a great first term he had as President, until Covid and the virus that is the Democrat Party entered the stage and fouled everything up.

Crowdstrike struck:  Pardon my legendary technological ignorance, but may we ask what we're supposed to do once AI gets a foothold and experiences a computerized psychosis which no software can repair?  Today's little problematic software update escapades do not reassure us about the future -- and as we've often said, remember, "Star Trek" was fiction, not necessarily a successful blueprint for the future.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Like Fifties TV and Movie Westerns

Even as a kid parked in front of the family TV set -- that is, the black-and-white screen variety, as there was no such thing in the stores yet as "color" TV -- I made two observations:  First, almost every time two characters would meet in a low-budget horse opera TV show, 10 years had passed since they last met, or maybe 10 years had elapsed since some major event had occurred.  Every point of reference in the scripts had the characters referencing, not six, not seven and a half, or 20 years, nope, it was always 10 years ago or nothing.

However, as if strangely prophetic, another common vehicle used in TV and movie westerns was having main and indispensable characters who happened to encounter gunfire to emerge with what were always described as either (1) "flesh wounds" or (2) instances where they were conveniently "just grazed" by stray or intended bullets.

Saturday evening in Butler, Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump's right ear was, as if by life imitating fifties movie art, just grazed. With a flesh wound.  Deduct a little upper ear cartilage and add maybe just a big enough hole for a fashionable men's earring and what do you have?  Trump owns a flesh wound on account of being grazed like a fifties TV cowboy.

Of course, no cowboys were involved here, seemingly just a young, all too common 20-year-old dorky loner guy with a past history of being bullied.  Was he influenced by Internet morons or activists of some similar ilk?  So far nothing shows up, but his phone still requires research.  We are told he had explosive devices or materials at home or in his possession?  Thomas Matthew Crooks was his name before, according to some, part of his head was blasted into eternity by a Secret Service sniper.  Tragic that Crooks' shooting was a little more accurate regarding innocent bystanders among the bleachers crowd, leaving one man dead and two other men badly injured.  For a kid who was rejected for his high school rifle team because he allegedly couldn't shoot accurately, it appears he proved the school only partially correct on Saturday, fortunately for President Trump, who seems to have turned his head to the side, getting only a little more than nicked in the bloody nick of time.

Meanwhile, we await the usual suspects in Congress demanding an end to "assault" rifles.  They will primarily be Democrats who would confiscate all guns from every American if they could.  None of them care that "assault" weapons have been in public hands since the fifties, obviously demonstrating that it's the people, not the guns which have changed over the decades.  There is no current fix for brains gone wild among the anonymous.

To entertain the grotesque for a moment, there do exist people who wonder why these shooters spend so much time and expense in advance preparing and prettying up their intentions, only to end up shooting the "wrong people."  I guess that might make sense, because it could be argued that there are "right people" whose fateful and deadly encounters with twisted, yet determined gun-wielding lunatics or messaged actors would be of some benefit to society.  However, the mere suggestion of such societal gains will never be taken up in conversations with Congress or local law enforcement personnel.

We join the rational world in wishing Mr. Trump well, expressing condolences to family members of the dead, and hoping the best for those wounded.  In the meantime, note to adults everywhere:  An uncomfortable number of your kids have gone bonkers.

What of the Secret Service?  Failures aplenty seem disturbingly routine everywhere in a government administered by the Biden gang, and the very chief of the Secret Service may be a lady hired because of DEI standards.  DEI, by the way, is nearly destined to fall apart, as it should.

An additional word to the Biden gang:  While this is not the time for partisan politics (well, according to some), we do hope you'll all take another look at your original decision NOT to provide Secret Service protection to RFK, Jr.  Obviously, the implications of such ill-advised, politically driven decisions should now become crystal-clear.

And regarding President Biden's urgent (??) Sunday evening TV address:  Was this intended to send a message about unity, or by including an obligatory mention of January 6 was this a mini-campaign speech for Democrats?  Strange they would offer this brief appearance, since Biden's televised words on Saturday following the shootings would seem to have covered everything.

From my point of view, the toxicity of DEI and Internet lies on impressionable young minds is not irrelevant.  The solution could involve better parenting and a return to basic education in schools and colleges, not Internet censorship. High among questions is the bearing outrageous anti-Trump lies may have exerted upon the young shooter.

The thing about Saturday's tragedy is, the attempted assassination of a President wasn't carried out by some shady terrorist network's members. History may record that the whole thing was planned and accomplished by some geeky or nerdish-appearing all-American boyish-looking man who, for all appearances, appeared every bit the kind who used to get a certificate of achievement from the chamber of commerce for doing good deeds in his community like saving kittens trapped in a well.  Again, we are infamously deceived.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Joe Biden and the Temple of DOOMocracy

By the time ABC-TV got around to hosting a panic & rush job with -- or consolation prize for -- special guest President Joe Biden Friday evening, the purpose didn't matter.  There they were, a small cadre of Democrats posing as open-minded journalists, each with a somber face suitable for attendance at an execution.  Why so glum, chums?  Because the years of lies and distortion they helped foster in collaboration with complicit leftist White House hacks finally bit 'em in the ass.  TRULY, the emperor Biden wears no clothes of rock-solid reason, and any American with five functioning senses should have known it long ago, but for the constant barrage of media and government-generated misinformation and disinformation. Agendas be damned.

But until now Joe's been their man, selling banana republic "democracy" to the unaware crowds over our nation's actual existence as a constitutional republic.

Just days before, there were all of those A-list celebrities donating fractions of their treasures for a re-elect Biden campaign.  When I see actors it's an obligation to see many of them for what they are -- masters of deception.  That's why they're called "actors."  They know how to act when big money and personal political desires blow in the wind.  Often, they subside in their own little worlds of existence.  An imitation of life comprehended not by the rest of us.

Coordinating sorta-news anchor George Stephanapoulos (this name was just made for erroneous vowel usage) made a point in declaring that Donald Trump refused an opportunity to get in on the fun.  Why would he?!  The less Trump says (maybe he finally learned the benefits of silence) as this effete Democrat clown show erupts and swallows its own internally, the better.  If we should all tremble for anything, it's the fact that our national security currently depends upon the administration crumbling before our very eyes.  What will they do, propel Biden out of a circus cannon into another country so they can replace him?  With whom?  Kamala for now, probably, but then what?  Newsom, who destroyed California single-handedly?  Witmer, whom government agents couldn't even deal with in a kidnap plot of somebody-or-'nother's making?  She travels out of the country a lot, too, so maybe not a good choice.

We suspect the Democrats will sweep Biden into some pleasant abyss with the kindest of words as they seek to replace him with -- well, how about Michelle Obama, many say? Great, then she can be Harris's VP.  Hmm.  Doubt that.

The mainstream news, the government, the Covid liars and Internet censors: It just gets better.  And now we see on full display the Joe Biden who was hidden from us by the usual suspects as they provided glowing reports on his health status every single day.

In a way, this current madhouse staffed by the most radical of Democrats is like going to the airport, experiencing all the security bullcrap and inconveniences, and then being told that international terrorists were defeated and had no lasting influence on our lives as we come and go.  Truth is, Biden's influence, like the odor you can't erase from your cat's litter box, will circulate among our lives for generations to come.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Biden Mobs and Utica NY Mobs -- No Brains Required

In the days following President Biden's catastrophic debate with Donald Trump last week, it was pathetically amusing, but not surprising, to watch Biden's adoring crowds dismiss his mental failings without prejudice.  OF COURSE the man who perches on the edge of World War III as he fumbles his way through his time in Office, inept and corrupt to say the least, looks like a million bucks in front of the Democrat crowds post-debate: The pressure for explaining an administration beneath contempt was off.  No Trump, no reporters' questions in an enclosed space, no reasoning, no need to trouble his declining brain cells with logic or facts which, to be kind, barely exist within the Biden gang of bureaucrats.  Biden's mobs of supporters, true to form, stand in union-like unity to wear blinders and leave the patently obvious unseen.

My head was already swimming with a touching "love story" about one illegal immigrant murdering another illegal immigrant, all of which kind of cancels out my compassion gene, thus making the whole incident moot.  Then. . .

Then, just as I was hoping to move on from visions of mob mentality to something more substantial, such as the efficacy of those automatic cat litter cleaners shown on TV commercials (no, I don't have a cat, but I see no reason why one shouldn't have the device in the house just in case of an unanticipated feline emergency or something), the city of Utica, New York popped up on TV screens this weekend.

Seems the mobs were at it again, doing what they do best, this time fueled by street activists and angry people who probably couldn't score a detectable number on an IQ test if the answers were written on their palms.

What happened?  To be cautious, we'll just say the crime is alleged -- but in this era of police and bystander phone videos, it's not difficult to have a pretty good instantaneous idea of what went down.

According to reports, a couple of teens were stopped by Utica cops in relation to armed robberies in the area.  One, 13 years of age (hmm -- wearing a hoodie on a warm evening?) ran off, and while a police foot chase took place -- and this is clearly apparent on videos -- the kid drew a gun and pointed it at the cops.  Refusing to drop the weapon when ordered, he chose to point it at the officers even when tackled to the ground and one officer shot him dead with one bullet.

Turns out, the child had in his possession a mere pellet gun which looked like a real Glock, right down to the name Glock embossed on the black weapon, a true replica equipped with a removable cartridge.

As we tend to expect anymore, a segment of Utica's residents hit the streets and quickly transformed from humans into a toxic mob uninterested in hearing the truth, even drowning out the voice of the police chief who tried to provide answers.

Once various aspect videos were released to the press hours later, it was clear and without controversy that the teen had the gun raised in his hand.  But does the mob ever care about facts?  Of course not.

Chances are pretty good that two deaths occurred that night, the second being the spirit of a broken-hearted police officer who learned that he shot and killed a kid.  That cop will never recover as he tries to figure out how his intention to do great things for the people he faithfully serves turned into a nightmare from which there can never really be an escape.

And the mobs.  They won't forgive or understand, for to forgive would make them realize what monsters they became in just minutes.  The bogeyman they blame is almost always the police, never themselves.

Not to forget the kid's mother, clusters of neighbors surrounding her as she melted into tears while street know-nothings shouted ignorance for the TV cameras.  We think, mother, where were you?  Where was the family?  Did anybody, especially you, notice what your son was allegedly doing on the streets?  Where was daddy as years passed?  I'm supposed to blame the cops for their parenting or lack thereof?  Don't attempt to enlighten me with anecdotes of what a wonderful boy the community lost, for he had likely already mastered all the rehabilitation he was going to get on the streets of Utica.  A shame, a tragedy.  The cycle is bound to continue unabated because neither the police nor the streets can raise other people's children.

Would you really expect a police officer to wait for somebody holding a gun to fire off the first shot -- sort of a "go ahead, you first" -- before taking the initiative to save his or her own life when split-second decisions regarding danger must be made?

Even if everything appears legal and by the book, you can almost bet that right now there's a lawyer promising grieving family members a multi-million dollar lawsuit, when in reality whatever passes for parenting in this sad case should probably be admonished for raising a rotten kid attracted to at least one allegedly rotten friend/co-conspirator.  The mobs, of course, will demand "social justice." Whatever the hell that is.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Sad Truth About Renewable Energy

I feel a draft:  When I suggested several months ago that a new military draft may be in store for young Americans I received some pushback from those who find the idea unthinkable in the current day.  What?  The current day among any current days since the Vietnam draft seems so increasingly tilted toward a brand spanking-new world war that what's old may indeed be new again.  Anybody paying attention to the undercurrents of news reported last week would have detected a subtle discussion coming out of Congress about the draft in general.  While some members focus upon keeping women out of combat -- or exempt from any compulsory military service whatsoever -- I don't observe a laser-focus destined to keep young men out of a draft.  Warning to young males:  If somebody tells you you're eligible for the draft, they probably don't mean a football contract is in your future.  At this time, encouragement of the annoyance of signing up for the draft at age 18 appears to be the biggest news, but even wildfires have sprung up through the innocence of a match tossed aside.

Bright Supremacy:  Oh, pity of pitiful moments, the Democrats hate the fact that the Supreme Court is doing its job, and results aren't to the liking of this corrupt, spoiled political party.  It's funny how these folks are always tearing down "democracy" while claiming efforts to save it.  If rational party members don't tame the growing beast and mental illness they've created to leave Americans ultimately with a one-party nation, our seemingly rock-solid liberties will evaporate like water on the surface of Mars.

Did you hear the one about?
. . .A Government Green Energy Wizard, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny all walked into a bar and. . .

Ah yes, energy.  Truth is, I'm often so turned off by the constant manure stream hosed upon us by the television industry that I retreat to talk radio, classical FM music stations or anything wholesome enough to flush the glittering muck out of my visual fields.  Radio broadcasting has its own problems, of course, but when one looks for it there's lots to "see" with the human ear.

This weekend, I happened to catch part of Michael Brown's national radio broadcast, a weekly (Saturday) three-hour show generally known as "The Weekend."  Brown, a former Homeland Security chief and politically conservative, is very good at taking complex issues and breaking them down, though, like any good radio show host, he knows how to drag time out a bit.

Brown was discussing increasing failures surrounding the solar panel and wind turbine industries, and the problems are immense.  For one thing, solar panels' ability to harness and contain electricity is fading years faster than expected.  Certain crucial components have shown a disturbing tendency to deteriorate, and there is also the now known observation of toxicity.  As these supposedly wondrous panels from hell are mass-produced by the millions, questions regarding eventual proper disposal of worn-out panels are poised.

Wind farms with giant metallic-blade turbines pose another environmental headache, and Brown references the scandal of "graveyards" where abandoned turbine towers several stories in height end up.  The astounding span of acreage rented by land owners or procured through government efforts to construct these towers, and their solar energy counterparts, appears almost criminal, in environmental terms.  Extraordinarily important farmland is being plowed under these new "farms" can thrive.  Scotland, Brown asserts regarding a story I read myself previously, had taken down millions of trees in order to convert forests and farms into solar and wind "farms,"  thus depriving their people and the world valuable natural resources and food.

In the end, growing evidence seems to support significantly the futility of these hastily planned solar and wind projects.  The question is, what measures will governments and partnering investors take to convince a skeptical public otherwise.

From good radio to potentially very, very bad radio:  Everybody's favorite world transformative influence, George Soros, hopes to purchase Audacy Broadcasting, the second largest broadcast media corporation in the U.S.  If he gets this past the Democrat-dominated FCC (and why wouldn't he?), some 135 million listeners may be affected and, to say the least, important conservative voices may soon be banished -- which may be exactly the game played here, we suspect.

The What Store?  On a not-too-dissimilar note from the above, another mentally twisted killer tragedy has unfolded in Arkansas, this time in front of a store called "The Mad Butcher."  Of course.  I see a motion picture coming out of this.  I wonder what the title will be.