Tuesday, December 26, 2023

"Used to Be" Don't Live Here No More

 (First -- The Christmas Angel of 2023 has to be Elon Musk.  We so appreciate this guy, oh yes, especially because "they" hate him and will never stop trying to dismantle him as a person, inventor and truth-teller who lets you know where he stands - whether you like his words or not.  Too bad he has brains, a diagnosis always inflammatory to leftist morons. )

Where hair lives:  Time was, men primarily concerned themselves with the hair on the tops of their heads.  But something apparently needed to change with the times, so now keeping heads and, strangely, even groins shaved as if preparing for entrance into an alternative beauty contest seems all the rage.  Yet, when it comes to beards and mustaches it's a far different story, as males beyond puberty appear all the more obligated to cover their faces, chins and necks in human fur.

I've mentioned before that I'm no fan of beards because I personally feel that most of them conceal, rather than enhance one's personal emotional or self-concerning physical qualities.  Deep emotional scars or wicked past lives which perhaps shouldn't be closeted can hide behind beards.  Intense, horrible secrets can remain just beneath the surface of the bearded.  People intent upon committing vicious crimes or hoping to remain unidentified as cameras reveal their crimes in real time prefer beards.  Could be some just want to be bad and look bad.

Others merely desire to look intellectual or tacitly collegiate, or perhaps there is an innocent desire to just cover a facial flaw originated from birth, or maybe due to a serious accident.  Yes, many grow beards because they believe they enhance their looks, and maybe they do, considering how a lot of women (and gay men) prefer and encourage beards for their husbands, partners or boyfriends.  Some people surely don facial hair because they believe themselves coyote-ugly.  Anyway, even I have trouble fully trusting the bearded among us, who cares what I think?  The brain-dead, that's who.

On to other matters. . .

While watching ABC-TV on Christmas Eve morning, I noticed the network ended one of its show by listing hundreds of people responsible for keeping their Democrat-complicit ministry of electronic truth operational, and I thought, my god, it takes so many hands in the pie to keep the Marxism, lies and turds beautified, perfumed and progressing as intended.  Must be expensive to employ all those helpers and no wonder, therefore, that they run all those drug commercials for stuff that might kill you in your sleep before you can even change your underwear so the neighbors won't say unkind things about your hygiene.

Hate.  The media is much-consumed by hate these days, though its members would be the last to admit the fourth estate's role in promoting hatred to sell news. Yet, emotions of hatred, in my view, are inevitable right now.  The old days have withered on the vine and we are left with savage thoughts and savage people.  I suspect that we have come to realize the nature of our species, and we are frightened over our inability to do anything about it until extinction rears its inevitable head.  I know, many of you believe we are going "to the stars."  Maybe. Maybe not.  The universe will decide regarding the who, the what or the if.

Have we not stated on more than one occasion in the past few years that compassion can kill?  Well, hello Southern border, hundreds of thousands more bodies crashing the party every month, deadly drugs, rape and murder (a high school Texas cheerleader being the latest victim, killed in her own bedroom by an illegal alien).  When your culture ends up swimming in human excess with people who know nothing of and care nothing about it, this is how it shapes up.  Currently, the invasion is composed in large part by single military-age males whose illegal resume' in the USA offers little but an ability to become baby-making rape machines, thieves and murderers.  We are so close to losing American freedoms due to political infighting and the Democrats' refusal to let Trump's fence control foreign invaders that total recovery may be impossible for years to come, if ever.

This nation is busting with hatred right now, and unfortunately the Democrats and their complicit press and social media are helping.  These are the folks gushing with news telling you how great the economy and everything else is on an upward trend.  Nothing to see here.  Lies and liars, all prettied up for your nightly TV news shows.

Why are so many jobs going unfilled?  A few observations for you from me, a blogging lunatic:

Police:  This one is obvious.  Who wants to be a cop when you are so disrespected by a vocal minority of the people you think you're serving?  They shout you down with obscenities, throw and pour substances your way, kick and beat you, and shoot you dead given the slightest opportunity.  So-called Soros prosecutors and those of a similar misguided mind do little to nothing to keep criminals off the streets, and with extra time on their hands state legislators often cook up other ways to de-criminalize criminal activities (NY's Governor Hochul wears this one proudly).  Dedication to the badge used to be the highest of tributes, but when dedication slides into dead-ication, who needs it?  

Fire fighters:  With fire fighters coming under similar attacks recently, we wonder even how that occupation will draw enough applicants in the future if criminals and crazy people aren't held accountable and removed.

Teachers:  They did not struggle through college and state licensing procedures in order to endure a daily wrestling match with students deemed unruly, but more likely than not also a danger to everybody around them.  Being punched, kicked, stabbed, shot, sexually abused and even murdered by "troubled" children carrying or concealing weaponry isn't in their contract.  Adding to the madness are teachers' unions demanding gender discussions and accessories, and demands that teachers go "woke" whilst also keeping parents uninformed about the controversial aspects of classroom learning.  We won't even get started on school administrations.

Airline pilots:  It's no wonder some drink on duty.  Vicious, miserable and lunatic passengers, federal regs galore, and stress over the next near-miss due to control tower fatigue or error.  Why fly anybody's ass anywhere when you can stay on the ground and avoid airborne chaos? It's bad enough that airline fleets have almost taken on a prison atmosphere for both passengers and crew.  I will think back fondly of what little air travel I had while in the Air Force and during the years thereafter, but those often great experiences are gone forever.  Cattle cars of the air is what we see today.  This is another place where hate lives.

Day care workers:  Are you kidding?  One wrong, even insignificant move, and you're arrested and/or sued for your life.

Child protective service workers:  Ditto the last entry.  It's not the child, it's the politics.

Potential adoptive parents:  Ditto the TWO previous entries.  These days, whether you did anything or not, even a whisper in the wind from somebody who dislikes you for any of a multitude of reasons can put you in the slammer for life.  Instead, get a pet or a plant for your own safety.

EMTs and hospital staff:  Used to be, patients were in pain and screamed out as a result.  Nowadays, that's not enough, as the modern requirement seems to dictate that people in pain shout threats and obscenities at those who have come to rescue them during an "emergency," and if they can get a punch, abrasion or scratch in during a confrontation with a health worker, so be it.  Also, who in the hell wants to lift demanding 300 or 400 lb. blubber monsters who could have -- SHOULD have -- taken better care of themselves instead of devouring snacks in front of the TV for years on end?  If you strike back as a medical worker, your career is effectively over.  If there is any occupation craving for attorneys and administrators to get the hell out of the way so's proper physical revenge can be extracted, this is it.

Delivery personnel:  Pizzas, lunch, furniture, name it, all the drivers get assaulted.  Who wants that kind of job unless they need the money?  All of them should carry guns and be allowed to shoot until the perps are dead.

Postal delivery personnel:  Oh, ditto, ditto ditto.  The USPS endures great difficulty in attracting postal deliverers, who should be required to carry AK rifles as they make their rounds.  Any thief attacking to get a mailbox key must be eliminated on the spot, but what post office is about to provide its employees with weapons and the blessing to discharge freely at will?

The Armed Services, of course:  Ooh, not many want to join anymore.  The Army blames the lack of recruits on drugs use, physical condition and a new generation interested in great-paying job opportunities far outside of the military.  There's also the sad fact that patriotism is quickly disappearing from whatever culture we're turning into.  Military upper echelon won't admit it, but Biden's insistence on messing with gender and terminology is also keeping out the best and the brightest, often with parental guidance.  Wokeness is death in the Armed Forces, no matter how you pose it.

We've only scratched the list, but it is obvious that America, as it stands, is in terrible distress.  Unfortunately, somebody may come to "save" us in all the wrong ways.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

'tis the Season to Address the Treason

So enough already.  The spirit of Christmas (or that of 'Happy Holidays," according to wussies of the marketplace who can't bear to draw from reality, as they advertise using anything BUT the words, Merry Christmas) would normally show itself in many places via many ways.  Yet, no matter the direction one turns, unresolved issues and boundless tragedies overwhelm customary activities.

We extend the season's best to our Jewish friends whose suffering at the hands of sub-insects is incalculable.  I would also wish radical Islam's hairy beasts, um, um, happy holidays, but head-chopping and treating women like stupid cattle isn't my idea of exchanging warm wishes.  Which reminds me -- how come, with all the fighting going on between Israel and Hamas, that TV networks still seek out members of C.A.I.R. for advice on the Palestinians?  Did C.A.I.R. -- ever so comfy in the USA -- not spring from the Muslim Brotherhood, a group considered terrorists and banned in many Middle Eastern countries?

Oh well, aren't we fortunate to host the A.C.L.U. as an alternative. . .or something. . .?  I think that stands for American Communist Liberties Union now.

And the Democrats and Republicans are trying to "do something" about border issues.  But first Donald Trump must be blamed for using words and phrases such as poisoning of the country's blood, which of course causes the Democrat Jack-in-the-box to pop out with flags portraying Trump as a Nazi.  If there are Nazis in America, we suspect their identity is more in keeping with the left, should anybody care to compare.

Why the fuss, as border-violating criminals invade like locusts?  The solution is simple:  (1)  We must enforce current laws already on the books and (2) when the winds of politics shift, as they will if there's a functioning brain remaining among the voters, high-ranking officials in this country must be arrested for treason, simply because they let the invasion continue and worsen, putting all Americans in jeopardy.  Ten IEDs found near the Arizona border?  That's pretty terrifying, but I'm more worried about the nukes -- and air-bound vehicles that could import terrorists and weapons quickly and efficiently.  When the worst ultimately happens, remember the names Biden and Mayorkas, and many others complicit in attempting to change America according to an unconstitutional agenda. The word, much over-used throughout the years, is treason, and it no longer sounds like a political fantasy cooked up by a lunatic fringe.

We offer lies and fabrication, vote for us, might read Democrat campaign posters.  The Republicans aren't heroes, either, for it was theirs who just squelched potential release of a lot more information about UFOs than we have now.  

New York's governor Hochul, perhaps the most capability-questionable governor currently holding office among the 50 states -- hers recently being named again the very last in supporting basic freedoms among all 50 states as residents escape by the growing thousands -- signed legislation to allow a "study" into the viability of offering reparations to black people with slave ancestors.  Congress has tackled this issue and put it to bed years ago, but here we go again.  New York's funds have basically run out and the state is running  on air, yet the Democrats have no shortage of ways to find money in support of socialism by way of dividing everybody into them and us, this time called reparations.  Will dead black slave owners, themselves numerous back in the day, find their great-great-great grandchildren forced to fork over funds to pay off current black folk who wouldn't know a plantation if it showed up on the evening news?  What of nearly 800,000 white soldiers who died fighting against slavery during the Civil War?  Will their heirs be showered with riches paid for by innocent New York taxpayers who had no dog in that particular fight also?  We fondly hope that Hochul's reparations commission remains the sad joke that it is, yet one can't help raising an eyebrow, knowing how the political left has a knack for turning bad ideas into glitter financed on the backs of people with no voice in the matter or reason of spending.  One would believe that a cavalcade of opportunities established for the racially discriminated since the sixties might already have met the challenge, but in a society wrapped up in greed these days even the unlikely becomes possible.

I think, the more authoritarian a person or leadership becomes, the more they are susceptible to a mental illness.  It certainly demonstrates itself increasingly as time goes on.

But not to worry.  As the birth of artificial intelligence and its successors gets its hooks into us, I'm sure it won't do something like create and engineer transportation for a new virus intended to kill all life on Earth.  Happy 2024!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Dick's Dumb Idea

Just when you thought there was nothing more the Biden bunch or its sympathizers could do to work on weakening, if not destroying the most efficient military force in the world, consider this nightmare:

Make believe you're 18 or 19, barely out of Army basic training, and you're sleeping in a barracks somewhere in the dark of night.  Suddenly, the room erupts in gunfire and before you can barely open your eyes several of your fellow soldiers fall to the floor, dead.  You panic in the darkness, unprepared even to make sense of the bloody rampage happening all around you until you, too, are shot dead by somebody or some bodies unseen.  None of this should have happened, for you were 100 percent in the company of your fellows, supposedly protected by sentries outside.  What could possibly have gone wrong?

This is exactly the scenario that came to mind when I heard Senator Richard "Dick" Durbin make an absurdly dangerous suggestion -- that the United States government should take a percentage of ILLEGAL aliens (the folks who violated our borders, and that's a crime) and put them in our understaffed military.  What?!

For one thing, Senator "Dick" -- whom I believe made an interesting comment about U.S. Marines years ago, though I've no way to look that up at the moment -- would know, or maybe he does, that the reason our military is so short of soldiers is the Biden administration's cult-like efforts to make men and women gender-interchangeable, and the more trans the better.  Frankly, anybody with common sense realizes that the contract one signs to endure military rules means one's life will be "woke" beyond words, and few want to put up with this phony nonsense.  Yes, this certainly leaves the military short on recruits, and it's no mystery -- even though the government is fond of blaming drug use and obesity for the absence of a well-staffed fighting force.

The truth is, right now most of the border-jumpers from nations all over the world are primarily single, military-age males, and that's creepy enough.  But for Durbin to make this outrageous gesture?!  Let Senator Dick take a few dozen of these unknown qualities home to sleep in his house for a few weeks and see what happens.  Military recruits?  No way.  Illegal people with no obligation, no ties to American values or laws.  Promise automatic citizenship to people whose mindsets are totally unknown to us?  Dick, Dick, Dick -- are you nuts?  Who wants their kid joining the military with serious questions about who can trust whom?  Does one really want to trust national security with young males who may have been criminals where they came from?

So much just seems crazy.  I'm writing this late at night, probably to be uploaded in the morning, and all along the way I have a TV on in the background.  The sheer number of pharmaceutical commercials featuring people at play or fuzzy animals being cute whilst the narrators, almost as an afterthought, run down the obligatory list of potential side-effects, cause me to wonder why every rotten drug-pushing commercial on the screen isn't forced to display a huge skull and crossbones image as potential contraindications are read aloud.

Republicans straight out of the can:  You folks never seem to get it.  The abortion issue is not yours to hold up as a winner during the election season.  Your deep-seated beliefs are appreciated and laudable, but when it comes down to getting votes, you may as well just hand pretty much any political office over to the Democrats.  Watch for the same old same old in the coming months.

Oh, NO thanks a lot, too, for Republicans defeating any new chance of having the government release anything deep and crucial about UFOs (UAPs) last week.  They made Sen. Charles Schumer look like a knight in freedom armor for sinking his and his fellows' intended sorta-kinda-disclosure legislation. 

Winter weather seems to be on the move, and during these months my blogging appearances can be hit-or-miss, so if I'm absent for an extended period of time (thus pleasing some of you) it doesn't mean I'm dead.  Then again, it doesn't mean I'm not.  Yet, I do so hope to be up and about when a televised celebrity groundhog sees its shadow and announces six more weeks of winter. I have a woodchuck who lives nearby, but mine only goes underground and hibernates all winter, providing no reliable forecast services whatsoever.  I will assume that TV groundhogs possess lucrative contracts.

Monday, December 4, 2023

We Got'cher Hate Speech Right Here

The varmints I hate most are the people dedicated to banning "hate speech" from public view.  Hate speech for one might be love speech to another, or at the least a different perspective on something allowing the reader, viewer or listener to contemplate and decide what is worthy of interest, or perhaps not worth the time of day.

Regrettably, the worst purveyors of censoring so-called hate speech are government agencies with the clout to influence multimedia forces -- as we recently discovered when a plethora of documents began spewing forth regarding government and pharmaceutical company lies about Covid vaccines.  In those instances, hate speech was anything in conflict with official statements from somewhere on high, especially if alternative comments happened to be absolutely true (which they often were).

Excessive brain power should not be necessary to figure out the identities of the true hate speech haters, as documents continue to emerge.

Nevertheless, my jaw dropped last week when reporter Michael Shellenberger appeared before Congress and dropped a crap-load of documents showing how the governments of five Western nations have developed a method of spying on each other's citizens for years in order to accomplish something even more nefarious than snooping:  An ongoing attempt to change public thinking on various issues little by little, in such a seemingly insignificant manner that nobody notices how they have soon been spun into a spider's web of compliance which they thoroughly believe they concocted all by themselves.  The eventual goal appears to be the end of free will in any Western society, and to observe the situation as even more wicked it seems that nations let other nations perform the dirty work in their own countries in order to keep the public off guard regarding a domestic influence which by design appears nonexistent.  Wow -- hate speech definitely required here.

All of this, of course, is a prelude to major governments drooling to control the Internet and your thoughts censored on or off the Internet.  Remember:  Biden in collusion with the FCC just gave the administrative state vast powers to control the Net, no matter how they announce it publicly.  And just look at Canada's disturbing leader, Justin "Blackface" Trudeau, who insists upon censorship (so Canadians can't say anything negative about this appalling elitist moron and his failing administration?).

I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this because I've only glossed over a few news reports (no, NOT the poop currently splashed on your TV news), but instances such as this demand that you stay in touch with sites such as revolver.news (see link), whose ever-changing menu of must-read stories will keep you informed as informed was meant to be.

As governments have doubled down around Covid immunizations, knowing full well that the damned things can apparently cause immense health problems and even deaths, watch for further attempts to censor well-credentialed researchers who try to tell us the truth.  I hate censorship and the people who wield its barbs for purely political reasons or because the bottom line financial agenda is at stake and must survive at all costs.

Who else deserves hate speech?  This week's TV episode of "Full Measure"  revealed an albeit short list of big money interests promoting the transgender issue, and their influence upon young now-mutilated people and their overwhelmingly unprepared parents.  My hate speech easily extends to anybody encouraging young people to mess with their gender almost as a fashion statement, and I hope one day the few ("from the top down," per the report) who organized and then set this tragic phenomenon afire upon society's weakest who never had the chance to develop as nature intended receive the punishment they clearly deserve.  We, of course, are not making reference to the tiny minority who actually require transgender intervention.

What's not to hate?  With hope, we applaud the win of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and remain curiously cautious about the new president of Argentina, both seemingly on the political right.  If they don't rule to the point of tipping their countries overboard, perhaps we'll have something to celebrate in a quickly changing world.  Then again, here in the good old USA we still suffer the corrupt Biden and his gang of magnificently inept clowns for the foreseeable future.  Quick, find me more hate speech. . .

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Fixer

U.S. prices at the grocery store and everywhere else continue to climb as the Biden bunch continues to tell Americans how great things are moving along.  The Biden gang and thug elements of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum maintain a cozy relationship as people in power demand even more of YOUR power and wealth in the name of a scam called "climate change" (didn't the latest scientist who won a Nobel just excoriate nations for buying into this fraud?).  We need to vote responsibly next time and clear the government of charlatans and greed, and it appears, per Argentina (and, we hope soon, Canada) and other nations whose people exhibit a flickering desire for conservative leadership, that changes for better times may be on the horizon via baby steps.  Meanwhile, I wonder if Todd could help?

Monday, November 20, 2023

My Abounding Thankfulness

Another year, another Thanksgiving, far removed from small populations of grateful celebrants in days of old, advanced now to millions of people demanding mega-murders and cooking of animals far and wide for no particular reason anybody can remember.  But I digress.  Am I thankful this year? I'm thankful as hell.  Here are just a few things which delighted me:

1.  UFOs:  They continue to astound observers, show up on videos, illustrate their presence electronically and betray science as we think we know science.  I'm grateful for their continued presence, because even as AARO, NASA and God knows what other government agencies persist in screwing up the people's right to know in the interest of "national security," UFOs apparently have no intention of going away to give government operatives an opportunity to declare "case closed" once and for all, even if you call 'em UAPs.  Of course, it would also be nice to know what strange things in the sky do when they become strange things on the ground, and if government officials won't concede that incidents such as the UFO abduction alleged of two fishermen in Pascagoula, MS in 1973 may well be related to the subject at hand in general, they are either lying or simply too inundated with evidence of something terrible or immense to comment.

2.  I'm so appreciative that the Biden administration and FCC desired to allow the administrative state immense powers (that's total control) over the Internet -- but I'm grateful only because Congress and some members of the inquisitive public have noticed, almost assuring this nonsense will be overturned by others who understand the dangers here.

3.  Colleges and universities in antisemitic turmoil:  At last, Americans are seeing the cost of letting radical professors fill their kids' heads with poison politics instead of critical thinking abilities.  In these institutions one will also find reasons why a certain element is absolutely rabid about taking down statues and other reminders of American history (once erased, a "new" history can be implemented). U.S. higher education establishments have provided a great home for the ghost of Karl Marx for decades, and the dirt is now out in the open with every new "protest" in support of Hamas and the 90 percent-PLUS of so-called Palestinians who chose Hamas to lead them in a quest to destroy Israel forever.  Be not confused:  Israel first, then the West is on religious terrorist menus.

4.  Thanks for Washington, DC journalists who overwhelmingly support the Democrat Party:  I always have hope that the rest of the country will figure out exactly who these people are.  The fourth estate, especially with assistance of the Internet's social network, has never been more unhinged.  We pray that the country will progress from WOKE to awake and realize the nature of printed and electronic lies being whispered romantically into public ears.

5.  I appreciate Tik Tok this year for exposing itself as a prime indicator of a major reason children can't think rationally, as kids are hypnotized and conquered by Chinese misinformation.  How interesting, yet terrifying that China uses Tik Tok in its country to educate young people, whilst the U.S. version makes champions out of those who fart the most times in a minute.  Tik Tok is the ultimate entertaining stupidity manufacturer, and we suspect there are ignorant parents who consider its charms equivalent to home-schooling.

6.  Thank you, leftists, for open borders and sanctuary cities.  Now, Americans are doomed to experience the wrath of millions of illegal aliens who have nothing to offer America except crime and hands held out for welfare on demand.  Nevertheless, the dilemma is now near the top of the must-do heap for both political parties and can no longer be ignored. We just wonder how many hold-ups and rapes of public officials and their families will occur before definitive action is accomplished?

7.  Thanks, God, for barbed wire.  Though I never want to see it used to contain animals anymore, its shine and elegance really come through for Texas, as they try to stem the flow of border-jumping criminals.  That some of these folks might find themselves injured and bloody trying to navigate over the barbs demonstrates the quality of what attempts to enter the USA by the hundreds of thousands.  If you join up with Numbers USA (free, see link), that organization will write e-mails of condemnation for you and send them to your senators and congressional representatives.

8.  I'm so grateful for solar panels, wind turbines -- and of course EV vehicles that can't easily be charged and which many people simply do not want and will not buy, no matter the government-issued bribes.  As we continue to scar the land and waters with wildlife-killing and environmentally toxic monstrosities supported in large amount by government payoffs, what's the benefit beyond riches for China and other financial interests chained to big money?

9.  I'm thankful for digital chip plants being built in the USA and continuing knowledge about them -- and I continue to wonder how these will survive even one EMP blast from either the sun, or from a nuke explosion high overhead.  Talk about fried and 100 percent useless. . .

10.  What a super idea, another attempt per the Biden bunch to create a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians -- as Hamas and many Palestinians want to destroy Israel and its people in total.  A two-state solution is impossible when one side is dedicated only to subtracting the other via war and decimation.

11.  I appreciate the spike in shoplifting this year.  it's so bold and intense now that even the Democrats whose actions have allowed this to become commonplace in their nearly destroyed and business-abandoned cities have taken notice, albeit reluctantly.  As this phenomenon (?) further strangles the services afforded decent people, at least for a while let's do the right thing -- which is to fund law enforcement and allow shoplifters to be shot on sight, an approach which certainly became standard for looters following natural disasters.  It won't take many such instances, but it's really amazing what the sight of a few dead criminals littering the streets or floors can do to a society of lawbreakers who seem to believe that stealing is a Constitutional Amendment.

12.  I'm strangely thankful for public knowledge of young people appearing to drop dead shortly after enduring Covid immunizations.  There's something very nasty going on here, and the mainstream bastard media are not covering it.  As more medical voices come forward, I'll be especially thankful when the errors, hidden studies and sloppiness of major pharmaceutical corporations are exposed.  Yes, some tried-and-true immunizations are great, but we've become a society mesmerized by televised drug commercials forcing the idea that we can't live reasonable lives unless "vaccinated" by questionable substances or somehow enhanced by the pill of the week.

13.  Athletics:  Oh boy.  I'm grateful that I see no purpose in athletics becoming a multi-billion dollar industry involving putting a ball in a hole or transporting a ball from one place to another.  It's amazing how both young and old put their hearts and souls into this stuff, whilst ignoring all the bad things the political system does behind their backs.  Like in ancient societies, you build the stadium and keep the populace focused on the game, the game, the game -- while terrible decisions are made by manipulating politicians and, too often, the corporate greed bunch.  Coaches?  Those are vehicles in which one rides.  Locker rooms and showers?  It's all ambiguously gay, really.

14.  I'm heartened by the cursed memory of Osama (Usama?) bin Laden, apparently the hero of a new generation of young people raised to be more stupid than the dictionary term, stupid, ever contemplated.  If the elementary and high schools were teaching about 9/11 and American heroes instead of how to become transgendered and hate one's country as activists, this outrage wouldn't be happening.  I long for a day when the primary Marx names worshiped in this nation are Groucho, Harpo and Zeppo, definitely not Karl.

15.  I couldn't feel more blessed to discover that numerous federal agencies have purchased guns and ammunition by the truckload, presumably just in case of a REAL insurrection or something.  Why am I pleased?  Because at least we know where to go if we need guns or ammo ourselves, and I've little doubt these agencies would willingly hand guns and ammo over to their fellow Americans in our time of need to fight the enemy, which clearly turns out to be. . .the enemy within. . .oh oh.

16.  Attempts to combat climate change:  My gratitude extends to revealing the morons of science and their new-age cultists who believe we can change climate, and whom sometimes extend their efforts to fudging the so-called science (speaking of the University of East Anglia a few years ago).  May more REAL scientists come forward and explain the truth.  The UN, the World Economic Forum and others making tons of money off this fraud deserve appropriate punishment, if not additionally the act of simply being ignored.  Cult mentality and the difference between environmentalists and enviro-MENTAL-ists must be carefully determined.  Meanwhile, the Biden bunch is just so wrong about climate influences.  There is NO climate crisis.

17.  I'm grateful that the Democrats and their inflationary tactics are in so much trouble that there are even rumors of ditching Biden and running, I think it's spelled, Ms. Hell Obama.  What a clown show, if true, and what a tragedy, if this queen among socialists ever took the helm, even temporarily, to save their beloved rotten political party.

18.  Finally, I'm thankful for musings among some scientists about just how long humans are doomed to survive as a species, because these who came before our current Homo sapiens lot all disappeared unceremoniously.  Going, going, gone?  It certainly wasn't because of the SUVs they drove.  When our grand and deserved goodbye arrives, I sure wish I could be here to get a front row seat in the cheering section.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Eight (Final)

Bone rejection:  No, we're not talking about a surgical transplant, but we're certainly referencing a bone excision completed at Palenque, its entirety whisked off to the USA.

As two letters from Russ show, nobody in the field of the strange & unusual contacted through his efforts wanted anything to do with this toe, a bony remnant of a Palenque ancient.  I suspect the shady circumstances of retrieval may have had something to do with that, but I also wouldn't doubt that Russ's persistent attitude had a bearing on his rejections.

Unrewarded by his exuberance, condemned to acquire no answers as to a possibly mysterious (extraterrestrial?) origin of the skeletonized remains from Palenque, Russ Reardon had no option but to display his find on a shelf at home, perhaps serving as at least a conversation piece to help fill in the days remaining of his life.

During the remainder of 1993, not counting the letters displayed here, I received 11 more letters from Russ, each retreating further from the Palenque trip as subject matter shifted to other stories in the news, or to topics momentarily on his mind.

 Among the letters was this photo of Russ and Susan, apparently taken in 1993, and it was the nicest -- and last -- picture of them I would ever receive.  

With his final actions, it was almost as if he knew time was growing short, and I had actually come to realize that Russ, having no children, was in some way using me to document his, and occasionally his wife's, activities -- no matter the outcome.

His last letter was dated November 18, 1993, and as 1994 swept the previous year away I was never again to receive an envelope postmarked from his location.  While I still need to pin down his obituary, I'm pretty sure Russ met his demise around that time, or maybe he suffered another stroke or heart attack and lingered for a bit.  At any rate, his ultimate exploratory quest had been fulfilled, despite the outcome.

What of the bone?  With Susan's death in 2012 as a very old woman, the mystery of the toe's final destination may never be known.  Maybe it went to a distant family member of Susan's, or perhaps it sits in a museum somewhere.  I, however, wouldn't be surprised if it simply ended up in a box of discarded kitty litter in South Carolina -- hardly fitting for the toe of Mayan royalty.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Seven

Frequently, I had the impression that Russ, though focused on this one thing, was nevertheless pulling himself in several directions at once, all of which would culminate in little but disappointment.

Lacking my invited (and declined) presence as a grave-robbing companion, Russ and Sue journeyed at last to the Palenque ruins in June of 1992 and encountered the ancient skeletal remains of a very tall person.  As pictures here illustrate, he first mailed off a postcard to me, one side showing excavated remnants of the city, and the other scribbled with a note regarding the tomb itself.

The close-up photo of the tomb was snapped by Russ and on the reverse he, obviously excited, wrote, "I have a bone!" after the deed was accomplished, apparently sans authorities, police or tomb-protective ghosts.

The result?  We'll cover that -- and finish this series -- next time.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Six

People go to Mexico for many reasons.  For some, vacations and leisure time quench their desires.  For others, the drug trade attracts like moths to the flame.

In a letter dated December 3, 1989, Russ indicated plans for his own Mexican trip, involving neither vacation or drugs.   His focus was upon the ruins of Palenque, an ancient Mayan city in southern Mexico, documented to have perished in the eighth century A.D.

Among his interests was -- you could call it roughly -- the ancient astronaut theme, and he was determined to explore human remains still accessible in the now-vastly restored and explored city reclaimed from a concealed jungle of thick vegetation.  Russ was particularly obsessed with one ancient Mayan ruler, who he suspected was born of some other universe.

But it wasn't until April, and then May of 1992 when possibilities turned into actual substance.  Two letters from those months shown here explain the situation, and while I was heartily invited to join the two-person (Russ and Susan) expedition, I instead did what I became increasingly comfortable with as years went by: I declined.

As we'll see next time -- Skeleton, LOOK OUT!-- Reardon's on the way and he's coming for you!  (Part of you, anyway. . .) 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Five

Following a brief absence of correspondence from my Isle of Palms friend, and this picks up a few years after Part Four of these blog entries, I received a letter dated July 28, 1989.  From this point on, Russ Reardon's letters would characteristically be filled with spelling errors, cross-outs and a sloppiness previously unseen.  The reason for this abrupt change was a "minor stroke" as he called it, and my immediate reaction was, the damned cigarettes finally took a toll.  That he apparently bounced back physically is either a tribute to his medical care or to his well-honed stubbornness.  From what I know, he continued smoking in years thereafter.  This addiction, however, did not stand alone: An obsession for knowledge can be just as overpowering, as I would discover years later.

In another context years ago in this blog, I mentioned Russ's encounter with a doctor and used the word, psychic, but after locating his original letter I can clarify what he actually said when his physician encountered Russ after the stroke.  Why didn't you come to see me before you had the stroke? asked his doctor. "Because I'm not clairvoyant," followed his savvy reply.

October of 1989 brought another devastating surprise when Hurricane Hugo wiped out a good deal of South Carolina's coast, including Isle of Palms.  Russ and Susan lost their home and pretty much all of their possessions (some of it to looters), forcing them temporarily to move into a tiny apartment.  They were also forced to relocate from Isle of Palms to Mt. Pleasant, SC by May of 1990, where they would live for the rest of their lives.

Just before that move, however, Russ Reardon was already making plans for a journey south, way far south.  I had a hint of this in a letter dated December 3, 1989.

Shortly after their relocation to Mt. Pleasant, Susan Reardon required a double mastectomy (per letter of July 31, 1990) from which she emerged well, but I'm not so certain that the stress of both the hurricane and Russ's stroke hadn't exacted a toll on her both physically and emotionally.  The solitary photo included on this page today shows Susan Reardon relaxing at their new home in (fast forward to) 1993 with a female friend (not shown, at least not much of her, as I edited the picture)

.Over a year later (letter of September 11, 1991) Russ was still disappointed that his collection of letters from Paul Bennewitz had not been returned by a person who I now knew was named Steve Nelson.  Whether the move from Isle of Palms to a new place had a relationship to this situation, I do not and would never know.

As the calendar skipped to 1992, I realized that old Russ was about to accomplish a very ill-advised project.  How could I NOT know, since he invited me to participate?  It was no thanks from me, but full speed ahead for Russ Reardon, and even Susan went along with the deal reluctantly, probably hoping to keep him out of trouble.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Four

"The Premise," Russ Reardon's paper suggesting that Jesus remained young and alive, safely escaping the aging process as he sped through the universe and avoided Earth's time lag in a spaceship, finally saw print after its concept was rejected by other sources.  The Cambridge UFO Research Group (Canada) approved the piece and featured it in their newsletter of March, 1981.  Interesting though the idea might have been, his attempt to speak about it at a church meeting did not go well (see scanned letter).

Years passed as Russ and I corresponded about mundane issues and, again, from him a plethora of partially laid out commentary which often made little sense to me.  Maybe in the end I'm just stupid?

As April of 1984 rolled by, Russ seemed thrilled, yet a little uncertain to relate how he was invited to be master of ceremonies at his 11th Airborne reunion, an affair which both he and Susan could attend and enjoy.  The Bonnie Wheeler mentioned in his letter (see image) was head of the Cambridge UFO Research Group, and the group's newsletter seems to have included plenty of UFO-related cartoons in each printing.

If anything would extract Russ Reardon from months on end of disappointment and ventures unfulfilled, it was eventual publication for the second time of his article, "The Premise," this time in the journal, Pursuit in 1984.  I was actually amazed because, as a regular writer/book reviewer for Pursuit myself, I knew that Russ had badgered director Robert Warth and other staff members for months on end to get his paper printed in the respectable pages of Pursuit, and his persistence was probably not like a ray of sunshine, particularly to Warth.  (By the way, all editions of Pursuit printed by the now-defunct SITU are available in a special collections section for free online.  The journal mentioned here is designated Vol. 17, No. 4, Whole Number 68, Fourth Quarter 1984.)

By 1985, maybe earlier, Russ had begun corresponding with the late and much maligned Paul Bennewitz (if you are familiar with the UFO "scene" look up references to Bennewitz and Richard Doty) about aliens and religion -- especially the latter.  Written communication and at least two phone conversations between the two of them was not exactly cordial as time progressed, from what little I have seen, and most of the actual letters from Bennewitz apparently ended up in the hands of a person whose name I do not recognize.  This person was supposed to return everything to Russ, but never did so.

As the mid-eighties rolled on and matured to the next inevitable decade, Russ and Susan began encountering several tragedies, all of which seemed to force upon Russ a profound impatience about taking a bold step while he still could.  I don't know about Jesus manipulating time in a spaceship, but I did realize that time was indeed of the essence for Russ as he appeared caught up in curiosity.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part 3

Although many things about Russ Reardon's life eluded me, he was more than happy to supply brief responses when asked.  He did clarify something of his intriguing history in broadcasting, as snippets from a few of his letters demonstrate. He actually went through a succession of typewriters as years ensued, and at least one machine failure resulted from a male household cat urinating on and converting its parts into rust (no, I can't imagine this either!)

  All in all, by the time we began corresponding, I know he was restless about retirement and projects he might not be able to complete because of his age.  As a post WWII serviceman, the passing years would hardly be kind to one with boundless ideas interrupted by slowly waning energy.  He also smoked, a lot I believe, and smoking would turn out to be one of just several demons working to defeat, to borrow from writer Ernest Hemingway, the old man and the scene.

On three occasions over the years, Russ admitted to taking trips to Mexico and even to the area of the ancient Palenque (Mayan) ruins, where he obtained artifacts of some nature for collectors.  He wrote about this to me in May of 1977, but provided no specific details (such as, oh, I don't know -- was this legal?).

As you might guess from his letters, Russ had become rather partial to a concept that Jesus could still be very much alive in body, kept relatively "young" by traversing the universe in a spaceship where time barely squeaks along, while planet Earth time advances concurrently by hundreds or thousands of years.  He would subsequently write an article about this, but in the meantime (April, 1978) he was quite happy when, recalling his interest in the Palenque ruins, I referred him to an article in the Winter, 1978 issue of Pursuit, journal of the (now defunct) Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU).  The piece referenced something with which I think Russ was already familiar -- a particular skeleton entombed below ground at ancient Palenque.

By his own admission (August 10, 1980), Russ Reardon had become more the heretic than a Christian regarding religion in general, and appeared quite intrigued with certain aspects of the "ancient astronaut" theories.  In a few years, his infatuation with such things would drive his curiosity to the max.  Why?  Maybe because sitting around and watching the clock of age advance as you admire endless photos of yourself, the cat and the flowers (shown here) outside just isn't enough for a curious mind on the loose.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest - Part Two

Russ Reardon had occasionally mentioned his 30-year career in broadcasting, though I didn't really know what that was all about until I read his wife's obituary.  Susan died in June of 2012, and Russ years earlier (I have not yet found his obituary), and her brief but informative death notice did fill in a blank or two.  For instance, Russ, "The love of her life," had worked as a jazz disc jockey and musician on the West Coast before they met and married.  His envelopes to me usually were embossed with the words, Natural Sand Dollars, which he and she picked up every morning and sold after making them into jewelry.  Susan herself, having worked in Naval intelligence during WW II, enjoyed a long career in broadcasting, eventually ending up at TV channel 5 in Charleston, SC. This much I already knew, as Russ was always very complimentary about his wife and wasn't averse to writing me on channel 5's letterhead now and then.

You can read Susan Reardon's interesting obituary in the following link:: 


As photos taken by Russ suggest, they loved animals, and Russ's keen sense of humor caused him to write that one photo shows him launching birds into the air from a bag.  The triple-photo scan shows the exterior areas where the 1986 TV movie, "North and South: Book 2, Love and War" was shot, and both Russ and Susan acquired employment as extras in this period drama (neither are seen here, though Russ is standing behind a horse in one photo, unrecognizable and obliterated).

Something I could always depend upon were envelopes stuffed with cartoons copied from various magazines or photocopies of same, frequently with a UFO theme.  Some items were humorous, but unsuitable for posting here, and I can't actually post the others because of copyrights probably still very much in effect.

By now, you're probably asking yourself, why am I going through all of this?  In way of introduction, I just wanted you to meet the Reardons, fun-loving, nice people.  Unfortunately, before I can get to the point of this cornucopia of stuff, there are other, less pleasant instances to lay out, and we'll do that next time.  Is there an alien in the woodpile?  Well. . .

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Russ Reardon's Quest (Part One)

In the "old days" when newspapers and magazines owned the day, and some of us actually wrote enough articles to at least be known for some expertise in our craft, or lack thereof (I confess to the latter, but I tried. . .), there were occasions when readers sent us letters and postcards.  This was a time when there was no easily accessible public Internet, nor emails, so typewriters and early computerized word processors were standard.

In an article I wrote in the 1970s for the very much now defunct Argosy UFO, a companion magazine to Argosy, a popular "men's magazine," I included a post office box number, and as you might imagine the letters started coming in from readers all over the country.  Many were routine, often from teenagers intrigued by the UFO subject, but there were others from people with scientific credentials and even from professional people who wrote UFO books under assumed names.  I attempted to answer them when possible (except for the anonymous ones with no return address, of course).  One repeat writer insisted satellites overhead were controlling his mind (so maybe they were, how would I know?).

As the 1980s began, one day I received a letter from Isle of Palms in South Carolina, from a man named Russ Reardon.  I replied.  Then I started receiving more letters and enclosures, and then more and more.  I ended up corresponding with Russ for years, into the early nineties.  Writing back and forth was not easy, for Russ's letters overall probably made sense to me about five or so percent of the time.  He was right smart, he was, but expressing himself in letters seemed often to be an exercise in getting to relate only part of what was on his mind, as he excitedly tried to put it into words.

The other thing about Russ was, if I did not answer his letters fast enough, he sent several more until I responded.  He was kind of a rascal.

I believe he was a WW II veteran, and he was old when we began corresponding, as photos demonstrate.

I'm carrying this story into multiple parts.  It is not a big deal, but ends in a way I wish it had not.  Well, there are several edges to this sword.  Anyway, let me just put up some photos Russ sent me, as he did so now and then.  He and his wife are long deceased now, no kids, but lots of friends.

These are from 1984.  One photo shows Russ and his wife Sue outdoors at some gathering, while another is a picture of the house they shared in Isle of Palms.  Russ decided to play baby Jesus while Sue assumed her own spot during the Christmas season.   A fourth photo shows Russ at home with what he claimed were four of their eight cats in the picture.  Hmm, maybe.

(More coming up in Part Two, soon I hope.)

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Damned Jew





"You call me a damned Jew. My race was old when you were all savages. I am proud to be a Jew."  (John Galsworthy: from Loyalties, Act 2)

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Pascagoula's 50th -- Remembering Terror at the Water's Edge

What goes up must come down?  Not since the Space Age began sending things literally out of this world.
And when strange objects soar across the skies or fly through the atmosphere, must they descend?  Why wouldn't they, if doing so with purpose?  However, there may be consequences for living creatures on the ground for such actions, particularly when an interloper appears to affect our environment with electromagnetic effects, marks left on the ground or direct physical encounters with humans or animals.

While Congress, the Dept. of Defense, NASA, your brother-in-law and beasts in the field gaze upward, precious little attention is apparently being paid by officials, at least publicly, to long-established reports of some very, very peculiar encounters between humans and somebody/something else on the ground.  Are there implications beyond our comprehension?  Are we aware enough to know what to look for?

There was reported an incident on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on October 11, 1973, the details of which sent rational brains scrambling for answers destined to remain out of reach.  That is, how does one process an alleged double-victim UFO alien abduction involving a strange descending craft (?) witnessed by numerous onlookers and seemingly confirmed by radar, followed by a disturbing secret audio recording made during a "private" conversation between rattled abductees Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, sitting alone in a room at the sheriff's office afterwards, as they remained legitimately puzzled and (especially Parker) frightened?

You probably know about the Pascagoula case because it made headlines all over the world, and books have been written.  I've referenced the case numerous times over the years, almost as long as this blog has been online, and if you wish to access all of those entries you may easily do so by going to the search engine at the top of the page and just type: Pascagoula.

However, you can do better by going to Frank Warren's UFO CHRONICLES site in my link list, because he has featured several up-to-date entries which far surpass what I discuss.  He currently displays an excellent wrap-up piece by researcher Philip Mantle, who draws from his book on the Pascagoula incident AND offers new information with visuals.  For that one, just click on the link below:


Charles Hickson, and now Calvin Parker who died but weeks ago, are gone, but accounts of their terrifying experience -- reportedly ongoing in some fashion long after the initial incident -- will survive.

What comes down sometimes goes back up, to where we may know not.  What appears in the sky arbitrarily seems quite comfortable about coming down in locations where human hearts beat in terror, and where restless animals sometimes attempt a futile escape.  What happened to two fishermen on the banks of a river in Mississippi 50 years ago?  Whatever it was, the "catch" reportedly involving bizarre alien creatures with claw-like "hands."  May we suggest, like hell we're alone, either in the universe or in our psyche.

In the News Today Question:  How will Democrats initiate a new U.S. military draft -- almost inevitable, in my opinion -- by blaming the Republicans?  Now that Israel's incredible intelligence failure regarding Hamas and Iran has put yet another dilemma on America's doorstep, while even more international hot spots are destined to arise in the future -- as military recruitment efforts continue to fail under "Woke" stupidity -- strong Armed Forces will be mandatory.  Draft-age kids can't run to Canada this time because we have agreements (of course, there's always Mexico-o-o-o-oh oh).  We envision in the mist an army of illegal aliens to bail out Biden's butt, though that's a nightmare.  May we annoy everybody at this point by suggesting ever so gently that this further middle finger to Biden's non-leadership would not be happening under Trump or somebody else living in reality?  And -- six billion dollars returned to Iran?  Why WOULDN'T Iran assume, well, let's use the money we have to support Hamas and other terrorists because five billion more is on the way, and they'll spend THAT any way they want, despite "promises."  Strange how a Biden administration rabidly consumed by the non-insurrection of January 6 didn't learn a damned thing from an older September 11 series of incidents involving the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  We suffer under lies and morons and the mentally declining attired in authoritative clothing.  Can Israel's latest tragedy happen in the USA?  Well, when one considers an ongoing flow of occasional grade-A international terrorists captured at the borders, logic dictates a hell of a lot more made it in without apprehension.  Where are they?  What are they doing?  Again, thanks to the Biden bunch, those know-all, see-all, brilliant administrators lording over our lives like the dictator class they are seem to know very little.  Save us?  Who will do that?  After all, nobody wants to be a cop and nobody wants to be a soldier as Wokeness drugs the young and strangles traditional values.  So, is it unreasonable to believe that American families may eventually experience what Israel knows only too well?  Know what?  The monster extracted from under the bed almost always wears a human face.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Bits and Pieces for October 2023

Maybe it would be refreshing to learn, as Charles Fort suggested, that we are indeed someone else's "property" -- but not the property of our current government dictators. If alien entities from some other galaxy took possession of the Earth and demanded only to perform anal probes once a month on everybody on the planet, I think we could live with that.  I mean, wouldn't it be better than losing our basic rights to tax-and-spend Democrats and the Republicans who consistently not only let them get away with it, but join in the congressional slop feed?  

This month, speaking of alien matters, I truly intend to pay at least a minor tribute to the 50th anniversary of the alleged (?) Pascagoula, Mississippi (Hickson-Parker) UFO encounter/abduction of October, 1973 on the banks of a river.  This is the one, the lone UFO abduction case that makes me quiver mentally beyond all others in search of an answer, ANY known rational possibility which could explain this bizarre, yet fascinating incident.  I, we, come up empty-handed, empty-minded.  Brains on hold.  Explain this one with a final, normal walk-in-the-park explanation and I may just go away and become a recluse in a banana grove.

I've also planned a several-part series which I COULD have called, "Thrilled to the Bone in Mexico," but settled upon another title instead. Please keep checking in because accompanying the words will be somewhere around 15 photos -- and the whole affair actually could have spawned an international incident of sorts, had anybody raised a ruckus, which they apparently did not.  Maybe that will change now, though facts come much too late.

Today?  As the USA continues to labor and crumble under the Marxist influence of some very, very nasty people who deserve eventual arrests, trials, prison and probably even execution by firing squad, various issues must be kept in mind as the voting season nears.

Under the Biden bunch and Obama influencers (oh yes, they never went away), the United States government has become a babbling crap hole of lies, liars, censorship and determination to inexplicably (or perhaps not inexplicably)fill the country with criminal invaders, whilst doing everything possible to make real Americans as irrelevant as the nation's former leadership in the world.  Voters might actually care -- if a disturbing number of them weren't born eternally clueless and programmed to vote only for names with a D next to them.

Increasingly, I am bothered by the word, "democracy' being flung about by politicians as if its meaning is nothing more harmful than a Frisbee.  Those on the left, particularly, rejoice in calling our government a democracy, when it is actually a constitutional republic which, on its best day, is composed of fairly elected representatives of the people who gather, debate and sort out ideas best for the nation before voting upon them.  A democracy, on the other hand, merely involves the mobs voting with a mob mentality on issues requiring more thought and wisdom than may be found in mass elections involving those who have no way of determining implications all around.  Nor is it an accident that most "democracies" are wielded by dictators and puppet masters whose turnouts and final results have already been written in stone.  Venezuela, Cuba. . .and the list goes on.  If the American left wants to fashion itself after China or Russia, go right ahead, but leave me out of it, and expect pushback from whatever remains of rational U.S. voters whose brains aren't already poisoned by social media, Hollywood and aspects of the music industry.

As major stores close and depart primarily Democrat-run (into the ground) cities because of flash mobs and professional thieves robbing them blind, the best solution to convince thugs and thieves to abandon their crimes is to start shooting them dead in-store.  It won't take many before the message becomes clear, but this is something that governors, mayors and district attorneys would need to support -- which they won't. These fools may believe in the power of rehabilitation, but I believe in the power of the only good one is a dead one.  Simple, yet so effective.

The borders?  Same solution in many ways, but at least close the damned thing and start deportation proceedings en masse.  I was most impressed with Ramaswamy's legal talk about the "anchor baby" populations actually NOT being eligible for automatic U.S. citizenship.

NY rain:  You knew as soon as the subways were flooded last week what was coming.  Every cackling TV reporter at the scene or inebriated by the glow of the anchor desk gloated about "climate change."  Looks like they didn't see or care about that giant petition just signed by international scientists and others who declare that there is no unusual climate change.

Student loan payments resume:  First of all, I didn't co-sign for anybody's college loan, so don't expect me to pay for it any more than the Supreme Court thought I should.  Second, as never before, insist that your college scoop up some of those monumental endowment funds and use them to cover student financial obligations.  Colleges and universities have the money!  Common sense and smart.

The Freedom Caucus, despised by Republicans and Democrats alike:  Yeah, they want to cut spending and do teeny-tiny little things like close the borders.  Wow, isn't that worth contempt at all levels?  The people in this country are gonna get a well-deserved ass-kicking like they can't imagine if they don't speak up, speak up, speak up and demand action from our representatives.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and yes, the Democrats are purposefully pooping on Texas with illegal border crossings.  Until Texas turns blue, this will continue unless elections solve the problem.

National radio talk show hosts:  You folks want to end abortions and take deliberations away from women and their doctors. So. . .that should mean that you of the microphone class love and embrace as many illegal alien pregnancies as you can get, right?  Want to throw in your support for anchor babies, too?

A military draft:  As we said before, a reinstatement of the draft is not out of the question.  Democrats, as usual, look forward to a war, but need something with which to fight it.  That would be your sons and daughters.  Our President is just itching for a big battle, and I don't care what line of nonsense his people set forth to say otherwise.

Prices on the rise SHOULD decimate the Democrats next year, but anymore my confidence in the voters wanes.  By the time already rising energy prices, unaffordable automobiles and disappearing gas stoves and furnaces become obvious, it will be too late.  

Speaking of energy -- gotta go nuclear, small plants are now quite safe.  Also, there is evidence of continuing breakthroughs in energy production, but don't expect the left to give up on toxic solar panels and giant landfill-nightmare wind turbines.

The unions? They serve a far different purpose than they did when formed by necessity.  Now, it's unreasonable demands as its members' products become unaffordable and beyond the reach of the basic man or woman on the street.  The solution, inevitably, will be AI and robots.

General Mark Milley retires:  Goodbye and good riddance.  Sorry, I'm a veteran, too, and I remain unimpressed.  Watch for this one to write books that no sensible reader would find room for in a library -- which is to say, leave the mousetraps where they are and don't bother making book space.  The left, of course, will take "the bait."

Donald Trump in New York's court:  Trump is in the wolf's den, a place where people disguised as honest and esteemed legal folk are actually dime-store social justice warriors rats, often afflicted from birth with reverse racism.  The actions taken against him in NY are simply an appendage of the Trump-hating Democrat Party, and everybody should know it.  I live in New York, and my daily advice to all interested in moving here is to go elsewhere, escape before this petty, conniving government gets its claws into you, your property and your bank account.  A conservative Republican is the only cure possible, but NY City residents overwhelmingly swallow stupidity pills just before voting every time and whatever the rest of the state decides in the voting booth becomes instantly worthless.

Finally, beware the manipulation of your First Amendment rights.  The left continues to take a curet to anything it can't control when truth interferes with Marxist propaganda.