Thursday, August 29, 2024

Zuckerberg's Letter Exposes the Biden Gang's Lies & Intimidation to Jim Jordan

Anybody with eyes wide open, presumably growing in number among those truly interested in facts, is profoundly aware how thoroughly and viciously Americans and the Western World have been mislead by the Biden bunch and the rest of its complicit gang, including the mainstream media (unforgivable!) and various corporate interests in bed with big government.

The long trail of lies about the Covid "vaccine," increasingly suspicious as a contributing factor in illness and death among young people and other formerly healthy people, was kept from us by intent, and even when fully accredited medical personnel attempted to send warnings out over the Internet they were censored far and wide by a system which has no place in America under the First Amendment.  Surely, Jordan realizes the joke our current Dept. of Justice has become, as its alliance appears completely ingrained within the current presidential administration, as opposed to a fair and balanced entity which would not have tolerated these activities.

I could go on and on, but why bother when Meta's Mark Zuckerberg himself wrote a mouthful to Jim Jordan?  Read this letter and you'll begin to get a taste of just how badly we were treated by the Democrats as schools were closed down and commerce was all but destroyed by people on the far left with an agenda which involved keeping the truth from YOU.  From Zuckerberg to the tip of the iceberg, it's all there.