Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Age is Just a Number Unless You Kill Somebody

Few events drive adults more frantic than kids murdering other kids because suddenly two different worlds are involved, certainly at odds with one another.

So the latest alleged boy-shoots-others-without-prejudice incident in Georgia revisits previous events of unspeakable tragedy.  Interesting that boys currently have almost no place at the table as the focus in sports, education, DEI and media blah-blah-blah falls unevenly upon girls, women's health issues and funding, men who pretend to be women and the minority experience.  Who gives a fig about boys in general?  Being attached to weak, bad or no fathers at all doesn't help, and expectations of success when drug-addicted mothers give up on the kids are often shattered.

Anyway, looks as though a rotten, 14 year-old, blond-haired Georgia peach fell from the tree and murdered his way through his first day of school, claiming two dead students, two dead teachers and nine more with injuries.  Yes, he used a rifle, yes an AK, yes, yes and yes.

The other yes was yes, the kid named Colt was interviewed by the FBI months ago regarding a threat and was determined not to pose a threat.  Even local cops let this one slip through.

But now everybody is ready to try a 14-year-old as an adult, with a consolation prize cooked in which states a monster of this age cannot be eligible for the death penalty.

My question is, if'n youse can turn 14 years of age into adulthood with the wave of a judge's gavel, shouldn't all children of similar age be allowed to drive, smoke, drink, vote, run for Congress, rule government and have sex with 30-year-olds?  I mean, adult is adult and child is child and in most thinking never the two should meet. Yet, try a kid as an adult and it seems all logic is thrown to the wind merely because society's outrage demands that something radical be done.  Would a self-proclaimed transvestite male be allowed to testify in court as a woman?  Can a bottle of automobile gasoline treatment be labeled as drinkable?

Then there's Colt's daddy, arrested and charged.  Another feel-good maneuver, charged with murder by way of child endangerment or some such, possibly eligible to go to prison for 180 years if found guilty.  I find these charge against daddy a bit much, but --  will those crack FBI agents who cleared the boy previously be arrested, charged and thrown into the slammer also?

The child-as-killer phenomenon is not likely to go away as our society in general deteriorates, but I guess one can try anything.  Magical conversions from childhood to adulthood via no particular evidence to support such alchemy would seem to be a form of murder in itself.  It's all about society's "feel good" mindset.  What's the solution?  How would I know?

The Hate Trump Club gains one member: Himself.  Donald Trump said last week that he's fine with people hating him, but a vote for Trump is crucial to set things right again in America.  He's right, of course, and there is no other option. We already displayed Zuckerberg's letter last time regarding Biden-Harris lies on Covid vaccinations, and today the Republicans released a report indicating extensive Biden admin lies about our exit from Afghanistan.  Like it or not, Donald Trump is the only obstacle remaining between a fast slide into absolute socialism and a USA remaining tuned to our basic rights, skewed though they may be now and then until corrected by the courts.

That Liz and Dick Cheney have come forward to say they will vote for Kamala Harris is not a surprise.  These two can retreat to their cave and never be seen again for all I care.  If I have a choice between voting for Trump or going hunting with Dick Cheney and risk getting shot in the face, I will choose the vote, thank you.  As for Liz, did she really not know during the first Trump impeachment that the Trump-Russia connection was a total hoax paid for by Hillary Clinton (even as Schiff sat there during the proceedings, himself knowing full well the truth)?

Get'cher Covid shots right here:  In my opinion, there is still no reason to vaccinate kids for Covid because they tend to live through it except in very rare circumstances.  It's the shot that can cause health issues and death according to reports and statistics.  Did you happen to catch the news report last week about a surgeon who accidentally removed a patient's liver instead of spleen, causing instant death in the operating room?  Do we have a little educational DEI going on there?  What medical professionals do you trust anymore about anything?  What professional anybody do you trust with your life in the current era?

"Law enforcement" in Aurora will come to your town:  Members of a vicious Venezuelan gang are causing lots of trouble for apartment dwellers in Aurora, Colorado, handing out their variety of gang law enforcement. As the illegal alien terror spreads across the USA (not to mention the entire Western world), we can anticipate more of this brutality, as local police are outnumbered.  THANK YOU Democrats for keeping the border and dark invitations open for nearly four years, as everything but the kitchen sink has crossed "for a better life." 'course, the better life means Americans pay taxes for alien welfare whilst native citizens sacrifice everything so Democrats can build a no-fail, one-party voting machine.  If American voters are too blissfully uninformed to shed us of multiple evils fed by extremist Democrats and accompanying elements this time around, we will truly deserve the end of America we will get, along with dashing the hopes of Western nations anxious for their last shining beacon called the USA to remain intact.

As Western Europe and we in the states must understand, "The Great Replacement" of each nation's people to overwhelm their governments is far more than some nebulous racist term.  It is global and it appears well-organized.

Run, Elon, run!  So hated is Musk by various governments that he must be doing something right for the world.  Those who wish to be dictators or kings simply cannot fathom his brilliance and love of free speech.  America is blessed a thousand times over to be allied with him, though radical Democrats have other ideas.  Elon Musk must be protected at all costs because he understands the dark forces attempting to swallow the West and doesn't object to touting the dangers they pose to all of us.

Searching for international criminals:  I would say, start with the World Economic Forum and anybody attempting to destroy or radically alter one's peaceful society.  And what the hell is it with the Southern Poverty Law Center which, it seems, should put itself on its own hate list?

Are Israeli citizens looking to topple Netanyahu wrong?  Those hopeful that hostages will be returned alive if he stops battling Hamas barbarians are dreaming.  Surely, they realize that Hamas's immoveable reason for existence is to destroy Israel and its people, period.  That they even took hostages and brutalized them, treating body parts of the dead as footballs and other grim amusements, accentuates their goals and offers little hope to those anticipating a return of loved ones.

IVF:  Everybody, including Trump, is now on the in-vitro fertilization bandwagon.  Hmm, I thought that sort of thing became unpopular when the original "Alien" movie was released with its infamous exploding chest scene.  I must put more effort into keeping up with the times.