Monday, August 12, 2024

Great Britain on Suicide Watch

We have enough trouble here in the states with leftist politicians ravenously kissing the butts of nearly any religion or cult that doesn't have Judeo-Christian roots.

However, the USA shares a thorny problem -- caused almost solely by politicians who blame anybody but themselves -- with Great Britain and other nations:  An epidemic of illegal immigration.  Here, again, in the states we currently observe in real time Democrat Party candidates attempting to reshape history to make themselves the heroes when they are anything but.  Their love of illegal -- that's criminal, to use another word -- immigration and future voters who arrive with the swarms surpasses any aspect of playing fair.

We watched significant parts of American cities burn after the death of drug-addicted, very unhealthy and seemingly death-prone without much provocation -- according to some -- George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, so we're well aware of the damage violent street mobs can accomplish on hair-trigger notice.

But there are other kinds of mobs.  In the UK, right now, mobs of competing political and religious views fight in the streets, while the "authorities" have taken seemingly to defending particularly one side over another in what some call a two-tier justice system.  Where have we heard of a two-tier system before?  Yes, right here in the USA.

England may offer a premonition of what the rest of us will soon taste.  Riots?  Sure, the riots are terrible.  Yet, something far more dangerous to everybody lurks in the background, in the courts and in the very seat of Great Britain's once venerable justice system: The demand to silence free speech, thus making one's opinion either in writing or voice subject to arrest, hefty fines and extensive prison time.  This, mind you, is no longer the jolly old England currently squashing its own people's right to speak out against evil.  It's something else entirely.  Who calls for violence as opposed to those who merely speak their minds about it?

Great Britain has been so overwhelmed with migrants from Islamic and, as Trump would say, sh**hole countries that the Crown itself is in jeopardy of falling to radical Islam in the near future, and native-born British subjects are not taking this prospect well.  In fact, they are scared to death and should be, as they watch women, little children, police officers, military members and just about anybody on the street become instantly subject to rapes, stabbings, murders and mutilations by foreign people who know and care nothing about English law and tradition.

The "authorities" appear to do little except arrest citizens who protest the monster, and invariably it is the citizen who pays the price in the courts.  The people are rising up because their so-called leaders seem not to be concerned about a pending social disaster and they, quite rightly, are in utter fear for their lives.

Well, perhaps England's practitioners of justice would care if they weren't, by now, on the way to becoming fragmented to pieces by the growing horror allowed to invade their country.  Like rats without borders, the uninvited migrants and their offspring come, not merely for a better life, but to bring the rat feces of extremist Islam to devour the host and help construct a new era to control the masses of whomever is left alive or absolutely subservient to the teachings of he, the ancient child molester who truly does look most genuine when artists draw his picture with a bomb secured in his turban -- he whose facial depiction is never to be drawn because it is blasphemous to do so.  He whose very name destroys the alphabetical character "M" as if it has been pooped upon by a flea-ridden pigeon.

Far easier it is to arrest citizens than to go after rats who will strike back a hundred times in a thousand ways, when English cities and towns will burn.  Quaintness and charm become the ashes punished by the unforgiving rage of masses without allegiance to a government they will never, NEVER recognize or serve.

As an American, what bothers me this week is to discover that there are members of England's current authority class (the one in existence before extremists conquer them) who want not only to shut up members of their own society who speak out about the evil in their midst, but who also want to hold Americans liable for bringing up the topic as well!  What?!?!

First, I hope that England's best, interested acutely in saving national culture from the nouveau black plague, continue to fight like hell because few in your government seems to be in your corner, from my distant observation, as they continue to imprison and fine people merely for speaking or writing about impending doom on the doorstep.  Not that we don't have this stupidity in the states.

Second, a word to you sons of bitches hiding behind the Crown and the courts and longing to come after Americans speaking out about the rot consuming your, and perhaps soon enough, my own country:  You are spineless, gutless and dangerous to your own citizens, and if you don't collectively grow a pair and take up a collection of testosterone very soon your own heads will be rolling down the streets of your country, its traditions and history obliterated to make way for the return to a dark age which never should have found its way back to an at least somewhat civilized society.

As a small, relatively obscure blogger, I may not be exactly what some British authorities have in mind, but I've certainly no interest in accommodating the censors or speech police, and all of them can just go to hell with tea and crumpets shoved up their ass at the base of Big Ben at noon. We Americans, to remind you of the past, left England long ago to shed exactly the kind of threats and authoritarian intimidation the Crown exerted upon people yearning to be free of it.  As a military veteran, I've little patience by now to be warned by the likes of gutless judicial administrators in the UK or anywhere who excel at shutting people up instead of going after the causes of why certain things happen.  Fuck you all.

Now, to those of you who are proudly British (or citizens of pretty much any Western European nation, who themselves watch in fear as authorities turn on their own people), go save your country without violent means, and may U.S. elections this year bring in somebody with the courage to scrub away the invading Third World scum and those who allowed this outrage to happen, wherever they hide -- and a good lot of these scoundrels shouldn't be too difficult to find once justice becomes sane and equal for all once again.