Monday, August 26, 2024

Urinating in the Democrats' Pot of Joy

This was darned nearly perfection in an increasingly imperfect society.  To finish off an agonizing week of televised leftist lies, topped off with Kamala Harris's feel-good speech Thursday evening which evidenced nary a hint of policy specifics, Friday afternoon's arrival of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's raspy voice resulted in a vocal barrage of harsh words long desperate to be said.  That his family immediately condemned him for daring to make an escape from tattered remnants of what used to be a respectable Democrat Party closely associated with the Kennedys tells us all we need to understand regarding his dedication to other matters, even when he felt it essential to endorse Donald Trump to achieve success.

To my delight, Kennedy actually started out by condemning the Democrats for destroying the very democracy they claim to be saving.  Is this not the heart of the entire matter?

I literally shouted yes!  Yes!  Yes! to the ceiling as RFK used the power of the electronic media to drive his points home.  He wasted no time in attacking mainstream media and the agenda-ridden bed it shares with government and corporations intent upon propagandizing their way into the minds of Americans.  He went right for the throat of his former Democratic Party, calling it corrupt, which lied, censored and punished its way through the Covid months, intimidating us all with "experts" who knew little, reacted with hastily invented rules and regulations and demanded undeserved respect and adherence to what we might designate as medical quackery worn on the other foot.

RFK, Jr. has a reputation for out of the ordinary beliefs and comments (his environmental and energy beliefs concern me, and he certainly has a radical side on other issues with which many disagree), but in an era where the very essence of science itself has been co-opted to serve the desires of leftists and, even more frightening, the global elite, his joining with Donald Trump can only be a good thing.  After Trump's potential election, would RFK, Jr. be given a spot in Health and Human Services or some such?  An ongoing realization that a lot of so-called peer-reviewed scientific studies are bull crap, often written by friends of friends with shady research and review capabilities, may just be the tip of an iceberg in need of a truly technological house-cleaning.  If the outspoken Mr. Kennedy ends up with authority over any health-related agency, perhaps a cherished cabinet post, watch out for fireworks (especially internally).  

While standard childhood immunizations are a proven bonus for a healthy society, the exotic experimentation with mRNA and other laboratory concoctions troubles me and I hope he takes on this issue carefully.    However, RFK's stated goal to get potentially dangerous chemicals out of "processed" food, which may be the cause of multiple illnesses among Americans (other nations forbid such chemical food augmentation) is definitely an emergency which craves urgent attention.  Anybody who doubts a relationship between Big Pharma and Big Food, both of which put chemicals into our bodies every day, is simply naive.

How funny that the Dems spent a week glamorizing their dirty laundry and prettying up their profound failures with celebrity appearances and endorsements (people who have absolutely no idea what it is like to be the rest of us), shrieking about "joy."  And then along comes a Kennedy, the last person in the world expected to do the unthinkable -- and he totally ruins their garden of joyful deception with barbs of utter truth.  Urination for their urine nation.

RFK, Jr. knows all too well what this country faces with the prospect of the new Democrats in charge, for they are nothing like the party he knew throughout his youth.

So uninspiring and clueless was last week's procession of nothingness in Chicago that we almost believe that somewhere there's a giant gambling game going on among the elite, wondering whether the United States hosts enough voters ignorant or stupid enough to let the Harris/Obama gang keep the reigns of socialist power in November.  Should the worst happen, not even a rogue Kennedy can save the USA from the brutality of global authoritarianism.

About My ranting and raving a few days ago (with a few obscenities thrown in at no extra charge to the reader):  Yes, I told England to shove it if they plan to arrest Americans for exercising free speech regarding ill-advised UK leadership.  May I just add, three people were just stabbed to death in Germany by one of those poor, misunderstood, better life-seeking Islamic refugees whom British authoritarian douche bags appear to embrace over their own native citizens.  When, oh when, will the message and the cure get through to ruling British (and German, etc.) heads whilst still attached to their bodies?