Friday, May 31, 2024

The Fascists You Know, 2024

Flying upside-down flags this morning is nothing compared to a nation upside-down and on the edge.  If we could, we would tip Mt. Rushmore over just to express the chaos four fine gentlemen might have felt as America's judicial system took a very wrong, insidious turn yesterday.

If you gloat over the travesty verdict stinking in a New York courtroom yesterday, then you should gloat over the reality that if they can do what they did to Donald Trump, they can do it to any of us at their leisure.

If election interference is truly on the map for those searching for reasons why, congratulations, its barbs were just demonstrated in full by a sham verdict and a desperate political party intent upon crushing its opposition in the finest tradition of any fascist country.  Oh yes, surprise, we, too, have our fascists in the United States, and now they have power.  You wouldn't have a clue about this if your daily media diet consisted chiefly of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or so many other allies of the increasingly dangerous left.

We are given to understand that driving the culmination of  yesterday's Democrat-orchestrated courtroom mess to the Supreme Court will be very difficult, no matter the upcoming appeals (to -- surprise! -- Democrat judges).  Yet, Democrat operatives have effectively interfered with our right to vote for a political opposition candidate whom they hate more than they hate their own miserable, lying lives. There should be severe consequences for this alone.

We hope November's elections will help turn the country around, for we currently live our lives under a dangerous leftist fantasy whose manipulators believe it is they, and not we, who determine our destiny.  Should sheer ignorance and stupidity re-elect this gang in November, the structure of America and our supposedly guaranteed rights will fade into dust.  That is, this speed-up of a long-term plan has already been happening for almost four years.  Why would America's nouveau fascists stop, now that they inhabit the highest office in the land?